InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Kirai Oyobi Ai ❯ the Scream of Being Separated and the Pain that follows Afterward ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Speaking stuff…”talking” `thinking' Flashback or Dream or Fantasy 'Telepathic talks'

A/N; Hey minna, here’s another chapter. I’ve revised it two times... because it’s too damn short. I’ve decided to bring Naraku into the mix a few chapters before I planned on bringing him in. So, we’re going to have a Naraku and Sesshoumaru show down. You can’t have a good story without a villain can you? Etou... I just wanted to let you know I AM a Sesshoumaru fan and I do, kinda, sorta, have a liking for Naraku... I think it’s because he creeps me out. Domo, he’s nowhere NEAR Sesshoumaru. In fact, that despicable hanyou doesn’t hold a candle to the Lord of the Western Lands, in my mind at least. And probably many others! Hope you like it... and PLEASE REVIEW!!


~*Kirai Oyobi Ai*~
By; Hikari no Yume


dIsClaImEr; the Inuyasha characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, the maker of the Inuyasha anime and manga series.


Dream; ::walks back in the house and into Yume’s bedroom, noticing the scowl on Inu’s face:: Hey! What’s up!?! ::pats Inu’s back:: Doushite the scowl, Inuyasha?
Inu; ::points to Yume and Sess:: They’re the problem!
Dream; ::giggles:: Oh, c’mon Inu-kun, Lord Sesshoumaru-sama, is the otousan of Yume’s unborn pup!
Minna; ::didn’t here that statement cuz they begin to argue::
Yume; HA! ::laughs:: We’re the problem!?! You’re the problem! Omae don’t know how to keep your hands to yourself!
Dream; ::giggles again:: ‘Thas because he’s been spending to much time with, Miroku!’
Sess; Iie,::glares at Inu:: if I’m not mistaken, you are the problem, half-breed.
Dream+Yume; ‘Good one, Sess!’
Inu; ::growls back:: BAKA ONNAS!! ‘Unborn pup...’ Wait... ::grabs Dream’s shoulders and shakes her violently:: WHADDYA MEAN, UNBORN PUP!?!
Dream; ::stutters:: ...
Yume; ::clenches fists:: INUYASHA! Let her go!!
Inu; ::growls dangerously at Dream:: TALK!!
Dream; Unborn pup... ::shakes head violently:: I don’t remember saying anything about an unborn pup, honestly Inuyasha! ::tears well in eyes as she replies nervously::
Inu; Hai, you did!!! ::growls again as eyes flash red:: When I said, ‘they’re the problem,’ you said ‘Sesshoumaru is the otousan of Yume’s UNBORN PUP!!!’
Yume; unborn... ::turns to Sess:: Sess...
Sess; ::returns her gaze:: ...
Dream; IIE, I DIDN’T, BAKA!! ::pushes him and he stumbles to the floor:: YOU HAVE HEARING PROBLEMS!!!


Chapter three; the Scream of Being Separated and the Pain that Follows Afterward

(“Bring her to me.” Void and the figure nodded, both of them disappearing into the shadows, leaving their nushi in his lust.)

The night faded and then the sun rose over the lovers as they slept in each other’s embrace. The blaze from the sun woke Yume up from her slumber with Sesshoumaru’s arms wrapped tightly around her delicate waist, holding her back against his chest. She slowly turned around so she could look at his sleeping form without him waking up. Her golden orbs descended on his face that shown with an angelic look that graced his features while he slept. ‘If anyone were to tell me that he had no heart right now, I wouldn’t believe them because of how... content he looks.’ Then her eyes landed on the markings that symbolized his royalty. The light lavender, crescent tsuki on his forehead that also symbolized him as a dokugai jisannin.

