InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Kirai Oyobi Ai ❯ the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Speaking stuff…
”talking” `thinking' Flashback or Dream or Fantasy 'Telepathic talks'
~*Kirai Oyobi Ai*~
By; Hikari no Yume


the Inuyasha characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, the maker of the Inuyasha anime and manga series.


“I hate you…” the words slipped out of her mouth without much thought. Just that she hated him for leaving her, for doing what he did to her, what he left her with… A child he never wanted, never cared for. And now that the child knew who his long lost otousan was, he would stop at nothing to exact his revenge against his good for nothing otousan. `Why did it have to come to this…? Why did this have to happen too me…? WHY!?!'

It all started, that one, cold night, long ago… Let me take you back, back to Feudal Japan: where youkai and ningens lived amongst each other, both grudging the other's existence. The night of a mikazuki, the night a certain someone lost his powers and became a mere shisubeki until the night faded and the sun rose. The night that, that certain someone's half-brother decided what he wanted; what he always had wanted, without realizing it. He wanted her, the one so fair that even the kamigami and megami, blessed her with their beauty, and he would stop at nothing till he had her in his grasp, in his arms, in his bed…
Chapter 1; the Beginning

A group sat among some trees in a wooded area, eating and talking about their previous battle with the hanyou's oniisan. They are surrounded in the dark of the night. Their consuming hi in the center of the group. If one were to look up at the stars they would gasp because on a night such as tonight, the tsuki isn't visible, much to the disappointment of a certain hanyou. “He sure was angry that time, wasn't he?” One of them a kitsune kit, Shippo, questioned the group as he remembered the angry continence of Sesshoumaru.

“Yeah... I don't think I've seen Sesshoumaru that angry before. Have you Inuyasha?” A female voice replied, Sango the taijiya that allied herself with the things she once despised, while questioning the hanyou in question. Inuyasha shifted out of his musings at the question directed to him. The answer didn't come as fast as he had wanted it to. In fact, he had to think on it for awhile. Had he ever seen his oniisan that angry before?

`Iie.' In truth and in all of it's actuality, he hadn't. The youkai lord had put up a baria long ago, to hide his emotions, that if he had any at all. But that night something had changed in Sesshoumaru's demeanor that had caused Inuyasha to wonder just how much he actually knew his oniisan. `I just don't understand anymore...'

“Iie, I haven't. It was like when he saw Yume with us, or more importantly with me, he lost all self-control. That fucking bastard wouldn't stop at anything to keep me away from her,” he replied, clenching his fists. The thought of Sesshoumaru claiming Yume as his haigusha made Inuyasha want to go too his oniisan and rip his throat out. A low growl escaped him as he glanced over at Yume. He wasn't exactly sure if his youkai had chosen her as his haigusha or not and he didn't care. He had chosen her and she was going to be his. `Why is she sitting there, playing with that baka ramen and not saying a damn fucking thing? Does she have FEELINGS for him!?!' He shook his head not allowing himself to go there. `Iie, she couldn't. He tried to kill us and more importantly he tired to kill her.'

Yume, the youkai Himemiya of the Eastern Lands, with her rare karei and pale skin. Golden eyes which sparkled in the night and glowed in the morning. Silvery-white hair that hung past her backside, shun with a mystic glow from an unseen tsuki. Her delicate features as fair as that of a megami, brought smiles to everyone's faces. But this himemiya was the reason for Sesshoumaru's weird behavior. Inuyasha was right, she was just sitting there, twirling her spoon around in her ramen as she thought about the previous battle.
Sesshoumaru took out his Tokijin and readied himself to strike down his unconscious half-brother once and for all. But, just as he was about to attack, a hi baria surrounded his body. “Hn, what is this?” He questioned the flames. A kage behind the flame beckoned to him.

“I will not let you harm Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru!” Yume screamed at him, “I have had enough over you fighting each other over baka reasons. I WILL NOT LET YOU FIGHT ANYMORE!” She yelled as she stood her ground, willing her baria away. The powerful lord glared at her, daring her to lie to him. Daring her to deny him what she would do to stop them from fighting each other, again.

