InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Safe Haven? ( Chapter 23 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): >__> so . . . I had writers’ block for like a million years and then I went off to college and left my writing at home [since I happened to share the computer and was going with hardly three dollars in my pocket let alone enough for a hard drive to put my stuff on] BUT! thanks to WorkStudy I’ve managed to get a laptop and can post again. I have up to chapter 65 written but un-betaed, I will over time post that, but I can't promise the story will be rekindled in me and finished. I'll try. Well . . . here's this, the first chapter.
'Did you see that?' Kurama's eyes snap to focus unnoticed.
'What is it?' They discreetly search the inside of the elevator. His back was already to the bar so that he didn't need to turn. He idly notices Hiei's shoulders once again going stiff.
'The numbers, when we first entered the buttons only read up to 20 stories. We hit twenty, three floors ago, and the numbers 21 through 30 just appeared on the buttons panel'
'Should we worry?'
'I think not, maybe they're private floors . . . I got a familiar feeling when the numbers changed, but it wasn't a negative one.'
'Hopefully you're instincts are right'
'Haven't been wrong yet' the elevator jerks subtly to a stop. There is a muted 'ding' and Shippo steps forward as the doors start to slide open. Hiei's shoulders once again tense under Kurama's fingers and Kurama himself manages to strangle his gasp off into a slight whistle of air.
Shippo steps out of the elevator and apparent roof onto distinctly un-green grass and moss. Dark blades that lacked chlorophyll, something useless with Makai's constant sunlessness, and colored by an alternate component that allowed the plant to produce food from the slightly acidic air of Makai. Plants, some that Shuichi can't comprehend but Youko remembers fondly, lean in toward the auburn haired youkai. Shippo allows it, one clawed hand lovingly stroking the wide head of an intimidating looking plant that loosely resembled trumpet plant, the 'pink perfection strain' in particular. Like an incredibly large cousin-- the convict that wasn't invited to holiday celebrations. The tongue-like stamen wriggle affectionately around his wrist.
Kurama steps forward instinctively when the elevator doors begin to close, hand stopping them.
'So we are in Makai' Youko confirm 'He has quite a collection' Kurama finds himself walking forward
'It's safe?' His shoes and socks come off, and are set outside the elevator.
'This is his domain, we could be dead now-- He likes us too much at this moment fortunately'
'This moment . . . ?' There is an involuntary sigh of pleasure when his bare feet touch the cool grass. He registers Hiei following suit, minus the removal of anything, and the doors closing behind them. When he looks up, Shippo is facing them, his illusion gone now. His eyes are drawn to the playfully twitching tail and surprising fox-like feet, elf-like ears. Youko growls contently in his mental space
"Is it to your liking?" He asks, approaching slowly "There are limits of course, being in this location" he shrugs lightly and it becomes apparent he wasn't actually talking about his revealed form. He's soon in Kurama's personal space "--but this building was specifically designed to house it" he eyes Kurama's view obstructing clothing with some degree of distaste
'His feet?' Shuichi's mental voice is confused 'His form is different from your own? His ears also? They aren't human . . . but?'
'The formation of Makai changed a lot of things, he was before Makai, if I was, my own would be closer to his form. We both have advantages'
'It's . . . interesting . . . like a canine satyr or faun' Youko makes an amused sound
'Interesting comparison'
"It is definitely something" Kurama responds despite his inner conversations "I did not expect it to be in Makai however." He raises an eyebrow "You're elevator does interesting tricks"
"Not at all" the other male admits easily, hands wanders toward the fastening at the collar of Kurama's uniform top. They are easily caught. "There are twenty stories within the Ningenkai building" he continues unfaltering "This building is 30 stories and in the shadow of the other building so to speak" forest green eyes wander over towards the tense youkai at Kurama's side "The ningenkai building is built up and through a tear in the barrier"
"And Reikai is unaware of it?" Hiei asks, gaze flickering upwards towards the heir's
"Of course" his voice conveys his dislike for the realm and it's inhabitants "they are quite uninformed about many things" Shippo's eyes wander back to Kurama's face, tracing over his features "Their priorities and values are all very skewed" His hands slip out of the vessel's grip, unfastening five buttons from the top before his gaze wanders back to Hiei as his hands continue their task uninterrupted. He gives Hiei a 'come hither' look, then a smile
"Should I leave, or would it please you more if I watch?" the hybrid gives Shippo an exasperated look, getting an amused one in return
"That would please me very much Hiei, more so if you joined" he makes a face "but I know you won't. so I won't be rude" He turns his attentions back to Kurama. "If you'd like, I could have someone show you this buildings collections of dojo? Or perhaps our more public weapons collections? I noticed your sword, new?"
