InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Official Business ( Chapter 26 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Update! Don't know who still cares though. Situated at school, thinking of transferring at the end of the semester.
"I want you to be thorough" Shippo speaks directly to the commanding officer of Civilian Relations Division 4. The top division was composed chiefly of youkai with wide range and tele-powers. They were the reason those above them had mental shields stronger than their own and why interrogations were a snap in the West, that and why no one who broke a law in the West could claim ignorance to it. They were a secret service type group, skills and powers declining with rank 1 to 4, but Division 4 also broadcasted region wide law changes and announcements and similar. "Do this as you usually would, minimal exhaustion please? Youko Kurama, vessel and all as well as Hiei the Forbidden Child are off limits as ordered by the royal family. All bounties are called off, including outside bounty. Violation will be met by death, etc." He raises an eyebrow at the beautiful youkai, who only nods shortly, three eyes half lidded "feel free to be a bit creative" The youkai grins
"A personal question Heir-sama?" The youkai tilts his head up, wooden beads grown into his hair clacking softly against one another.
"Of course I can decline to answer" Shippo's gaze wanders for a second, around the bedroom. He'd woken Kisuke from sleep, the Jiganshi dressed informally in a pair of thin tunic pants
"You've been distant Heir-sama" his gaze shifts back "To myself . . . to Jun"
"I am courting no one" the corner of the Jiganshi's lips quirks upward
"Is that a yet I hear Heir-sama?" he steps forward "It makes me so sad, I think I may cry. We are all very possessive of you Heir-sama. Jun will be cru . . ."
"There is no courtee" Shippo cuts in. His hand clenches at his side, eyes wandering down the youkai's slender form "you should rest, I apologize for waking you"
"Oh but Heir-sama" Kisuke wanders obediently back towards the bed "you know I don't mind. I really wish you would keep me up a while longer" The door closes behind the heir. "He must really be something." Kisuke muses aloud.
"K'so! b'ka b'ka! D'shite? B'ku a b'ka ka!?" The solidified illusion under Shippo's fist finally caves and whisps away. He'd thought better of calling in one of the army recruits in to spar with after he'd sent one of the heavy wooden doors in Kisuke's wing flying when he'd closed it.
"Now now, what ever did that illusion do to you?" The heir to the Western Lands swears under his breath, turning towards the familiar voice of the youkai he'd only just noticed the presence of.
"Tai-kun" Shippo sighs, making his way over the taller youkai "I messed up" he wraps his arms around his friends neck, resting his forehead against his collarbone "It's the barrier all over again, It's Inuyasha and Miroku all over again, but this time I'm a part of it"
"You still worry about that then?" Taishi doesn't return the embrace but allows the contact "I suppose the one once known as the Stone-faced Prince and his army general are not the first you'd call to comfort a traumatized child"
"I was a sensitive child"
"A bratty one as well, now remove your teeth from me"
"You were being mean" Shippo protests, obeying. He laves the small wound in the juncture of the youkai‘s neck and shoulder. "I don't want to die like Inuyasha-otousan, I don't want a mate" his gaze flickers up to his friend's face which is, as usual, filled with an almost disturbing curiosity "I don't want to want a mate" he presses the tip of his tongue to the crest of the Division 1 commander's sternum, following the path along his collarbone to his left shoulder, brushing heavy silk aside as he goes "I like my life as it is" he murmurs "my freedom, my state of living".
Long thin fingers curl around his chin, tilting his head up "You are odd to mourn this way, you're aware of this" his head is tilted one way and then the other "from even your descriptions the non-ruling lord and his mate were very happy despite opposition, given the way things were at the time" thin lips ghost across Shippo's forehead "What is the foolish human saying? It is better to have had love and lost it than to not have it at all. Something similar perhaps. Maybe there is something to it".
"Human's idea of love and ours is variable" Shippo averts his eyes
"It matters not" Taishi releases his hold "the saying translates just fine" he manually removes Shippo's arms from around his neck and steps back "If you want your freedom, and think that it is worth more" the fox youkai perks up slight "make him your wife, you can see then?"