A smile graced her features as she watched him sleep. ‘He’s so beautiful when he sleeps...’ She shook her head, not content with that thought. ‘Who am I kidding? He’s always beautiful. Even when he’s angry... In fact, when he’s angry he’s the hottest creature alive.' 'My haigusha, are you awake?’ She lightly kissed his lips as she asked him telepathically. He fluttered open is eyes and gazed at her as he felt her presence wash over him again. Then his golden orbs gazed upon the same markings on her face, which symbolized her as the Princess of the Eastern Lands. Her light-blue crescent moon that also symbolized her as a dokugai jisannin as well.

‘Hai Yume, well now I am. How did you fair last night?’ Sesshoumaru questioned his haigusha as she snuggled into him more, her hands resting on his chest. Yume knew she didn’t have to answer that but humored him anyway.

You shouldn’t have to ask that. You should have known by the screams of pleasure that escaped my mouth.’ She answered back as she let herself sink into his embrace more and rested her head on his bare chest. Her heart felt content being against his, in his arms, as well as her body did. She truly felt she was his and she was purely content to be his. She was glad to be with him, to be his, and she knew he was glad as well.

‘I told you that I would make you scream one day, did I not?’ He asked as he began caressing her arm with is hand. Drawing circles on her bare skin with his claws. His heart felt content to be with her, something that he had never felt before. Here he was, with her, the tenshi of his heart in his arms. And she was now his, forever.

‘Hai, you did, koishii...’ She replied as she pulled away from his hold on her and got dress. Her golden orbs not missing the confusion that had slipped past his barrier into the open.

‘What is wrong, Yume?’ He questioned her as he too got dress. He had sensed her distress the moment she had gotten up and now he was concerned. Something was wrong and he was going to find out what. He wasn’t about to have her hide emotions from him that she had never hidden before. She turned her head and looked at him with a sense of foreboding in her gaze. The lord’s heart plummeted upon seeing his haigusha like that. They had become one, but at what cost? She knew they were about to find out.

“Inuyasha should be back soon... and I bet, Naraku,” Naraku, how she despised that name, “knows of our actions last night. We could be in great danger soon...” She trailed off as her thoughts were brought to what Naraku could and would most likely do to her if he ever got a hold of her. Sesshoumaru sensed the foreboding she felt and saw how she shuttered when she voiced the name of that despicable youkai. ‘I shouldn’t fear Naraku... I don’t fear Naraku... it’s just, I’m worried, Sesshoumaru. Onegai, you have to understand.’

“Yume, I will not let anything happen to you. You do not have to worry about that,” ‘If only things were that easy...’ He finished getting dressed as he walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

‘I know you won’t, Sesshoumaru... but you are not strong enough to beat Naraku on your own. His powers are growing at a rapid pace and it’s taking everything in me just to be a little above him...’ She stiffened a bit and looked into his eyes. “I know you won’t, Sesshoumaru. But still, I think that we shouldn’t be here... together,” she felt him loosen his grip as what she said sunk in. His eyes gazed into hers without hiding the hurt and jealously that began to form in their golden depths, “just until, Inuyasha calms down, that’s all...” She added. ‘Please don’t be angry with me...’ Sesshoumaru’s eyes began to glow red as he looked off into the distance and she almost wondered if he was really angry with her. ‘Maybe, I shouldn’t have mentioned, Inuyasha...’

‘You know damn well that that’s not the reason.’

‘Then what’s the reason?’
“Sesshoumaru, what’s wrong?” She questioned her haigusha as she took his face in both of her hands so he would focus on her instead of off in the distance.

“Yume, run,” was all he said.

“Doushite?” She questioned him as she hid her fear. She wasn’t about to let him know she was afraid and she would be dammed if she didn’t get anything else out of him beside, ‘Yume, run’.

