InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Telegram? ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): New faces, Katsurugi can be seen in my gallery, though it's not what he looks like in this chapter. I'll post another chapter today, this is a bit short.

"It's been a week"
"Most likely waiting for things to cool down and making preparations"
[We haven't had much time to do the latter of those ourselves]
[I have a feeling it's being taken care of]
[What's within their ability and concern you mean]
Kurama chuckles [yes, of course]
There's a knock on the room door
Hiei moves from his perch atop the bed's backboard, into the window sill. Kurama sits up, the vines he'd woven across the walls in boredom, stirring
"How important are you?" He calls, a small huff of laughter coming from behind the door
"Important enough to deliver a message by direct order from the Western Heir"
"Fairly important I suppose" Kurama slips down off of the bed, out of the bedroom and to the door
[More and more you seem as Youko, less and less as Shuichi]
[Shuichi is so exhausted lately, I'm just having my fun]
[It's happening at an accelerated rate then?] The door opens. Kurama looking down at the messenger. The shorter figure is dressed like any punk kid, he has an American brand sling-strap book bag strapped across his chest and no aura. He raises an eyebrow at Kurama's appearance. He'd dropped the illusion. At this point not only had his eyes, hair and teeth changed but his height had increased as well. His body was changing as well from that of a skinny teenage human boy to something closer to you humanoid youkai form. He runs his hand through his hair, which had grown, careful of nails which had hardened and lengthened, smirking down at the 'boy'
"As I said" Kurama gestures him in "fairly important I suppose-- but I" he closes the door behind him "I actually slept with the Western Heir" The boy smirks back
"Haven't had the pleasure" he gives the suite a once over "though you must have been good"
"Well . . ." Kurama trails, making a modest gesture "the message?"
"Right" The boy's posture straightens slightly "the message is for both of you" he inclines his head in Hiei's direction, the hybrid having gotten comfortable in the doorway between bedroom and common area "Heir-sama has requested that you" he looks to Kurama "contact Minamino Shiori, he assumes that she is still a concern" at Kurama's short nod he continues "Up to and beyond this point the West has been ensuring her safety, however the youkai entrusted to do this have other primary functions"
[As I assumed]
[How astute]
[Hiei-kun, are you making fun of me?]
"He has assured me that shelter as well employment if needed can be provided within Western Lands territory, the latter will give her worker's citizenship depending on employer, you probably know that humans are usually not candidates for citizenship."
"If you can arrange for just that, shelter and employment through a Western Lands employer, tell him I would be grateful, ne? I will contact her, however I believe it would be best if a job was 'offered' to her with benefits and later I convinced her the move was the correct choice"
"Yes, I'll make sure to relay that" he turns his attentions back to Hiei "your relation is being watched over as well, my Lord thought it best that she remain where she is, she is safe and one of our people is also there on a relatively permanent basis at this time" Hiei nods minimally, wondering silently how the West knew about Yukina. "Now for both of you" He looks between them "The Western Lands has been approached by a party claiming to have something of interest to you two" Both former Tentai perk up, one more so than the other.
"Something of value to us?" Kurama raises an eyebrow "how villainous of them"
"We have determined through our own intelligence that the party is Reikai"
"Why am I not surprised" The messenger sends a strangely happy surprised look in Hiei's direction. Hiei glares and the messenger actually grins back
"Let's continue" Kurama nudges
"Ah, yes, well Reikai they seems to have hostages" two questioning looks "A Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwabara Kazuma" there's an amused grunt from Hiei's direction, before he disappears back into the bedroom. Blue eyes, which could have easily been the contacts kids seemed to be wearing these days, follow his departure before focusing back on Kurama "Then I guess asking of their importance would be a good idea at this point?"
"What do they want?" Kurama examines his fingers "we won't go back to work for them of course"
"We aren't sure, they requested a meeting. However the West, it's citizens included, will not negotiate this deal" He shrugs "However, if they are a concern Heir-sama has volunteered to personally retrieve them. My Lord is very against it however."
"Well he has my vote" Kurama looks amused "I'm curious to see if he can do it."
"Oh no doubt" the messenger seems confident in that "and he will probably succeed in convincing My Lord. I'm afraid you going in yourself is not an option right now but it will be resolved soon"
"I'd assumed so" Kurama nods shortly "a question"
"If I can answer it I will"
"When is it assumed we can leave here? I'd like to take care of some business within the Makai. I assume I'll need someone to accompany me at this point given that the business is back in the Eastern Lands" the messenger nods
"I'm not sure of that answer but I've been told that Heir-sama will be visiting soon, he will be able to give you the information you need, but I will pass on the request"
"Thank you, you may leave now . . .?"
"You may call me Katsurugi" he salutes with a last lingering look in Hiei's direction "we'll probably be seeing each other again" with a nod the youkai disappears from sight, the door clicking closed behind him. Kurama lets his gaze roll over to his friend.
"Hnm, it seems your quite popular amongst youkai from the Western Lands, Hiei"
"As I've noticed" Kurama laughs


"You know you want to let me go~"
"You just want to show off for your little boytoy"
"oOo so he's moved up from bed warmer has he?" Shippo trails happily after Sesshoumaru, the youkai lord out of a suit and into the silk garbs and armor he was more comfortable in, he holds the end of his Moko-Moko-sama. "Why won't you let me go? I won't get caught, you know that"
"Hn, do I? And if you were caught it would make a difficult situation for the Western Lands. Enma is a 'sore loser'" he says the phrase a bit distastefully "he would no doubt use any opportunity to turn the tables with the treaty" They exit the estate out of the side. Apparently Sesshoumaru was taking the time to inspect the defenses again.
"But they stole something, it's just a bit of justice? They're the criminals, we're just returning what they stole to their proper places"
"I'm quite sure they won't see it that way"
"You don't trust my ability?"
"We don't know enough about theirs"
"They're showoffs, they've showed time and again their ability is not on our level"
"That we know of, even showoffs have secrets"
"Then I'll do a bit of recon while I'm there"
"That would require your presence there"
"I can do it, allow me to go"
"Can you"
"I'm confident I can"
"I've heard that lecture a thousand times or more"
"Gather information first, from the . . .whatever he is now and the hybrid, they've been inside multiple times with access and not."
"Then I can go?"
"Report your findings back to me and we shall see"
"So difficult Otousan" Sesshoumaru grunts lightly
"Release me brat" Shippo drops the Moko-Moko-sama, grinning
"I'll go right away"
"You will go when I tell you. You have work to complete today"
"Who's been ratting me out then?" Shippo mumbles, turning back towards the estate

tbc . . .

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