"I knew there was a reason I kept you" Shippo smirks
"And apologize to Jun" red eyes narrow sharply, Shippo immediately cringes and cowers "I do not enjoy seeing him sad" the heir nods vehemently
"Of course, I wouldn't think of not! I was stupid, b'ka me, ne?"
"Good, I'll make leave, Mi'lady is calling"
"A bit of a hypocrite" Shippo mumbles once the youkai has left the room "so clearly infatuated with my Jun. It would not kill him to admit it."
"Thank you for meeting with me" Shippo stares across the long table at the son of the Southern Land's ruling lord of the same name. They sat inside the conference room one the edge of the largest building’s adjacent garden. Three of the four walls were glass paneled in order to display the impressive garden. Along the one wooden wall stood two of Shippo's personal guards to match the security Nariyama jr. had brought for himself. Shippo was reluctant to participate in this meeting. The Southern Lands and the West had been at unrest with one another since before the barriers. The lord of the time had made some bad choices which Sesshoumaru had yet to forgive, the ruling lords since then had grown steadily worst in one way or the other. Nariyama and his offspring hadn't ended the trend. The last time he himself had met with any of them was shortly after his position as Heir was announced. Nariyama senior made a point of bringing his most beautiful daughter and having her try and seduce him. Nariyama senior had apparently learned from his ancestors as they hadn't made a move towards seducing Sesshoumaru himself. Reika had more than gotten her point across about that. Shippo sighs inwardly, tapping his claws down on the table. The legs sprouting from the floor and twisting into the table top. He laces his fingers together leveling a look in the sallow-skinned youkai's direction
"Nariyama-san, I'd thought that your clan and yourself were convinced of our seriousness?" He simply makes a small placating gesture, slanted eyes alight with humour
"Now now, I'd hoped we could negotiate a bit of peace."
Shippo's eyes narrow. The snake shifts uncomfortably in his high backed chair. His two guards shift with him. He shakes his head, fingers playing across the edge of the goblet in front of him
"There has been only a fragile peace between our regions since your ancestors chose their asses over the loyalty they'd pledged to the Council"
"Why bring up ancient history my friend?" Nariyama waves past betrayals away "Now is about how we can help each other" he leans forward onto the table, and Shippo has to resist the urge to pull the table right from under him. The plants forming the table send the kitsune their distress. "My father and myself were not even living at the time."
"Ah I see" Shippo spares a glance at each of Nariyama's guard, they're cardboard cutouts of each other, both hulking dog youkai decked out in full armor "Ancient past forgotten then!" he makes a frivolous gesture "Let's address the more recent shall we?" Nariyama's smile falters "The attempted manipulation, there's something" Shippo sits back in his own chair, folding his arms over his chest "Your sister, Narihana, pretty female" he concedes "She was sent to me in order to seduce me, despite the fact that I prefer the male form" the last is murmured but clear.
"You’re jumping to conclusions" the other youkai insists lightly
"Am I?" Shippo smiles to himself, amused "Who did order that anyway? Didn't do much research I'd guess" He shrugs "At any rate, you wanted in so that we could be used as a puppet would be, not very fair to us don't you think?"
"I'll apologize for my sister's behavior" Nariyama seems to be loosing his composure slowly "However she acted on own" he makes a small gesture with his hand "You are quite popular after all, an attractive specimen to those who prefer such a thing."
"True as that may be?" Shippo sends a charming grin in the direction of Nariyama's left flank guard "Your parents were there, the looks they were giving her were quite encouraging, though when I didn't respond, quite disappointed" He tsks "your mother even pulled your sister aside to advise and chastise her when I left the room" The other youkai's face twitches. Shippo sighs
"A word of advice? If you're going to have another of your siblings throw yourself at me" He grins "make it that cute brother of yours, Fusao, and tell him no talking"
"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Nariyama looks impatience, not surprising, the other sibling was not only the heir to his father's land but a lot more popular than Nariyama in the way he'd referred to Shippo as "The Southern Lands have a deal we'd like to make, We have some information that your newest citizens would be very interested in"
tbc . . .