“Naraku is coming. You must run.” Before she could do or say anything the Daiyoukai had taken her by the hand and ran to the entrance of the well, as fast as their legs would carry them. They stopped in front of it and he turned around and faced her. His eyes ordering her to do what he said. ‘I will protect her at all costs.’ “Go, jump in. Return to your era where you are safe and do not return until I come for you,” he said as he brushed her face with the palm of his hand. ‘Aishiteru...’ He whispered to her soul as she looked up at him, wondering how he could ever ask her to leave him after becoming his haigusha. Sure, Naraku was powerful and he wanted to break her, but she could handle him.

“Iie, I will not leave you. Not after becoming your haigusha... I will not leave you,” tears welled in her eyes which made his heart wrench upon seeing them. ‘How can he ask me to leave him...?’ Just like they had so long ago. She had been the only one beside Rin that had seen him show any sign of emotion that wasn’t anger and now she had to leave him to be protected. The thought of him never seeing her again surfaced in his mind and he pushed it away, not wanting for his resolve to waver. He was going protect her at all costs, even if it meant he had to lose her.

“You have to. Naraku won’t stop at anything until you are his and you know that,” he replied to her, softly as he wiped away her falling tears. ‘You must know that this is the only way for you to be safe, Yume...’ She knew wholly well that Naraku would stop at nothing until he broke her. Naraku had told her himself. But she wasn’t just about to let her haigusha fight on his own. She was going to fight by his side and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

“And you think I care? You think that I care Naraku that won’t stop at anything!?! Well I don’t! I don’t care, not one bit! I’m not going to play his games anymore and I’m not going to leave your side! NEVER!” She yelled at him as she made up her mind that she wasn’t leaving.

“You have to! NOW GO!” He took a step forward causing her to step back. He had made up his mind that he was going to send her back to her era, even if he had to make her. She was his haigusha and it was his job to protect her from all sorts of danger that were presented.

“IIE!” She screamed so loud that both of their ears began ringing.

“Yume... go back to your own era!” He ordered her while pushing her into the well. She maneuvered herself in mid fall and grabbed the edge of the well with one hand.

“Onegai, Sesshoumaru, pull me up. Let me help you defeat, Naraku... onegai,” she begged him as the tears streamed down her face even faster. Both their hearts breaking. ‘I may never be able to get back to him if I go through the well now, he must know that...’ He did know that, but he was willing to let her go.

‘I’m sorry, Yume...’

Iie...’ He took her hand in his and pulled it upward, then released it, Yume following down into the well. Then falling through time, back to hers as the blue light surrounded her, etching a face of her hurt and a scream of her fear into his heart, forever.

‘... I’ll come back for you, I promise...’


As Yume fell through time; back to her’s, The Lord of the Western Lands, took his fighting stance and blocked the entrance of the well from any approaching youkai. ‘Damn.’ Sesshoumaru sensed the hanyou approaching and waited for the sinister Naraku to show his face. Why would Naraku show his face now? Sesshoumaru hated the fact that this despicable hanyou would even think he had a chance with Yume. ‘This hanyou will pay if I lose my haigusha forever.’ Then a sinister wind began to blow making his hair flow violently.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? The Lord Sesshoumaru blocking the entrance to a well? How very peculiar...” Naraku called as he walked into the opening. Midnight black hair hanging roughly below his waist. And red orbs meeting Sesshoumaru’s cold stare. Neither one of them backing down as they fought a battle of wills. Sesshoumaru was the first to break the silence.

“What could you possibly want now, Naraku?” He asked with a stoic voice. His cold eyes never leaving Naralu’s blood red ones. Naraku laughed and starred at the Daiyoukai, sizing him up. He noticed Sesshoumaru’s new left arm and smirked. Sesshoumaru growled and waited for his answer. ‘I will wait until I get my answer before I kill him.’ He thought darkly to himself as the wind picked up, making the leaves blow violently on their branches and the birds to chirp as if something terrible was about to happen. Some even flew away. And maybe something terrible was about to happen as a black miasma began to surround Naraku’s body. Sesshoumaru glared harder and though, ‘Miasma!’