"Neither of you are very subtle" Hiei murmurs, throwing a sideways glance "Summon this person then" His body twists towards the elevator as the lights against start flickering across the board
'Well, it seems we'll have to make this up to Hiei'
'Hnm?' Kurama only watches as his uniform top is pushed off of his shoulders and carefully removed.
'Hiei's getting left out a lot lately while we play' Youko notes in a planning tone. Shuichi blushes darkly at the implications.
'Hey-- I'll have you know, that I have no desire to have that kind of relationship with Hiei'
'And why not? Hiei is perfect for that kind of relationship, untouched even, promises to be interesting'
"Hey!" Kurama gasps, sending a half-hearted glare in glare in Hiei's direction when the hybrid snorts amusedly. The remains of his undershirt fall to the ground, Shippo looks extremely satisfied
"Sorry" he says, not meaning it at all "I got a bit impatient"
"Oh?" Kurama manages to look upset "It's just a good thing you didn't tear my uniform top as well"
'Shame that, hate the horrid thing, not as much as the pink thing but . . . hmph, what is it with you ningen and conformity?'
'It's more about being a part of a group than anything'
The elevator dings and the doors open. The two foxes turn their attention for a moment. A tall youkai in a traditional haori-hakama-happi set bows shallowly from the back of the box. The outfit and the slender youkai's waist-length hair is pitch black, his skin porcelain pale. Hiei grunts noncommittally and the youkai smirks, showing a row of stark with fangs, red eyes similar to Hiei's own glint amusedly. He leers at the smaller youkai, before nodding once to Shippo.
"This is Taishi, Taishi-kun this is Hiei-san. Treat him well" A sharp pink tongue slide across impressive canines, another nod. With a 'tsk' Hiei steps into the box. Kurama tries not to laugh as the doors close and Hiei's gaze burns a hold through his forehead
"Let me show you around" Shippo says finally, a hand trailing across a smooth hairless chest, he steps back towards the center of the roof.
Kurama turns over in his bed, onto his back
"Hiei, you are not asleep?" His eyes focus on the mural carved into the ceiling, it looked like an old water color and ink painting, rendering an immense canine youkai in it's truest form, clouds curling under it's feet as it races across the night sky. Youko provides the fact that the western land's bloodline was one of great white dog youkai.
"Hn" an unconcerned grunt comes from the plush window seat Shippo has specifically requested, along with the suite that was more of an apartment than a hotel room. The building was in Ningenkai, something much better for Kurama's human body and Hiei's mood. Shippo had mentioned as a side thought that while Koenma may not think to or have it in him to do so, Enma himself had probably set a bounty on their heads in Makai.
[Do you regret following me, Hiei? Given everything that has happened?] He asks telepathically thinking better of being too trusting despite his obviously favored status in the western heir's eyes
[No, it was a better option] Kurama shifts slightly onto his side, propping himself up on an elbow
[Who knows what will happen though? We may never be able to leave the West's territory, he may loose interest in me] There is a small disbelieving scoff from Hiei's direction
[Enma had no intention of ever releasing us from under his thumb, how often does he have the advantage of two youkai at our level working under him?]
[This is the first time] Kurama conceeds [All his previous tentai have been human, he doesn't like a youkai he can't control and the vast majority of youkai in Reikai's jail can't be trusted]
[Correct, and the Western Lands are acceptable]
[Thank you, Hiei . . .] Hiei nods shallowly and closes his eyes, relaxing into the seat. Kurama turns over and attempts to get some sleep himself.
Translation Notes:
Akuma and Youkai - akuma is literally 'demon' in the devil's servants sense usually, Youkai, which doesn't really translate, refers to beings with more conscious thought than 'serve my master', 'kill, eat, terrorize', etc. | Hiei and Kurama are youkai where as the demons Hiei called forth with the sword stolen from the Reikai vault were akuma.
tbc . . .
