InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu Yasha Has A Taser ❯ The Black Room ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing as cool as these characters

The Black Room

"Ed is with you!" Inu Yasha jumped at the voice that appeared from behind him. Instinctively hitting the owner of the voice with the taser.

"Who, or what is that?" Inu Yasha asked. Kurama sighed.

"That would be Ed." He said flatly. Inu Yasha seemed confused.

"That thing doesn't look like a demon." Kurama explained.

"Ed is human, she just happens to be about as scary as a demon. They didn't know where else to put her. We just happen to find her annoying." Ed had recovered from the shock and was up on her feet again. Inu Yasha got into Ed's face.

"Are you trying to tell me that this is a girl?" Ed grinned hugely.

"Ed is Ed, and that's all that matters." Inu Yasha got a frustrated look in his eye.

"Okay, who's up for leaving this thing behind, and staging a breakout?" Ed gave a pout.

"Ed is coming too!" Inu Yasha rolled his eyes, and Kurama decided to intervene before this became and 'are not' 'am too' fight.

"Perhaps I could cause a distraction so that they might think you are elsewhere?" Inu Yasha perked up.

"You mean like Shippou does?" He gestured to the Kitsune. "Put up an illusion of me and go elsewhere?" Kurama shook his head, and pulled out a flask. He took a swig from the liquid inside, and instead of a redheaded teenager, there stood a very intimidating silver-haired fox demon. Shippou's mouth dropped in awe.

"I would have to say that this is no illusion." Yoko smiled to reveal his fangs. "You can call me Yoko." Inu Yasha sized him up.

"Not bad, though you look more like Sesshoumaru with my ears. Still, I doubt any one of the idiot security will notice."

"Before we begin, do you think we could break out one of my colleagues from the room across the hall?" Kurama asked.

"I see no problem with that, the more the merrier." Inu Yasha shrugged. "Less likely to control a larger group." Ed jumped up and down and clapped.

"Yay! Ed can go back to Spike and friends now!" Inu Yasha growled.

"Just keep that away from me." He knocked on the door. "It's made of some kind of metal, too thick to bust through. What do you suggest?" He turned to the rest of the group.

"I've got it covered." Said Mink. "Just get as far away from the door as possible." Once they cleared the area, she took in a deep breath and focused her fire on the doorknob. It melted away, and she pushed the door as the slag dripped down the door.

"That works." Said Inu Yasha with wide eyes. "But we can't do that with any of the others." He turned to Shippou. "You didn't happen to bring your lock pick did you?" Mink looked offended.

"Why didn't you think of that in the first place?" Inu Yasha looked at her as if it were obvious.

"There was no locking mechanism on this side of the door." Kurama smoothed over the situation. "Now, if you don't mind, I think we have and escape to orchestrate." Everyone nodded, and carefully stepped out of the door.

Just across the hall stood the black door. Kurama pointed to it.

"We must open that one first, but be careful." Inu Yasha whispered back to him.

"Who's in there?" Mostly demons, but they pose a danger to others as well as themselves, that or they have issues with swords." Inu Yasha shook his head and tapped his side.

"Too bad I left mine at home, they might have put me there." Kurama looked shocked.

"I have never known a warrior to leave his sword." Inu Yasha just shrugged, and Shippou explained.

"Gina took it from him before he left, when Kagome saw it leaning by the door, she sent me. She knew that Gina couldn't be doing anything good." Inu Yasha gestured to indicate that Shippou was right. Shippou then pulled out his lock pick as the others stood guard. A click was heard, followed by a slow creak. The light in the room was dime, but figures could be seen. One very loud voice could be heard.

"I Damaramu am the greatest, the smartest." Mink covered her face with her hands and shook her head.

"Whatever you do make sure he stays there." She said peeking from behind her phalanges. (Another word for fingers.) Then another, less annoying voice was heard.

"Kurama?" Yoko's face lit up.

"Yes Hiei! We're escaping." He motioned that he come out. "Hurry so we can go get your sword."

"Did you say you were getting his sword back?" Another voice came from within the room. Hiei stepped from the shadows along with two other men. One slightly resembled Kurama dressed in pink garb, and a taller one with brown hair dressed in white.

"Yes." Replied Yoko.

"Well, my friend I see I was mistaken." Hiei took Yoko's hand. "It seem Yoko has decided to grace us with his presence. Any how, this is Sonoske (I hope that's right.), and Kenshin." He motioned to his two companions. "Sonoske is alright, but the other guy is just a pussy who refuses to kill. Why do you redheads always make that decision?" Yoko lowered his gaze a bit at Hiei, but knew he was only joking. "Either way, let's just get out of here and get our weapons, if I have to hear that goddamned Murakumo rant about his mitama or the Aragami again, I might just take my own life." Yoko nodded and they quietly snuck back out into the hallway, then shut the door to the black room. Yoko turned to Inu Yasha.

"We must leave now if we are to be of any help." Inu Yasha nodded. "Ed should be able to guide you through the rest of the doors." With that, to demons, and to warriors left to get their weapons.

"Well, looks like the grey one is next." Inu Yasha stated as they approached the next door.


Hello! Well, that's all I'm going to do for a little while. I'm working on some of my original fiction for now. I have a new one called Room316.

Here is an except. If you like it, go to the author's bio, and click on the home page link.

From Room 316

"Who is it?" he asked groggily as he opened the door. A large man with dark hair and grey eyes pushed Duncan and the door out of the way and marched into the room. He glanced around with his nose slightly in the air. Duncan found this to be extremely odd. "Uh. Excuse me." He cocked his head to the side and put his hand on his hip. The large man just ignored him and rushed over to the bathroom door.

"Deirdre!" He boomed and began banging on the door. "Come out here now! It's Vince." His only response was a weak whine, Duncan could almost feel the fear pouring into the room to mix with the anger and tension the now named 'Vince' had brought with him. He was getting the impression that this guy wasn't wanted, so he walked over and tapped the guy on the shoulder. Vince turned sharply with an evil glint in his eye. Normally this would intimidate someone, but Duncan wasn't that easily intimidated.

"I think you should leave." He glared back. "Or I'll call the Resident Adviser." Vince just smirked and laughed.

"You fool, I am the RA." He glanced back at the door, then once again to Duncan. "If you even think about doing anything with her, you're going to answer to me." It was Duncan's turn to laugh.

"I think you should worry more about yourself when it comes to me." With that, the confused Vince walked out and slammed the door. Duncan turned his attention to the sound of sobs coming from inside the bathroom. He leaned against the wall and slid down until he sat with his knees to his chest. He was quiet a moment, then tried to speak with her through the door. "So, you name's Deirdre?" He got no real response, but the sobbing had stopped, so he guessed he was getting somewhere. "Was that guy like, your boyfriend or something?" This time he got an animal like scream and a kick to the door in response. "Okay. Touchy subject." He slowly stood up walked to his bed. 'She'll have to come out sometime.' He thought. Reasoning that sleep would have to wait, he retrieved his phone card from his wallet, and dialed the number.

After the dialing process was taken care of, the phone processed the call. It rang three times before bing picked up.


"Hi, it's Duncan."

"I already told you it was over."

"Thought you were just mad at me."

"No, I am beyond mad. You leave my ass here in Wyoming just because of your selfish needs. Well, if I'm not involved, then you won't look so selfish. Good bye!" The phone went dead with a slam.

Thanks, if you decide to read it, please review. I'm always looking to improve my writing skills.