InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction. I am an fanfiction author, with little hope for going beyond that in the writing field. The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
Warnings: AU(Alternate Universe); Strong, lewd, or suggestive language; violence; slight gore; shounen-ai ("boy love"); yaoi (m/m sexual situation/s), some OOCness(within reason, I think)
(A/N):Ahh! it lives! This is the Sequel to "Love From the Ashes" and "Life From Love" It would be best to read those first, though you're free to take your chances winging it. This fic, unlike the last two, is a crossover with Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm assuming in writing this that the readers are familiar with the series.Trying to exsplain the consepts of the anime to those who are not would, in my opinion, take away from the story. Sorry. This story is set in the LFtA and LFL universe in Kagome's modern day, sometime after her return from the past. The Yu Yu Hakusho timeline is continued from sometime directly after the Dark Tournament and is AU from there.
"Shippo" a wide grin in responce
"yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?" his voice is a sing-song tone only he and Sesshoumaru's mate and general, Reika, could get away with.
"exactly what is it you do here again?" Shippo lets the pen fall into his open palm
"besides give this company it's youth and appeal?" Sesshoumaru send a slanted look in his direction, getting a small laugh as kistune moves to lean elbows on the taiyoukai's sleekly designed desk. Painted black metal and a glass top, picked out by Shippo personaly along with all the other furniture in the office which was once as dreary looking as his office 500 years ago.
"besides wear on my nerves"
"aw, that hurts here" Shippo places a hand over his heart "but, besides that-- I observe and predict trends as well as do field research conserning consumer groups, mostly youth" He gives a winning smile at the end of his clearly rehearsed line. Sesshoumaru sighs, running a hand through recently cut hair. Both of his arms were now present, the one he'd lost to Inuyasha having grown back some time ago.
"Tell me, kit, you are not doing this now why?" Shippo's nose scrunches up sligtly at the 'kit'
"I'm not schedualed to leave out yet, too early" he rest his chin in his hands, eyes still smiling. Really Sesshoumaru had mellowed out over the years, otherwise he'd be dead by now, but he was still a stoic hard-ass when it came to business and Makai. After the barriers had been formed he'd maintained the western territory, there-in making him one of the most powerful and respected lords in Makai. The heads of the city governments in his territory still all worked for him.
"How much longer?" Despite all that it was still fun to mess with him once in a while. He was a kitsune for kami's sake! He hardly ever got to even go to Makai and let loose these days between Sesshoumaru keeping him busy here and Kagome. Sesshoumaru's part in the matter probably had alot to do with the trouble he was driven to get into there. It was hardly his fault though, really, for a youkai rhealm, Makai had way too many rules.
"I'll be leaving out in a few hours at least" Shippo answers finally, standing up straight "so~, I think I'll go for a walk" he makes his way to the office door, a grin, all fangs gracing his features as he opens it
"--in Makai, bye!"
"Shippo!" the door slams shut, the faint sound of the kitsune's footsteps following as he makes his getaway, no doubt causing an uproar in his office.
"Sorry Sesshou-kun, I'll be back later~!" eyebrow twitching spastically Sesshoumaru presses the button for his secretary
"I need you to schedual a replacement for the kit, on stand-by, he may not make it back in time for his assignment"
"Right away sir."
'Little brat, I'll have his tails if he skips out again.'
Shippo grins to himself, eyes scanning the forest around him, everything but his pants were discarded somewhere in Sesshoumaru's office building. He was going to enjoy this free time, and having a nice run. Dropping his illusion he distractedly pushes back the plants leaning in to taste his energy. He stretches upwards onto his toes, his grin turning into a smirk.
'Maybe I'll find a bit of fun too' with an excited twitch of his tail he takes off into the brush.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
Sengoku Jidai - Japan's Warring States Era, The time Kagome ends up in when she meets Inuyasha.
Kitsune - Japanese for 'fox'. Though I try to avoid using 'fangirl Japanese', since I used 'kit' to refer to Shippo in the last story it feels weird refering to him as 'fox' now. So I'll use kitsune, even if it's just me. Youko/Kurama will be referred to as 'fox' or 'youko'
-chan = (affectionate)used with small children and close friends as well as with family and 'love interests', sometimes used for pets/animals
-san = (polite)wide range use, can be used 'like' Mr, Mrs or Ms but does not directly translate. It can also be used for animals "neko-san" neko= cat
-kun = (affectionate) used with close friends or boy/girlfriends, rarely used with girls, but not strictly reserved for males
-sama = (highly polite/respectful) used to refer to those from someone you respect highly "Tekeda-sama" to a lord or lady to a god "kami-sama" kami= god/deity
-sensei =(respectful) used to refer to a teacher or mentor, etc. Most commonly used for teachers.