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(A/N): >__> so . . . I had writers’ block for like a million years and then I went off to college and left my writing at home [since I happened to share the computer and was going with hardly three dollars in my pocket let alone enough for a hard drive to put my stuff on] BUT! thanks to WorkStudy I’ve managed to get a laptop and can post again. I have up to chapter 65 written but un-betaed, I will over time post that, but I can't promise the story will be rekindled in me and finished. I'll try. Well . . . here's this, the first chapter.
'Did you see that?' Kurama's eyes snap to focus unnoticed.
'What is it?' They discreetly search the inside of the elevator. His back was already to the bar so that he didn't need to turn. He idly notices Hiei's shoulders once again going stiff.
'The numbers, when we first entered the buttons only read up to 20 stories. We hit twenty, three floors ago, and the numbers 21 through 30 just appeared on the buttons panel'
'Should we worry?'
'I think not, maybe they're private floors . . . I got a familiar feeling when the numbers changed, but it wasn't a negative one.'
'Hopefully you're instincts are right'
'Haven't been wrong yet' the elevator jerks subtly to a stop. There is a muted 'ding' and Shippo steps forward as the doors start to slide open. Hiei's shoulders once again tense under Kurama's fingers and Kurama himself manages to strangle his gasp off into a slight whistle of air.
Shippo steps out of the elevator and apparent roof onto distinctly un-green grass and moss. Dark blades that lacked chlorophyll, something useless with Makai's constant sunlessness, and colored by an alternate component that allowed the plant to produce food from the slightly acidic air of Makai. Plants, some that Shuichi can't comprehend but Youko remembers fondly, lean in toward the auburn haired youkai. Shippo allows it, one clawed hand lovingly stroking the wide head of an intimidating looking plant that loosely resembled trumpet plant, the 'pink perfection strain' in particular. Like an incredibly large cousin-- the convict that wasn't invited to holiday celebrations. The tongue-like stamen wriggle affectionately around his wrist.
Kurama steps forward instinctively when the elevator doors begin to close, hand stopping them.
'So we are in Makai' Youko confirm 'He has quite a collection' Kurama finds himself walking forward
'It's safe?' His shoes and socks come off, and are set outside the elevator.
'This is his domain, we could be dead now-- He likes us too much at this moment fortunately'
'This moment . . . ?' There is an involuntary sigh of pleasure when his bare feet touch the cool grass. He registers Hiei following suit, minus the removal of anything, and the doors closing behind them. When he looks up, Shippo is facing them, his illusion gone now. His eyes are drawn to the playfully twitching tail and surprising fox-like feet, elf-like ears. Youko growls contently in his mental space
"Is it to your liking?" He asks, approaching slowly "There are limits of course, being in this location" he shrugs lightly and it becomes apparent he wasn't actually talking about his revealed form. He's soon in Kurama's personal space "--but this building was specifically designed to house it" he eyes Kurama's view obstructing clothing with some degree of distaste
'His feet?' Shuichi's mental voice is confused 'His form is different from your own? His ears also? They aren't human . . . but?'
'The formation of Makai changed a lot of things, he was before Makai, if I was, my own would be closer to his form. We both have advantages'
'It's . . . interesting . . . like a canine satyr or faun' Youko makes an amused sound
'Interesting comparison'
"It is definitely something" Kurama responds despite his inner conversations "I did not expect it to be in Makai however." He raises an eyebrow "You're elevator does interesting tricks"
"Not at all" the other male admits easily, hands wanders toward the fastening at the collar of Kurama's uniform top. They are easily caught. "There are twenty stories within the Ningenkai building" he continues unfaltering "This building is 30 stories and in the shadow of the other building so to speak" forest green eyes wander over towards the tense youkai at Kurama's side "The ningenkai building is built up and through a tear in the barrier"
"And Reikai is unaware of it?" Hiei asks, gaze flickering upwards towards the heir's
"Of course" his voice conveys his dislike for the realm and it's inhabitants "they are quite uninformed about many things" Shippo's eyes wander back to Kurama's face, tracing over his features "Their priorities and values are all very skewed" His hands slip out of the vessel's grip, unfastening five buttons from the top before his gaze wanders back to Hiei as his hands continue their task uninterrupted. He gives Hiei a 'come hither' look, then a smile
"Should I leave, or would it please you more if I watch?" the hybrid gives Shippo an exasperated look, getting an amused one in return
"That would please me very much Hiei, more so if you joined" he makes a face "but I know you won't. so I won't be rude" He turns his attentions back to Kurama. "If you'd like, I could have someone show you this buildings collections of dojo? Or perhaps our more public weapons collections? I noticed your sword, new?"
