InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Resistance Is . . .? ( Chapter 20 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Posting again, a chapter this time. Though I wasn't pressed, seems I lost most of the people who were following the story over thetime I didn't have access to a computer; here's to new followers/reviewers?
"Argh!" draping himself over the branch of the tree he was sitting in Shippo sighs "it's so boring right now!" he glances across the estate's central garden, eyes finding Sesshoumaru's fourth wife, Jun, lounging under a tree. He tilts to the side slightly, slipping down until he's hanging from the tree with the ease and form of a tree-toed sloth. He studies Jun, the deer youkai was older than the kit and one of two of Sesshoumaru's original four wives who were still living, Jun and a female fox youkai: Hitomi. Hitomi was a nice youkai, though stubborn in a way bordering annoying, she didn't peak the kitsune's interest like Jun did. He grins to himself. Once he'd reached 100 years-- a youkai's 18 and also the male's first sexual peak, he'd set out on a mission to convinced the deer youkai to sleep with him. Sesshoumaru had been . . . less upset than expected when he succeeded, most likely because of the fact that the taiyoukai's relationship with his wives had become strictly political by that time. He hadn't taken any of them to bed since mating officially with Reika, Shippo figured the bat youkai's possessive streak had something to do with that, Shippo smiles slightly. Jun had changed a lot since the first time they'd met. The youkai himself hadn't reached 100 himself by that time and Shippo was a child, but when that all changed-- Shippo grins widely, how could he resist?
"Hnm" humming to himself Shippo pulls a seed from his bangs dropping it. With a slight smile he send the seed over to the deer youkai, a large petaled yellow flower pops up next to hand. Raising an eyebrow, Jun plucks the flower from the ground, a small grin on his lips. He looks up towards Shippo. Sending him a charming look, Shippo grins back. Jun smiles biting the head off of the flower, Shippo's grin widens and drops down from the low branch, he lands on all fours before standing up straight. He glances back at the towering structure that was the Western Estate, before turning his gaze back to the other youkai who'd taken to twisting the stem of the recently plucked and beheaded flower between two fingers. Suddenly needing to get off of the grounds, he dismisses himself from the garden with his usual charm, heading towards the front entrance. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, with the intent to make some fun of his own, meanwhile trying to figure out why he was heading away from the other youkai when the last time he'd checked, fooling around with Jun was definitely a fun time.
Next Day . . .
Looking down at the school's courtyard from his perch atop the stone gate, Shippo discretely watches the front entrance for his latest conquest, hidden by a simple illusion making him look like a small brown bird. He hadn't attended class today and had instead come to the grounds when he knew the fox would be leaving. There wouldn't be many students leaving at this time, many had clubs after class hours, so he would be easy to spot. Shippo turns his gaze from the slightly sad sakura* trees in the courtyard to the doors as a trickle of students makes their way out of them. He kicks his slippered feet impatiently against the wall beneath him as the door closes behind a small group consisting of mostly girls and a couple of handsome bad-boy types.
"Hiei-san" he grins slightly when the hybrid's presence is felt behind him in the large tree casting shadow over his position "you're jigan is pretty effective I see" he’d only been half masking his presence
"Hn, not good enough however" his grin widens, green eyes curving upwards
"Perhaps, but it's nothing I'll hold against you" Shippo frowns when the door closes again behind another pair of boys, still no Kurama.
"The fox stopped to speak with one of his ningen teachers" Kurama had only arrived at the end of the day to give the head teacher, the prin-something, notice he'd be leaving. Reikai wasn't expecting them to be in as stupid a place as the school, but if Koenma got word he'd have someone out there soon. He gives the fox a mental nudge, urging him to hurry up.
"I see" Shippo stands up in the wall's ledge, dusting off the seat of his pants, loose, white and drawn in just under his knees "are you waiting for him as well?" a sleeveless teal tunic hangs loosely over his hips, stiff white sash tied at his back in a single-loop bow.
