InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love between differences ❯ Preperations ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
KFLYC: Here is chappie five review please
To all whom it may concern I am prettylittlekitty9 and it is still the same story I just revised it a little that's all.
“Getting married”, Kuronue said in shock.
“Actually married is not the accurate word we are mating we are just going to have a little gathering of our family and friends like a little party then we will mate”, Kitsu said.
“Yes because marriage is what the humans do which only last until death mating on the other hand lasts forever even when you die and get reborn you will still be connected to your mate”, Kuronue said.
“Damn it”, Kitsu said nearly ripping her hair out of agitation. Seeing his fiancée's discomfort Yoko went up to Kitsu and pulled her into an embrace with her back turned to him.
“What is wrong”, Yoko whispered smoothly yet calming in her ear.
Kitsu then turned around still in Yoko's arms and said, “How are we going to get in touch with so many people…….. wait invitations that is all we need is invitations”. Seeing that his fiancée was happy again Yoko gave a smile.
“Be right back”, Kitsu said backing out of Yoko's arms running in the castle.
“How did you convince her”, Kida said looking at Yoko.
Yoko just smirked showing one of his white canines and said, “I didn't her mom did”.
“Was that smirk a threat cause if so I know a little something called whoop your ass don't mess with me I would beat you ass up and down the place I would whoop your ass just like I do Kitsu when she challenges me I don't play”, Kida yelled at Yoko.
“Sorry but I prefer Kitsu to do that if you know what I mean”, Yoko said as Sesshomaru gave a low menacing growl. No one speaks to Kida that way no matter who they are Sesshomaru is protective.
“When are you mating”, Kuronue said.
“The maximum time is three weeks”, Yoko said.
“Well when you do mate go easy on her you know she is still innocent besides you do want her to walk the next day don't you”, Kuronue said giving a perverted smirk.
“You perverts”, Kida yelled. Five minutes later Kitsu came out with a bunch of envelopes in her hand and whistled. Just then five niko yukais flew from the sky and landed in front of her. She then gave all the envelopes to the cats and told them something. After the cats left Kitsu fell to her knees.
“What was that about”, Kuronue said.
“Those were the invitations to the get together the cats know where to take them. They know all the people that are Yoko's and my family and friends”, Kitsu said.
“Latina Nicole Kitsumi Purina come with me”, Sesshomaru said as Kitsu flinched. Everytime he said her full name he meant business. Kitsu then got up and followed Sesshomaru stopping and smiling at Yoko, Kida, and Kuronue before continuing. After walking about one hour Sesshomaru sat on a rock. Kitsu then sat down on a rock across from Sesshomaru.
“What is it big bro”, Kitsu said in concern.
“If he ever harms you mentally or physically I will hurt him if he even hurts a strand of hair on your head he is dead. If he ever strikes you let me know and he will die. Don't let him go as far as to threaten you or make you fell uncomfortable or I will fix him. Now if he hurts you while making love that is your business but other than that he is a dead fox. Do I make myself clear”, Sesshomaru said in a low cold protective brother way.
“I thought he was your friend”, Kitsu said.
“If he hurts you he won't be now do I make myself clear”, Sesshomaru said.
“Yes big bro”, Kitsu said.
“I highly doubt any of that will happen but if that occurs I am here okay”, Sesshomaru said
“Okay”, Kitsu said as Sesshomaru got up and headed back to the castle as she began to follow. An hour later Kitsu and Sesshomaru arrived back at the castle as it was dark. Everyone looked at Kitsu in concern as she smiled at them.
“Exactly when are you and Yoko mating”, Kuronue said.
“In one week”, Kitsu said.
“How are you going to set it up that fast”, Kuronue said.
“I already have if that is not a problem with you Yoko”, Kitsu said smirking.
“Not a problem with me”, Yoko said giving a seductive smile.
“But how”, Kuronue said.
“I have cats and a computer while I was doing the invitations I also set it up”, Kitsu said.
“In that short length of time a person couldn't even take a shit in that short time that it took”, Kuronue said.
“That is because I worked fast”, Kitsu said.
“Is that how it is going to be when you ride Yoko rodeo style”, Kuronue said with a smirk.
“You pervert”, Kitsu yelled making to other demons flinch with their ears ringing.
“Kitsu may I have a word with you”, Yoko said as Kitsu looked in his hazel gold eyes.
“Sure”, Kitsu said getting up and following him into the castle and into his room closing the door behind her.
“Kitsu I have something to ask you”, Yoko said.
KFLYC: Yay review or no update