InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama In The Tree ❯ Chapter 3 Invitation To The Fight ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3 Invitation To The Fight
Three girls walked down the street after school headed to old Genki's shrine to visit her. They joked and laughed about something that had happened at school that day, nothing big just a little incident in the chem. Lab with the top student, Suuichi Minamino. He had accidentally mixed in the wrong chemical in with the project he was showing that class and it blew up in his face covering it in green goop. So yes that class was pretty funny today.
They were headed up the shrine steps and upon reaching the top they ran to the door of the house to see Genki. They ran in with out knocking and straight to where Genki was in the study.
“Hi Genki!” The three exclaimed giving her a hug.
“Hello girls. Oh Miki and Mika would you mind contacting Hiei and Kurama for me tell them to come here as soon as they can it's nothing drastic but they need to come here.” Genki asked the twins.
“Alright Genki.” The girl with bleach blond hair and blue eyes one lighter then the other said.
“No problem.” The girl with dark blood red hair and dark reddish brown almost black eyes added. (Yes their twins they look alike but the color of their hair and eyes are different.)
`Kurama, Hiei where are you?' The girl asked in unison telepathically.
`Hn?' He groaned in a question like way.
`What going on Miki and Mika we're at the Higurashi shrine on the other side of town.' Kurama stated back to them.
`Well Genki says she has something to tell you. She says come here as soon as you can but it's not drastic.' The girls said in unison again.
`Alright we'll be there when we can.' Kurama said and ended the link between them as Hiei did.
“Damn why are they always like that?” Miki questioned.
“Don't know glad we're never paired with him on school projects though.” Mika said with a small laugh.
*With everyone in the feudal era. *
Kagome climbed out of the well and was headed toward the village with InuYasha in toe when she remembered something she forgot.
“Damn I forgot I told Yuka and Eri I was gonna buy the gift we were giving to Ayumi for her birthday. Thanks a lot InuYasha!” Kagome yelled at him turning and heading back to the well.
“Hey where are you going?” InuYasha yelled at Kagome.
“I have to do this so don't try and stop me or I'll say it!” Kagome yelled back continuing on her trek back to the well.
“Feh!” InuYasha huffed as he took off for the sacred tree.
Kagome got to the well and hopped in headed back to her era. She got back put her bag away and headed for the shopping district on the other side of town. When she ran in to a short and creepy looking man on her way there.
“Kagome Higurashi?” The short man questioned.
“Who wants to know?” Kagome asked crossing her arms over her chest.
“Ah snippiness will get you nowhere now come with me.” The man stated.
“Sorry I don't go any where with creepy lil men.” Kagome stated.
“Don't flatter yourself I'd rather kill you very slowly. Now come with we have a proposition for you.” The little man stated starting to walk again as Kagome hesitantly followed.
*With Yusuke and the guys. *
They stopped and were observing this crash that occurred at an intersection in the shopping district. When Yusuke spotted an old face he new from their last mission of saving Yukina. When the face moved and headed away he followed wanting to know why he was there.
Yusuke followed him to a parking garage to a level that was empty aside from Kagome. `Kagome what is she doing here?' Yusuke though to himself.
“Ah now you're both here.” The man said in a deep voice, how he always speaks.
“What the hell do you want Toguro, I thought you were dead?” Yusuke ground out.
“Well you thought wrong I don't die so easily. The reason you are both here is because the committee wants you to fight in the Dark Tournament.” Toguro stated.
“What's the Dark Tournament?” Kagome asked irritated.
“It's a tournament that the richest men of the black market hold to bet on demons fighting to the death.” Toguro stated calmly with one of his wicked smiles.
“What if we refuse?” Kagome and Yusuke both asked.
“Then it's death to everyone you know and yourselves.” Toguro stated as he punched some pillars in the garage enough to make the roof crash down slowly but fast enough where Kagome and Yusuke could not escape.
“Yusuke get over here!” Kagome yelled Yusuke didn't question and got close to her and she raised a barrier as fast as she could, catching a huge slab of concrete on top of it. She slowly knelt to the floor barely being able to hold up the slab. She then shifted the dome shaped barrier to a slanted wall to make the slab slide off and she collapsed using so much energy.
“Yusuke!” Kurama called walking over the rubble.
“Yusuke where are you!” Kuwabara called going in another direction over the rubble while Hiei just kind of looked around.
“Oh man! Oh no Kagome!” Yusuke sat up in the rubble small chunks rolling off him when he remembered Kagome passed out. He unburied her and noticed she was still alive.
“Yusuke what happened?” Questioned Kurama as both him and Kuwabara moved quickly over to him with Hiei in toe.
“Toguro's back, and he said we have to fight in the Dark Tournament.” Yusuke said anger evident in his voice.
“Come on we have to get Kagome out of here and to a place where she can rest. We'll have to take her to Genki's she's closer.” Kurama said.
“Alright let's move.” Kuwabara said picking up his cousin and carried her the couple of blocks to Genki's. Everyone followed behind him they went the back way as to not draw attention so it took a little longer then usual.
They got to Genki's with little problem aside from Kagome's skirt, being so short and it being so windy that day. Just to keep her dignity intact Kurama put a small vine around her skirt to keep it against her thighs. At Genki's Kuwabara laid Kagome on a futon at Genki's so Genki could look her over and make sure she had not retained any injury from the collapse of the garage. After Genki finished concluding Kagome was in perfect health just exhausted from expelling so much energy on the barrier.
