InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Visitation ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): Two posts today [yay?]
Reminder: [text] = telepathy

[So, Hiei what do you think?] The now silver-haired vessel pushes the seeds on the table in front of him into organized sections and piles, taking inventory [You are looking forward to the 'extra opportunities?’ Shippo-kun sounded quiet excited when he said that they were willing to offer you what the Reikai couldn't and wouldn't dare if you did succeed in obtaining the apprenticeship?]
[He deliberately slipped me some select surface thoughts] Hiei doesn't shift his gaze from the cute animal shaped magnets stuck to the stainless steel refrigerator. A note was posted underneath a twitch-nosed rabbit reading: "Take what you need, order what is not here, everything is covered, Shippo, P.S. Don't have too much fun without me ;3" [they are willing to make my jigan permanent]
[I see] Kurama looks up catching the dark youkai's eye [Yukina]
[They know that I'm the flight risk, the eye will no doubt only be a benefit to me if I stay loyal]
[Once it's in then, chances are, if you try to leave you will have no sight within any of your eyes] Red eyes flicker back to the fridge [will you take the chance, is the question, the citizenship is all you want for sure?]
[I want to protect Yukina openly, and give her a brother to be proud of]
[Then you accept] Kurama's eyes scan the entirety of the seeds from his hair. An amused light in his eye as he takes stock, the seeds he'd snagged from Shippo to investigate were gone and a plain looking seed, which he'd sorted out alone, added [Then I shall accept as well, I enjoy my leisure, no doubt the offered position will allow for that] a grin reaches Kurama's face [and I only have to be a good boy and keep my new daddy's trust.] The hybrid raises an eyebrow
[and Become the Lady of the Western Lands in waiting?] Hiei adds. Youko sniggers
[If that happens then I only need to be good enough not to get killed]
[Familiar territory] the hybrid snarks [and a youkai as insatiable as you? Perhaps more?]
[One person forever Hiei] Kurama pouts at his ally [sounds so boring, youkai live so long]
Hiei huffs [Now that we know who he really is I actually know something about him-- he plays with illusions, better than he plays with plants]
[And so he plays with the mind]
[He can be anyone you want, ne Fox? You wouldn't know the difference]
[Even you Hiei? Could he be you?] Kurama throws the shorter youkai a sultry look
[Just don't tell me about it] Kurama chuckles.


"Pull" a split second "release" The arrow slices through the ball of snow, water sprinkling over the cement grounds. Kagome quickly reloads her bow
"double, pull" two more fly at the young miko disk "release" two ki arrows stopping them short.
"triple, pull" three snow balls fly towards her, three arrows. It goes back to one and on like this for a while. Two, one three, two, two, one.

A snowball hits and disintegrates against Kagome's chest, knocking the wind out of her momentarily. She bends at the waits, hands grasping her knees through her red hakama.
"That's enough for now" Genkai's voice croaks from her perch atop one of the wings of the temple building. Yukina stands beside her sitting form an apologetic look on her face and a snow ball in each of her hands. Yukina lets the snow fall onto the roof shaking water from her hands. "Now that you've worn off all of that access energy we can begin"

Kagome straightens up, combing the stray hairs away from her neck and face. She steels her shoulders, watching Genkai leap down from the roof. She makes a face, wiping sweat from the back of her neck and forehead with her free hand
'Now I know why Sesshoumaru-sama cut his hair'


Kouga's face twitches up in a grimace, his pupiless gaze staring hard down at his son.
"Hold your tongue" he snaps, Kazuki flinches his glare directed down at the marble floor
"You know I am right" he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, leaving a smear of blood "You have glorified what it is to be a leader of a great land from the day that I could comprehend your words" he spits pink-tinted saliva "yet you unload your lordship upon me as soon as I am of age. Surely it wasn‘t so great if you gave it up so easily."
"You were elated"
"I was a child!" Kouga almost flinches himself, every one of Kazuki's words emphasized "I was a child and I did not know what I was getting in, you breeding me to be the next leader is not experience, it's not a clear perception! Especially when you are gorging me on your bullshit!"
"Watch your MOUTH!" Kazuki's mouth snaps shut, a growl raising in his throat "do not challenge me, pup, you will loose" Kouga steps forward fingers cracking audibly. Kazuki's growl tapers off slowly, a subsonic rumble still hanging in the air, joining the one resonating from the older youkai "Do you wish to resign your position?" Kouga manages to ask calmly
"I love being the Lord of the Northern Lands" eyes only a few shades darker than his own stare up at him. His eyes drift to slightly ruffled bangs, dark red thanks to Ayame
"I'm sorry" Kouga kneels next to his son, almost smiling at the one sword at his son's hip that looked older than the youkai himself. It was Kouga's old sword, it was no longer very useful but he kept it. It was the first sword he'd given Kazuki "for everything" He takes his son's ponytail in his hands, yanking sharply, he ignored the protest "but I am not a coward or a lay-about" Kazuki yelps
"I get it, I get it! Sorry!"
"I was never made to lead."


"Where are they Koenma!?"
Kazuma Kuwabara stands back for once, watching his rival/friend try and interrogate their pint sized boss who simply sat staring down at his piles of papers, stamping in increasingly annoying rhythm "Where are Kurama and Hiei and who is Shippo really!? Answer me damn it!"

Koenma flinches slightly when his seal is snatched from his hand and thrown across the large room. It embeds itself in the wall right of the door
"That was rude Yusuke, I said I didn't know where they were didn't I?"
"Don't ignore the second part of my question, brat" the dark haired boy clenches his fist in and obvious attempt not to hit the demi-god "What? Does he work for you? They do something you didn't like and you decided they needed to be taken out? Huh!? What is it! You're fucking lying!"
"He doesn't work for me" Koenma's baby face screws up distastefully
"Then who" Kuwabara interjects, voice at speaking level, unlike Yusuke’s
"Not you is a lot of people" Yusuke adds, Koenma's face twitches, a glare forming
"Watch yourself Yusuke" Yusuke scoffs
"Now you’re the voice of reason?" He sweeps his arms across the desk, knocking towering stacks of papers, and files onto the floor, a disconcerted 'now what?' gesture topping off the destruction "You want to scream, and yell and tell me you’re boss" the tentai spits "you're just as immature as you look most times" He clears the rest of the desk, off to the other side and onto the demigod's lap. Koenma shoots up, the display not as impressive as it could have been with his current form.
"That is ENOUGH!" the words echo around the room in a minimal display of power, small hands slamming into the desk, which shakes under the force.
"Yes!" Yusuke laughs "get angry! You should be angry!"
"Your little akuma friends are traitors! The great Youko Kurama decided he liked fucking the Heir of the Western lands better than he did staying out of Reikai prison!“ Kuwabara recoiled at the uncharacteristically harsh language ”So now they're on the run! So no, I don't know where they are!" he scowls "but when we find them they'll be where they belong."
"You bastard" eyes usually slanted closed widen marginally "I don't believe you for one minute-- how dare you call them akuma, you figured they weren't needed anymore now that Kurama was doing something you didn't like?" the dark haired boy watches the demigod in disgust "I'm leaving, I'll find 'em myself" Yusuke's communicator hits the wall right behind Koenma's head, snapping in half
"Kuwabara let's go" the taller boys straightens up, following his fuming friend when he passes
"Right! Where are we going?" Koenma pushes a button behind his desk, a speaker crackles on
"Security. Don't let our tentai leave this building"
"Rei gan!~!"

tbc . . .

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