InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mori ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mizu: Hi again. There is chapter two. Finally Mori is in Feudal era.

Chapter two


"Ow!" This was my first world and it was exactly what I felt at that moment. My whole body was aching and my head was going to explode from the throbling pain. I slowly sat and opened my eyes. I was in the well but something was different. I could smell the fresh air. Too fresh for Tokio and I heard noices of wild life not a human civilization. I slowly climbed out of the well. I was right. I wasn't in Tokio but in some forest. And the most interesting thing about it was that it was full of beings with scent with that unhuman hint in it. I could smell a small human village near. There was some beings near too but nothing near me. I looked at my hair. It was silver with gold streeks in it. I know that the other things changed too. My ears were a bit pointy on the end, my hair was not only silver and gold but also ended at my knees. My eyes had bright blue color with hints of silver in them and with darkblue eyeshadow above them. My skin was paller then before. It was creamy and soft. On my left cheek I had two darkblue strips which where on my arms too and the golden cresent moon shined silvery on my forhead as a simbol of my Lunarian blood. My slightly muscled but gracefull body good visible in the low-waist darkblue baggi jeans and blak top with `vixen' written on it in white letters. My hair was in a high ponytail. The only jewellery I had on were five gold-zirkon earrings in the shape of a star. Three were in my left ear, one in right ear and the last in my belly which was bare because the top ended few centimetres above it.

"Kuso." I must drink a special drink from Pluto to make me look more human. In that form I have light blond hair, blue eyes but much duller, no pointy ear and no strips on my skin. The cressent moon isn't vissible too. And ofcourse I forgot the drink in the shrine.

"Well I have seen freeks which looked more inhuman then I now. It wouldn't be so much of a problem." I said and made my way to the vilage in my favourite way. I jumped from tree to tree at inhuman speed.


It was sunrise and the young Lunarian hybrid was in few moments in the small village. There wasn't many people outside. In truth there was only two and they were quickly running away from her. But Mori didn't noticed that. She was in shock. There she was walking through a village from middleage. Her thoughts were running crazy.


This isn't possible. Is Pluto playing some sort of tick on me. But why should she do that. I was out of the way before. Why do something so unnecessary. And beside this I didn't felt Plutos power. But what was the answer. I'm in the past and dindn't know how I came there. It was the well. The magic that knoked me out. It was it. But where exactly am I.


Inuyasha was sleeping in the tree in front of Kaedes hut when his instinks kicked in. There was another youkai in the village. He quickly jumped down from tree and run to the scent of the youkai. He could hear the taijia and houshi behind him.

They arrived on the other side of the village and stoped. There she stood with a suppriesed expresion on her face. And she was looking strait at Inuyasha.


I smell it. The scent which is a bit like mine. It's coming to me. Finally. Finally I'll find out who I am.

He has silver hair. So one thing is sure I'm not the only freek there. He have two humans with him. I can fell strong magic from the houshi. At least I think he is a monk because of his clothes.

"What do you want youkai." He yells. Humph. Youkai is that what I am. I don't know but somehow it sounds right. I must find out more about these youkais. I thought demons were only a legend a mere farytale but it's true. I should not be suppriesed I'm half an alien from Moon. Why couldn't the second half be a youkai.

"Are you deaf or stupid. Answer my question bich." Said the youkai.

This definitely brought me out of my dreem world. I hate when somebody calls me names. And I hate this curse more than other. I don't know why but it's true and he'll pay for calling me that.


Inuyasha was getting impation. She was only glaring at him. He prepared for next curse when she suddenly mooved and atacked him. She was so fast he could't even flinch before her claws riped his stomach.


The smell of blood filled my nose. Sadistic smirk appeared on my lips and my eyes changed collor from blue to black. I felt my control fly away with the smell of his blood. I want to draw more.


Inuyasha could barelly stand up when Mori started yet another attack. But now he was ready. He blocked her attack and quickly unsheathed Tetsusaiga and rushed on his enemy with determination and power.

But she had seen the attack coming even before he slashed at her. He had power but not the spead. So she mooved with so much spead that she was almoust invisible. Inuyasha hit only the air where she had been only heartbeet ago. He growled anoyed and turn to find her. She was hovering in the air above him. She mooved again. This time she was the one who attacks. She slashed her sharp claws at him again. This time Inuyasha was able to block the hit with his arm but the prise was five bloody rips in this arm. He looked at his wound in disbelief.

"That was it wench. You'll pay for this." He growled his eyes now blood red.