"For the lack of a better term" comes the drawled response "though it's not my only purpose for being here" Shippo raises an eyebrow, the tone suggesting his other reason had to do with him
"Oh?" He spots a familiar head of pomegranate red hair "do tell me about it another time." Green eyes narrow at the bravely flirting girl at Kurama's side. He mentally berates himself at being jealous of a ningen girl, though it doesn't quail his possessive feelings
'Maybe Sesshoumaru was right about Inu-otousan* being a bad influence' quickly casting an illusion that puts him in his school uniform, Shippo hops down off of the wall, landing outside of the school grounds. He sends a half-hearted glare up in the direction of the obviously amused youkai hybrid when he lands, getting a more amused response. Hooking his thumbs into his waistband Shippo walks to the gate entrance, where he knew Kurama was heading, masking his presence and leaning casually against the light colored stone. His ears twitch in annoyance when he picks up the voice of the girl who'd been trying to chat Kurama up.
"-- and really, Minamino-kun, I figure since our interests are so similar it'd be fun to hang out some time, I'll definitely make it worth your while. You can even invite your friend Urameshi-san. I ha--"
She stops with a questioning look when Kurama pauses just outside the gate
"Sh--Taishi-kun" Shippo smiles charmingly in Kurama's direction, extremely pleased when the fox blushes lightly, leaning unconsciously away from the girl. She flushes with anger
"Shuichi, are you ready to go?" He sends a pointed look in the girls direction. She glares back and he takes note that despite his dislike for her she was moderately attractive, dark kohl lined eyes with long glossy hair and carefully pouted lips. She bristles when he doesn't back down.
"I'll see you tomorrow Minamino-kun" she returns Shippo's pointed look and he laughs lightly.
"Perhaps . . ." Kurama trails off as the girl leaves in a huff, before turning his attention back to Shippo. He raises an eyebrow, slightly amused, emerald green eyes taking on a gold hue.
"Are we going somewhere?" Kurama asks, almost suggestive
"That's up to you" Shippo shrugs lightly, equally amused "either way the annoying little girl had to go" he takes a step forward, disregarding any concept of personal space.
'Hiei was right' Youko growls contently 'he came back after all'
[Hiei, have I ever told you you're my favorite homicidal hybrid ever?]
[Once or twice, Fox]
'Just look at him--'
'He's beautiful'
'--, how he's looking at us, like when . . .' Shuichi blushes darkly 'I'm not agreeing to go to some sleezy love hotel with him, mother is home, and unlike you, Youko, I am not easy'
'I prefer 'in touch with my sexuality','
'and everyone elses'
'--, and he never gave any indication that he had that in mind, we choose. We can go where ever we'd like, do what we want'
Kurama mirrors Shippo's move, stepping forward, a small smirk on his lips as he brushes past the auburn haired kitsune, a hand trailing across his bicep, bare under the illusion. Shippo follows the touch as it leaves his skin, turning his body 180 degrees towards his prize.
[Hiei, I have a gift for you at mother's house]
[Trying to get rid of me?]
[Never! Yes, ok maybe for a while-- but I do have something for you. It's in a small wooden box strapped to the underside of my bed] he sends an image [I think you'll like it]. He feels the hybrid's presence leave as Shippo raises an eyebrow, making his way, once again into Kurama's personal space. Kurama doesn't mind, tilting his head up to look at the other's face. He hold out his hand at the older youkai's hip, Shippo's tail wrapping around his wrist at the invitation. He almost shivers in remembrance as the soft fur slides over his skin.
'Shuichi . . . watch what you do . . .'
'You don't have . . .relationships, yes I know, however' Shuichi allows himself a bit of satisfaction 'You've also never been anything more than aroused by the thought of sharing a bed-partner with Hiei'
'My bad influence on you was hardly intended to work against me . . . watch yourself boy'
"There is a nice café, or so I've heard, near the outside of the city, with a glass ceiling and an impressive collection of plant life inside" Kurama informs him, smiling "I would like to go" He's visibly pleased when Shippo nods in agreement, an indulgent look gracing his features
"I happen to know the owner, I'll get us a good table" Kurama's smile widens. Shuichi happy to be doing something that involved clothes, Youko happy at getting his way.
