InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Wanted Men . . . er, Youkai ( Chapter 18 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): OK, I have so not forgotten about Kagome, this is her . . . not a lot, but her.(Ok, so maybe I did kind of forgot--but! it was because I'm writing another IY/YYH crossover with Kagome as the main character and so the scene I was planning on writing with her . . . I thought I already had until I just went back to check, yeah *sheepish*)
A small bag containing her miko garbs and her quiver over her shoulder, her bow in her hand, Kagome follows the grey-haired woman onto a medium sized range. Red and white targets are set up against a brick wall a ways away from the painted blue line they were approaching. Her eyes wander a bit as they walk, the place was huge, and while in good shape, noticeably ancient. Her grandfather would love to set up a tour for this place, well after attempting to vanquish Yukina-san. Upon arriving Kagome had almost given herself a heart attack when her powers reached out for the peaceful looking youkai when she’d answered the door, thankfully she had only healed a cut the youkai had acquired when she was attempting to clean up a broken tea cup just a moment before. After a slightly shaky thanks, the blue-haired female handed her the bow she'd dropped in her surprise and led her to Genkai.
"You can transfer your power into those arrows correct?" a scratchy voice interrupts her thoughts, Genkai stands slightly off to the side of the line
"Ah, yes, I can" She gets an expectant stare "Oh! You want me to show you" giving the older woman a sheepish look she shrugs off her bag and puts herself at the line in front of the middle target. Positioning the arrow she pulls the string taunt she goes through the familiar motions of transferring her power, combining the instinctive with the practiced, the arrow glows a soft lavender. The arrow hits the second ring from the bulls eye, she watches as the power circulating around the arrow disappears. She turns back towards Genkai, a bit apprehensive
"Hnm, I have a hard job ahead of me then" the old woman clasps her hands behind her back "I'd like to see a bulls eye every time at some point soon" Kagome's eyes widen "more control and power" she gives the young miko a critical eye "I'd also like to train you in some other weapons and hand to hand. A long range weapon is well and good for an opponent far away but not one in your face" she grunts softly "You'll work on the control first, Yukina should feel safe here." she raises an eyebrow, getting a guilty look from Kagome "I’d also like for you to stay here while you train, that'll mean a lot of things, but first you have to agree to my training" again there is that expectant/impatient look
Kagome give a questioning look "I thought I already did?"
"Hnm" Genkai inclines her head "you agreed to come see me, Now that you've met me and we've talked a bit you can decide if you want to train with me." Kagome goes to open her mouth, stopping when Genkai raises her hand "I won't go easy on you because you're a girl" she gives her a stern look "Since you didn't willingly attack Yukina I'm guessing you're not that kind of miko who only sees black and white, I am not a miko but a Reikai and martial arts master, I specialize in ki-- or power control and mostly hand to hand combat" She pauses "my training will be hard and you'll probably be hurting at the end of the day but you'll have control and you won't have to worry about killing someone you might like" Genkai catches the shocked concerned look on the girl's face "My home, my rules, and I expect the respect any sensei expects and full effort, not a lot to ask" Kagome nods shortly "are you willing to train under me?"
"I am." Kagome nods sharply, face determined "I want to learn control and . . . knowing how to defend myself other ways wouldn't hurt, but" she bites her lip "I'm not sure about the staying here . . If you think it'd be best I could talk to my mother and grandfather" she nods to herself "they'll understand." With a satisfied 'hnm', Genkai nods
"Good" she starts back toward the house, silent beaconing Kagome "you can go for today, but live-in or not I want you here everyday at 6:00am sharp"
"--I have school tomorrow" she glances back with a raised eyebrow
"That includes on school days, though there won’t be anything too strenuous on those days. Invest in something you can move comfortably in, and you can return an hour after your school day ends, finish your homework at home or here and we will work until I see fit"
"Right, um, Genkai-sensei" Kagome raises a finger in question "what about friends?"
Genkai pauses for a second, 'hnm'ing softly before continuing her quick pace "You won't need distractions for the first couple of weeks. They are critical. You'll see your school friends there and I'm sure you can make use of the hour after school you have. We may finish early some days" a pause "but beside that, your full concentration needs to be here and not on the latest good looking pop singer"
lips pursed half in amusement, Kagome follows her the rest of the way back to the temple in silence.
Upon exiting the portal, Kurama quickly assess his location. He fans out his senses--it was Hiei's usual park. The hybrid sets himself up in a tree immediately upon his own exit
[You're aware we may have just turned ourselves into wanted youkai again, Fox?]
[I'm aware Hiei] with a small sigh Kurama sets himself down against the trunk of the tree Hiei had situated himself in. He pulls his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on his folded arms
[Perhaps the other fox you're consorting with can use his diplomatic immunity in your favor]
[Hiei] Kurama smiles slightly at his friend's joking tone, though he knew he was also half serious [I doubt even if he wanted he could do much]
[Hn, you underestimate those of high standing, Fox, didn't you steal from the kind enough to know how limitless their boundaries are?]
