InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Polygomy? Not for everyone. ( Chapter 29 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Shippo seems to have his hand full even with only three lovers. . . . Only, right.
For warnings see 1st chapter
"Ne~ Kazuki-chan, I have to go now" Shippo tries to console the limpet attached to him.
"You are not being fair" the jiganshi tightens his hold around Shippo's waist, long sleeves and hair, both impeccably white nearly dragging the marble floor. Shippo looks helplessly down the empty halls, no one coming or going either way. He'd talk to Sesshoumaru about this security issue if he didn't have spy vines all throughout the estate and a specialized team to monitor them. He glares up to where he knew one of the bulbs was, no doubt the team was getting a laugh out of this.
"Now now, Kazuki-chan, what do you mean? I'm a fair and benevolent almost-ruler"
"Apologize to me as well, properly" he goes for sash he'd stolen from Sesshoumaru for the day and tied into a single loop bow at his back. He catches the youkai's slender wrist
"Did I apologize to you properly the other day?" He twists in the grip, trying to release himself from the iron grip gently "I distinctly remember that" Shippo smiles in a placatory manner "you're not one to easily forgive, If I were human I would still be sore."
"You thanked Jun-kun properly, thank me properly as well, I'm jealous" Shippo hides a cringe
"I would love to, however I've already made an appointment that I really must keep"
"Heir-sama, then it's true!" Kazuki steps back, crossing his arms across his chest, violet eyes wide and watery "my lord does love Jun-kun more than me!" Shippo flinches, eyes snapping up from the markings decorating the Jiganshi's bare shoulders and collarbone. Such a pretty one . . .
"Ano . . ." Shippo deflates slightly "now you are unfair Kazuki-chan"
"You feel bad now?" Kazuki puts both fists on his hips "good, go to appointment, first go to Jun-kun" Shippo perks up, raising an eyebrow, Kazuki looks too innocent to actually be "maybe snuggle Jun-kun, smell like Jun-kun and I" Kazuki turns his nose up slightly "Let scent out. Tell completion that you belong to Jun and I first only" Shippo smiles slightly, the reaction effecting the jiganshi positively "tell him that we will fight for you if he is not best for you" he says boldly "and that if he is" his head tilts further up "we're prepared to not object too much to him being taken as a third wife." Kazuki grins, wrapping himself around Shippo one last time, he paints a stripe along the curve of the Heir’s throat in one long lick.
“Be safe, lover” he advises, before disappearing with grace the fox youkai often envied.
[Shut up] Youko grounds out, trying to ignore the humor in the situation himself
[I'm an emotionless shadow] Hiei quips [I don't laugh, the mental and spiritual breakdown of your other half must be making you hear things]
[You really should talk more, people would see just how much of a smart ass you are]
"And these two, Jun-kun and Kazuki-chan, they are . . . your lovers? Wives?"
"In waiting" Shippo smiles charmingly "I've chosen to postpone taking on any wives until I begin my rule" he shrugs "Though I seem to be accumulating them" He sends Hiei a sultry look "life as a wife of the Western Lord has always been privileged one"
"Doesn't seem to be such a good policy you have then" Kurama raises an eyebrow, wandering across the living area to the large window, arms crossed over his chest "Youkai must be really tarting themselves up in order to attract you" He glances back towards Shippo who'd made himself comfortable on the largest couch, head on the white leather cushions and feet kicked up on the arm
[I knew you were possessive, but jealous as well? It is a new side of you]
[Were you always this charming?]