Sakura - cherry blossom
Otousan - father
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): Posting again, a chapter this time. Though I wasn't pressed, seems I lost most of the people who were following the story over thetime I didn't have access to a computer; here's to new followers/reviewers?
"Argh!" draping himself over the branch of the tree he was sitting in Shippo sighs "it's so boring right now!" he glances across the estate's central garden, eyes finding Sesshoumaru's fourth wife, Jun, lounging under a tree. He tilts to the side slightly, slipping down until he's hanging from the tree with the ease and form of a tree-toed sloth. He studies Jun, the deer youkai was older than the kit and one of two of Sesshoumaru's original four wives who were still living, Jun and a female fox youkai: Hitomi. Hitomi was a nice youkai, though stubborn in a way bordering annoying, she didn't peak the kitsune's interest like Jun did. He grins to himself. Once he'd reached 100 years-- a youkai's 18 and also the male's first sexual peak, he'd set out on a mission to convinced the deer youkai to sleep with him. Sesshoumaru had been . . . less upset than expected when he succeeded, most likely because of the fact that the taiyoukai's relationship with his wives had become strictly political by that time. He hadn't taken any of them to bed since mating officially with Reika, Shippo figured the bat youkai's possessive streak had something to do with that, Shippo smiles slightly. Jun had changed a lot since the first time they'd met. The youkai himself hadn't reached 100 himself by that time and Shippo was a child, but when that all changed-- Shippo grins widely, how could he resist?
"Hnm" humming to himself Shippo pulls a seed from his bangs dropping it. With a slight smile he send the seed over to the deer youkai, a large petaled yellow flower pops up next to hand. Raising an eyebrow, Jun plucks the flower from the ground, a small grin on his lips. He looks up towards Shippo. Sending him a charming look, Shippo grins back. Jun smiles biting the head off of the flower, Shippo's grin widens and drops down from the low branch, he lands on all fours before standing up straight. He glances back at the towering structure that was the Western Estate, before turning his gaze back to the other youkai who'd taken to twisting the stem of the recently plucked and beheaded flower between two fingers. Suddenly needing to get off of the grounds, he dismisses himself from the garden with his usual charm, heading towards the front entrance. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, with the intent to make some fun of his own, meanwhile trying to figure out why he was heading away from the other youkai when the last time he'd checked, fooling around with Jun was definitely a fun time.
Next Day . . .
Looking down at the school's courtyard from his perch atop the stone gate, Shippo discretely watches the front entrance for his latest conquest, hidden by a simple illusion making him look like a small brown bird. He hadn't attended class today and had instead come to the grounds when he knew the fox would be leaving. There wouldn't be many students leaving at this time, many had clubs after class hours, so he would be easy to spot. Shippo turns his gaze from the slightly sad sakura* trees in the courtyard to the doors as a trickle of students makes their way out of them. He kicks his slippered feet impatiently against the wall beneath him as the door closes behind a small group consisting of mostly girls and a couple of handsome bad-boy types.
"Hiei-san" he grins slightly when the hybrid's presence is felt behind him in the large tree casting shadow over his position "you're jigan is pretty effective I see" he’d only been half masking his presence
"Hn, not good enough however" his grin widens, green eyes curving upwards
"Perhaps, but it's nothing I'll hold against you" Shippo frowns when the door closes again behind another pair of boys, still no Kurama.
"The fox stopped to speak with one of his ningen teachers" Kurama had only arrived at the end of the day to give the head teacher, the prin-something, notice he'd be leaving. Reikai wasn't expecting them to be in as stupid a place as the school, but if Koenma got word he'd have someone out there soon. He gives the fox a mental nudge, urging him to hurry up.
"I see" Shippo stands up in the wall's ledge, dusting off the seat of his pants, loose, white and drawn in just under his knees "are you waiting for him as well?" a sleeveless teal tunic hangs loosely over his hips, stiff white sash tied at his back in a single-loop bow.
