InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Reconsiliation ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): Ah! What have I turned Jun into!? .__. Two posts tonight.

"The Southern Lands have a deal we'd like to make, We have some information that your newest citizens would be very interested in"

Shippo narrows a look in Nariyama's direction
"How yakuza of you Nariyama-san" he inclines his head towards the simmering youkai "I can see why you were not chosen as heir."
"Enough! Obviously I am not being taken seriously!" Nariyama stands, his chair scraping across the floor behind him. Shippo raises an eyebrow, unimpressed
"Have enough tact to not damage my space won't you? Can we reach a point" Shippo glances down at a nonexistent watch on his free wrist " I have a schedule to keep to, I didn't pencil you in for much time, unfortunately" he trails. Yellow eyes narrow in annoyance, slitted pupils adjusting accordingly, Shippo leaves it as such, waiting.
"As I was saying" He makes no move to retrieve his chair, most likely to maintain some dignity "As you've gone through the trouble of insuring the safety of Youko Kurama's vessel and the Forbidden Child, is it safe to assume they are somehow valuable to the West?" The question is rhetorical
"The West values each and every one of it's citizens" the Western heir drones
"The proprietor has something of value to them, they've decided to do business through us"
"The rest of the Council not having it?" Shippo runs a hand through his hair, pulling a fistful forwards over his shoulder, examining the ends "Nariyama-san" Shippo focuses his attention back on his guest "The West's intelligence is frankly a lot more informed than the South's" he leans forward, elbows on the table "That makes me think, my dear Nariyama-kun" Nariyama's smug look cracks almost unnoticeably "That the Reikai is involved. It's common knowledge that the West's newest citizens were valuable assets to Reikai's pitiful knowledge team" He rolls his eyes waving it off, eyes wandering to the guard at Nariyama's left "What I'd like to know Nariyama-san, is what they're offering you? Immunity of some sort? Also what do they or even you want from us?" The guard glares, Shippo smiles and winks
“Why we, the South, as a youkai nation associate with the Reikai?”
"Why not?" the auburn haired youkai catches Nariyama's gaze "The same blood runs through your veins. Wasn't it the Yama Nari Clan who betrayed all youkai in the Sengoku Jidai by siding with Onigumo? Though he called himself Naraku?"
"My ancestors and myself are not the same"
"Enma and his brat of a son . . .they're ones to play with peoples loved ones in order to get to them" Shippo's eyes narrow as Nariyama tenses "I have surveillance teams on family, both are mostly loners" the corner of his lips quirk upwards at a sudden realization, he laughs "Oh that's rich!" his amusement is palatable
"The proprietor would like to set up a meeting with the two" Nariyama grounds out
"It's pretty original, I'll give them that" Shippo stands "Rekai's taken hostage their own tentai you say? I'll pass along the message" He sends a plastic smile across the table, gesturing for his guards to escort them out. He ignores Nariyama's protests, pouring his goblet out onto the table. One his guests are gone, he leaves.


[Sesshoumaru, Nariyama jr. spilled]
[Not unexpected] Shippo takes a deep breath, knocking lightly on the door in front of him
[Reikai apparently went through the Makai Council of Nations before getting to the South. From what he gave up we can be pretty sure that they're keeping the two tentai Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwabara Kazuma hostage. They want an exchange, the two probably sided with their former teammates and Enma or Koenma decided it was worth the risk]
[Get an intelligence team on it to confirm and have a simplified message relayed to the teams watching their immediate family]
[How soon do you want me to have them attempt relocation? Kurama's family can be moved, Kagome is training under that woman, We can make sure the Koorime is protected through her and Kagome herself] The door opens, Jun ducks his head, gesturing Shippo inside
[The miko's doesn't know enough about the Reikai yet to handle them, but a deal can be made in our favor with the old woman. Use your best judgment with the relocation, Check in with the team on the vessel's home about the mother's status] Shippo wanders in after him, stopping behind him in front of his calligraphy desk, waiting for him to clean up the space.
[Gotcha, you'll arrange the deal?]
[We will see, my schedule can be cleared for the required time now, things may change]

"I wanted to apologize, in person, though it slipped my mind to bring flowers" The brunette turns, Shippo's proximity giving him little space, glaring. Jun pouts
"You ignored me" He crosses his arms across his chest, characteristically too big kimono bunching up at his chest "You tried to play it off but I knew, You only flirt" Shippo winces visibly
"And I'm very sorry, It's why I came, I wasn't thinking clearly at the time"
"So I know" Jun's eyes soften "You did not touch me once, makes me feel ugly"
"No no! Not at all!" he quickly assures "You're very beautiful of course! It was me."
"But that does not matter" Jun's arms slip around Shippo's waist "I come to find out that my lord is ignoring me because he feels as if he would cheating, on some other youkai with me!" The glare comes back, Shippo sweatdrops
"I wouldn't use those words . . ."
"To think that, I did not believe it! But then, Kazuki and the others are also untouched, Kazuki and I most significant, ne?" he buries his nose in the fabric of Shippo's tunic "Heir-sama I have been yours for many centuries, how can I feel anything but betrayal" the hold tightens "I gave up the idea that I was simply a play-thing long ago, was this my mistake?"
"Jun" Shippo wraps his arms around Jun's shoulders, bringing him closer "No matter what, I will make you my wife, whether it be when I become ruling lord or before"
"You haven't changed your mind?" Jun perks up, arms slipping from around Shippo's waist, fingers hooking into the neck of his tunic "and what of this Youko Kurama?" Jun frowns "Will you make him your wife also, or mate even? I would like to have the position of first wife above all else, but if I have to share Kazuki is a good friend to me, Taishi-kun as well but I don't think he'd enjoy being a wife" Shippo smiles at the idea, an unhappy Taishi ripping into the layers of a formal robe sets and scaring away the attendants presenting it.
"The reason I acted in the way I did was because I was so unsure of my feelings on that matter"
"I'll accept first wife if it comes to be that he is your mate, a youkai knows these things eventually after all" his hands frame Shippo's face "Just promise that you won't let that thief steal you from me? Don't leave me to collect dust and don't stop touching me" a hands slips down Shippo’s shoulder moving a noticeably larger hand to his hip
"Don't you think that's a selfish request?" Shippo watches his first lover's face
"I think it would be selfish of any mate you may choose not to honor what we have" Jun smiles
"Then I promise" Shippo combs his fingers through Jun's hair
"Good" Jun leans into the touch "I know you keep yours" his hands go to his sash, pulling it loose
"So shall I start apologizing now?" Shippo smirks slightly, fingers following the thin strip of fur running nape to tail along the deer youkai's back
"Let's see just how sorry you are" Jun quips "now why are you standing? A formal apology is one on your knees"

tbc . . .

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