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(A/N): Update! Don't know who still cares though. Situated at school, thinking of transferring at the end of the semester.
"I want you to be thorough" Shippo speaks directly to the commanding officer of Civilian Relations Division 4. The top division was composed chiefly of youkai with wide range and tele-powers. They were the reason those above them had mental shields stronger than their own and why interrogations were a snap in the West, that and why no one who broke a law in the West could claim ignorance to it. They were a secret service type group, skills and powers declining with rank 1 to 4, but Division 4 also broadcasted region wide law changes and announcements and similar. "Do this as you usually would, minimal exhaustion please? Youko Kurama, vessel and all as well as Hiei the Forbidden Child are off limits as ordered by the royal family. All bounties are called off, including outside bounty. Violation will be met by death, etc." He raises an eyebrow at the beautiful youkai, who only nods shortly, three eyes half lidded "feel free to be a bit creative" The youkai grins
"A personal question Heir-sama?" The youkai tilts his head up, wooden beads grown into his hair clacking softly against one another.
"Of course I can decline to answer" Shippo's gaze wanders for a second, around the bedroom. He'd woken Kisuke from sleep, the Jiganshi dressed informally in a pair of thin tunic pants
"You've been distant Heir-sama" his gaze shifts back "To myself . . . to Jun"
"I am courting no one" the corner of the Jiganshi's lips quirks upward
"Is that a yet I hear Heir-sama?" he steps forward "It makes me so sad, I think I may cry. We are all very possessive of you Heir-sama. Jun will be cru . . ."
"There is no courtee" Shippo cuts in. His hand clenches at his side, eyes wandering down the youkai's slender form "you should rest, I apologize for waking you"
"Oh but Heir-sama" Kisuke wanders obediently back towards the bed "you know I don't mind. I really wish you would keep me up a while longer" The door closes behind the heir. "He must really be something." Kisuke muses aloud.
"K'so! b'ka b'ka! D'shite? B'ku a b'ka ka!?" The solidified illusion under Shippo's fist finally caves and whisps away. He'd thought better of calling in one of the army recruits in to spar with after he'd sent one of the heavy wooden doors in Kisuke's wing flying when he'd closed it.
"Now now, what ever did that illusion do to you?" The heir to the Western Lands swears under his breath, turning towards the familiar voice of the youkai he'd only just noticed the presence of.
"Tai-kun" Shippo sighs, making his way over the taller youkai "I messed up" he wraps his arms around his friends neck, resting his forehead against his collarbone "It's the barrier all over again, It's Inuyasha and Miroku all over again, but this time I'm a part of it"
"You still worry about that then?" Taishi doesn't return the embrace but allows the contact "I suppose the one once known as the Stone-faced Prince and his army general are not the first you'd call to comfort a traumatized child"
"I was a sensitive child"
"A bratty one as well, now remove your teeth from me"
"You were being mean" Shippo protests, obeying. He laves the small wound in the juncture of the youkai‘s neck and shoulder. "I don't want to die like Inuyasha-otousan, I don't want a mate" his gaze flickers up to his friend's face which is, as usual, filled with an almost disturbing curiosity "I don't want to want a mate" he presses the tip of his tongue to the crest of the Division 1 commander's sternum, following the path along his collarbone to his left shoulder, brushing heavy silk aside as he goes "I like my life as it is" he murmurs "my freedom, my state of living".
Long thin fingers curl around his chin, tilting his head up "You are odd to mourn this way, you're aware of this" his head is tilted one way and then the other "from even your descriptions the non-ruling lord and his mate were very happy despite opposition, given the way things were at the time" thin lips ghost across Shippo's forehead "What is the foolish human saying? It is better to have had love and lost it than to not have it at all. Something similar perhaps. Maybe there is something to it".
"Human's idea of love and ours is variable" Shippo averts his eyes
"It matters not" Taishi releases his hold "the saying translates just fine" he manually removes Shippo's arms from around his neck and steps back "If you want your freedom, and think that it is worth more" the fox youkai perks up slight "make him your wife, you can see then?"