"For the lack of a better term" comes the drawled response "though it's not my only purpose for being here" Shippo raises an eyebrow, the tone suggesting his other reason had to do with him
"Oh?" He spots a familiar head of pomegranate red hair "do tell me about it another time." Green eyes narrow at the bravely flirting girl at Kurama's side. He mentally berates himself at being jealous of a ningen girl, though it doesn't quail his possessive feelings
'Maybe Sesshoumaru was right about Inu-otousan* being a bad influence' quickly casting an illusion that puts him in his school uniform, Shippo hops down off of the wall, landing outside of the school grounds. He sends a half-hearted glare up in the direction of the obviously amused youkai hybrid when he lands, getting a more amused response. Hooking his thumbs into his waistband Shippo walks to the gate entrance, where he knew Kurama was heading, masking his presence and leaning casually against the light colored stone. His ears twitch in annoyance when he picks up the voice of the girl who'd been trying to chat Kurama up.
"-- and really, Minamino-kun, I figure since our interests are so similar it'd be fun to hang out some time, I'll definitely make it worth your while. You can even invite your friend Urameshi-san. I ha--"
She stops with a questioning look when Kurama pauses just outside the gate
"Sh--Taishi-kun" Shippo smiles charmingly in Kurama's direction, extremely pleased when the fox blushes lightly, leaning unconsciously away from the girl. She flushes with anger
"Shuichi, are you ready to go?" He sends a pointed look in the girls direction. She glares back and he takes note that despite his dislike for her she was moderately attractive, dark kohl lined eyes with long glossy hair and carefully pouted lips. She bristles when he doesn't back down.
"I'll see you tomorrow Minamino-kun" she returns Shippo's pointed look and he laughs lightly.
"Perhaps . . ." Kurama trails off as the girl leaves in a huff, before turning his attention back to Shippo. He raises an eyebrow, slightly amused, emerald green eyes taking on a gold hue.
"Are we going somewhere?" Kurama asks, almost suggestive
"That's up to you" Shippo shrugs lightly, equally amused "either way the annoying little girl had to go" he takes a step forward, disregarding any concept of personal space.
'Hiei was right' Youko growls contently 'he came back after all'
[Hiei, have I ever told you you're my favorite homicidal hybrid ever?]
[Once or twice, Fox]
'Just look at him--'
'He's beautiful'
'--, how he's looking at us, like when . . .' Shuichi blushes darkly 'I'm not agreeing to go to some sleezy love hotel with him, mother is home, and unlike you, Youko, I am not easy'
'I prefer 'in touch with my sexuality','
'and everyone elses'
'--, and he never gave any indication that he had that in mind, we choose. We can go where ever we'd like, do what we want'
Kurama mirrors Shippo's move, stepping forward, a small smirk on his lips as he brushes past the auburn haired kitsune, a hand trailing across his bicep, bare under the illusion. Shippo follows the touch as it leaves his skin, turning his body 180 degrees towards his prize.
[Hiei, I have a gift for you at mother's house]
[Trying to get rid of me?]
[Never! Yes, ok maybe for a while-- but I do have something for you. It's in a small wooden box strapped to the underside of my bed] he sends an image [I think you'll like it]. He feels the hybrid's presence leave as Shippo raises an eyebrow, making his way, once again into Kurama's personal space. Kurama doesn't mind, tilting his head up to look at the other's face. He hold out his hand at the older youkai's hip, Shippo's tail wrapping around his wrist at the invitation. He almost shivers in remembrance as the soft fur slides over his skin.
'Shuichi . . . watch what you do . . .'
'You don't have . . .relationships, yes I know, however' Shuichi allows himself a bit of satisfaction 'You've also never been anything more than aroused by the thought of sharing a bed-partner with Hiei'
'My bad influence on you was hardly intended to work against me . . . watch yourself boy'
"There is a nice café, or so I've heard, near the outside of the city, with a glass ceiling and an impressive collection of plant life inside" Kurama informs him, smiling "I would like to go" He's visibly pleased when Shippo nods in agreement, an indulgent look gracing his features
"I happen to know the owner, I'll get us a good table" Kurama's smile widens. Shuichi happy to be doing something that involved clothes, Youko happy at getting his way.
Sakura - cherry blossom
Otousan - father
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review