“And how do you suppose you will stop us, Yume?” He questioned her as a devilish twinkle formed in his eyes. The twinkle went unnoticed through the dying flames.

“Anything and everything I have to.” `Even go through you...' The young miko whispered to herself as a single tear went down her cheek. That did not go unnoticed by the lord. His nose had picked up on it the moment it had formed in her eye. He had made her cry and had not meant for it to happen. The youkai lord gave a very Inuyasha like snort. Why would he care if she cried? She was just an inferior
mesuinu. The girl defiantly wiped away her tear, not wanting for him to see any sign of weakness that she had felt at the moment. Her heart was breaking. `How can I make him understand?' That question was short lived. `He would never understand why I care about the both of them, and I know it...'

`But still you can dream... can't you?' Her conscience whispered to her. Hai, she could dream.

“Even go through me?” 'This
mesuinu does not understand who she's dealing with. I might have to punish her for her disobedience, although she does have great courage and strength.' He chuckled as she nodded. He had to admit that he admired her for her courage and strength . Not many would stand up to the Daiyoukai of the Western lands, and here she was, standing up to him. Up until now he thought her only to be an inu youkai mesuinu with exceptional skill in battle that had bested him once or twice. Not only had he thought her skilled he knew her as beautiful. And that was one thing, to be thought of as beautiful by one such as his standards. He also knew her to be a dokugai jisannin by that of the light blue engetsu that accentuated her features. And now, he knew her to be a hi no okami. But what he didn't understand was why would someone like her go through HIM, Sesshoumaru, the Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, just to stand up for that half bred of a brother of his? `Because she has the kindest heart you have ever known. And that is why you are drawn to her.'

As much as he had wanted to, Sesshoumaru could not deny the fact
that he was drawn to her, the tenshi of his heart. Her smiles were his light in the dark. And her laughter was like a running waterfall to him. Her scent, of lavender and cherry blossoms, filled his senses every time he was near her. But it went much deeper than that of physical attraction. His blood, or youkai, to be more exact, had chosen her long ago. That being the reason why he couldn't stand Inuyasha being anywhere near her. Even though he hadn't realized it yet, she was everything to him. Sure he cared for the little onna Rin, but to him, Yume was so much more. She was starring into the eyes of the man she'd gave her heart to.

“Hai, even go through you,” she answered as she finally found the words she had wanted to say. In all actuality, she didn't want to fight him. In fact she was appalled by the idea. `A woman's gots ta do what a woman's gots ta do... right?' In truth, that was exactly what was needed from her. Sesshoumaru took his katana and swung it, destroying the remainder of the hi
baria that had been in a circumference around his body, with the kaze that had escaped from the blast.

“You would dare go through me, the one you vowed to forever ai?” He was mocking her and she knew it. She couldn't stand the thought of him mocking HER, the youkai Himemiya of the Eastern Lands, the one that had given her heart to him. So her pride won the better of her.

“Don't you mock me Sesshoumaru!” She screamed at him as he advanced closer to her with each passing second. She gasped as she saw him ready his hand to strike her face, “You wouldn't dare!” She challenged him as an indignant blush appeared on her face.

“Would I?” Somehow that response made her even more pissed off that she almost felt like waking the hanyou up, from his unconscious state, so he could pummel his oniisan for daring to strike her face.

`Iie, that would not be a good idea. Inuyasha almost came close to transforming and when he does, he'll fight till one of them dies. And if they did you would undoubtedly regret it later on, wouldn't you, Yume?'

`Hai...' Somehow her conscience had always put things into perspective. She starred into his eyes, even though a little hurt filled her gaze under the surface. Sesshoumaru did see the hurt but his regard didn't falter, she was going to be punished. The youkai
mesuinu stood her ground, waiting for what was almost inevitable. `I'll make him understand, even if I get hurt in the process. It is something I must do if I am to become his haigusha.' But it never came. She didn't feel the stinging pain of a slap across her face. What she did feel was a stinging sensation inside her ears as her hanyou friend yelled at his elder sibling. The sight Inuyasha had seen, upon waking up from his unconsciousness, made him want to pummel his oniisan even more.