“Kukuku,” Naraku laughed as he moved closer to the Sesshoumaru. “What do I want? Have you honestly forgotten My Lord Sesshoumaru?” A sick and twisted smirk appeared as Sesshoumaru growled at him. “You cannot protect her from me for long. I will find a way to open that portal and I WILL break her as I make her my OWN!” Sesshoumaru’s eyes glowed red and his anger grew. How dare that Naraku.

Kagura peeked from behind a tree and watched the ongoing encounter. ‘I don’t understand why someone as powerful as him would want someone as her.’

“She will never be your’s Naraku. She despises you.” Sesshoumaru relied, cracking his knuckles and readying to himself to swipe Naraku’s head off. ‘He doesn’t deserve to die by my sword, deserves to die slowly’

Kagura watched on as the two lords starred eye to eye, neither one making a move. ‘I wonder who will turn out the victor this time. Last time Naraku almost fully absorbed Sesshoumaru... I wouldn’t put it pass him to not try that again.’

“Once she becomes mine, she will forget about you and your touch, Lord Sesshoumaru.” Naraku replied, breaking the eerie silence with his wicked laughter. That was it. Naraku had gone to far and pushed Sesshoumaru over the edge as his blood screamed in his ears and began to boil.

‘Must kill him... he threatens haigusha. MUST KILL!’ He lunged at Naraku and Naraku side stepped. Kagura appeared from the trees and opened her fan.

“Dance of Blades!” She yelled as Naraku disappeared and her blades made their deadly way for the Lord of the West. Sesshoumaru dodged each oncoming attack with the skill and grace he possessed.

“Kagura.” Sesshoumaru growled and lunged for the Kaze no Youjutsusha, grabbing her neck and pushing her against a tree. Kagura licked her lips as her eyes shined with her lust and Sesshoumaru growled.

“My Lord, what do you plan on doing to me now that I am in your grasp?” Kagura asked and Sesshoumaru tightened his hold on her neck and glared into her ruby red eyes.

“I’m going to let you go,” he pulled back and stepped away from her. “So you can return to your nushi and tell him that Yume will never be his. “ Kagura glared then reached up, grabbing the feather in her hair and took off into the sky, back to her master and tormentor.


Meanwhile back at the camp the remaining of the seven Inu-tachi were beginning to wake from their nights slumber. "Inuyasha still hasn't returned has he?" Sango questioned Miroku, gazing at him through sleep filed eyes. He returned her gaze.

“Iie. I believe he is still angry about what happened last night."Miroku replied as the young kitsune's brow furrowed as he began his ravings.

"Of course he is! He gets mad over the stupidest little things! What a moron..." ‘She told him she didn't love him and after him running off like that... he made her cry. I can never forgive Inuyasha for making Yume cry... never.’

"Shipp-! A jewel shard is approaching!" The young miko shrieked as she threw of her sleeping bag from her form. The others did so as well, readying themselves for a fight, as a hundred youkai flew their way. One of them saw the little fuzz ball and decided that he would be a good toy and went flying straight toward Shippo. Sango noticing where the youkai was heading threw her hirakoutsu at the impending youkai, dismantling twenty of them in one sweep. Another youkai launched for Shippo only to be rewarded with a stab threw the skull by Miroku's staff as the young kitsune jumped out of the way just in time.

What is this? Gang up on Shippo day?’ "Where in the seven hells is that Inuyasha when you need him!?!" Squeaked Shippo in sheer frustration.

"Right here!" the said hanyou yelled as he Iron Reever Soul Steelered the impending youkai that was about to harm his Kagome. The miko gazed starry eyed at Inuyasha for saving her life, which caused the hanyou to turn around and return her gaze. ‘Kagome, I...’ His eyes gazed into hers as a warm smile appeared on her face and twinkled in her eyes. How could he hurt her again? He just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her that he didn’t love her. That he was in love with Yume. He couldn’t bear to see her cry, to see her bright smile turn into a frown because of him made him feel sick inside. Sure he loved her, but not the way she wanted him to. Or maybe he was just kidding himself. Maybe he really did love her. Deep down in the depths of his heart, where he wouldn’t allow himself to go.
"You saved my life!" she hugged him tightly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. ‘Maybe I misunderstood... maybe he doesn’t love Yume.’ She told herself that over and over again. Because if she did, maybe she could make herself believe. How long had she loved him?