Kagome woke around an hour later wondering where she was and why she was here. She slowly got up and moved to the door upon opening it she saw people sitting on the little porch hall. She recognized them instantly except for four of them.
“Hey Kazuma where are we?” Kagome asked her cousin.
“We're at old lady Genki's.” He said pointing to Genki.
“How are you feeling after exerting so much spiritual energy.” Genki asked Kagome.
“Well tired and I have a slight head ache.” Kagome stated.
“Ah that is normal for using so much energy and not being used to doing it.” Genki stated.
“Alright so who's that Toguro guy and what exactly is this Dark Tournament?” Kagome asked.
“Well Yusuke and Kuwabara encountered him on Yusuke's last mission.” Kurama stated.
“We thought we killed that bastard but as you can see he didn't die.” Yusuke stated.
“Ok so what is this Dark Tournament?” Kagome asked again.
“Well is something that the riches men of the black market set up as a way to have the enjoyment of demons slaughtering each other. Every year one or more human teams are invited to enter.” Genki stated.
“More like forced.” Yusuke huffed.
“Well they bet on the fights and enjoy watching the humans get slaughtered and the demons also. But not always does a demon team win. So all of you have a chance at the prize, which is one wish for each team member. Anyway give it your all. Oh and you'll need a team of five to enter.” Genki stated.
“Great where are we gonna get a fifth member?” Kawabara asked.
“Leave that to me I'm sure I can find some one.” Yusuke stated.
“What about you Kagome do you know of four others for your team?” Kurama asked.
“Well yeah I think I have to find out how I'm gonna get them here.” Kagome stated.
“Oh and the tournament is always held the same time which is in three months. So all of you better train very hard because there are demons there that rank is the A class power.” Genki stated.
“Well then we better hop to then.” Kagome stated.
“Yes go home get some rest tonight and Yusuke you report back here I have more to teach you. The rest is for all of you.” Genki stated.
They all left and headed home when Miki, Mika, and the girl from earlier came back.
“Thank you for coming back girls I need to speak with you.” Genki stated.
“Alright what's up?” The twins asked at the same time.
* With Kagome. *
Kagome rushed home taking a cab across town after quickly picking up Ayumi's gift. She got home rushed up stairs got supplies ready for close to three months worth. She gave her mom Ayumi's gift and told her to apologize to her friends for her. Told her she wouldn't be back for close to three months gave her a hug and took off down the well after leaving the house.
Kagome climbed out of the well quickly and ran as fast as she could to Keade's to tell everyone. She burst through the reed door and dropped her bag startling everyone including InuYasha, Shippou, and Kirara.
“Kagome child what is the matter?” Keade asked.
Kagome huffed and puffed for about a minute to catch her breath. “We have to start training and training hard.” Kagome stated in a breathy voice.
“Why?” InuYasha was the first to ask.
“Been forced into a fighting tournament where the fights are some times to the death.” Kagome huffed sitting down.
“Wait a tournament for fighting?” Sango questioned.
“Yeah demons, humans, well it doesn't matter the race as long as you can fight.” Kagome stated.
“How were you forced to participate in this tournament?” Miroku questioned.
“They threatened to kill the one I care for and me. To prove they could they attempted to with a situation they new we could get out of.” Kagome stated.
“What did they do?” Asked Shippou.
“They made a big stone building collapse on us. If I had not used a barrier me and Yusuke would probably be dead.” Kagome stated.
“Well tomorrow then we go hunting for demons hell let's even send a message saying demon slayers are back in business.” Sango almost shouted happy for a little more fighting action.
“Sango's right let's do this.” Miroku added.
“Kikyo we can't do this with out you will you help?” Kagome stepped over to her and knelt in front of her with an almost pleading look.
“Yes let's do it!” Kikyo called. (Yes out of character I know but all well it brings a little more life to the story. ;P )
They all went to sleep early so they could get the message sent early and so they could start traveling early.
*With Miki and Mika. *
“Hey I wanna get in on this to let's get a team together.” Mika suggested.
“Yeah but who we don't know anyone that isn't already on a team?” Miki questioned.
“Well we do have our trusty magick so lets bring back some of the best fighters in time. Like that priestess that created the Shikon jewel, and the Demon Lord of the west.” Mika stated.
“Yeah but we need five with them it'll only be four of us. Oh what about that bat demon friend of Kurama's the one we found in his memories.” Miki suggested.
“Yeah that's perfect. Let's get to work on these spells.” Mika said rushing to their magick self. The self has all their books and supplies for their magick. They pulled out a book hidden on the back of the top self and flipped through it searching for their spell.
* With Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei. *
They're walking down the street Kuwabara told them he had something to ask them.
“Hey guys could you train me?” Kuwabara asked.
“Well this is a bold request isn't it Hiei?” Kurama joked.
“Why would I train a weakling like you?” Hiei stated more then asked.
“Well Yusuke has Genki, Kagome has who ever she has and well could you train me please I'll work real hard. Come on you both are already good enough that you don't really need to train.” Kuwabara pleaded.
“Well I have no problem with it Hiei are you gonna help me?” Kurama asked.
“I'm not doing this to help you I'm doing this so I can kill Toguro.” Hiei stated.
“Works for me.” Kuwabara stated and they all went their separate ways.
Hiei went with Kurama cause he doesn't have a place in ninjenkai and he wanted a descent place to sleep so he could have all of his energy. Shiori had no problem with it being Kurama said he was a friend from school and that his parents were going out of town for a while. So Shiori gave Hiei their guest room to use while he stays with them.