InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ When Dating Wanted Men ( Chapter 21 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Last chapter was short, last chapters few and far between: double post
WARNING: Vulgar language, reference to m/m sexual situations
"So how exactly do you know the owner?" Kurama pauses, a crooked smile set handsomely on his face, hands fold under his chin and elbows on the table. The auburn haired kitsune returns the smile, just as crooked, and Kurama has to suppress a delighted shudder. Shippo seems to notice, looking almost smug, a good look on him the boy noted.
'You sleep with him once and you're his biggest fan, Shuichi?' Youko's disgust is evident, and a bit of amusement as well
Shuichi bristles 'You have him once and he's suddenly yours?' Youko scowls
'That was never said or implied' he snaps
'You were jealous with Hiei and you were jealous when he kissed the maitre d'-- a scrap of a human girl, on the cheek!' This time it's Youko who bristles, he growls softly
'I was NOT jealous of some 'scrap of a human girl', and that girl, she had old magic in her blood. The way she looked at us, I don't like it!'
'You're not much of a good sport are you? If you don't have the upper hand you're quite the brat'
"Her family and my own have been close for a very long time" Shippo answers, looking concerned when Kurama shudders almost violently in response to Youko's sudden mood swing "are you alright?" Shippo's concern seems to disperse the tension slightly
"I'm fine . . . thank you" Kurama reaches for his water, suddenly needing something to occupy him.
"K'so!" Shippo's eyes widen at the curse, amusement evident at the prudish looking boy's use of a Makai dialect made up of mostly foul and vulgar words. He sets the glass down gingerly, touching his fingertips to his mouth and grimacing
"Cold water toothache?" Shippo inclines his head in question. 'I smell blood . . .'
"You can say that" the response is slightly muffled "not from too many sweets however" the redhead bares his teeth in a showing manner. Shippo raises an eyebrow at the elongated fangs, proper for a humanoid youkai, easily three-quarter inch in length--maybe a bit larger and sharpened to a point that usually had young youkai coming into their 'adult' teeth with bloody mouths. Kurama closes his mouth, looking slightly annoyed and Shippo stops himself from wandering into a wild fancy involving the youkai vessel, his blood tinted lips, and tongue. He props his chin up in his palm
"This is an inconvenience" Shippo makes a small sound of agreement, having first hand experience
"You'll manage I'm sure" he grins, purposefully fang-filled "I do"
The fox goes slightly red, mumbling an apology, he gets an absent nod in response
"I won't ask about you're . . . metamorphosis, at this point, Kurama-kun"
"Of course" Kurama agrees softly
'At this point' Youko huffs 'It's depressing enough to know what's happening myself'
'Hnh, yes, however that is hardly our most pressing concern' annoyance 'If he didn't have the intention of making this . . .thing at least partially lasting, our 'metamorphosis' would be nothing more than a puzzle to solve. You don't announce to the puzzle you're going to solve it. It's more than that and I am inclined not to like it' Youko's voice is slightly upset
'This is a bad thing?' Kurama again reaches for his water, more successful drinking this time around
'I do not attach myself to interesting fucks and I certainly do not mate the first youkai who holds me post-coital' Youko's voice sneers
'For such a big, bad, 'in touch with your sexuality' youkai you sure are afraid of commitment'
'How would you like to feel the complex system of muscles, nerves and flesh it takes to form a working tail growing in the space of one agonizing minute, boy!?'
"Shippo-kun" Kurama's drawn from his inner dialogue and the tag-along threats by the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. The maitre d', and from what Shippo had told him, also the owner, pushes open the curtains separating their table from the rest of the café and makes her way to Shippo's side. She leans down, and she has to hold back chestnut brown hair to keep it out of her face, speaking right next to the youkai's ear. Kurama's brow creases at the unfamiliar language, like a mix of many Makai dialects, but softer and more formal than the usual which was mostly more grunts and growls than any civilized youkai liked using. She straightens up at Shippo's hand, held up in a slight halting gesture. He speaks softly to her in that same language and Kurama suppresses a surge of jealously that leaves Youko in a worst mood than before. She nods shortly.
"Skvi" she murmurs before turning and leaving just as quickly as she'd come.
"Such a troublemaker" Shippo murmurs, getting a questioning look from Kurama. He doesn't respond to it, continuing "but I like that in a male" he takes his cup from the round warming device, built to look like a coaster, and takes a sip. Kurama almost cringes, the youkai had added more sugar to the hot beverage than he could even stand to see, and sipped it with no indication of it being too sweet. He supposed it was dismissible what with his regular apparently being fresh loose-leave tea and distilled water. Any other way and the plants essence was more tainted than Youko was convinced any fox youkai should have to deal with.