You’ve loved him since the moment you saw him pinned to the Goshinboku, Kagome, you just didn’t know it yet.’ Her conscience answered her, sounding like Yume. Somehow, even though Yume brought along this second love triangle, just thinking about her made Kagome’s heart settle down. "Oh Inuyasha, I thought..." The said hanyou froze in her grasp, knowing what she was about to say.

"I don't..." ‘Kagome, I’m sorry. I just... we can’t be together.’ Oh how easy it was for him just to think it. The miko’s hopes shattered as an indignant blush formed on her face. He pushed her away from him and turned around to face the remaining youkai as he cracked his knuckles. He just couldn’t tell her. But who knew he wouldn’t have to? ”I was just worried about the jewel shards." He readied himself back into his fighting stance and waited for their next move, wincing inwardly. ‘’Nice going baka! Now you’ve really done it this time. She’s gunna fucking say that stupid command and there’s not a fucking damn thing you can do about it!’

‘I thought you said you weren’t gunna hurt her again?’
His conscience questioned him.

‘You’re not helping!’

Upon hearing him say that Kagome glared daggers at his back. He had no idea how much that hurt her. How much her heart broke. And she wasn’t about to tell him that. Inuyasha could sense the shift in her scent and knew the command was coming. And so did the rest of the companions as they all winced inwardly. ‘Damn him! DAMN HIM!!’ Kagome screamed at him inwardly as her fists instantly dropped to her sides only to be clenched tightly because of her anger.

"Owusari" She yelled at the top of her lungs as the hanyou instantly dropped to the ground at the girls command, hating that dammed old hag that gave her the beads. Kagome turned on her heal and stopped off toward the direction of the well. "I'm going home." Sango saw the flickering hurt in her friend’s eyes as she turned around.

‘How could Inuyasha be so stupid? Could he honestly not see that Kagome is in love with him?’ The taijiya turned her head and glared at the hanyou. Again Inuyasha flinched inwardly. He could swear the taijiya was going to throw her hirakoutsu at him. Miroku saw the anger form on the hanyou’s face and knew that Inuyasha was going to say something stupid, something that he would later on regret.

‘Don’t you dare, Inuyasha. Don’t you dare tell Kagome that we don’t need her, because we do. And you know that we do. And you now you do also. So stop being so idiotic and just let things be...’ If only the hanyou were physic.

"Fine! See if I care!! We don't need you anymore! Yume's way more powerful than you'll ever be!!" The pissed hanyou spouted back at her retreating form. There he had said it. He had told her, but not the way he had originally wanted to. Sango and Miroku finished off the remaining youkai before they got the better of them. The young girl turned around and faced the recovering hanyou with hurt filled eyes.

I'll never be able to live up to her.’ No words escaped her mouth as her head drooped. Without a second thought she turned around and bolted for the well, not once turning back with tears falling, flying from her eyes.

Shippo growled at Inuyasha and lunged at his head, pounding it mercilessly. "Inuyasha you jerk! Why the hisama did you go and do that for!?! Go after her you dumbass!" The taijiya dropped her mouth in surprise at the young kitsune’s fowl language that he had most likely learned from their hanyou friend.

“Shippo! I can-“ Inuyasha cut her off with his newly found ravings.

“No! I will not go after her. We don’t need her anymore. We have Yume. She can help us find the jewel shards. Besides... that wench was getting on my fucking nerves!!” He growled as he glared at nothing in particular. “Yume, I... I LOVE HER!” Kagome’s chest slammed into pure muscle and she looked up into amber-gold eyes. She gasped.

