InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu Yasha Has A Taser ❯ Fun With A Taser ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is a spin-off of Intervention. Maybe I should just put these all into one fic. Nah!

Disclaimer: Inu Yasha is the creation of Rumiko Takahashi, not me. I don't own any other published characters within this story either.

Inu Yasha And Fun With Tasers

"Dr. Rawlings, are you okay?" Mr. Smith had burst into the room.

"Yes, that crazed man scared these children. He shocked poor Harry until he could no longer speak. How will continue writing my stories now?" She was in shambles.

"I'll have to talk to you later about a little thing called patient confidentiality, but I'm needed on floor fourteen, he seems to have moved there." Mr. Smith made note of his intentions to speak with her as he stepped onto one of the elevators. Alarms were sounding everywhere, and he had no clue how he was going to stop this obviously insane young man.

Meanwhile, Inu Yasha was laughing his ass off as girl with long blonde pigtails was crying. When he had entered the room she was crying on the shoulder of her therapist.

"It was all a dream! A dream, dammit! On top of that, I woke up pregnant, how horrible is that?" The therapist patted her on the back.

"There, there, at least the two of you are married."

"I know, but I never get any time with him. She is always taking his attention away from me." She sobbed even louder. This was when Inu Yasha began giggling, normally tears bothered him, but there was something behind these tears that couldn't do anything but make him laugh. It was jealousy. From what he had heard so far this girl was obviously sad because another woman was moving in on her mate. He put the taser in his coat and used his hands to cover his mouth and prevent his presence from being known. Then, the therapist said something that made him drop his guard, and reveal that he was there.

"She is your daughter, it is only natural that she would want to be with her father."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahaha!"

This caused both the girl and the therapist to look in his direction. The therapist glared at him.

"Sir, I have no clue how you got in here, but you should not be here in the first place." This caused Inu Yasha to look at her and perk his ears forward. The blonde girl's large blue eyes grew wide.

"I must still be dreaming! Which would mean..." A smile crept upon her face. "Eternal Crystal Makeup!" She danced around in what looked like a well-rehearsed dance and ended in a dramatic pose, looking exactly as she had when she started. She looked down at herself and began wailing again. Inu Yasha was too busy laughing to noticed her distressed state. He did however, catch the sound of approaching footsteps.

Mr. Smith had an entire security team running down the hall of level fourteen. He was going so fast that he didn't notice the young boy in the baseball cap until he fell over him.

"Ow! Hey, watch where you're going!" The boy spat at Mr. Smith.

"Young man, we have a lunatic running around harassing people with a taser." His curt tone showed his disapproval to being kept from his current mission

"Hey, don't those use electricity?" The dark-haired boy asked.

"Yes, what does that have to do with anything." Mr. Smith stood and dusted himself off.

"Well, I think I just might be able to help you out." A grin peeked from the boy's lips

"Hey, wait. Aren't you..." Mr. Smith did not get to finish because the boy was already on his way towards the sound of someone screaming.

Inu Yasha ran out into the hall only to find himself standing in front of the boy that Mr. Smith had tripped over.

"Stop now and maybe I'll go easy on you." The boy in the cap stated.

"Feh, what chance does a runt like you have against me?" He yanked the taser from within his coat and slung it like a gun in a spaghetti western.

"I don't stand a chance, but I know someone who does." Mr. Smith had finally caught up with the boy. He was out of breath.

"You're that young man that thinks little creatures help you fight and travel around the world." The kid smiled.

"That's right, I'm Ash Ketchum, and I'm a pokémon master, and my friends will defeat you!" He pointed to a confused looking hanyou.

"Don't listen to him! The boy is so wrapped up in his own little world that he used to injure himself in various ways, claiming his pet creatures were actually doing it."

"They were, and you will see that they're real! Pickachu! Go!" He made a dramatic pointing position out in front of him. A hush came over the crowd as nothing appeared, but it was obvious that Ash saw something. Inu Yasha was the first to make a move. He marched over to Ash and applied the taser to his head. This had no affect and only seemed to annoy Ash further. He was looking past Inu Yasha as if he weren't even there. "Pikachu! I thought we were past all this." In a quick swipe he snatched the taser and began yelling at it as if it were a living thing. The security took the chance and subdued both Ash and Inu Yasha.

"Well, Ash, it seems you're not quite ready to be wandering the halls just yet." Mr. Smith spoke, but he would have been better off talking to a wall since Ash was busy talking to the device in his hand. "As for you." Inu Yasha was strapped down tighter than Hannibal Lector, with the mask and all. "Mr. I think I'm a dog. We have a special place for you." He grinned evilly as our favorite half-dog demon was carted off.


Oh no! If anyone is interested in what will happen, send a review. Here's a clue to the next installment:

He looked around the room, but his eyes fell on the blonde girl that stood and looked him in the face.

"Don't worry," she said "we believe you. Just one question, did you receive the gift from the Andalites or the Yeerks?"

Does that intrigue anyone? It may not have that exact portion, but you get the idea.