InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ An Offer You Can't Refuse ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): Another post with no real rhyme or reason, just when I can. Heading back up to school tomorrow so don’t know when the next post will be.
Reviewer/s: loretta537 thanks for the review, I will say to your review that the story doesn’t focus much on Kagome as it progresses, but since Enma and Koenma are demi-kami [in this at least] they rank lower than the rest of the full kami.

“You want me to give your bed-warmer and his friend citizenship to the Western Lands?”
“Yes, exactly” Shippo nods, toying with the paperwork and folders stacked under him. Sesshoumaru sends a glare up at him from his desk chair, Reika standing behind him, hands messaging his shoulders.
“You know my situation, now is not a time for games” Sesshoumaru grounds out
Shippo ducks his head, grinning
“Of course Sesshoumaru-papa” he looks back up, grin gone “This isn’t simply a move to get my lover and his friend citizenship of course” he laces his fingers together in front of his nose. Sesshoumaru raises an eyebrow, indicating that he should continue. “They are the best Reikai has, You know that Enma is bigoted, to him akuma and youkai are the same”* there’s a small nod from both lighter haired youkai “He won’t find more youkai from their jails and these two are one of a kind at any rate.” Green eyes narrow slightly “The forbidden child, a fire and ice youkai hybrid with a jigan eye? Youko as well” His gaze flickers upward to the Lady of the Western Lands “his human vessel is slowly deteriorating and his youkai aspect is showing through more everyday. He’ll be fully integrated very soon at this rate. The West prides itself in having the best, They are the best.” His voice is business.
“And can you trust them? The hybrid with the jigan, how powerful is it?” Sesshoumaru fold his hands on top of the desk “not as strong as a birth-gifted jiganshi I’d assume?”
“No, but he’s refined his skill, it’s close” Shippo shrugs lightly “but those who hold important information for the west have barriers that even gift-born jiganshi can’t penetrate” Shippo smirks “and a plus? Neither have standing citizenship, normally even after death citizenship remains” he makes a minimal gesture “but when the East found out that he was working for Reikai the citizenship was revoked, and of course the Forbidden Child’s citizenship was revoked at birth”
“This I know” Shippo smiles at the work-weary youkai
“and that I know, so?”


Hiei cracks an eye open, suddenly hearing a creak from the direction and vicinity of Kurama's bed. A familiar form crouches over an irritated looking Kurama. The auburn haired youkai waves, smiling widely. Hiei raises an eyebrow, face twitching when the grinning youkai blow a kiss.

Kurama tries not let his irritated expression slip when Shippo manages to get the reaction out of Hiei, despite the fact that he’d only been irritated a second after being woken up. He glares up at the redhead, who’d taken to grinning stupidly down at him, reminiscent of a cute family dog.
‘Oh how cruel, Shuichi! Bestiality is wrong!’ Youko sniggers
‘Uwah! Then stop supplying images!– And twisting my thoughts!’
“Sleep well?” Shippo settles himself down onto Kurama’s lap, straddling his hips “I have good news” he claps his hands together, throwing a glance and a wink in Hiei’s direction. “I have a proposition for you two” his grin widens "and it doesn't involve death or a life of servitude or anything!" her says cheerfully. Kurama's irritation slips
"Proposition that involves what exactly?" Hiei's voice come comes from over by the widow where he's now standing besides window, the heavy curtains closed