[I did] Kurama stares forward, looking at nothing [however I'm not really in a position to receive any spoils of association, we fucked once] The mental voice is neither Shuichi and Youko, but a mix of them both, ‘Kurama’, at this point [--I'm not his ward or consort or mate . . .I'm not a citizen of the Western Lands, and what of you? Do you plan to sleep with him as well?] Kurama pushes back the stab of jealousy at the thought, noting that Youko was slightly horrified at the same feeling
[Maybe we should be citizens Kurama] Hiei ignores the fox's suggestion, having sensed the feelings of jealously himself [The floating island isn't classified as any region of Makai, though it floats over the South, and my citizenship to that place was as you know . . . quiet violently stripped]
[Hiei . . .] Kurama looks up, not able to see the hybrid, he gentle coaxes the branches and leaves to reveal him, two red eyes stare down at him, a slightly annoyed look on the youkai's face
[Youko is technically dead in Makai] the Youko scowls darkly at that remark [and Shuichi is from the Ningenkai, we could both obtain citizenship with your boyfriend's help] Kurama glares at Hiei's amused look [we both know the Western Lands are basically immune to Reikai meddling, and according to what I read from Koenma's pet ogre, even more so now that the Lady of the Western Lands caught the breech of their peace treaty]
[That's not a sure thing] Kurama looks away from the intense red gaze [who knows if he'll help?] There's an audible grunt from above, Hiei glares down at him
[He wants you as much as you want him, Fox] Kurama looks up when the hybrid lands next to him on the grass [when I encountered me he told me as much] Kurama's brow creases slightly
[He told you he wanted me?] he gives a half skeptical look half hopeful [In those words?] Hiei scowls lightly, giving the fox a disgruntled look, Kurama looks away embarrassed at his reaction [Sorry Hiei, but-- in those words?] He looks back at the youkai's deceptively childish face
["I know what I want-- and he wants me as well" that is what he told me, those words Kurama]
[We'll just have to make sure it stays that way]
Kurama stands, a look both determined and predatory crossing his features before he grins playfully at Hiei. The hybrid 'hn's, satisfied with the change
[It'll be easier if I talk to him tomorrow after the school, feel up to a sparing match?]
[Why not, if you enjoy losing]
[So confident, Hiei]
tbc . . .
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(A/N): OK, I have so not forgotten about Kagome, this is her . . . not a lot, but her.(Ok, so maybe I did kind of forgot--but! it was because I'm writing another IY/YYH crossover with Kagome as the main character and so the scene I was planning on writing with her . . . I thought I already had until I just went back to check, yeah *sheepish*)
A small bag containing her miko garbs and her quiver over her shoulder, her bow in her hand, Kagome follows the grey-haired woman onto a medium sized range. Red and white targets are set up against a brick wall a ways away from the painted blue line they were approaching. Her eyes wander a bit as they walk, the place was huge, and while in good shape, noticeably ancient. Her grandfather would love to set up a tour for this place, well after attempting to vanquish Yukina-san. Upon arriving Kagome had almost given herself a heart attack when her powers reached out for the peaceful looking youkai when she’d answered the door, thankfully she had only healed a cut the youkai had acquired when she was attempting to clean up a broken tea cup just a moment before. After a slightly shaky thanks, the blue-haired female handed her the bow she'd dropped in her surprise and led her to Genkai.
"You can transfer your power into those arrows correct?" a scratchy voice interrupts her thoughts, Genkai stands slightly off to the side of the line
"Ah, yes, I can" She gets an expectant stare "Oh! You want me to show you" giving the older woman a sheepish look she shrugs off her bag and puts herself at the line in front of the middle target. Positioning the arrow she pulls the string taunt she goes through the familiar motions of transferring her power, combining the instinctive with the practiced, the arrow glows a soft lavender. The arrow hits the second ring from the bulls eye, she watches as the power circulating around the arrow disappears. She turns back towards Genkai, a bit apprehensive
"Hnm, I have a hard job ahead of me then" the old woman clasps her hands behind her back "I'd like to see a bulls eye every time at some point soon" Kagome's eyes widen "more control and power" she gives the young miko a critical eye "I'd also like to train you in some other weapons and hand to hand. A long range weapon is well and good for an opponent far away but not one in your face" she grunts softly "You'll work on the control first, Yukina should feel safe here." she raises an eyebrow, getting a guilty look from Kagome "I’d also like for you to stay here while you train, that'll mean a lot of things, but first you have to agree to my training" again there is that expectant/impatient look
Kagome give a questioning look "I thought I already did?"
