InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Atypical Morning After ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): Dun Dun Dun! *drama* The Morning After!!! Only not as awkward!
And the foreshadowing . . . is almost painfully obvious! :]

'Oh my god . . . .it wasn't a dream' groaning loudly Kurama rolls over onto his stomach, burying his in his pillow. Even without prompting from his other half Shuichi could take a guess at the kind of soreness one would have after a night like his. There's a knock on the door in teh middle of his sulk.
"Shuichi, honey, are you up? Your friend Yusuke is here, he says you had plans?"
'Looks like Koenma has no consideration for morning afters-- and really Shuichi you should be happy. I was right all along, you enjoyed yourself so much he had to cast a muffling spell around the room' Youko chuckles, Kurama raises his head from the pillow with some efffort
"Alright mother, I'm up!" he manages half-coherently before letting it fall right back into place
"I'll tell him, hurry now" her footsteps pad away
'--and you could cheer up frankly, because you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it, participate actively and wouldn't be adverse to a second encounter' Youko sounds immensely smug
'You know what, you annoy me . . . and I'm sore' Slowly dragging himself out of bed Kurama walks gingerly towards the bathroom and the eventual clean feeling
'Ah my boy, I've sheltered you, if anything you're the good kind of sore' Going to remove the seeds from his hair Kurama pauses, remembering that he'd taken them out last night. A blush forms.
'How is any sore good?' He gathers his bathing things from their usual spots
'When it comes from a good thing of course, 'pleasant ache' it's called-- I'll relate it to you're goody-goody tendencies: If you're muscles are sore from, say . . . helping a kindly old lady that was kicked of her condemned home move her things into her new place' there's a pause 'or something like that' He goes through his bathing rituals quickly, spending as little time as possible on the bath stool whilst still washing his body and hair thoroughly . A soak was out of the question for now.* Shame that. He could used one.
'Yes yes fine, but I can hardly find something good about having to sit carefully all day'
'First, you're over exaggerating, you're hardly sore, Shippo-kun was quite gentle and attentive . . . you're surprisingly unromantic' Youko grins 'don't ningen love romance?'
'Unromantic!? Are you serious!?' Kurama moves to fill his bath bucket
'–every time you sit you'll remember . . . but of course that might cause unwanted erections'
'Of course' He pours the water over his head, ignoring Youko's comments for the rest of his time in the room, and dressing in the same way. After running a brush through his hair a few times and replacing his seeds in addition to a few from his collection, he makes his way downstairs

"Yo, Kurama!" Yusuke waves the V sign at him from the table where Kurama's mother had set a plate of seafood riceballs from the night before in front of him
"Yusuke" Raising an eyebrow he makes his way over to the table, pressing a kiss to his mothers cheek, glancing down at the home and garden magazine she was reading with her coffee. Swiping a riceball from Yusuke's plate Kurama takes a large bite
"Hey!" he grins down at the detective, not bothering to sit. Yusuke grabs up the last two riceballs, taking a bite out of both, suddenly resembling a disgruntled chipmunk
"We should go as soon as you finish up" Kurama finishes off his own riceball
'Hungry?' Youko's voice is amused, Shuichi almost scowls outwardly
'I burned up all of the food energy from dinner when-- . . . he came back through the window!'
'Very clever of him really, mother would have suspected something if he was suddenly spending the night. A little taste of what was to come, he leaves in front of mother supposedly to his own home for dinner and leaves us to refuel and build anticipation, then he's back and it's everything I said it would be' Youko growls contently 'sooner or later I intend to have him as he had us'
'So this isn't over?' Shuichi doesn't quite accomplish sullenness
'Not nearly yet, not if I have anything to do with it, don't sound so disappointed. You're a bad actor'
"You there?" Kurama jumps slightly, blinking owlishly at the boy who was suddenly standing right in his face. Yusuke lowers his hand, raising an eyebrow
"Yes . . .sorry Yusuke, what was it?"
"I said we can go now" he waits for Kurama to say goodbye to his mother and until they're out of the door before continuing "it's just you and Hiei today" the dark-haired boy offers
"Just us?" His brow creases, giving the tentai a questioning look. Yusuke shrugs helplessly "all I know is Koenma sent me to get you since Botan was swamped and he didn't have the clearance or something to come himself" The dark haired boy stuffs his hands into his pockets "maybe it's a mission only youkai can do-- I'm not complaining, but I think that's pretty weird" he shrugs again "I mean me and Kuwabara, we've been to Makai before"
"Right" Kurama's brow creases further 'I have a bad feeling about this'
'Perhaps it has something to do with the Lady of the Western Lands'
'The youkai with the lavender-white hair that you had us bow to?' there's a touch of resigned anger in his voice, Youko is silent for a moment
'Yes, her-- he might want us to do something stupid for his side, tension between Enma and Western Lord has been building since before even I was born, over the creation of the barriers. Enma is a demi-god, lower than a kami but with significant power. He created the barrier with the help of his power and monks he persuaded by posing as a servant of Buddah from a higher plane. The worlds split violently and the Western Lord lost people important to him, his human wards and even the human monk who'd mated with his half-youkai brother' Youko shrugs mentally 'I may explain later about that-- but, since the monk was mated to a being with youkai blood he was sorted to the Makai, had his spiritual powers stripped from him. It was supposedly very painful and damaging, he never really recovered. He dies and of course his mate, the half youkai follows him. The Western Lord blames Enma for the deaths'
'Rightly, I'd say' Kurama looks over at the Detective strolling casually next to him, he was whistling softly, his eyes are drawn to the ningen's soft looking pink lips. He quickly turns away, embarrassed, a memory from the night before flashing up in his head. Chuckling softly Youko continues
'The Lord even then was pretty powerful, he manages to rip a hole into the, at that time, slightly unstable barriar and he reclaimed a large area of Japan in the West as his as it had been before. Enma tried to stop him of course but he's not exactly in the Kami's favor and he looses multiple times' Kurama's brow creases at that statement
'So the kami were to a point . . . helping a youkai?' a mental shrug on Youko's part
'Sure, there are a number of kami who have created descendents who were youkai while the others were creating humans or created both. Inari created both, mostly the humans who became physical laborers and worked the land, a lot worked rice fields--of course, but fox youkai are also descendants of Inari. She's an earth based kami, that's why I can manage to manipulate plants and use earthy magiks. The lord’s family is one of dog youkai with light and energy based powers, descendent of the thunder kami. He's a pretty influential guy where kami are concerned'
'How do you--'
"We're here" Yusuke stops in front of a dingy looking alley, Kurama glances suspitiously down it
"Here?" he raises an eyebrow, bad feelings about this mission report set
"Boton's opened a portal and concealed it at the end of the alley, it'll close after you've gone through" Yusuke glances down the street, glaring at a boy who stares too long in passing "I'll see you then?" Kurama nods
"Yes" He heads down into the alley as Yusuke heads off.


Bathroom section - Kurama is washing outside of the bathtub, stool, bucket and what ever else he needs. In an un-Americanized bathroom there is a faucet low on the wall and drain in the floor for the water to drain out when he rinses, etc. The bathtub itself is used for soaking or relaxing after you've gotten clean.

tbc . . .

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