“Really Inuyasha,” everyone dropped their mouths upon hearing the hanyou’s proclamation of love and the appearance of Sesshoumaru, “do you think she would ever love a half breed like you?” The youkai lord was standing tall as ever, his silver-white hair blowing in the wind. He was hiding his emotions from them just like he always had. But this time was different. The moment he heard Inuyasha’s proclamation of love toward Yume, his territorial instincts had almost practically gotten the better of him. It took every ounce of control he had to not beat down his ototo to a bloody pulp where he stood, till Inuyasha took back what he said.

‘ Gone mate... mate cry.’
The blood of Sesshoumaru was telling him. It took everything in him not to turn around and run back to Yume, to hold her in his arms. But there was something he had to do before he could hold her again. Someone he had to kill before he could return to her. The thing he didn’t realize was that there was no way for him of ever returning to her.

“S-S-Sesshoumaru, wha-“ the taijiya was again cut off but this time by Miroku. He placed an arm in front of her so she couldn’t get any closer to the Daiyoukai.

“Where’s Yume” Miroku questioned Sesshoumaru, giving him a searching glance. Trying to decipher the reason why the youkai lord was here. Inuyasha gave his older brother a death glare as he waited for him to answer. Seconds passed and Sesshoumaru didn’t answer, although he was under the death glare of his half bread brother. He didn’t even flinch. But a frown of endless sadness appeared on his delicate features.

Even though he had tried the frown of endless sadness that had appeared would not go away. No matter how hard he willed it to. He could feel his eyes begin to water and he instantly blinked them away before they threatened to fall. He would not allow any of his emotions to be shown because, to him, emotions were weaknesses, if not the only weakness.

Inuyasha rose to his feet and stood two feet away from his brother with Kagome in between them. As the hanyou came to a halt Inuyasha began questioning himself of what he saw in his brother’s eyes. He had seen a flickering emotion, an emotion that was weakness to Sesshoumaru. ‘What in the seven hells is going on here!?!’ He never had seen that emotion in his brother’s yes before. Come to think of it, he never had seen any emotion in Sesshoumaru’s eyes that wasn’t anger or hatred that was usually directed to Inuyasha alone. But there had been that one time, when Inuyasha had transformed in front of Sesshoumaru, that flickering emotion was unlike this one. That flickering emotion was... ‘Fear.’ A split second of fear and now a split second of sadness.

Inuyasha had to wonder just how much the Maiden of Dreams was affecting the Inutaishou brothers. Yume had changed them in a way Inuyasha never thought possible. She had softened up their hearts in a way no one else could. She had made their cold exteriors melt away with just one smile. But that wasn’t all true to Inuyasha. Kikyou had started the change in Inuyasha’s heart fifty years ago, when she wanted to be with him even though he was a hanyou. And Kagome, Kagome had gotten him to where he was now. She made him feel wanted, that he wasn’t alone as long as she was by his side. But Yume, she had changed him in many ways...

‘Yume helped me believe that a full fledged youkai could give a hisama. She helped, no made, me believe she didn’t care that I was a hanyou. She made me smile and laugh. She also made me cry... She made me want to be where she was. Her scent filled my senses, made me think she was all around me. She made me want her. Oh kami’s how she made me want her. And I could tell that she cared just by the smiles she gave that were only meant for me...’ Could she have also brought upon that change in Sesshoumaru? ‘Hai, if anyone could bring change upon Sesshoumaru it would be her.’ A smile tugged on Inuyasha’s cheeks despite his fowl mood.

Kagome had also seen the flickering emotion. She almost didn’t believe her eyes of what she saw until the Daiyoukai placed both of his hands on either one of her shoulders. And when he did she froze. Inuyasha began to growl and Sango gave Miroku a questioning glance. He shook his head as if in answer to her unasked question. All the little kitsune could do was just stand there in bewilderment with Kilala by his side. The two-tail was still in her transformed state. Kagome looked up and saw sadness in the once emotionless eyes of the Sesshoumaru.

