InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ You Haven't Changed a Bit! ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.


"Sesshoumaru-sama!" Almost droppping the stack of books in her hand, Kagome bows awkwardly at the amused looking youkai lord and the familiar female beside him "You . . . cut your hair" she trails off weakly. The youkai, still as regal as ever, simply nods.
"And who is this holding you up from your training, girl?" looking down at the woman who'd just appeared next to her, Kagome looks back up at Sesshoumaru, before repeating the process again. It was more than unsettling to see the taiyoukai in a suit and looking like a high-powered lawyer or some such thing, even more so known so many shades of nothing about this Sesshoumaru.
"Lord Sesshoumaru, um this is my sensei, Genkai-- ah and I'm sorry I don't recall your name" Kagome bows apologetically, the female youkai waves it off. She could remember the youkai was Sesshoumaru's army general, and yet here she was in a stylish pants suit.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Genkai-san" the female youkai bows shallowly "I am Lady Reika"
"Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Reika of Makai?" the old woman raises an eyebrow "That is interesting. What business could youkai royalty have with me, or the girl for that matter?"
"Shall we speak alone?" Sesshoumaru's own eyebrow raises. After an almost cautious pause, Genkai nods sharply, stepping out of the house. Reika lays a hand on Sesshoumaru's arm and for the first time Kagome notices that Sesshoumaru has both, a fine boned hand protruding from each sleeve. Genkai beacons the Lord silently.
"We'll walk" with a small sound of agreement Sesshoumaru moves to follow.
"It must be a shock for you to see us" Kagome turns away from the two walking away when Reika speaks, the youkai smiles kindly-- as kind as one could with such prominent fangs "it is for us as well-- you look exactly as you did 500 years ago, and yet you are human and the same age"
"Oh, yes, well time-travel gets that kind of shock effect" Kagome shifts the book in her hands uneasily, she had only met the youkai once in Feudal Japan, she was unsure of what to say
"You're pretty good competition you know?" Kagome's brow creases in confusion at the seemingly random statement, she shifts the books to her hip.
"I'm sorry?" the youkai shakes her head, unsettling the thick braid hanging down her back
"You were Shippo's mother, still are, but when Shippo was adopted officially as the heir to the western throne technically Sesshoumaru and I were his parents" Kagome's eyes widen slightly, Shippo was going to be the next lord? She feels a burst of pride and then realization hits her, the youkai's said 'Sesshoumaru and I' did that mean . . . she was Sesshoumaru's mate? "I think he always compared me to you at first, it made me quiet sad" she shrugs "but I think he realized and took me for who I was not how I wasn't like you" Kagome nods in understanding
"Well I'm not sure of any of those things-- who you are and how you're not like me" Kagome smiles lightly "but maybe I'll find out, we could be friends" Reika smiles
"I'd like that" She clasps her hands in front of her "now tell me, how did you end up training under a reikai master-- there aren't a lot you know?"
"Really? Well, Shippo told me that--"


Genkai stops walking a ways from the main temple structure, turning towards the silver haired youkai, wondering idly if silver hair on pretty male youkai was a trend.
"Will you answer my question now, then" Sesshoumaru raises an eyebrow
"I suppose I shouldn't expect respect from a human" he takes in the woman with a critical eye, her constant scowl reminded him of Jakken, sadly the old youkai had passed a few years before "My dealings with you are simply an extension on my concern with the miko" Genkai raises a hand to stop him, pressing the taiyoukai's patience
"I am aware of the miko the Western Lands of Makai have in their service, and I won't allow my pupil take such a position" she gives him a stern look, leaving little room for argument
"You are mistaken, and severly underestimating my power-- your 'allowance' of me anything is laughable" He pauses, ignoring her heated gaze "the miko is under the protection of the Western Lands" Genkai raises an eyebrow in surprise and speculation
"Under the protection?" she grunts "then she is a responsibility, why is it she is untrained? You are aware here power is unstable?"
"A new development, and the fact of the matter is there are very few, if any miko who are capable of training her, we have searched. In that time she has been instructed by my heir, she had even less control than she did when you discovered her-- when he did" nodding slightly Genkai crosses her arms over her chest
"Tell how this protection concerns me"
"Yourself as well as a good number of your acquaintances are actively involved in matters concerning the Rekai. Your successor, works directly for them" Genkai's eyes narrow slightly "I make it business to know things that concern myself and those under my protection" he explains, and doesn't offer an apology for the invasion of privacy
"Reikai and the Western Lands are not on the best terms, have not been for as long as I remember
"Correct, the miko is powerful and also kind hearted to the point of foolishness, I am sure Reikai would not hesitate to try and recruit her as one of their 'detectives'" the lord's displeasure at the prospect shows "you have told her of the three realms?" Genkai nods
"Not in much detail, just the basic"
"Hn, leave it at that then, I shall have the necessary texts sent to her"
"You don't hope to brainwash her . . ."
"The texts are accurate" his gaze hardens "I'll request that she be allowed to spend time with her surrogate son at least once a week" Genkai's suprise shows
"Son? Why haven't I heard of him before now"
"Hn, he is not a child that would need enough attention for her to come to you about it. He is also a youkai-- I will not explain. He's taken to walking her home from school, however she is often tired mentally and physically because of school and your training. It's hardly fair for either of them, because of this fact I make the request." The woman pauses to think, untrusting still
"That is fine" she finally agrees "however he is not to cause trouble or distract her unnecessarily"
"Hn, acceptable, I will ask the same of the four Reikai tentai"
"Already done."
"We'll be in touch soon."

tbc . . .

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