"I knew there was a reason I kept you" Shippo smirks
"And apologize to Jun" red eyes narrow sharply, Shippo immediately cringes and cowers "I do not enjoy seeing him sad" the heir nods vehemently
"Of course, I wouldn't think of not! I was stupid, b'ka me, ne?"
"Good, I'll make leave, Mi'lady is calling"
"A bit of a hypocrite" Shippo mumbles once the youkai has left the room "so clearly infatuated with my Jun. It would not kill him to admit it."
"Thank you for meeting with me" Shippo stares across the long table at the son of the Southern Land's ruling lord of the same name. They sat inside the conference room one the edge of the largest building’s adjacent garden. Three of the four walls were glass paneled in order to display the impressive garden. Along the one wooden wall stood two of Shippo's personal guards to match the security Nariyama jr. had brought for himself. Shippo was reluctant to participate in this meeting. The Southern Lands and the West had been at unrest with one another since before the barriers. The lord of the time had made some bad choices which Sesshoumaru had yet to forgive, the ruling lords since then had grown steadily worst in one way or the other. Nariyama and his offspring hadn't ended the trend. The last time he himself had met with any of them was shortly after his position as Heir was announced. Nariyama senior made a point of bringing his most beautiful daughter and having her try and seduce him. Nariyama senior had apparently learned from his ancestors as they hadn't made a move towards seducing Sesshoumaru himself. Reika had more than gotten her point across about that. Shippo sighs inwardly, tapping his claws down on the table. The legs sprouting from the floor and twisting into the table top. He laces his fingers together leveling a look in the sallow-skinned youkai's direction
"Nariyama-san, I'd thought that your clan and yourself were convinced of our seriousness?" He simply makes a small placating gesture, slanted eyes alight with humour
"Now now, I'd hoped we could negotiate a bit of peace."
Shippo's eyes narrow. The snake shifts uncomfortably in his high backed chair. His two guards shift with him. He shakes his head, fingers playing across the edge of the goblet in front of him
"There has been only a fragile peace between our regions since your ancestors chose their asses over the loyalty they'd pledged to the Council"
"Why bring up ancient history my friend?" Nariyama waves past betrayals away "Now is about how we can help each other" he leans forward onto the table, and Shippo has to resist the urge to pull the table right from under him. The plants forming the table send the kitsune their distress. "My father and myself were not even living at the time."
"Ah I see" Shippo spares a glance at each of Nariyama's guard, they're cardboard cutouts of each other, both hulking dog youkai decked out in full armor "Ancient past forgotten then!" he makes a frivolous gesture "Let's address the more recent shall we?" Nariyama's smile falters "The attempted manipulation, there's something" Shippo sits back in his own chair, folding his arms over his chest "Your sister, Narihana, pretty female" he concedes "She was sent to me in order to seduce me, despite the fact that I prefer the male form" the last is murmured but clear.
"You’re jumping to conclusions" the other youkai insists lightly
"Am I?" Shippo smiles to himself, amused "Who did order that anyway? Didn't do much research I'd guess" He shrugs "At any rate, you wanted in so that we could be used as a puppet would be, not very fair to us don't you think?"
"I'll apologize for my sister's behavior" Nariyama seems to be loosing his composure slowly "However she acted on own" he makes a small gesture with his hand "You are quite popular after all, an attractive specimen to those who prefer such a thing."
"True as that may be?" Shippo sends a charming grin in the direction of Nariyama's left flank guard "Your parents were there, the looks they were giving her were quite encouraging, though when I didn't respond, quite disappointed" He tsks "your mother even pulled your sister aside to advise and chastise her when I left the room" The other youkai's face twitches. Shippo sighs
"A word of advice? If you're going to have another of your siblings throw yourself at me" He grins "make it that cute brother of yours, Fusao, and tell him no talking"
"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Nariyama looks impatience, not surprising, the other sibling was not only the heir to his father's land but a lot more popular than Nariyama in the way he'd referred to Shippo as "The Southern Lands have a deal we'd like to make, We have some information that your newest citizens would be very interested in"
tbc . . .
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