"I'll guess you're referring to me?" Kurama ventures, eyeing his empty café cup and half empty water glass, thinking better of going for it again. Forest green eyes shine with amusement
"You hope as well?" he sets his cup down, resting his chin on the heel on one hand, fingers curled under and against his cheek "youkai on the run, ne?" Kurama's eyes narrow in understanding
"Demi-gods with god-complexes" he states simply
"Hnm, yes, well . . . they've sent the dogs after you" he sends a half-lidded look "a pretty little thing with blue hair and an oar for a Styx-faring boat*"
'The ferry-girl'
'Botan . . . would she?'
'She works for him, has since before you were even thought of. She's even taken fancy to the brat, he'll come first.' Youko sneers in a less than attractive way 'it's almost cute in that 'I want to do something as disgusting as throw up' way'
"I know of her . . ." He offers
"She can't get to you here, however the same can't be said once you exit the building"
"This place is that heavily warded?" He masks his surprise with practiced ease
'I felt nothing, just like I still feel nothing from him, I feel his magic across this skin, but nothing.'
"Come back to the Western Lands with me" it takes more effort to mask his surprise this time. He folds his hands in his lap. His eyes scan the youkai's face, finding nothing to not trust there. Of course, given his company . . .
"They're also after Hiei"
'He may not . . . ' Shuichi's mental voice shows concern
'We won't go without him' the words hold no alternative
"Contact him" Shippo offers without pause "you can from here, yes?" Kurama nods mutely at the knowing look on the youkai's handsome face.
"We'll leave soon, for the Ningenkai West, I'll show you my rooftop garden"
[Hiei, are you alright?]
[Hn, fine Fox, you've seen her as well then?]
[Not literally, but close enough. Can you find me right now? I've gotten us at least temporarily into the Western Land's territory]
[Hn, I have you're energy signature. We'll meet up once you cross the border]
[Be careful Hiei]
[Aren't I always?]
[Of course]
"Perhaps I'll have you in the plush grass there, or perhaps we'll visit one of my other Makai garden's at a later time." He trails off, tapping a clawed finger against his chin, a small smirk gracing his features. "While I straddle a sturdy branch of my insatya tree, you can straddle . . . me, or maybe vice versa"
'Don't supply pictures!'
'Hnm, haven't done that in . . . too long'
K'so - I thought I had a key thingy for Makai dialect, guess not, so I used a slurred form of 'Kuso(koo-so)' literally 'shit' in Japanese.
Coital - if you looked this up, it's much closer to 'copulatory' than 'coitus', post-coital is basically 'after sex'
Styx-faring boat - The 'River Styx' is the river the dead must cross to reach the afterlife. Botan is one of the a 'ferry girls' who leads souls across.
As for the maitre d', I'm just making stuff up >< I apologize.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): Last chapter was short, last chapters few and far between: double post
WARNING: Vulgar language, reference to m/m sexual situations
"So how exactly do you know the owner?" Kurama pauses, a crooked smile set handsomely on his face, hands fold under his chin and elbows on the table. The auburn haired kitsune returns the smile, just as crooked, and Kurama has to suppress a delighted shudder. Shippo seems to notice, looking almost smug, a good look on him the boy noted.
'You sleep with him once and you're his biggest fan, Shuichi?' Youko's disgust is evident, and a bit of amusement as well
Shuichi bristles 'You have him once and he's suddenly yours?' Youko scowls
'That was never said or implied' he snaps
'You were jealous with Hiei and you were jealous when he kissed the maitre d'-- a scrap of a human girl, on the cheek!' This time it's Youko who bristles, he growls softly
'I was NOT jealous of some 'scrap of a human girl', and that girl, she had old magic in her blood. The way she looked at us, I don't like it!'
'You're not much of a good sport are you? If you don't have the upper hand you're quite the brat'
"Her family and my own have been close for a very long time" Shippo answers, looking concerned when Kurama shudders almost violently in response to Youko's sudden mood swing "are you alright?" Shippo's concern seems to disperse the tension slightly
"I'm fine . . . thank you" Kurama reaches for his water, suddenly needing something to occupy him.
"K'so!" Shippo's eyes widen at the curse, amusement evident at the prudish looking boy's use of a Makai dialect made up of mostly foul and vulgar words. He sets the glass down gingerly, touching his fingertips to his mouth and grimacing
"Cold water toothache?" Shippo inclines his head in question. 'I smell blood . . .'
