InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama In The Tree ❯ Chapter 2 Waking To A Pretty Face ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2 Waking To A Pretty Face
Yusuke and Hiei stayed the night with Kuwabara and Shizuru at Kagome's. They just hung around the house the next day waiting for Kurama to wake. Kagome went up to change his bandages yet again in the late afternoon. Taking everything she needed with her, Shizuru came up to help her.
Kurama then decided to slowly come back into consciousness yet again this time deciding to stay. He opened his eyes and saw Kagome first then looked to Shizuru.
“So red you're finally awake.” Shizuru stated.
“Shizuru where am I?” Kurama questioned very confused.
“That would be my house.” Kagome stated.
“Who are you?” Kurama asked the girl he had never seen before or thought he had never seen before.
“Kagome Higurashi I'm the one who's been tending to your wounds.” Kagome stated finishing putting on the bandaging around his torso.
“Thank you.” Kurama stated.
The wound on his stomach was now almost completely healed, so he slowly started to get up. But Kagome stopped him with both her hands holding his arms in place.
“You shouldn't get up yet let yourself rest a bit more.” Kagome stated.
“I'm fine I wish to go for a walk.” Kurama stated.
“Alright then let someone help you up.” Shizuru put her left hand on his left shoulder, as she moved to the left side of him, and slipped her right arm behind his neck and to his right shoulder to help him up.
With Shizuru's help he made it to his feet with little pain and headed for the door following Kagome. She led him downstairs and outside where Kuwabara, Hiei and Yusuke were sparring out of boredom.
“So your alive!!!” Kuwabara said in that happy dorky voice of his. Then all of a sudden two fists hit him in the back of the head.
Yusuke and Hiei looked at Kurama while Kuwabara was falling to the ground. With fairly dumb looks they looked to Kuwabara on the ground then back to Kurama.
“So your up?” Yusuke said.
Hiei smirked a little then went back to his normal face.
“So how did you guys find me???” Kurama asked.
“The fool down there happens to be your nurses cousin.” Hiei said with his arrogant attitude and a smirk.
Yusuke started laughing and Kurama was blushing when Shizuru came back out of the house.
“Well this is an interesting turn of events. Hiei is finding this amusing. When did hell freeze over and then thaw?” Shizuru asked.
Hiei started to chuckle before she said this but shut up quickly then jumped up into the God tree to sulk. Yusuke then started busting out laughing so hard that he couldn't breath. While Kagome just stood there not doing anything cuz she was not certain how these people acted.
Not long after everyone settled down low and behold Boton popped out of a portal.
“Well whose this new member of the party???” Kagome asked in an even voice leaning against the house crossing her arms and legs looking pointedly at Boton.
“Well…Umm…You see…Hee hee hee… oops.” Boton stuttered not knowing what to say.
“Did you get them yet?” A voice came from out of nowhere.
Boton pulled out a metal briefcase like box then opened it to reveal Koenma on a screen.
“Also who is binky boy???” Kagome asked still how she was.
Everyone was staring shocked at Kagome for they never thought she had this much spirit energy.
“Boton what are you doing close the case?! Close the case!” Koenma shouted.
“What's the point in that binky boy I already seen you many a time before?” Kagome said evenly.
“What does she mean by that pacifier breath?” Yusuke questioned very confused.
“Ummm…I don't know I don't recognize her.” Koenma said.
“Maybe my name will refresh your memory. Kagome now say it with me Ka…go…me…say it now.” Kagome said as if talking to a little child.
Hiei's eyes got very big at her name remembering a myth with the name Kagome in it that was only around in the makai. Kurama also recognized it or well I should say Youko, Suuichi new nothing of it.
“Well uh I don't think I remember…” Koenma stated trying to think he knew the name sounded familiar. “George go look and see if you can find anything!” Koenma shouted getting irritated.
“Wait tell him to search it in the files that have to do with the Shikon no tama.” Kagome stated before George had a chance to leave Koenma's office.
