InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Guardian's ❯ Meeting Naraku's Guardians, and a new mission in progress ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Naraku’s Guardian’s
Author: Azn_angel0788
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything, or anyone, the only thing I do own is this fanfic.
Pairings: Rei and Seiya, Kagome and Yaten, Kikyou and Inuyasha, Rei and Inuyasha, Kagome and Seiya, Kikyou and Yaten.
Somewhere in Japan, there are four special girls. And they went by the names, Rei, Kagome, Sango, and Kikyou.
Now Rei, she’s a fiery, hot tempered, and determined woman, but makes up for it with her friendship. One thing that Rei definitely cannot do is cook. If you asked her for a bowl of macaroni and cheese, she’d give ya, crap in a bowl.
Kagome is a kind soul, and thinks before she acts. She loves nature, and swimming too.
Kikyou on the other hand, acts before she thinks. But sometimes…it’s for the best. Trust me.
Anyway, last but not least, is Sango. Who is a very hard worker and gentle person, unless the reason calls for it, of course.
All four ladies, have many differences. But four things that they do have in common…is that they are beautiful, intelligent, strong and…they all work for me (Naraku), as secret spy agents.
Together, working as a team, they break in, kick ass, and get the job done.
But of course there are some arguments.
~In a museum. (Flash back)~
“Rei’s coming with me.” Kagome yelled to Kikyou, as she grabbed Rei by the arm.
“No. Rei’s coming with me.” Kikyou yelled back as she jerked Rei to her.
“No. She’s coming with me.” She jerked back
“Fine you can have her.” Kikyou said as she threw her arms in the air.
“No. You can have her. END OF DISCUSSION!” Kagome replied as she pushed Rei to her.
“Fine.” Kikyou replied happy, as she grabbed Rei’s arm and started walking with her to the opposite side of the museum.
Kagome was pretty shocked, and had a huge anime vein popping out on her head right now.
“Let’s go Kagome.” Sango said as she grabbed her arm, dragging her in the opposite direction.
~Out side in a hiking park~
“Ruff, ruff.” Dogs were barking as they were chasing the four girls.
“Which way should we go?” Sango asked running at the same time.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Rei asked as she kept on running.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Sango asked, Kikyou.
“I don’t know. But what I do know, is that we should-” The four girls jumped off a cliff. “JUUUMMMPP!” she screamed as they started to fall, and soon enough landed in the ocean.
The four girls swam back up to the surface of the water.
“That was a good plan.” Kagome said as she nodded her head, while swimming.
“I agree.” Rei also said.
~Back to the present~
As you can see, it takes two, or more, to make a team. And this particular team, made out of unique woman, with special skills, are called, Naraku’s Guardians……
~Early in the morning with Rei~
Rei tied her hair up in a bun, as she grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. She turned the radio on, and it was playing the song, ‘What’s left of me’.
Watched my life pass me by -- in the rearview mirror
Rei turned the shower on.
Pictures frozen in time -- are becoming clearer
She then stripped out of her clothes and got into the warm water.
I don't wanna waste another day -- stuck in the shadow of my mistakes – yeah
As the water ran, the room filled itself with steam. She had a bruise on her right shoulder from her last mission. But to her it was a little souvenir from her victory. She took a deep breath of air. Otherwise, to her, a sigh of relief. She had gotten through another hard day of work.
She rubbed her back, to make the soreness ease down, and it did a little bit.
The phone started to ring. She looked towards the phone, wishing that it hadn’t started to ring. But she knew it was her boss's head worker, and that she should answer the phone. So she grabbed her towel, and sloppily wrapped it around herself. She walked to the phone and answered it.
“Hello?” She asked.
“Hey Rei, its-”
“Mamoru. I know.” Rei cut him off.
“Lemme guess.” Rei said. “You’re calling me because we have a new mission.” She concluded.
“Right.” Mamoru replied.
“I’ll be there.” Rei said as she hung up the phone.
“Great.” She said to herself as she sat on the ledge of a small table next to the phone.