"You can say that" the response is slightly muffled "not from too many sweets however" the redhead bares his teeth in a showing manner. Shippo raises an eyebrow at the elongated fangs, proper for a humanoid youkai, easily three-quarter inch in length--maybe a bit larger and sharpened to a point that usually had young youkai coming into their 'adult' teeth with bloody mouths. Kurama closes his mouth, looking slightly annoyed and Shippo stops himself from wandering into a wild fancy involving the youkai vessel, his blood tinted lips, and tongue. He props his chin up in his palm
"This is an inconvenience" Shippo makes a small sound of agreement, having first hand experience
"You'll manage I'm sure" he grins, purposefully fang-filled "I do"
The fox goes slightly red, mumbling an apology, he gets an absent nod in response
"I won't ask about you're . . . metamorphosis, at this point, Kurama-kun"
"Of course" Kurama agrees softly
'At this point' Youko huffs 'It's depressing enough to know what's happening myself'
'Hnh, yes, however that is hardly our most pressing concern' annoyance 'If he didn't have the intention of making this . . .thing at least partially lasting, our 'metamorphosis' would be nothing more than a puzzle to solve. You don't announce to the puzzle you're going to solve it. It's more than that and I am inclined not to like it' Youko's voice is slightly upset
'This is a bad thing?' Kurama again reaches for his water, more successful drinking this time around
'I do not attach myself to interesting fucks and I certainly do not mate the first youkai who holds me post-coital' Youko's voice sneers
'For such a big, bad, 'in touch with your sexuality' youkai you sure are afraid of commitment'
'How would you like to feel the complex system of muscles, nerves and flesh it takes to form a working tail growing in the space of one agonizing minute, boy!?'
"Shippo-kun" Kurama's drawn from his inner dialogue and the tag-along threats by the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. The maitre d', and from what Shippo had told him, also the owner, pushes open the curtains separating their table from the rest of the café and makes her way to Shippo's side. She leans down, and she has to hold back chestnut brown hair to keep it out of her face, speaking right next to the youkai's ear. Kurama's brow creases at the unfamiliar language, like a mix of many Makai dialects, but softer and more formal than the usual which was mostly more grunts and growls than any civilized youkai liked using. She straightens up at Shippo's hand, held up in a slight halting gesture. He speaks softly to her in that same language and Kurama suppresses a surge of jealously that leaves Youko in a worst mood than before. She nods shortly.
"Skvi" she murmurs before turning and leaving just as quickly as she'd come.
"Such a troublemaker" Shippo murmurs, getting a questioning look from Kurama. He doesn't respond to it, continuing "but I like that in a male" he takes his cup from the round warming device, built to look like a coaster, and takes a sip. Kurama almost cringes, the youkai had added more sugar to the hot beverage than he could even stand to see, and sipped it with no indication of it being too sweet. He supposed it was dismissible what with his regular apparently being fresh loose-leave tea and distilled water. Any other way and the plants essence was more tainted than Youko was convinced any fox youkai should have to deal with.
"I'll guess you're referring to me?" Kurama ventures, eyeing his empty café cup and half empty water glass, thinking better of going for it again. Forest green eyes shine with amusement
"You hope as well?" he sets his cup down, resting his chin on the heel on one hand, fingers curled under and against his cheek "youkai on the run, ne?" Kurama's eyes narrow in understanding
"Demi-gods with god-complexes" he states simply
"Hnm, yes, well . . . they've sent the dogs after you" he sends a half-lidded look "a pretty little thing with blue hair and an oar for a Styx-faring boat*"
'The ferry-girl'
'Botan . . . would she?'
'She works for him, has since before you were even thought of. She's even taken fancy to the brat, he'll come first.' Youko sneers in a less than attractive way 'it's almost cute in that 'I want to do something as disgusting as throw up' way'
"I know of her . . ." He offers
"She can't get to you here, however the same can't be said once you exit the building"
"This place is that heavily warded?" He masks his surprise with practiced ease
'I felt nothing, just like I still feel nothing from him, I feel his magic across this skin, but nothing.'
"Come back to the Western Lands with me" it takes more effort to mask his surprise this time. He folds his hands in his lap. His eyes scan the youkai's face, finding nothing to not trust there. Of course, given his company . . .
"They're also after Hiei"
'He may not . . . ' Shuichi's mental voice shows concern
'We won't go without him' the words hold no alternative
"Contact him" Shippo offers without pause "you can from here, yes?" Kurama nods mutely at the knowing look on the youkai's handsome face.
"We'll leave soon, for the Ningenkai West, I'll show you my rooftop garden"
[Hiei, are you alright?]
[Hn, fine Fox, you've seen her as well then?]
[Not literally, but close enough. Can you find me right now? I've gotten us at least temporarily into the Western Land's territory]
[Hn, I have you're energy signature. We'll meet up once you cross the border]
[Be careful Hiei]
[Aren't I always?]
[Of course]
"Perhaps I'll have you in the plush grass there, or perhaps we'll visit one of my other Makai garden's at a later time." He trails off, tapping a clawed finger against his chin, a small smirk gracing his features. "While I straddle a sturdy branch of my insatya tree, you can straddle . . . me, or maybe vice versa"
'Don't supply pictures!'
'Hnm, haven't done that in . . . too long'
K'so - I thought I had a key thingy for Makai dialect, guess not, so I used a slurred form of 'Kuso(koo-so)' literally 'shit' in Japanese.
Coital - if you looked this up, it's much closer to 'copulatory' than 'coitus', post-coital is basically 'after sex'
Styx-faring boat - The 'River Styx' is the river the dead must cross to reach the afterlife. Botan is one of the a 'ferry girls' who leads souls across.
As for the maitre d', I'm just making stuff up >< I apologize.
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review