"Neither of you are very subtle" Hiei murmurs, throwing a sideways glance "Summon this person then" His body twists towards the elevator as the lights against start flickering across the board
'Well, it seems we'll have to make this up to Hiei'
'Hnm?' Kurama only watches as his uniform top is pushed off of his shoulders and carefully removed.
'Hiei's getting left out a lot lately while we play' Youko notes in a planning tone. Shuichi blushes darkly at the implications.
'Hey-- I'll have you know, that I have no desire to have that kind of relationship with Hiei'
'And why not? Hiei is perfect for that kind of relationship, untouched even, promises to be interesting'
"Hey!" Kurama gasps, sending a half-hearted glare in glare in Hiei's direction when the hybrid snorts amusedly. The remains of his undershirt fall to the ground, Shippo looks extremely satisfied
"Sorry" he says, not meaning it at all "I got a bit impatient"
"Oh?" Kurama manages to look upset "It's just a good thing you didn't tear my uniform top as well"
'Shame that, hate the horrid thing, not as much as the pink thing but . . . hmph, what is it with you ningen and conformity?'
'It's more about being a part of a group than anything'
The elevator dings and the doors open. The two foxes turn their attention for a moment. A tall youkai in a traditional haori-hakama-happi set bows shallowly from the back of the box. The outfit and the slender youkai's waist-length hair is pitch black, his skin porcelain pale. Hiei grunts noncommittally and the youkai smirks, showing a row of stark with fangs, red eyes similar to Hiei's own glint amusedly. He leers at the smaller youkai, before nodding once to Shippo.
"This is Taishi, Taishi-kun this is Hiei-san. Treat him well" A sharp pink tongue slide across impressive canines, another nod. With a 'tsk' Hiei steps into the box. Kurama tries not to laugh as the doors close and Hiei's gaze burns a hold through his forehead
"Let me show you around" Shippo says finally, a hand trailing across a smooth hairless chest, he steps back towards the center of the roof.
Kurama turns over in his bed, onto his back
"Hiei, you are not asleep?" His eyes focus on the mural carved into the ceiling, it looked like an old water color and ink painting, rendering an immense canine youkai in it's truest form, clouds curling under it's feet as it races across the night sky. Youko provides the fact that the western land's bloodline was one of great white dog youkai.
"Hn" an unconcerned grunt comes from the plush window seat Shippo has specifically requested, along with the suite that was more of an apartment than a hotel room. The building was in Ningenkai, something much better for Kurama's human body and Hiei's mood. Shippo had mentioned as a side thought that while Koenma may not think to or have it in him to do so, Enma himself had probably set a bounty on their heads in Makai.
[Do you regret following me, Hiei? Given everything that has happened?] He asks telepathically thinking better of being too trusting despite his obviously favored status in the western heir's eyes
[No, it was a better option] Kurama shifts slightly onto his side, propping himself up on an elbow
[Who knows what will happen though? We may never be able to leave the West's territory, he may loose interest in me] There is a small disbelieving scoff from Hiei's direction
[Enma had no intention of ever releasing us from under his thumb, how often does he have the advantage of two youkai at our level working under him?]
[This is the first time] Kurama conceeds [All his previous tentai have been human, he doesn't like a youkai he can't control and the vast majority of youkai in Reikai's jail can't be trusted]
[Correct, and the Western Lands are acceptable]
[Thank you, Hiei . . .] Hiei nods shallowly and closes his eyes, relaxing into the seat. Kurama turns over and attempts to get some sleep himself.
Translation Notes:
Akuma and Youkai - akuma is literally 'demon' in the devil's servants sense usually, Youkai, which doesn't really translate, refers to beings with more conscious thought than 'serve my master', 'kill, eat, terrorize', etc. | Hiei and Kurama are youkai where as the demons Hiei called forth with the sword stolen from the Reikai vault were akuma.
tbc . . .
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