"Of course, pretty fun for me for the most part, though sometimes tiring" Shippo folds his arms behind his head "But I'm not so young and stupid" he smirks humorously "Kazuki" the heir throws Hiei's a look, the hybrid perched atop the opposite couch's arm like a grumpy gargoyle "He's a jiganshi did you know?" he gets a thoughtful look "I just thought to ask him how he feels about the kind of transplant surgery you had" he turns his attention back to Hiei "do you know, was the Jiganshi you received that eye from dead or alive?" He shrugs lightly when there's no answer "at any rate, Kazuki has been my lover for . . . " he trails, Kurama's expression darkening slightly, all to Hiei's amusement. "250 years about" he finally comes to "and Jun. Jun has been my lover for around 400 years, was my first lover actually" He sits up suddenly, legs folding under him. "At this point I know that I can trust them not to abuse the power they will gain"
"I wonder" Kurama makes his way over to the end of Shippo's couch "What are they besides your lovers, ne?" he leans over the couch, arms supporting his against the arm. The auburn haired youkai leans forward intently "Do they simply sit around in their rooms, or your room, with their legs spread waiting for you, for you to enjoy whenever you would like?"
"Is that a bit of bitterness I hear, lover?" Shippo moves forward until he's in Kurama's personal space, hands in between his on the arm, noses almost touching, gold eyes narrow slightly "Of course I'm not that kind of guy, though I'm definitely not opposed to that kind of treat when I turn in from a long day. Who would be, a beautiful warm body waiting for you spread out in your bed, open, wet and waiting" Hiei has to resist an overpowering urge to roll his eyes "Jun is skilled at taking care of gardens and practices his calligraphy, paints, ikebana*. He's very artistic, though he doesn't have an official job. His only job at this time is to act as Sesshoumaru-sama's fourth wife"
"And he's your lover?" Kurama tilts his head in curiosity, Shippo's eyes wander down the curve of his neck "Not one for rules are you?"
"Kazuki-chan, is the commander of a division 4 team, Mind division" Shippo continues
"Quite a collection you have" Kurama spares an apologetic glance in Hiei's direction
[This keeps happening, ne?]
[Keeps me thoroughly entertained and disgusted at least]
[Hiei, I could kiss you]
[Do it and die]
"Oi! Watch it" Kurama's glares down at a head of red hair, being ignored
"Not my faught you're so bitable" is the muffled response
[Keep laughing and I'll put something nasty in your hair]
[I'll enjoy seeing you try]
Ano - well (. . .)
Oi - masculine, "hey!"
Ikebana - Japanese art of flower arrangement
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): Shippo seems to have his hand full even with only three lovers. . . . Only, right.
For warnings see 1st chapter
"Ne~ Kazuki-chan, I have to go now" Shippo tries to console the limpet attached to him.
"You are not being fair" the jiganshi tightens his hold around Shippo's waist, long sleeves and hair, both impeccably white nearly dragging the marble floor. Shippo looks helplessly down the empty halls, no one coming or going either way. He'd talk to Sesshoumaru about this security issue if he didn't have spy vines all throughout the estate and a specialized team to monitor them. He glares up to where he knew one of the bulbs was, no doubt the team was getting a laugh out of this.
"Now now, Kazuki-chan, what do you mean? I'm a fair and benevolent almost-ruler"
"Apologize to me as well, properly" he goes for sash he'd stolen from Sesshoumaru for the day and tied into a single loop bow at his back. He catches the youkai's slender wrist
"Did I apologize to you properly the other day?" He twists in the grip, trying to release himself from the iron grip gently "I distinctly remember that" Shippo smiles in a placatory manner "you're not one to easily forgive, If I were human I would still be sore."
"You thanked Jun-kun properly, thank me properly as well, I'm jealous" Shippo hides a cringe
"I would love to, however I've already made an appointment that I really must keep"
"Heir-sama, then it's true!" Kazuki steps back, crossing his arms across his chest, violet eyes wide and watery "my lord does love Jun-kun more than me!" Shippo flinches, eyes snapping up from the markings decorating the Jiganshi's bare shoulders and collarbone. Such a pretty one . . .
"Ano . . ." Shippo deflates slightly "now you are unfair Kazuki-chan"
"You feel bad now?" Kazuki puts both fists on his hips "good, go to appointment, first go to Jun-kun" Shippo perks up, raising an eyebrow, Kazuki looks too innocent to actually be "maybe snuggle Jun-kun, smell like Jun-kun and I" Kazuki turns his nose up slightly "Let scent out. Tell completion that you belong to Jun and I first only" Shippo smiles slightly, the reaction effecting the jiganshi positively "tell him that we will fight for you if he is not best for you" he says boldly "and that if he is" his head tilts further up "we're prepared to not object too much to him being taken as a third wife." Kazuki grins, wrapping himself around Shippo one last time, he paints a stripe along the curve of the Heir’s throat in one long lick.