“Wait the Shikon No Tama that's been lost ever since the defeat of Naraku 500 years ago. What could you know of it?” Koenma questioned getting very confused he couldn't remember for the life of him if he knew this girl.
“Damn it binky boy it really hurts you don't remember me though. Why not come here and see if a close up would help.” Kagome stated in a fake hurt voice that surprisingly no one saw through.
Koenma then coming through a portal next to Botan appeared in his teen form. Kagome just continued leaning against the wall, as he looked her up and down.
“I'm sorry I still don't remember you.” Koenma stated putting his hands in his pockets and attempting his cool act.
“Oh man maybe this'll help you remember.” Kagome again spun around and pulled her bow and an arrow out of nowhere pointing it at Koenma, as the tip started to glow in an azure light.
“Ah Kagome I'm sorry I remember you now just please don't shoot me.” Koenma begged as he remembered this same girl pointing this same arrow at him 500 years ago, and at many demons.
Botan started panicking as Koenma hid behind her.
“You really think I'd shoot a friend I was just trying to get you to remember.” Kagome stated lowering her bow and it disappeared. (Yeah she just learned to do that actually. The whole bow appearing and disappearing thing.)
“I remember everything you that half demon InuYasha….” Koenma trailed off as Kagome cut him off.
“Speak of the devil I wondered when he'd figure out how to get back?” Kagome stated.
InuYasha then whipped open the well house door just about shattering it. He was beyond pissed.
“Kagome how dare you seal the fucking well?!” InuYasha yelled at her.
“I only did that because you brought in that undead bitch to the team and I wanted to get away!” Kagome shouted back.
“I only did that because I thought we could find the jewel shards faster!” InuYasha shouted back.
Everyone just stood and watched the fight play out as the two shouted at each other.
“Even though you sure as hell know that I hate that walking clay planter.” Kagome shouted.
“Why do you hate her so much any way what did she do?!” InuYasha shouted back.
“Uh I don't maybe because she's been trying to steal my soul ever since she was fucking brought back from the dead. And it was your fault it happened.” Kagome shot back.
“ No it wasn't it was the bitch's fault that stole her ashes.” InuYasha shouted.
“That's it SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT!” Kagome shouted the sits at the top of her lungs.
InuYasha slammed into the concrete and was repeatedly pounded down in to it making an InuYasha shape crater. He grumbled into the ground being of course he couldn't move.
“What's going on out here?” Kagome's mother stepped outside from the kitchen door and looked over the area.
Everyone froze in his or her shoes (That's if they were wearing any.) except Kagome she just stood there looking pissed.
“Kagome how could you ruin more concrete it's becoming rather troublesome to keep replacing it after you sit InuYasha.” Kagome's mother accused in a mother like way.
“Sorry mom it was an accident InuYasha made me mad again.” Kagome stated in an innocent little girl like voice and put a matching look on her face.
“Well it's alright now just make sure if you must sit him again do it in the grass.” Kagome's mom caved at her innocent play and brushed the mishap off.
Everyone but Kagome stared at Kagome's mom like she grown two heads. After Kagome's mom went back inside the sit command wore off and InuYasha stood back up grumbling to himself about bitches, mikos, periods, and their pissy attitudes.
“Excuse me want to rephrase that InuYasha.” Kagome glared at him with that face of hers that says behave or I'll say it.
“Nnno!” InuYasha said in a slightly panicked voice.
Meanwhile Kurama and Hiei got a telepathy message from someone they needed to talk to saying it was rather urgent.
“Hey Yusuke we have to go to Genki's something has come up at the shrine.” Kurama stated.
“Wait how did you know I sent Botan here to tell you that?” Koenma asked puzzled.
“Uh students of Genki's, they send us a message.” Kurama stated.
“So we'll see ya later.” Yusuke said turning to leave.
Everyone else said his or her goodbyes and left following him. Kagome and InuYasha stayed, though Kagome decided to head back to the feudal era. She turned, went to the house to grab her bag just leaving InuYasha there. She came back out and went to the well house to jump in the well. InuYasha followed soon after.