Shippo folds his arms up behind his head, twisting in Hiei's direction, he makes a face
"Hiei-kun you don't think I wouldn't treat you well do you?" he pouts
"I will be no one's chamber boy" the hybrid says with finality, making Shippo laugh
"Ne, Hiei-kun, I would never place you any lower than a consort" Hiei glares "it's even better though" Shippo spares a glance down at the youkai under him, gold eyes focused down where his hands is fiddling with the ties of the silver-haired youkai’s tunic pants. Youko’s gaze flickers up to meet his. A smirk gracing his angular face, at some point his aspects having shifted. Shippo raises an eyebrow
"I've managed to convince The Western Lord that you'd be a good investment for the Western Lands on a few conditions" he murmurs, knowing Hiei can hear him. He watches Kurama, the contained youkai holding his gaze, hands creeping up his thighs. A soft grunt from Hiei, off to the side, indicates that he should continue. "Loyalty of course, respect of the Lord, royal family and laws of the land-- the land itself, He was adamant about that, Reikai agents are known for being especially destructive" he adds in the same nonchalant tone. Gaze shifting back the pale face of his . . . something, when the creeping hands slip under the folds of his tunic, ghosting across his skin and leaving finger marks alternately "Severing of ties and any past loyalties to the Reikai, of course" He unfolds his arms from behind his head, leaning back, palms to Kurama's knees "Your companions . . . the team leader and his friend, the West won't make you sever ties there, but be wary of decisions that may lead to suspicions of treason"
"The West is not very merciful with traitors" Kurama mumbles distractedly "I've heard stories"
"Yes" Shippo turns his attention back to Hiei, the hybrid's posture one of bored disinterest, Shippo feels his tunic and sash being pushed up past the lower rows of his ribs. Red eyes narrow, a spark of interest entering Hiei's eyes. "These things, will get you citizenship" A sharp look down at the smirking vessel. "There are additional offers" a hand hovers over Shippo's belly, Shippo's hand anchors itself around Kurama's pale wrist "we are not so close yet" the auburn haired youkai whispers, half hisses.
"My apologies" comes the unapologetic response

'Youko!' Shuichi's mental voice hisses heatedly 'don't compromise our chances by playing games!' The Youko counterpart merely shushes him
'Calm yourself Shuichi, merely a small test, We have the citizenship but anything more will take time.' Kurama cuts his eyes, taking the auburn haired youkai's free hand and bringing it to his lips. He watches forest green eyes soften a fraction, with satisfaction.
'You licked him!' Shuichi's horrified/flustered voice rings within Kurama's head
'Quiet' Youko snaps quietly, immediately silencing the other consciousness 'I will be negotiating the finalization of our citizenship, keep your narrow-minded human ideals to yourself from now on'
'Animal" Shuichi retorts, snapping off a string of American curses not complementary of Youko's mother. Youko's mental self-image scoffs, barking back amore impressive string in one of the dirtier Makai languages
"Kura-kun" Shippo’s murmurs, a small smirk gracing his features "If the time comes that you have gained the Lord and Lady's trust, Sesshoumaru-sama has offered you a highly paid position as an advisor" he tilts his head slightly "perhaps even a member, of the groups that deal with WINDD"
"the West's Integrated Natural Defense Division" Hiei clarifies. Shippo's smirk broadens "he mentioned his hesitance, given your history, and invited me to warn you beforehand that he would find a very long and creative way to end you life did you dare take advantage of the position at any time" There's an amused snort from Hiei's direction, laughter from Youko in Kurama's head
"Of course, as I expected" Gold eyes watch Shippo's face
"Hiei-kun" Shippo addresses the hybrid, Kurama's hand now clasped loosely in his, claws against his lips "You remember Taishi-kun?" There's a disgruntled sound from the hybrid "Taishi-kun is the second command of the Western Army as a whole under Lady Reika and Commanding officer of Division 2 Main branch in the absence of" Hiei grunts "He expressed interest in taking you on for more formal training"
"Who knows what kind of training that lecherous bat was speaking of" Kurama laughs
"He says" Shippo continues with a grin "that although it appears that you haven't had much or any formal training your potential is quiet impressive"
"My point is still made" an unimpressed scoff
"Future apprenticeship, he mentioned" Shippo ventures. There's a vaguely satisfied sound
"So hard to please Hiei-kun, but I'm always up for that challenge."
“Hands to yourself, fox-brat” Shippo laughs uproariously
“I will try, hot stuff.”

tbc . . .

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