She then got up and walked back into the bathroom.
~With Kagome~
Kagome was on the top of a high dive board. She steadied herself, then raised her arms up in the air.
“Here I go.” She said to herself.
She closed her eye’s, and took a deep breathe. Then…she quickly opened her eye’s and dove off the dive board, doing two flips before she hit the water with a big,
She quickly swam back up to the surface of the water, and swam out of the pool. She grabbed herself a towel and dried herself off.
Kagome’s cell phone went off. She picked it up and flipped it open.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Hey Kagome, its Mamoru.”
“Oh hey. What’s up?” Kagome asked as she sat on a chair with her legs crossed.
“You have a new mission. So we’ll need you to be here.” He said.
“Will do.” Kagome replied. Then she flipped her cell phone close.
~With Kikyou~
Knowing Kikyou, she was partying out late last night and was still asleep. Her hair was messy and her bedroom was a total mess. But life was good. Kikyou was sleeping fine until all of a sudden,
Her phone went off.
Still tired, she hit her clock, thinking that it was the alarm that set off.
Her cell phone still rang, so she hit her clock again. But still, the alarm was on.
"What the hell is wrong with this thing?!" She asked as she threw the clock across the room. Finally noticing that it was her phone that was ringing, she picked it up.
"Who's the ass whole who's woke me up so early in the morning?" Kikyou asked on the phone.
"So you're awake?" Mamoru asked.
"Oh." Kikyou said, slightly embaressed. She pushed herself up into a sitting position.
"Naraku has a new mission for you." He said.
"Right. I'll be right in." Kikyou said. Then she hung the phone up, and plopped her head back on the pillow. "UGGHHH!!!"
~With Sango~
"Three hundred and fifty one, three hundred and fifty two, three hundred and fifty three.."
Sango was doing her daily work out routine. It was, take a half hour jog, do 500 crunches, then 300 push ups, and so on. By now, she was all sweaty and working up a storm.
Kirara was sitting on a table beside Sango watching her do her daily work out. It bored her a lot, but she had nothing better to do.
Sango's phone rang.
As soon as she heard the phone ring, she stopped what she did. She grabbed a small towel and wiped her face, as she got up.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey Sango. This is Mamrou." He started. "You have a new mission, and we need you to be here as soon as possible." He said.
"Ok." Sango replied.
"See you then." He said.
"Same." She replied.
Kirara jumped off of the table and rubbed against Sango's leg.
"Hey Kirara." Sango said with a smile as she picked her up, and cuddled her. "I've got to go to work." She said, as she took a deep sigh.
~In a Mansion~
The three girls were just sitting in the mansion having a little girl chat.
"So how was your day yesterday?" Kagome asked her allies as she ate a poppie seed muffin.
"Good." Rei said.
"Fine." Sango replied.
"Doesnt matter." Kikyou responded.
"Ok." Kagome replied.
"So you guys have any idea what are next mission is?" Sango asked.
"No." Rei replied.
Then the room was engulfed with silence.
"Hey girls." Mamrou said as he entered the room.
"Hey." All four girls replied.
"Glad to see you." He said as he smiled at them.
"Same." Sango replied.
"So...what's the mission?" Kagome asked in curiosity.
"Well." He handed all four girls a folder, which they opened.
"You're new mission is to find a chip, which is in a building, that contains information about the location of four magical staffs that contain the power's of a certain element, which brought together will create a portal so that you four can enter a different world." He said.
".....And that means..." Rei gestured him to go on.
"And that means that you guys have to go into the portal and find the four peices of a shikon jewl, in a demon." Mamrou took a deep breath. "Which means you have to defeat the demon in order to have that jewl shard."
" we need to get the jewl shards though?" Sango asked.
"Because if you dont, and the jewls were to go into the wrong hands, then evil, will take over the world." He said. All girls stared at him blankly.
"Well, then we better get started, before we get stuck in this fuck whole." Kikyou said.
"Agreed." The other three girls responded.
