InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With A Rose ❯ Stealing From The Beast ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It All Started With A Rose
Chapter Four: Stealing From The Beast
I Do Own Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho
SNAP: For two days, the merchant trekked towards his home. As night slowly began to fall on the second night, a heavy storm roared above. The merchant was soon drenched and shivering. He slowly stumbled through the forest never noticing he had gone off the path. As he began to give up a light flickered in the distance. The Merchant followed the light never getting closer. Again he felt like giving up when a voice softly whispered in his ear to keep going. To his surprise not to long after the whispered encouragement, he came to the open gates of a long forgotten palace hidden by trees and vines. When the merchant knocked on the door no one answered even though there were lights in several windows.
Inside the palace
“Shut up baka I'm going to let him in.” A female voice hissed.
“Hn. Baka female.” A male said back.
“You just wait till I get my hands on you, Hiei.” The woman's voice snarled.
“Uh, guys that dude just came in.” A stupid sounding voice said.
“Why didn't you tell us! Remember be nice and don't speak. He will probably leave in the morning.” The female voice said.
In the kitchen you could hear whispering.
“Botan, Kieko you two take our guest something to eat. Hiei you tell Kurama that we have a guest so he will know to stay out of sight. Miroku if you do not remove your hand from my butt I will cut it off.” The female voice from earlier said.
“But Sango I can not see you so how was I to know that I was touching you improperly?” Miroku asked.
“Bull you know we can see each other it is just Kurama or anyone that was not cursed that can not see us.” Sango said.
“Hn. We have a guest.” Hiei told the fox beast sitting in the window admiring the roses that grew there.
“Thank you for telling me. Make sure he is well cared for and has a mount in the morning.” Kurama said never looking away from the roses.
“Hn.” With that the door to the room closed living the beast alone.
Down stairs several minutes earlier.
Snap: The merchant was extremely cold so he entered the palace. The rooms were richly furnished and the walls were covered with delicate faded tapestries. He noticed that there was a table set with thin china and crystal. When the merchant set down at the table to rest he was amazed that an superb feast mysteriously appeared.
“Hello is someone there?” The merchant asked nervously but no one answered. He set looking at the food for a moment afraid to upset his unknown host but finally hunger won and he began to eat. To his amazement as soon as he tasted one dish, an even rarer one was set before him “Thank You.”
In the kitchen
“Why are we being nice to him?” A male voice asked. “Ow, what was that for?”
“Yusuke be nice can't you tell that he is most like poor.” Keiko said after having popped Yusuke upside the head.
“Fine what ever.” Yusuke grumbled rubbing his bruised head. Keiko then started to leave the room. “Hey where are you going?”
“To help Yukina and Sango prepare a room for our guest. Why don't you head out to the stable and find a horse for him. Make sure it is one of the best.” Keiko said leaving the kitchen. Yusuke then left for the stable complaining about horses hating him.
Keiko entered the room they were fixing for there guest to see two of the other girls that lived in the palace talking.
“Well lets get his room ready then we can all leave for our rooms.” Sango said. Yukina and Keiko agreed, they quickly prepared the room for the poor merchant and ended up giggling about who knows what. “Quiet he is coming.” The three girls instantly became silent. Seconds later they saw the merchant standing in the door. The three servants quickly headed out of the room closing the door behind them “Well off to bed you two I'll make sure that everything else is taken care of.” Sango said.
Kieko and Yukina did as they were told and went to bed.
The beast's room
Kurama left the room silently and headed out to the gardens. As he walked among the flowers they seemed to reach for him. The cursed fox slightly smiled the plants were the only thing he could see that didn't fear him. He had over his lifetimes gathered a number of rare and beautiful plants. This was his only comfort in life. As Youko he had been feared but not because of his looks but for his cut throat attitude but now when he had been kind and caring Kurama he was cursed. He doubted that he would ever be returned to either of previous forms. As he turned to go back in out of the rain he heard sounds of Yusuke's cussing coming from the stables. So he went to see the damage.
There in the aisle stood a black horse looking rather smug. You could see the signs of a struggle everywhere. He heard Yusuke grumbling and watched as a saddled tried to settle on the horse. Then the saddle and he guessed Yusuke went flying into the wall.
“Yusuke put that horse up and get the bay in the first stall.” Kurama then turned and headed back to the palace knowing that Hiei or Sango would most likely end up saddling the horse.
SNAP: On waking in the morning, the first thing he saw was a new outfit put in the place of his old worn ones, which had been quite ruined by rain and mud.
Out side Sango finished saddling the bay horse Kurama had picked out. When she heard the merchant exit the house she gently tugged the rains making the horse trot along side her towards the man. She watched as the merchant mounted the horse knowing that Kurama was watching from his window.
Just as the merchant was about to ride off he spied a climbing bush upon which grew large deep red roses like none he had ever seen.
“Kagome.” He whispered remembering the wish of his youngest daughter. He reached over and picked one. Immediately the most fearsome creature he had ever seen stood before him with dripping jaws and growling savagely. The beast was tall probably well over foot, had long white hair while his body was covered in the same silvery colored hair, he had a pair of white fox ears atop his head and a tail to match. But what scared him the most were the golden eyes, the full muzzle full of sharp teeth and the dangerous claws that looked like they could easily shred a human in seconds.
“How is it,” Roared the great creature, “That you reward my kindness and hospitality by stealing my roses? They are my greatest pride; rather would I part with my heart's blood than one of those red blossoms.”
“Oh, my lord,” stammered the man, “I meant no harm.”
“I am no lord, only a beast and so, pitiless. Therefore I say by your life alone can you pay for your theft.” Kurama said growling at the cowering man. The other inhabitants of the castle watched in fear for they had seen Kurama this mad only once and that man ended up being plant food.
“Surely you would not ask so great a price for a single blossom. My youngest daughter had ask me to bring her a rose and she has helped me in the fields and never complains so I thought I could at least fulfill her simple request.” The merchant said still cowering. The beast seemed to think for a minute the he hardened his gaze on the cowering man.
“If you have daughters,” Said Kurama, “ one of them may come in your place. But if either you or she does not return in a fortnight, not one of your household will be left alive.”