InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ War of the Three Worlds ❯ Prologue (Day 1) ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha, Ranma and Yuu Yuu Hakusho don't belong to me.

Authors Note: I'm posting this story in the hopes that once it's out of my system I'll be able to continue K: TJC.

Kagome - 20

Ranma - 18

Yusuke - 15


Shippo, Kitsune Lord of the Eastern Lands padded softly down the almost palatial halls of his home thinking about the woman he'd seen, while not attractive in outer beauty, was overflowing with inner fire.

Brown hair cropped in a mens style topped a round, weathered face holding two green orbs that sparked when her temper exploded at the soul who she thought wasn't working at their full potential. Even now with his demonic hearing he could hear her yelling and cussing a blue streak at some poor bastard who hadn't done what he was supposed to properly. Her body wasn't the hourglass shape that most cultures deemed as attractive, instead it was packed with sinewy muscle cultured by years of labouring at her chosen profession. Human males wouldn't give her a second glance, never mind a full demon. However his spent youth with Kagome-mama, a girl from this era had taught him the ideals, of this time.

Closing his eyes, Shippo remembered his youth in the Sengoku Jidai, of how they had been a happy family until the Thunder Brothers had come and torn them apart; in more ways than one. Seeking the Shikon Jewel to gain his revenge, his short quest had led him to Kagome, who would become his mama. Being the distraught kit that he had been, he'd latched onto her; the nearest maternal figure he could find. And wonder of wonders, she, a human, had accepted him and raised him as her own. Even Inuyasha had accepted him as part of the pack. Eventually.

Shippo chuckled to himself as his nimble fingers unlocked and opened the door of his bedroom; the memory of Kagome's relationship with Inuyasha had brought him great amusement in those dark years before the Makai was created and yokai still roamed the Earth. Only the powerful and intelligent yokai escaped its creation simply by learning that if they were to survive they had to flow with the progress of humans which, to this day, astounded Shippo on occasions.

Those of the Reikai had seen how yokai were adapting to the human world and let them be as long as they didn't cause trouble.

The Makai's creation had taken the old Lord of the Eastern Lands with it, leaving it open for a then 200 year-old Shippo to take and he'd held it wisely since then, weeding out the trouble makers and ensuring his new lands would remain peaceful. Kagome-mama had given him much help during the early years of his Lordship, before her final trip through the well back to her time, she'd given his adolescent self her prized history book. It had the dates, details and advice on what to do when those dates occurred. Shippo had been especially grateful for that list on August 6, 1945 when during World War II, Hiroshima had been hit with the Atomic bomb. The week before that, Shippo had gathered all his subjects, yokai, hanyous and their families and fled to the hidden city of El Dorado, which was under the watchful eye of its yokai lord Quetzalcoatl until the war was over. To this day Shippo struggled to pronounce that name even though during the wait for the war to finish he'd picked up a fair amount of the Aztec language they spoke and some Spanish as well.

He'd also solved one of the mysteries of the Bone-Eater's Well, why no one but Inuyasha could travel through; he didn't exist in the future, while Shippo did.

That thought brought his mind back to the final battle with Naraku. When there were no more shards to collect he, Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Kirara, and Miroku had been able to focus all their attention to hunting Naraku down.

Releasing the human illusion that hid his demonic traits from a world of science that would sooner dissect him than learn his name was a relief to his powers.

"Who the fuck are you?! Get off the site before you're hurt kid! You think I want a shitload of lawyers on my ass?!"

Shippo smelled Oni, and frowned.

Grabbing a leaf from a nearby plant he placed it on his forehead and invoked his magic. It was a temporary spell, but it would last long enough for him to sort out any trouble. Pausing at the window he looked out to see what was happening . . . what he saw was the second most absurd thing he'd seen; he almost choked trying not to laugh too loud.

The fiery little female he'd been watching earlier, who could only be 4' 8" at the most, had the half-Oni, now that he'd had another sniff, by the lobe of his ear; forcing his head down to her level and screaming about the stupidity, morality, and the sexual desires of his ancestors. Inuyasha would have been impressed, for the whole half hour she never repeated herself, and he was sure that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Finally she dragged him from the construction site by the ear and slammed the chain link gate closed in his face.

Shippo was impressed as well, this little female spitfire who could, from he'd seen, outcuss demons, suck down more coffee in one day than 10 of her co-workers put together, and didn't pull her punches, verbal or physical, was one he wanted to know better.

Originally he'd only wanted one extra room built, suddenly he felt the urge to have four guest rooms built.