“DON'T YOU TOUCH HER, SESSHOUMARU!” Inuyasha growled at Sesshoumaru as he rammed into his midsection, causing the youkai to become off balance. Yume watched in disgust as two of her closest friends fought each other for hours on end. She didn't try to stop them fore she knew it was inevitable. They both fought physically over their hatred of the other and fought emotionally over the rightful one who would become Yume's
haigusha. Inuyasha knowing his inner battle and at the time Sesshoumaru did not.
“Yume!! What in the seven hells are you thinking about? More fucking importantly, why haven't you said a damn single word since that battle!?!” Inuyasha growled at the girl.

“Nani?” The hanyou had triumphantly brought her out of her musings, causing her ears to sting with an all too familiar feeling. `Baka hanyou! I should teach him not to yell so loudly!' She planted on a fake smile as she shifted in position to better look at her hanyou friend. Hoping that the way she was sitting and the way her eyes were sparkling would send dark thoughts to his soul. “Oh, gomen Inuyasha,” she apologized with an all too seductive voice. He nodded doubly as he gulped very slowly. She was playing him and he was taking the bait.

`Baka hanyou!' Inuyasha growled at himself deeply.

“I just have a lot of things on my mind, that's all,” to further play him she looked at his form suggestively as a devilish smirk appeared on her face. Everyone's mouths dropped, including Miroku's, as they watched Yume dig a deeper grave for Inuyasha.

“Why would Sesshoumaru get so mad over you protecting Yume?” The other female voice, belonging to that of Kagome, the miko from a different era questioned her hanyou. Inuyasha shook his head to rid his mind of Yume's seductive nature. Just seeing her lean over like that, giving him the better view of her cleavage, which his golden orbs had instantly landed on, had took all of his control to not go over there and hisama her silly.

`Damn wench, it's all I can do not to hisama you where you sit.' The hanyou thought darkly as he rubbed his forehead. Yume let out a sigh as she leaned against a tree with an all too knowing smile on her face. The wench had read his thoughts. “I don't know, Kagome.” `Yume?' Even to himself his mind gave away his arousal. She opened one eye, to look at him.


`You didn't, did you?'
As if in answer, the young silvery-white-haired miko got up and sat in his lap, pressing their arousals against each other's, grinding herself into him. The hanyou's hands gripped her hips tightly, pulling her harder against his hard member. Trying to somehow dull the insatiable need of taking her. He lunged his mouth at hers, kissing her roughly, savoring the taste, of lavender and cherry blossoms, that she presented to him. Then she pulled away for air. `Onegai, let this be real, oh kami, onegai, let this be real...' He thought.

The miko shook her head at him, “Gomen Inuyasha,” then she disappeared
leaving a heated Inuyasha in her wake. The hanyou glanced over at the tree where she was leaning on not moments ago and low and behold, she was sitting there with an amused smirk across her face. `That wench played you again you baka!' Despite how angry he was at her for playing him again, it was all he could do to take in fistfuls of his pants and not go over there and show her what he truly thought of her antics.

“He's claimed me as his without even realizing it, that's why. So he couldn't stand the fact of me potentially being someone else's haigusha, besides his.” Yume finally stated flatly after her triad of giggling fits subsided, knowing that Inuyasha would hate the sound of it and he did. The hanyou leaned forward on one knee. Hoping his chest would show more than it already was, to get Yume spiked. The girl licked her lips and made an all too satisfying lull escape her mouth, much to the hanyou's approval. But what he hadn't expected was that the miko had read his thoughts before he made his move. `Honestly! How idiotic can you be Inuyasha!?!”

Yume began her giggling again as the companions looked from her to Inuyasha and then back to her. “I won't let him take you!” Growling Inuyasha clenched his fists. The mesuinu had succeeded in pissing him off.

“You don't have a say in the matter, Inuyasha!” Yume barked back at him as she leaned forward. Her eyes sparkled, promising him pain.

