InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With A Rose ❯ From Riches to Rags ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It All Started With A Rose
Chapter Two: From Riches To Rags
I Do Own Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho
SNAP(Stupid Narrator Annoying Person): As the years past people slowly began to forget about the cursed palace. While life went on a girl was born to a wealthy merchant. The Merchant had three daughters in all. The elder two Kikyo and Yura who only thought of silks, satins, expensive jewels, and the many balls to which they were invited. The youngest, Kagome, was as kind as she was beautiful. Kagome was content with her garden and the simple round of her days.
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The flowers of the youngest daughter's garden grew tall and healthy hiding the petite girl from sight. A new gentleman had come to ask for one of her sisters hand.
“Those two hags if it wasn't for their father's money I wouldn't have even given them a second thought.” Kagome peered through the safety of her plants to see the latest would be suitor wanting to marry one of her sisters just to be sent away.
“Sir, maybe you could inquire about the youngest daughter. I have heard of her beauty.” The man's servant asked. Kagome gasped as she moved away from the flowers moving through her garden to reach her father's study.
Upon entering the office Kagome quickly forgot her fear of leaving her father's home. The aging merchant had his head in his hands quietly mumbling. “Father?” The daughter asked as she rushed to her father's side.
“My dearest child, I have lost everything. My ships that where on there way to market when they became caught in a a storm. Every ship sank.” The Merchant said hugging his daughter.
“Do not worry father everything shall be fine.” Kagome whispered.
Unfortunately, it was not. The Merchant had lost everything he had to sell his estate to buy a very small farm that was almost all rocks. The suitor's of the elder two sister's vanished just as fast as the merchant vessels had disappeared beneath the dark waves of the ocean. Life became hard for the small family Kagome as well as her father would work long and had in the field trying to raise enough to feed the family. Meanwhile, Kikyo and Yura would sit and mourn their lost wealth and their missing suitors.
The months slowly pasted. Kagome slaved away to do the household chores as well as the field work never complaining. One morning a messenger rode up to the small shack that the family called home. Yura greeted the young man hoping that he was a possible suitor.
“I have a message for your father.” The messenger said quickly handing the letter to the angered woman. Yura threw the letter down in disgust before returning to her room. Kagome found the letter much later and quickly took it to her father. Unknown to Kagome the letter would change her life forever.
End Chapter