“S-Sesshoumaru?” He was gazing down at her and she could feel his heartbreak riveting off his muscular body, as though it was a tangible thing.

“Yume is...” Kagome threw her arms around him and hugged him so hard as though he was going to fall apart right in front of her very eyes. She was sad for him and she didn’t hide it. She felt his pain as understanding flowed through her veins.

“It’s alright Sesshoumaru. Everything will be alright,” her words soothed him. How could the words of a ningen sooth him, the Daiyoukai of the Western Lands? ‘Because she reminds you of your haigusha.’ Everyone that was watching stood in pure bewilderment as they witnessed to what went in front of their eyes.

‘What is going on here? Where is Yume?’ They wondered. Would they ever get their answers? Only time would tell.


A/N; Wow.... this chapter is long 2. Loll... whatever I don’t have much 2 say so I hope u liked the chapter. Until next time.


Nar; well, well. Yume is pregnant.
Inu; where in the seven hells did u come from!?
Dream; from the shadows, where else?
Nar; *chuckles* my aren’t u feisty.
Dream; *gasps and hides behind Inuyasha*
Inu; u stay away from her and Yume! ::grabs the hilt of Tetsusaiga::
Nar; and if I don’t?
Yume; Sesshoumaru and I will kill u.
Dream; eh... please read and review ppl...
Nar; hai, review or u’ll b kissing ur authoress goodbye.


tRaNsLaTiOnS; :: Manga – Japanese comics :: Otousan – father :: Youkai - demon/demons :: Ningen - human :: Mikazuki – new moon :: Shisubeki – mortal :: Kamigami – gods :: Megami – goddesses/goddess :: Hanyou – half demon :: Oniisan – elder brother :: Hi – fire :: Tsuki – moon :: Kitsune kit - fox child :: Shippo – tail :: Sesshoumaru - (the)killing perfection :: Inuyasha/InuYasha – dog demon :: Sango - coral :: Taijiya - demon exterminator :: Iie-no :: Baria – barrier :: Yume-dream :: Haigusha – mate :: Baka – idiot/stupid/retard :: Ramen – noodles :: Himemiya – princess :: Kage – shadow :: Miko – priestess :: Mesuinu – bitch :: Daiyoukai – great lord/demon lord :: Dokugai Jisannin – poison bearer :: Engetsu – crescent moon :: No – of/the :: Okami – mistress :: Rin – companion :: Hai-yes :: Katanna – long sword :: Kaze – wind :: Nani? – what? :: Miroku - maitreya :: Kagome - woven-bamboo pattern :: Hisama – fuck :: Gomen - sorry :: Onegai - please :: Kami – god :: Houshi -priest/monk :: Okaasan – mother :: Haori – Japanese formal coat :: Domo? - but? :: Etou – well :: Ja NE – goodbye :: Owusari – sit :: Minna - everyone :: Kuso – shit :: Aishiteru – I love you :: Obi – kimono sash :: Hakama – man’s formal divided skirt/pants:: Nushi - master :: Naraku - hades :: Koishii - darling :: Doushite? - why? :: Kagura - ancient Shinto music and dancing :: Youjutsusha - sorceress :: Goshinboku - Sacred God Tree :: Ototo - younger brother :: Kikyou - Chinese bellflower :: Tetsusaiga/Tessaiga - Sword of Earth::


nExT ChApTeR; Chapter 4; ‘the Heartbreak’.
The lovers are separated but how long will this separation last? Will they ever find their way back 2 each other? Or will they b forever apart? What will Inuyasha do that Yume can no longer be his? All the heartbreak will b brought into the open on the next chapter of ‘Kirai oyobi Ai’