“Be safe, lover” he advises, before disappearing with grace the fox youkai often envied.
[Shut up] Youko grounds out, trying to ignore the humor in the situation himself
[I'm an emotionless shadow] Hiei quips [I don't laugh, the mental and spiritual breakdown of your other half must be making you hear things]
[You really should talk more, people would see just how much of a smart ass you are]
"And these two, Jun-kun and Kazuki-chan, they are . . . your lovers? Wives?"
"In waiting" Shippo smiles charmingly "I've chosen to postpone taking on any wives until I begin my rule" he shrugs "Though I seem to be accumulating them" He sends Hiei a sultry look "life as a wife of the Western Lord has always been privileged one"
"Doesn't seem to be such a good policy you have then" Kurama raises an eyebrow, wandering across the living area to the large window, arms crossed over his chest "Youkai must be really tarting themselves up in order to attract you" He glances back towards Shippo who'd made himself comfortable on the largest couch, head on the white leather cushions and feet kicked up on the arm
[I knew you were possessive, but jealous as well? It is a new side of you]
[Were you always this charming?]
"Of course, pretty fun for me for the most part, though sometimes tiring" Shippo folds his arms behind his head "But I'm not so young and stupid" he smirks humorously "Kazuki" the heir throws Hiei's a look, the hybrid perched atop the opposite couch's arm like a grumpy gargoyle "He's a jiganshi did you know?" he gets a thoughtful look "I just thought to ask him how he feels about the kind of transplant surgery you had" he turns his attention back to Hiei "do you know, was the Jiganshi you received that eye from dead or alive?" He shrugs lightly when there's no answer "at any rate, Kazuki has been my lover for . . . " he trails, Kurama's expression darkening slightly, all to Hiei's amusement. "250 years about" he finally comes to "and Jun. Jun has been my lover for around 400 years, was my first lover actually" He sits up suddenly, legs folding under him. "At this point I know that I can trust them not to abuse the power they will gain"
"I wonder" Kurama makes his way over to the end of Shippo's couch "What are they besides your lovers, ne?" he leans over the couch, arms supporting his against the arm. The auburn haired youkai leans forward intently "Do they simply sit around in their rooms, or your room, with their legs spread waiting for you, for you to enjoy whenever you would like?"
"Is that a bit of bitterness I hear, lover?" Shippo moves forward until he's in Kurama's personal space, hands in between his on the arm, noses almost touching, gold eyes narrow slightly "Of course I'm not that kind of guy, though I'm definitely not opposed to that kind of treat when I turn in from a long day. Who would be, a beautiful warm body waiting for you spread out in your bed, open, wet and waiting" Hiei has to resist an overpowering urge to roll his eyes "Jun is skilled at taking care of gardens and practices his calligraphy, paints, ikebana*. He's very artistic, though he doesn't have an official job. His only job at this time is to act as Sesshoumaru-sama's fourth wife"
"And he's your lover?" Kurama tilts his head in curiosity, Shippo's eyes wander down the curve of his neck "Not one for rules are you?"
"Kazuki-chan, is the commander of a division 4 team, Mind division" Shippo continues
"Quite a collection you have" Kurama spares an apologetic glance in Hiei's direction
[This keeps happening, ne?]
[Keeps me thoroughly entertained and disgusted at least]
[Hiei, I could kiss you]
[Do it and die]
"Oi! Watch it" Kurama's glares down at a head of red hair, being ignored
"Not my faught you're so bitable" is the muffled response
[Keep laughing and I'll put something nasty in your hair]
[I'll enjoy seeing you try]
Ano - well (. . .)
Oi - masculine, "hey!"
Ikebana - Japanese art of flower arrangement
tbc . . .
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