Warnings: AU(Alternate Universe); Strong, lewd, or suggestive language; violence; slight gore; shounen-ai ("boy love"); yaoi (m/m sexual situation/s), some OOCness(within reason, I think)
(A/N):Ahh! it lives! This is the Sequel to "Love From the Ashes" and "Life From Love" It would be best to read those first, though you're free to take your chances winging it. This fic, unlike the last two, is a crossover with Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm assuming in writing this that the readers are familiar with the series.Trying to exsplain the consepts of the anime to those who are not would, in my opinion, take away from the story. Sorry. This story is set in the LFtA and LFL universe in Kagome's modern day, sometime after her return from the past. The Yu Yu Hakusho timeline is continued from sometime directly after the Dark Tournament and is AU from there.
:: Life And Living It ::
Watching the youkai lord flip through the company's weekly reports, Shippo balances a pen atop his nose, his eyes following the youkai's movements. The shuffle of papers and the constant tick of the clock the only sounds in the room. Pushing back a smile the kitsune* continues to stare. There was an all too familiar subtle twitch of taiyoukai's perfectly arched brow. He'd seen it enough times to know Sesshoumaru was annoyed, and it amused him greatly to know it was his doing, of course Inuyasha had started the twitch. The youkai had apparently developed it sometime around the time the pack moved permanetly into the Western Lands, back in the Sengoku Jidai*. The smile finds his face as he recalls fond memories of the hanyou. He had, despite Sesshoumaru's best efforts, taken very strongly after his father-figure. Partially because of that, the twitch remained.-NoodleSub
"Shippo" a wide grin in responce
"yes, Sesshoumaru-sama?" his voice is a sing-song tone only he and Sesshoumaru's mate and general, Reika, could get away with.
"exactly what is it you do here again?" Shippo lets the pen fall into his open palm
"besides give this company it's youth and appeal?" Sesshoumaru send a slanted look in his direction, getting a small laugh as kistune moves to lean elbows on the taiyoukai's sleekly designed desk. Painted black metal and a glass top, picked out by Shippo personaly along with all the other furniture in the office which was once as dreary looking as his office 500 years ago.
"besides wear on my nerves"
"aw, that hurts here" Shippo places a hand over his heart "but, besides that-- I observe and predict trends as well as do field research conserning consumer groups, mostly youth" He gives a winning smile at the end of his clearly rehearsed line. Sesshoumaru sighs, running a hand through recently cut hair. Both of his arms were now present, the one he'd lost to Inuyasha having grown back some time ago.
"Tell me, kit, you are not doing this now why?" Shippo's nose scrunches up sligtly at the 'kit'
"I'm not schedualed to leave out yet, too early" he rest his chin in his hands, eyes still smiling. Really Sesshoumaru had mellowed out over the years, otherwise he'd be dead by now, but he was still a stoic hard-ass when it came to business and Makai. After the barriers had been formed he'd maintained the western territory, there-in making him one of the most powerful and respected lords in Makai. The heads of the city governments in his territory still all worked for him.
"How much longer?" Despite all that it was still fun to mess with him once in a while. He was a kitsune for kami's sake! He hardly ever got to even go to Makai and let loose these days between Sesshoumaru keeping him busy here and Kagome. Sesshoumaru's part in the matter probably had alot to do with the trouble he was driven to get into there. It was hardly his fault though, really, for a youkai rhealm, Makai had way too many rules.
"I'll be leaving out in a few hours at least" Shippo answers finally, standing up straight "so~, I think I'll go for a walk" he makes his way to the office door, a grin, all fangs gracing his features as he opens it
"--in Makai, bye!"
"Shippo!" the door slams shut, the faint sound of the kitsune's footsteps following as he makes his getaway, no doubt causing an uproar in his office.
"Sorry Sesshou-kun, I'll be back later~!" eyebrow twitching spastically Sesshoumaru presses the button for his secretary
"I need you to schedual a replacement for the kit, on stand-by, he may not make it back in time for his assignment"
"Right away sir."
'Little brat, I'll have his tails if he skips out again.'
Shippo grins to himself, eyes scanning the forest around him, everything but his pants were discarded somewhere in Sesshoumaru's office building. He was going to enjoy this free time, and having a nice run. Dropping his illusion he distractedly pushes back the plants leaning in to taste his energy. He stretches upwards onto his toes, his grin turning into a smirk.
'Maybe I'll find a bit of fun too' with an excited twitch of his tail he takes off into the brush.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
Sengoku Jidai - Japan's Warring States Era, The time Kagome ends up in when she meets Inuyasha.
Kitsune - Japanese for 'fox'. Though I try to avoid using 'fangirl Japanese', since I used 'kit' to refer to Shippo in the last story it feels weird refering to him as 'fox' now. So I'll use kitsune, even if it's just me. Youko/Kurama will be referred to as 'fox' or 'youko'
-chan = (affectionate)used with small children and close friends as well as with family and 'love interests', sometimes used for pets/animals
-san = (polite)wide range use, can be used 'like' Mr, Mrs or Ms but does not directly translate. It can also be used for animals "neko-san" neko= cat
-kun = (affectionate) used with close friends or boy/girlfriends, rarely used with girls, but not strictly reserved for males
-sama = (highly polite/respectful) used to refer to those from someone you respect highly "Tekeda-sama" to a lord or lady to a god "kami-sama" kami= god/deity
-sensei =(respectful) used to refer to a teacher or mentor, etc. Most commonly used for teachers.