"So where do we start?" Kagome asked.
Author: Azn_angel0788
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything, or anyone, the only thing I do own is this fanfic.
Pairings: Rei and Seiya, Kagome and Yaten, Kikyou and Inuyasha, Rei and Inuyasha, Kagome and Seiya, Kikyou and Yaten.
Somewhere in Japan, there are four special girls. And they went by the names, Rei, Kagome, Sango, and Kikyou.
Now Rei, she’s a fiery, hot tempered, and determined woman, but makes up for it with her friendship. One thing that Rei definitely cannot do is cook. If you asked her for a bowl of macaroni and cheese, she’d give ya, crap in a bowl.
Kagome is a kind soul, and thinks before she acts. She loves nature, and swimming too.
Kikyou on the other hand, acts before she thinks. But sometimes…it’s for the best. Trust me.
Anyway, last but not least, is Sango. Who is a very hard worker and gentle person, unless the reason calls for it, of course.
All four ladies, have many differences. But four things that they do have in common…is that they are beautiful, intelligent, strong and…they all work for me (Naraku), as secret spy agents.
Together, working as a team, they break in, kick ass, and get the job done.
But of course there are some arguments.
~In a museum. (Flash back)~
“Rei’s coming with me.” Kagome yelled to Kikyou, as she grabbed Rei by the arm.
“No. Rei’s coming with me.” Kikyou yelled back as she jerked Rei to her.
“No. She’s coming with me.” She jerked back
“Fine you can have her.” Kikyou said as she threw her arms in the air.
“No. You can have her. END OF DISCUSSION!” Kagome replied as she pushed Rei to her.
“Fine.” Kikyou replied happy, as she grabbed Rei’s arm and started walking with her to the opposite side of the museum.
Kagome was pretty shocked, and had a huge anime vein popping out on her head right now.
“Let’s go Kagome.” Sango said as she grabbed her arm, dragging her in the opposite direction.
~Out side in a hiking park~
“Ruff, ruff.” Dogs were barking as they were chasing the four girls.
“Which way should we go?” Sango asked running at the same time.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Rei asked as she kept on running.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Sango asked, Kikyou.
“I don’t know. But what I do know, is that we should-” The four girls jumped off a cliff. “JUUUMMMPP!” she screamed as they started to fall, and soon enough landed in the ocean.
The four girls swam back up to the surface of the water.
“That was a good plan.” Kagome said as she nodded her head, while swimming.
“I agree.” Rei also said.
~Back to the present~
As you can see, it takes two, or more, to make a team. And this particular team, made out of unique woman, with special skills, are called, Naraku’s Guardians……
~Early in the morning with Rei~
Rei tied her hair up in a bun, as she grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. She turned the radio on, and it was playing the song, ‘What’s left of me’.
Watched my life pass me by -- in the rearview mirror
Rei turned the shower on.
Pictures frozen in time -- are becoming clearer
She then stripped out of her clothes and got into the warm water.
I don't wanna waste another day -- stuck in the shadow of my mistakes – yeah
As the water ran, the room filled itself with steam. She had a bruise on her right shoulder from her last mission. But to her it was a little souvenir from her victory. She took a deep breath of air. Otherwise, to her, a sigh of relief. She had gotten through another hard day of work.
She rubbed her back, to make the soreness ease down, and it did a little bit.
The phone started to ring. She looked towards the phone, wishing that it hadn’t started to ring. But she knew it was her boss's head worker, and that she should answer the phone. So she grabbed her towel, and sloppily wrapped it around herself. She walked to the phone and answered it.
“Hello?” She asked.
“Hey Rei, its-”
“Mamoru. I know.” Rei cut him off.
“Lemme guess.” Rei said. “You’re calling me because we have a new mission.” She concluded.
“Right.” Mamoru replied.
“I’ll be there.” Rei said as she hung up the phone.
“Great.” She said to herself as she sat on the ledge of a small table next to the phone.
She then got up and walked back into the bathroom.
