InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Into the West ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): I rewrote this chapter completely and changed settings once and considered rewriting it a second time at least three times. I was in a weird mood when I wrote this and am somewhat unsure of my writting as a result :[
- I kept coming to post . . . but never did. Bad me.

"They've stopped following us" Shippo says after awhile. Nodding, Kurama tucks his hands into his sleeves, face turned upward towards the sun. The the white-blue sky giving it a less vibrant, and slightly cooler appearance. Shippo strolls casually beside him as they enter the part of the city under the Western Land's jurisdiction. The buildings and streets in general having a feeling to them that the rest of the city didn't, a feel that brought Kurama a sort of comfort. This feeling was only slightly effected by the trace tingle of magic he could feel ghosting across his skin. From what Kurama could gather, given that this was still in fact Ningenkai and the fact that some of the youkai he saw traveling about were flickering slightly from human to youkai aspects, the magicks were a bit confused by his youkai vessel state. A horned youkai walks past them, horns flickering in and out, seemingly undecided about sticking around. The youkai nods shortly to Shippo as they pass. The unnatual grey, then brown, eyes of the youkai pause momentarily on the empty spot in the street to Kurama's left side before he disappears into an office style building. Hiei appears in the spot a moment later, footsteps on the pavement just as silent as his arrival.
"Hiei" Kurama doesn't bother looking in the hybrid's direction when he lands silently beside him, sensing his familiar presence. Shippo leans forward around Kurama in order to see the shorter youkai. He grins in Hiei's direction, getting a slight scowl in return. His grin doesn't falter.
"How are you, Hi-kun?" he straightens up, ignoring Hiei's deepened scowl and Kurama's growing amusement. He continues forward, steps steady and confident as he leads them to where ever their destination might be. His grin morphes into a secretive smile "you're a smart youkai, ne Hiei, of course you've figured that access into the Western Lands territory is something youkai kill for?" He keeps his eyes forward, his smile broadens when Hiei tenses and Kurama's amusement is dampened. They weren't stupid of course, if he was cruel enough he could have them fight one another for citizenship, but they were much too entertaining . . .among other things. "Of course" he continues, glancing momentarily in Hiei's direction "Kurama here has connections on the inside . . ." he trails off, smirking lecherously down at the black clad youkai when he's moved directly in front of him, his pace not effected as he continues backwards. He feels them both untense a fraction and Hiei's scowl deepens again. "I could be your connection Hiei" he sends a 'come hither' look which only gets him a glare befitting a fire youkai and a tangible burst of amusement from Kurama's direction. "I bet you're hot to the touch . . ." he trails off, a faraway look in his eyes that seemed slightly less than sane. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip before catching the lip between his teeth. Kurama's eyes subtly follow the movements, but Shippo doesn't seem to notice. His eyes focus, shifting back to Hiei "burning me up from the inside?" he murmurs, more to himself than anyone else, and without warning spins forward to face away from Hiei and towards a large modern-lined office building that the two former Reikai Tentai hadn't noticed before.

"Yuuhi Software?" Kurama's eyes widen considerably, Shippo smiles in his direction for a brief moment before gazing, face up, towards the top of the towering building.
"It's owned by the West-- more than in the sense that it's on our land, but the royal family runs it" Hiei looks to Kurama in silent question, only mildly interested in the significance of the building or company. He could always get the information from Kurama at a later time
"Yuuhi Software company is the most popular software company in Japan" Kurama explains, hand coming up to his chin "I had planned to apply for one of their scholarships when I chose my college, before . . ." emerald green eyes travel up the face of the straight-line grey face of the structure
'He wouldn't risk going after her, you know, not to get to you. Koenma has a bit of intelligence at least. Enma on the other hand . . .'
'I know, however if it comes to it, how will I explain a move? Tell her I'm not safe in her home and I have to go somewhere safe? She will think Yakuza* are after me. She was always a bit wary of Yusuke, and that boy's mother is more connected than most would realize.'
'You won't have to worry about anything soon Shuichi, but even at the moment there is little to worry about if things continue to advance the way they have been. We're being taken to his personal garden, and perhaps it's a bit for your human mind to wrap around, but if we continue on this path. . . it will be no little thing for your human mother to gain a home within the territory or your mate-to-be'
'Mate to be!?' He shifts his gaze to the auburn haired fox, who had moved over to the first set of double doors at the building's entrance, to talk to a rather large earth-type youkai under the guise of a common doorman. The kitsune's white tipped tail twitches slightly in amusement, a saber-toothed grin gracing the doorman's features.
'Even in a society as strict as this, youth think themselves competent enough to ignore their elders advice. When I told you to be careful I wasn't simply avoiding commitment as you so helpfully put it' Kurama's mental manifestation of the youko gives his human counterpart an exasperated look 'youkai courtship is much more subtle than your frivolous human dating. You've gotten us into quite a position, but since it's to my favor at the moment I won't interfere. Immunity and an in with the next lord of the most powerful empire in Makai and Japan is not at all what I would call bad' Youko smirks 'it definitely doesn't hurt that he's a great fu--'
'No! Shush! Sex sex sex!' Shuichi turns a vibrant shade of red 'I don't want to hear it!'
'Because you already know? Yes of course you were there too.'
'Hnm, I love corrupting the youth'