“Like hell I don't!” The hanyou sprang to his feet too further challenge the youkai mesuinu. She took the bait. The silvery-white-haired miko rose to her feet, readying herself to kill. The hanyou had succeeded in pissing her off and she wasn't about to let him get the better of her. She was going to destroy his very existence.


Miroku had sensed the oncoming battle and planted himself firmly between the two with outstretched arms.

“I agree with Lady Yume on that Inuyasha. Be-,”

“Like HELL you would!” The hanyou barked as he interrupted the houshi. 'I swear on my okaasan's grave, she will pay for all those times she played me!!!'

“LET ME FINISH!” Lavender eyes glared dangerously into gold ones as the houshi growled at the hanyou, who unceremoniously folded his arms into his haori sleeves with a loud `FEH'. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” he pointedly glared at Inuyasha, who gave one of his natural `fehs' in return. `This is so hilarious. I've never seen Inuyasha act this way before.' Miroku thought merrily to himself. “Besides,” he cleared his throat as he began stroking Yume's backside, which, for the moment, went unnoticed, “who said that the Lady Yume doesn't have feelings for your oniisan? Who said she doesn't want to be his haigusha? After all, Sesshoumaru IS the LORD of the WESTERN LANDS and Lady Yume IS the HIMEMIYA of the EASTERN LANDS, it WOULD be EXTREMELY beneficial for both the sides to form a tide such as MATING,” Yume nodded in complete approval, unaware that the hentai was stroking her behind. The hanyou growled out of pure disgust and Sango also agreed with the houshi as she added a little to Miroku's ploy. Mainly because she didn't want him to get the complete of Inuyasha's anger.

“And, Sesshoumaru is quite the handsome one,” the taijiya smiled with a smile that was unlike her usual smile, as she heard Inuyasha's growl again with a hint of defiance in his eyes. `I normally wouldn't do this, but, Inuyasha has been acting extremely strange to, Yume-chan and I'm beginning to wonder if it is just an act he's putting on. Besides, the only way for one to find out if someone isn't playing a trick, is to play one of one's own, even if what one says is true.' Inuyasha was speechless after hearing his taijiya friend say that. Had she just called him, ugly?

`Hell, if I'm ugly, than my ass of a brother's a girl.'
The hanyou thought darkly to himself.

`If your brother's a girl and Yume is in love with him, that means-.'


“Indeed,” the youkai mesuinu nodded again in approval to her taijiya friend's conclusion. Hey, she couldn't help it if she thought that, Sesshoumaru was way better looking than, Inuyasha, could she? `Inuyasha, SOOOOOOO deserved that and everything we have to throw at him, because he had no right to go and tell ME, who I should and should not mate!!!'

The hanyou growled again as he clenched his fists tightly. He was about ready to mangle all his friends right where they stood. `They better shut up before I kill them all!!!' He thought darkly to himself. A smile tugged on her cheeks as her golden orbs met those of Inuyasha's in a mischievous twinkle. Kagome stood on the other side of Yume and starred strait into Inuyasha's eyes as chocolate brown orbs met golden ones in a devious war of wills.

`She wouldn't dare agree with them. If anyone would stick up for me it would be her.' Inuyasha reasoned with himself when he saw the devious twinkle in the young miko's eyes.

`I wouldn't be so sure about that, Inuyasha.' His conscience beamed at him in reply which elected a growl from the hanyou. The companions smirked upon hearing his growl, pleased that they had riled the hanyou up.


`Alright, but you do know that you just told yourself to shut up and called yourself a baka, don't you?'
The hanyou growled again, completely annoyed that he was having an argument with himself.

`I know. And I'll fucking say it again. SHUT UP!!' The miko cleared her throat and everyone fell silent.