~With Kagome~
Kagome was on the top of a high dive board. She steadied herself, then raised her arms up in the air.
“Here I go.” She said to herself.
She closed her eye’s, and took a deep breathe. Then…she quickly opened her eye’s and dove off the dive board, doing two flips before she hit the water with a big,
She quickly swam back up to the surface of the water, and swam out of the pool. She grabbed herself a towel and dried herself off.
Kagome’s cell phone went off. She picked it up and flipped it open.
“Hello?” She answered.
“Hey Kagome, its Mamoru.”
“Oh hey. What’s up?” Kagome asked as she sat on a chair with her legs crossed.
“You have a new mission. So we’ll need you to be here.” He said.
“Will do.” Kagome replied. Then she flipped her cell phone close.
~With Kikyou~
Knowing Kikyou, she was partying out late last night and was still asleep. Her hair was messy and her bedroom was a total mess. But life was good. Kikyou was sleeping fine until all of a sudden,
Her phone went off.
Still tired, she hit her clock, thinking that it was the alarm that set off.
Her cell phone still rang, so she hit her clock again. But still, the alarm was on.
"What the hell is wrong with this thing?!" She asked as she threw the clock across the room. Finally noticing that it was her phone that was ringing, she picked it up.
"Who's the ass whole who's woke me up so early in the morning?" Kikyou asked on the phone.
"So you're awake?" Mamoru asked.
"Oh." Kikyou said, slightly embaressed. She pushed herself up into a sitting position.
"Naraku has a new mission for you." He said.
"Right. I'll be right in." Kikyou said. Then she hung the phone up, and plopped her head back on the pillow. "UGGHHH!!!"
~With Sango~
"Three hundred and fifty one, three hundred and fifty two, three hundred and fifty three.."
Sango was doing her daily work out routine. It was, take a half hour jog, do 500 crunches, then 300 push ups, and so on. By now, she was all sweaty and working up a storm.
Kirara was sitting on a table beside Sango watching her do her daily work out. It bored her a lot, but she had nothing better to do.
Sango's phone rang.
As soon as she heard the phone ring, she stopped what she did. She grabbed a small towel and wiped her face, as she got up.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey Sango. This is Mamrou." He started. "You have a new mission, and we need you to be here as soon as possible." He said.
"Ok." Sango replied.
"See you then." He said.
"Same." She replied.
Kirara jumped off of the table and rubbed against Sango's leg.
"Hey Kirara." Sango said with a smile as she picked her up, and cuddled her. "I've got to go to work." She said, as she took a deep sigh.
~In a Mansion~
The three girls were just sitting in the mansion having a little girl chat.
"So how was your day yesterday?" Kagome asked her allies as she ate a poppie seed muffin.
"Good." Rei said.
"Fine." Sango replied.
"Doesnt matter." Kikyou responded.
"Ok." Kagome replied.
"So you guys have any idea what are next mission is?" Sango asked.
"No." Rei replied.
Then the room was engulfed with silence.
"Hey girls." Mamrou said as he entered the room.
"Hey." All four girls replied.
"Glad to see you." He said as he smiled at them.
"Same." Sango replied.
"So...what's the mission?" Kagome asked in curiosity.
"Well." He handed all four girls a folder, which they opened.
"You're new mission is to find a chip, which is in a building, that contains information about the location of four magical staffs that contain the power's of a certain element, which brought together will create a portal so that you four can enter a different world." He said.
".....And that means..." Rei gestured him to go on.
"And that means that you guys have to go into the portal and find the four peices of a shikon jewl, in a demon." Mamrou took a deep breath. "Which means you have to defeat the demon in order to have that jewl shard."
" we need to get the jewl shards though?" Sango asked.
"Because if you dont, and the jewls were to go into the wrong hands, then evil, will take over the world." He said. All girls stared at him blankly.
"Well, then we better get started, before we get stuck in this fuck whole." Kikyou said.
"Agreed." The other three girls responded.
"So where do we start?" Kagome asked.