"Hnm" Genkai inclines her head "you agreed to come see me, Now that you've met me and we've talked a bit you can decide if you want to train with me." Kagome goes to open her mouth, stopping when Genkai raises her hand "I won't go easy on you because you're a girl" she gives her a stern look "Since you didn't willingly attack Yukina I'm guessing you're not that kind of miko who only sees black and white, I am not a miko but a Reikai and martial arts master, I specialize in ki-- or power control and mostly hand to hand combat" She pauses "my training will be hard and you'll probably be hurting at the end of the day but you'll have control and you won't have to worry about killing someone you might like" Genkai catches the shocked concerned look on the girl's face "My home, my rules, and I expect the respect any sensei expects and full effort, not a lot to ask" Kagome nods shortly "are you willing to train under me?"
"I am." Kagome nods sharply, face determined "I want to learn control and . . . knowing how to defend myself other ways wouldn't hurt, but" she bites her lip "I'm not sure about the staying here . . If you think it'd be best I could talk to my mother and grandfather" she nods to herself "they'll understand." With a satisfied 'hnm', Genkai nods
"Good" she starts back toward the house, silent beaconing Kagome "you can go for today, but live-in or not I want you here everyday at 6:00am sharp"
"--I have school tomorrow" she glances back with a raised eyebrow
"That includes on school days, though there won’t be anything too strenuous on those days. Invest in something you can move comfortably in, and you can return an hour after your school day ends, finish your homework at home or here and we will work until I see fit"
"Right, um, Genkai-sensei" Kagome raises a finger in question "what about friends?"
Genkai pauses for a second, 'hnm'ing softly before continuing her quick pace "You won't need distractions for the first couple of weeks. They are critical. You'll see your school friends there and I'm sure you can make use of the hour after school you have. We may finish early some days" a pause "but beside that, your full concentration needs to be here and not on the latest good looking pop singer"
lips pursed half in amusement, Kagome follows her the rest of the way back to the temple in silence.
Upon exiting the portal, Kurama quickly assess his location. He fans out his senses--it was Hiei's usual park. The hybrid sets himself up in a tree immediately upon his own exit
[You're aware we may have just turned ourselves into wanted youkai again, Fox?]
[I'm aware Hiei] with a small sigh Kurama sets himself down against the trunk of the tree Hiei had situated himself in. He pulls his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on his folded arms
[Perhaps the other fox you're consorting with can use his diplomatic immunity in your favor]
[Hiei] Kurama smiles slightly at his friend's joking tone, though he knew he was also half serious [I doubt even if he wanted he could do much]
[Hn, you underestimate those of high standing, Fox, didn't you steal from the kind enough to know how limitless their boundaries are?]
[I did] Kurama stares forward, looking at nothing [however I'm not really in a position to receive any spoils of association, we fucked once] The mental voice is neither Shuichi and Youko, but a mix of them both, ‘Kurama’, at this point [--I'm not his ward or consort or mate . . .I'm not a citizen of the Western Lands, and what of you? Do you plan to sleep with him as well?] Kurama pushes back the stab of jealousy at the thought, noting that Youko was slightly horrified at the same feeling
[Maybe we should be citizens Kurama] Hiei ignores the fox's suggestion, having sensed the feelings of jealously himself [The floating island isn't classified as any region of Makai, though it floats over the South, and my citizenship to that place was as you know . . . quiet violently stripped]
[Hiei . . .] Kurama looks up, not able to see the hybrid, he gentle coaxes the branches and leaves to reveal him, two red eyes stare down at him, a slightly annoyed look on the youkai's face
[Youko is technically dead in Makai] the Youko scowls darkly at that remark [and Shuichi is from the Ningenkai, we could both obtain citizenship with your boyfriend's help] Kurama glares at Hiei's amused look [we both know the Western Lands are basically immune to Reikai meddling, and according to what I read from Koenma's pet ogre, even more so now that the Lady of the Western Lands caught the breech of their peace treaty]
[That's not a sure thing] Kurama looks away from the intense red gaze [who knows if he'll help?] There's an audible grunt from above, Hiei glares down at him
[He wants you as much as you want him, Fox] Kurama looks up when the hybrid lands next to him on the grass [when I encountered me he told me as much] Kurama's brow creases slightly
[He told you he wanted me?] he gives a half skeptical look half hopeful [In those words?] Hiei scowls lightly, giving the fox a disgruntled look, Kurama looks away embarrassed at his reaction [Sorry Hiei, but-- in those words?] He looks back at the youkai's deceptively childish face
["I know what I want-- and he wants me as well" that is what he told me, those words Kurama]
[We'll just have to make sure it stays that way]
Kurama stands, a look both determined and predatory crossing his features before he grins playfully at Hiei. The hybrid 'hn's, satisfied with the change
[It'll be easier if I talk to him tomorrow after the school, feel up to a sparing match?]
[Why not, if you enjoy losing]
[So confident, Hiei]
tbc . . .
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