`He so deserves everything I have to say to him, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THAT, YUME ISN'T IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!' “He also would be an exceptional suitor for Lady Yume-sama,” she said as she couldn't help but dig the hanyou's grave even more, which caused the hanyou's mouth to drop open in surprise of her statement, for a few seconds. He had no idea she would say something like that, even if it were true, in some ways. `I can't believe she just said that!' Inuyasha growled to himself, causing Kagome to giggle because of the reaction she got out of him. All the while the hentai was still stroking Yume's behind. The young kitsune jumped on the houshi's shoulder and smiled pointedly at, Inuyasha. `Not him too... hasn't my pride been wounded enough?' The hanyou thought darkly as Shippo's green orbs met Inuyasha's gold ones with a completely mischievous twinkle.

“He'll satisfy her more than you ever could, Inuyasha,” that statement from the little kitsune made Inuyasha's jaw drop wide open.

`HOW DOES HE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SATISFYING AN ONNA? HE'S JUST A LITTLE KIT!!!' The hanyou yelled in his mind. All the companions nodded and they agreed with the kitsune's assumptions as the hanyou closed his eyes, finally aware to what the hentai was doing to Yume and let out a very territorial growl. 'Who the hisama does he think he is?' Every fiber in his body wanted to mangle, Miroku for touching Yume. 'How dare he touch MY ONNA!!' Of course this wasn't the first time the houshi felt Yume up, domo it was getting annoying. He didn't mind Miroku touching, Kagome that much anymore, but him touching Yume... now that was a different story. HE, Inuyasha, was the only one that was allowed to touch her.

“Yume...” He pointed to where Miroku's hand should have been, which was supposed to be right next to his dammed side, as his eyes flashed red, under the surface. `I swear, if he doesn't remove his FUCKING hand from her butt in the next five seconds, I'M GUNNA FUCKING REMOVE IT FOR HIM!!!!!'

“Hm?” Yume turned her head and tilted it down a bit, her eyes instantly landed on the houshi's hand. Her temper flared, eyes flashed red, and she closed them as she bit down on her bottom lip with her fangs. She was going to pummel him. `HE'S SOOO GUNNA FUCKING GET IT!!!' “Miroku!” She gritted out and the houshi instantly moved his hand from her backside with an innocent look on his face. Kagome and Sango stood there gaping for three seconds. Why hadn't they known the houshi was up to something? The three girls' faces turned red and the taijiya, with her miko friend, both slapped the houshi on either side of his cheeks, leaving aside bright red handprints. Then the youkai mesuinu sucker punched him in the stomach, causing him to tumble over. Miroku fell over in a spasm, clutching his stomach. Not once had Yume ever used that much force on him. It hurt like a hisama.

'Maybe I should think twice before I touch her again...'

“How many fucking times have I told you, TO KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF, HENTAI!?!” She growled at him as her and the rest of the companions went back to their sitting positions, excluding, Inuyasha and Miroku. Who was now sprawled out on the ground in a ridiculous manner with, Inuyasha standing over him, glaring down at him. The hanyou growled at Miroku with his arms planted firmly across his chest. Now it was his turn to hurt the houshi. And boy, was he going to have fun. Of course he wasn't going to kill him because he knew, if he did, the females would never talk to him again. Domo, that didn't mean he couldn't at least make him bleed.

“You wanted to know who said Lady Yume doesn't want my onnisan as a haigusha, right?” He asked Miroku who nodded, even though it brought pain to his face. He knew it wasn't as bad as the pain Inuyasha was going to give him. A mischievous smirk tugged on Inuyasha's face as the houshi winced inwardly. `I don't like that look on his face... if I didn't know him any better, I'd swear he was going to kill me...' “I DO!” Inuyasha growled at the frightened houshi as he kicked him in the stomach, causing the houshi to gag.

“INUYASHA!!” Sango yelled at the hanyou as she ran to Miroku and laid his head in her lap, which made the houshi smile at her touch. Inuyasha was too lost in his thoughts to care that Sango had just made his ears ring. `She doesn't WANT to be HIS haigusha, she WANTS to be MINE! She doesn't have FEELINGS for HIM, she has FEELINGS for ME!' He thought darkly to himself as he stomped over to where Yume was leaning against a tree and outstretched his hand to rest. Then he sat down and took her hand in his as he pulled her close, taking in a whiff of her scent. `She smells so good. I could just eat her...' Yume's scent had always had that effect on the hanyou. Every time he smelled her, it always made him want her. She was definitely a rare beauty and he loved her for it. Loved everything about her. She made him feel wanted. She made him feel like he didn't have to change, that he was fine the way he was. And he loved her for it. She froze in his grasp. The hanyou was never that forward with anyone, not even, Kagome.