They began to attack each other again. He was strong and determined but she with tactic and speed. Gold and blue light was shinning and exploding when they began to use their special powers of youkais.

Miroku and Sango were watching in disbelief. It wasn't for the abilities of the two warriors but for the fact that obviously Inuyasha was loosing. He was powerful yes but he didn't think farer then his next move. On the other hand the youkai woman was planing her every moove and with the help of her speed she was better.

After half an hour Inuyasha was laying on the floor in a bloody pulp. Mori was standing before him with a sadistic smirk.

"You should not provoke me little pup. Now you must die."

Mori rised her hand and prepared for the last slash but a big boomerang hit her hand. She had to figh the cry of pain which form in her throat. She could feel her bones broke with the inpackt.

She quickly turned to the person who broke her arm. "Shit. Why did you did that?" She hissed and rushed at Sango. The taijin knew that she had no chance to avoid that attack and stood there paralized with closed eyes waiting for her death but that never came.

Sango opened her eyes. She saw her best friend between her and the youkai with oustretched arms. But what surprised her more was that the demon was staying there and shaking her head like to get rid of something. When she looked again at them her eyes were blue.


I looked at Kagome and the other girl who stood behind her. What have I done. I almost killed inocent people who only tried to protect this village. I must gain much more control of that bloodlust. It's becoming a problem.

Now I must somehow clear this fight. I sensed some moovement behind me and knew it was the young man I was fighting. I must say it was quite exciting. I haven't had a worthy oponent in years and he was quite good but needed more practice and planing.

I looked at my arm it was broken nastily. I could see the bone out of the skin. I pressed my teeth together and put the bones to right place. A little meow from pain came out of my throat. I must work on that too. I was obviously misstaken when I thought I can handle every pain from the years with step-father who hates you and a realy quick healing abilities. He liked to slice me over and over again when the previous wound healed.

I took few deep breaths and stared at Kagome.


"What are you doing here Kagome?" Mori asked.

Kagome was quiet some time but then here face went red. "What am I doing here. I should ask you this. You almost killed Inuyasha and Sango. Why didn't you say me you are a youkai. I thought we are friends."

Mori sighed. "I'm your friend but I couldn't say you I'm a youkai because I didn't know. Mother never told me who exactly my father was. So I didn't know. As for your friends I'm realy sorry but that dog-boy provoked me. And when my anger takes control it's not very nice. And I don't like having my arm broken too." She finished with a glare at Sango. The taijin repeated the glare and Mori chuckled.

"Now I know why you are so atached to her. She is almoust like you."

Kagome only blinked in surprise. But then spoke again.

"OK. How did you get there?"

"I jumped in the well because I sensed great magic power coming from it. When I woke up I was in the well but not in the shrine. What's this place?"

Kagome sighed. "I think we need to talk. Follow me." She said and then turned to the houshi. "Can you please bring Inuyasha. He probably won't be able to come on his own." You can heard a growl from behind. But Kagome ignored it and the monk only nodded.


We were sitting in some hut. Kagome finished her story about this time. She came through the well too and met Inuyasha. Now they were looking for some shrads of a gem, Shikon no tama. She told that she is the reincarnation of a death priestess. It's unbelieveble but with my life story I can't complain. I didn't tell them about my past. I think it would be to complicated. I only told them that my parents are death and my mother was a woman with some magic powers. They thought she was a human miko. I won't take them this idea. They were fighting with a powerful hanyou too. Naraku or something.

"Can I help you?" I asked suddenly. All in the hut went quiet. After a while Kagome smiled. "Ofcourse. We can use some help and you are pretty strong when you could defeat Inuyasha. And it'll be cool to have someone from my time there." I think the others weren't so enthusiastic about it. I coul hear a growl from the hanyou Inuyasha was his name, who was being taking care of by the old miko Kaede. The taijin Sango was glaring but at least the houshi Miroku was looking happy. In a moment he was holding my hands in his and looking in my eyes seriously.

"Oh Mori-sama you're so kind and helpful but not to forget beautiful. Will you bear my child please?" Shit I think I'm in a mad house but before I can reply Sango hit him with her boomerang and he was lieing on the floor uncousious. But important is that I have become a member of this crazy groop. I smiled. I think I'll sink in very good.


Mizu: This is all from now. Please review. I know it's not too good without Sess-chan in it but he would be there soon. It can't go without him. He is too sexy to be left out.

I wish he was with me now. I must go to the dentist. He could kill him for me. I think the man needs few poison claws in stomach. I hate dentists. Please save me somebody. (Two strong men come in and drag yelling Mizu from the room.) Fluffy HELP ME!