InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Enter the Witch and the Miko ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama'sFoxyMiko: I finally found a way to read your comments! The rest of the group is going to find out about her power in this chapter, so I won't spoil it for you here. The Jewel Kagome's sensing is Robin's, but she can only tell that it's close, not its exact location. They're not going to meet Sesshomaru in this story; he's too busy running the Western Lands to be bothering them. I don't mind questions; questions are good.
Robin watched the flames as they reached for the night sky. Everyone else was asleep, but she was too keyed up to sleep. Kagome said the thing was close, but it never seemed to get any closer. She took out the shiny thing she had found and held it up to the light of the fire. It glowed with an inner light, just like it did when she first found it. She twisted it, making it catch the light of the fire. She couldn't figure out why she still had it; it was just a piece of stone, but it was a pretty stone. She sighed, put it away, and continued staring into the fire, as if they would make her sleep. She dreaded sleep now. She either dreamed of being shot by the STN members or almost being raped by a demon. Neither dream gave her a peaceful rest.
Movement made her look up. Inuyasha was getting up and coming toward her. He sat down on the opposite side of the fire and looked at her hard.
“Is there something you wanted to tell me?” he stated more than asked.
“No, why?” she asked, confused.
“No one believes that you took on a lizard demon and defeated it, even if it were a weak demon.”
“Believe what you like. I did it only to defend myself.”
“You didn't beat it with a stick. It isn't possible for something like that to die just because of being hit over the head. We want to know what really happened.”
Robin continued to look into the fire. “It was in self-defense. I never meant to kill him.”
“No one is saying what you did was wrong.”
“But it was wrong! I took a life! I took something that I can't give back.”
“I wouldn't feel too bad if I were you. That demon probably didn't have any problems killing or hurting you.”
“No, he didn't,” she said quietly, not meaning for that to be heard. She didn't count of his demon hearing.
“What happened?” he asked again.
Might as well spill it to the one who won't care. “I was bathing in the river to get rid of the dirt, and when I came up for air, he was looking at me with his golden eyes. He took me to the opposite bank of where Kohaku was, and tried to rape me.” She went silent, thinking of how she was so easily taken; she didn't even fight, not until he was already on top of her. She had surprised him; that was the only way she had saved herself.
She didn't notice his look of comprehension. Now he understood why she didn't make a fuss about it. There was still something missing in her story. It didn't explain how she got rid of the demon. “I can see why you wouldn't want to talk about it,” he said gently, “but that still doesn't explain how you killed him.”
I can't tell! It would be suicide to tell. “I can't say for sure.”
“I think you do.”
“I can't say,” she repeated.
“You're afraid.” She looked up in surprise. “I was like that once. I was afraid that no one would accept me. I wasn't a demon or a human, and neither race would accept me. I know there's something you're afraid of admitting because you don't want to be an outcast.”
He actually understands. I didn't even know that was how I felt until he spelled it out for me. Now she saw that they shared some sort of bond; he had it harder than she did, but they both basically had the same background. Taking a gamble, she told him what actually happened, again not mentioning the shiny stone, since it had nothing to do with the lizard.
When she finished, he shook his head and asked, “Your talent is fire?”
“Yes. I learned to master the fire Craft when I was in Italy.”
“Italy? Where is that?”
“It's far away on the other side of the world. I was taken there when I was born, and was raised there.
“Are you sure that they won't turn on me when they find out?” she asked anxiously.
“I can tell you without a doubt that they'll still like you.”
“I don't know. I told Kagome that I just learned how the Craft works, that I didn't have any power of my own.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I was being hunted because they thought I was a witch. I didn't know I could trust her.”
They sat in silence for a while. She now felt like she could trust these people. She was deep in her thoughts when she felt, rather than saw, Inuyasha stiffen. She started to speak, but he shook his head slightly. “No,” he whispered. “Don't say anything. We're surrounded.”
Five seconds after he made that statement, bandits came out of the bushes and surrounded them. Inuyasha looked at them in disgust, saying, “They're just ordinary bandits. You won't find anything worth stealing from us, guys.”
The man who looked like their leader laughed and said, “Hah! That shows how much you know. We happen to know that you have the completed Shikon no Tama, and we want it!”
Inuyasha snorted. “If we had the complete jewel, then we wouldn't be looking for the rest of it!”
“No matter, you have most of the Jewel since you took Naraku's piece. Now give it to us!”
“Why would a human want the Shikon Jewel anyway? You can't use it, so what's the point?”
“We'll show you.” All of the bandits' skins ripped, and showed a bunch of tough-looking demons.
“They were wearing human skins. That's why I couldn't smell the demon scent. Okay then, I'll just have to bust you all open.”
While they were talking, Kirara managed to wake up Sango and Kohaku, and they woke the others. So when the demons charged them, they were ready to attack back. The demon bandits vastly outnumbered them, but they weren't that hard to take down, just a couple blows, and they were out.
Then one of the demons went after Robin. She reacted instinctively, throwing her fire at it. It screamed and threw itself on the ground, trying to beat out the flames. When the other demons saw what had happened, they tried to charge her en masse, thinking that she couldn't get more than one at a time. She proved them wrong. Setting fire to them all was no problem for her. After that little show-and-tell, they retreated, calling back to them that they would return and get revenge.
Kagome walked up to Robin and asked quietly, “Why did you not tell me that you had your own powers?”
She told them what she had told Inuyasha 30 minutes before. To her surprise, they forgave her quite easily. “You didn't know if you could trust me, since I could have been working for the STN-J just like you,” Kagome said. “I can understand that.” After that little fiasco, Robin found that she could now sleep. Lying down, she was in dreamland as soon as her head hit the ground.