A/N; ::gawks at how long this chapter is:: Wow... I didn't expect it to be this long. Hey, what can I say, when you get lost in writing a chapter you get lost in writing a chapter. AND THIS ISN'T EVEN ALL OF IT!! I had to split this chapter into two different chapters because it was TOO DAMN LONG!! It was like, 11 and half handwritten pages. HANDWRITTEN!! FRONT 2 BACK!! So, that basically says it would be the same typed, so I had to slim it down. I guess this is a good part to leave you hanging. Etou, hoped you liked it and PLEASE REVIEW!! Ja NE!

Dream; ::cries because she feels bad for, Inuyasha:: Do you think anyone will review, guys?
Kag; Of course they will. ::reassures her::
Inu; Feh! Only if you keep my good for nothing oniisan out of this!
Yume+Dream; ::eyes flash red:: INUYASHA!!! ::chases him around the house::
Inu; ::jumps over couches to get away from crazy youkai mesuinu:: Sango, Kagome, Miroku, Shippo, HELP!!!!
Kag+San; ::join the chase::
Mir+Ship; ::roll over on the floor laughing their heads off::
San; Come back here Inuyasha!!
Kag; Don't make me say the command!
Dream; ::giggles:: Yeah! Don't make her say it!
Inu; Feh! ::growls as he runs into Yume's bedroom and locks the door::
Yume; ::skids to a stop and growls in frustration:: OWUSARI!!
Inu; Mesu- ::kisses dirt::
Minna; ::stares at Yume in surprise::
Yume; ::glares:: Nani?
Dream; ::gawks:: Review please!
Minna; REVIEW!!

tRaNsLaTiOnS; ::
Manga - Japanese comics :: Otousan - father :: Youkai - demon/demons :: Ningen - human :: Mikazuki - new moon :: Shisubeki - mortal :: Kamigami - gods :: Megami - goddesses/goddess :: Hanyou - half demon :: Oniisan - elder brother :: Hi - fire :: Tsuki - moon :: Kitsune kit - fox child :: Shippo - tail :: Sesshoumaru- (the)killing perfection :: Inuyasha/InuYasha - dog demon :: Sango - coral :: Taijiya - demon exterminator :: Iie - no :: Baria - barrier :: Yume - dream :: Haigusha - mate :: Baka - idiot/stupid/retard :: Ramen - noodles :: Himemiya - princess :: Kage - shadow :: Miko - priestess :: Mesuinu - bitch :: Taiyoukai/Daiyoukai - great lord/demon lord :: Dokugai Jisannin - poison bearer :: Engetsu - crescent moon :: No - of/the :: Okami - mistress :: Tenshi - angel :: Rin - companion :: Hai-yes :: Katanna - long sword :: Kaze - wind :: Nani? - what? :: Miroku - maitreya :: Kagome - woven-bamboo pattern :: Hisama - fuck :: Gomen-sorry :: Onegai - please :: Kami - god :: Houshi -priest/monk :: Okaasan - mother :: Haori - Japanese formal coat :: Domo - but :: Etou - well :: Ja NE - goodbye :: Owusari - sit :: Minna - everyone ::


nExT cHaPtEr;`The Plan'
Does Yume have feelings for, Inuyasha? Or is Sesshoumaru, her one and only? Will Inuyasha and Kagome ever become an item? What about Sango and Miroku? Yume tells her feelings to Inuyasha and he runs off. Sesshoumaru tells his feelings to Yume then something terrible happens. Will the friends ever find their way back to each other? Or will they give in to the hatred and pain of losing each other? All this and more on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!! ::giggles:: Just kidding!!