InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mori ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha nor Sailormoon or any anime used in this fanfic. I don't make money with this so don't sue.

Mizu: Ossu it's me again. I decided to put out the first chapter too since in the prologue nothing that interesting happened. I hope you would like it.

I have some news. I could rid myself from the obsession with Sesshoumaru in the time. (Looks at the screen of her computer where in some unnamed taiyoukai with silver hair and golden eyes.) He is so beautiful. Sigh.(Starts to dreem)…..Ack! I have to start again. First note to myself: Change your wallpaper.

Chaper one

I was standing on the airport and looking for somebody…somebody… Oh! I don't know why I'm even trying. I didn't see the people so how am I supossed to find them in this crouded airport.

In the first place I don't know what I'm doing here at all. It had to be some sick obsession of mine to do things that would hurt me the most. Why did I left Europe and went to Japan. Only the thought that I'm in a place where my mother will be born is hurting me. But something had made me to sight me down for this exchange program.

Suddenly someone touched my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I would have sensed her sooner but I usually shut my senses when I'm in a place full of people. I learned soon that my senses are far more better then these of an ordinary human. When I let them open to the world aroun me the noise make my head hurt and the smell of humans make me want to vomit.

I forced myself to calm down and turned to look at the woman. She smiled at me. "Are you Tsuki Mori?" She asked. I only noded in response. She smiled even brighter. "Watashi wa Hirugashi Hana desu." I retured the smile. "I'm glad to meet you, Hiragushi-san." Was my answer. This woman was friendly and kind. I gues that it wasn't so bad to be part of that exchange program.

"You can call me Hana. I'm feeling old when you calls me so formal, Mori-chan. And now please follow me. Sota and Ojiisan are waiting for us."

"Hai, Hana-san." Answered Mori and they made their way to the shrine where the family of Hana lived.

When they arrived in the shrine an old man and a boy about ten run stayed before the door to greet Mori.

I noticed that the old man was looking at me raher strangely but I pushed it out of my mind. Hana and Sota were kind and I was happy to have something close to a family if only for a year. I was feeling so alone in the big house I was living in in Europe.

They began to eat the dinner. In about half of it Kagome came runing in the kitchen, said hi to everybody, grabed something to eat and then run in her room while yeling something about learning for the test tomorrow.

I was watching the girl closelly. She was in someway special. Now that there wasn't a bounch of people around I let my senses free. I sensed a kind of magic from her. It remined me on Sailor Mars a bit. But it was much purer and stronger too. And to this I smelled a scent in some way like my own. It was a spiced and enjoyable scent. And certainly not human. Mayby it would be more interesting trip that I originaly thought.

The next day Kagome and Mori was going to school together.

"So could you learn everything you needed yesterday?" Mori asked.

Kagome sighned "I hope so but I don't believe it too much."

Mori chuckled "Don't worry. It's only a test. Your life doesn't depend on it."

"Don't be so sure about it. My teacher will kill me if I fall through a test again. My future studying on the university will be the prise if I fall."

"Try to do the best you can and then you'll see you'll certainlly pass it."

Kagome grimaced at her. "You have easy speaking. You have already finished one university and you are attending another one now. You're so lucky."

"Yeah, lucky." Replied Mori sarcasticly but Kagome didn't notice this and continued in talking about how hard the school is.

Lucky. Fucking lucky I am. Kuso. She is the lucky one. She can live with her family which loves her and adores her. She doesn't have to hide her true appearance and strengh. She doesn't have a sister and step-father that hates her. And she doesn't have to be afraid if her mother is allright. She doesn't have to fight her own instings when her bloodlust and desire for a fight tries to teare her appart.

No I'm not somebody to be envied. The true was that I envy Kagome. And every normal girl with their small problems.

In front of Kagome's school they said their goodbyes and Mori walked to her own language school which was only two streets away. It was true what Kagome said. In her twenty six years Mori studied the first year of a second university. This time it was a language university. She studied english, japaness, french and spanish. Her first university was veterinary medicine. She finished it but wanted to work in the whole world so she thought to learn some more and make her foreign languages better. She sighed. It'll be better not to stay on a same place for to long. She would never be old and the people will be curious when she at eighty will be like a twenty year old. Even now some people were wondering. She was twenty-six but her body wasn't more then twenty. And so it'll stay until her death.

She arrived from the school a bit later then Kagome. When she asked Hana where she is, she told her that Kagome went to some friends. She wasn't lieing that could Mori see but she wasn't saying the whole story.

However the result was that Mori's plan wasn't going to be done. She wanted to follow Kagome secretely and find out where she got that scent on her last night. But now she has to wait till tomorrow.

Kagome returned at the dinner time again. Again with this scent on her. But this time she came bruised and her school uniform was riped to pieces. Mori could smell that her injuries wasn't that serious but they were there. Mori wasn't even trying to ask. She knew hat they'll only lie to her again. And she hated lies. The life of her mother was ruled by lies of her lieing friends. So called friends. Mori didn't want to ruin her impresion of this family so she didn't ask.

It was one in the morning probably and Mori was sitting on the big tree in front of the part of shrine where the family lived.

It isn't fair. I thought they're different. But they don't trust me. They don't wan't me to know what they're hiding. I can't blame them. They don't know me at all but they are so kind. Mayby I should wait and they'll trust me with the time. Hai. I'll do that.

She wanted to go back to her room but sensed somethig strange. Some sort of strong and powerfull magic. She decided to go investigate. She arrived in front of an old well house. The sorce of magic was coming from inside. She opend the old looking doors and was supprised that it was well oiled so it didn't make any sound. She carefully went down the steps and to the old well. The magic had its source in it. She stayed some time next to the well and was debating whenever to jump or not. Her curiosity got the best of her and she lept gracefully in the Bone-Eaters well. Suddenly a bright light envelopt her and her sences shut down from the shock of the light but most for the strong magic that surrounded her. She was very sensible for magic like her mother so she blacked out.

Mizu: Did you like it? Write me a review please. I'm begging now. Please, please, pretty please.