"Heir-sama" Shippo nods to the attendant at the front counter as they enter the building, the woman was part human and the daughter of Shiori, the first hanyou besides Inuyasha Shippo had ever met. He still remembered the small bat youkai who was forced to guard a barrier for her grandfather, and Inuyasha not being able to kill her despite the fact that he'd come to do so in order to gain the ability to break Naraku's barrier. The woman has the same white-lavender hair her mother had, darkened slightly by her father's genes. He steps up to the counter, Kurama and Hiei behind him, accessing their surroundings
"Shioriko, you are well?" She smiles, blue eyes sparkling fondly
“Yes Heir-sama, I trust you are the same?” Shippo nods shortly
“Hnm” Shippo’s gaze drifts back towards Hiei and Kurama “please ready a room in the Hinoyama building, a decent sized one with a window seat and full accommodations, the Thursday Suite perhaps?” the gaze returns to her
“Guests, Heir-sama?” She grins sightly, fingers tapping the needed information into the keyboard with practiced ease “two . . . guests” Shippo suppresses a grin of his own, giving the woman an innocent look
“Iie, Sesshoumaru would kill me if I did and he found out” Shippo chuckles “he insists I pace myself” her grin broadens, eyes flickering briefly to the wide-screen monitor
“I see, reservations are made Heir-sama” Shippo nods
“Good” he steps away from the desk “perhaps we can catch up sometime soon, we have not talked in a while" he throws a beckoning glance over his shoulder in the former tentai's direction, before heading towards the elevators and pushing the up button, Shioriko's 'yes, soon' floats after him as Hiei and Kurama return to his side.


Hiei's visible eyes narrow slightly as the elevator doors close and the metal box jerks. He doesn't comment when Kurama's hand comes to rest on his shoulder, offering support. He stares hard at the rows of buttons listing ningen numbers and symbols alike. The West's heir had pressed a round button that was marked by a symbol Hiei only vaguely recognized, but he knew well enough their destination.
"That . . . woman" he starts before he thinks it through fully "she was not a full youkai" to consider Kurama's predicament if the auburn haired youkai took offence or otherwise. They seemed . . . close, the woman and 'Shippo' " He's distantly . . . it took him a minute to put a name to the feeling, yes, distantly penitent at his own words. It was difficult for him even after all of this time working with someone rather than alone with only himself to worry about, to consider how his actions or words might effect others. He hadn't really cared before, actually.
"No" Shippo responds easily, eyes watching the numbers light up on the rectangular panel above the door "Shioriko's mother was a hanyou, but her father was a youkai, she is 1/4 ningen"
"Most youkai do not associate with those who are not pureblooded" he find himself continuing despite himself 'and you are of royal blood' he leaves the thought unsaid, it was not uncommon knowledge that those of high blood were more intense in their purist ways.
Shippo blinks slowly, actually smiling down at Hiei, making the hybrid's brow twitch. His face, for a moment, can't seem to figure out which expression it should make.
"I was raised by a hanyou" Shippo states easily "my pack consisted of five humans and three and a half youkai" he doesn't stop a breathy laugh, looking slightly amused
"Is that so . . . ?" Hiei catches the fox murmuring, half to himself
"I'm hurt Hi-kun that you would think so little of me, I do not disregards Shioriko because she is not of pure blood, nor will I treat you any different . . . Hiei, the Jiganshi, forbidden child of Makai" Hiei tenses almost noticeably and Kurama's hand squeezes his shoulder in what the hybrid was almost sure meant to be comforting. Had he really been thinking that? Perhaps, perhaps he was . . .unconsciously.
"Hn, it would seem" he tilts his head slightly in the youkai's direction "but then all the foxes I know are lecherous, you could be simply be looking to, as ningen say, 'get into my pants' " Shippo actually laughs and Hiei gives a token scowl, snorting lightly at Kurama's amusement.


s'kube - me misusing the Japanese language again, sukebe(sue-keh-beh) = (sexual)pervert
Yakuza - Japanese gangsters/criminal organization(Japanese Mob)

tbc . . .

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