InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Monumental Garden ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome woke suddenly. Her head felt as if it was filled with cotton as she looked to her alarm clock, blinking 5:00 AM repeatedly until it changed to 5:01 AM. She reached down between her legs, remembering the feeling of that man entering her, she pulled back her hand to find it coated in her essence.

'Who was that? Golden eyes... but that wasn't Inuyasha.' Kagome's thoughts trailed off.

She could still feel his skin on her own as he worshiped her body. A shudder ran through her body as she slowly rose from her bed to make her way towards the shower.

Kagome made her way quietly down the dark staircase, avoiding the floor boards that would be sure to wake her family. Breathing a quiet sigh, she reached the last step, only for it to give a loud, protesting groan. The door to her right swung open; faster than her eyes could follow, her Grandfather slapped a sutra to her forehead, screaming “Begone, Demon!”

Sweat dropping, Kagome peeled the sutra from her forehead. “Grandpa, it's just me.”

“Kagome! You're lucky you're no demon, or you would be dead!”

Smiling, Kagome couldn't help but laugh at his antics, “Good thing, then! I'm off to shower before school.”

From the right, Kagome heard another door open. Souta, clad in pajamas, sleepily rubbed at his eyes.

“Grandpa, what's wrong now? It's so early.”

“Oh, nothing, my dear boy! Just get yourself back in bed! I'll protect the house, never fear!”

“Yeah, right... G'night, Grandpa.”

Kagome made her way into the kitchen and entered the bathroom door to her left. Turning on the water, Kagome stepped back to peel the layers of sweat soaked clothes from her body. Catching her image in the slowly fogging mirror, she appraised her body. Her skin was smooth but a scattered few scars marred what would otherwise be flawless skin. She had come to love every one of them and respected that they were testaments to her battles in the Feudal Era.

 Thinking of the Feudal Era brought a twinge of sadness to her heart. She thought back on the day she had been dragged into the Jewel by Naraku's dying wish, only to be saved by Inuyasha yet again. It had scared her to hear the taunting voices of the four souls trapped within the jewel, whispering all her insecurities. The image of Naraku dead, hanging in his own web, had been shown to her. Threats of his resurrection terrified her. She had almost given in to the taunts of the Shikon and the feeling of all consuming loneliness when Inuyasha's voice had called her name. The overwhelming feeling of joy and hope had steadily been replaced by anger towards the Jewel. The feeling of Inuyasha wrapping his arms around her had given her the courage she needed to face down the cursed jewel and the make the final wish, effectively purging the wicked trinket from existence.

 With the Jewel gone, Kagome had been transported back to her own time; the well never to be used again.

Her joy of being reunited with her family quickly gave way to a feeling of intense loss. Her only consolation, that she had been able to give a final farewell to her Hanyou, had given her the strength to carry on.

In honor of her lost family, Kagome had created a garden filled with red, purple, pink and orange flowers. They had torn down the building that housed the well and used the plot within to plant the seeds. The stairs had been left intact for easier access to the area dedicated to her friends. From the higher vantage point, the view was breathtaking. The well, surrounded by the beautiful plant life, had been boarded up and now served as a pedestal, on which Kagome would sit and meditate. The feeling of being encircled by the colors she associated with her friends was comforting and she went there often to think and reminisce.

Kagome had finished her quest in time to salvage her education and was accepted into a decent high school along with her other friends. She had been attending the new school for two weeks now and was doing fairly well. The change in wardrobe was welcomed and the pride on her mother's face when she received the acceptance letter was worth all the tribulation she had endured to accomplish admission to the semi-prestigious school.

The only down side came in the form of a fan club. She sometimes wondered if her inability to be rude had finally come back to bite her. She cursed the God's daily, demanding to know why they loved to torture her so much. First her quest in the past, the loss of her friends and now this. It was exhaustive to say the least.  

 Noticing the mirror she had been staring into had completely fogged over, Kagome stepped into the water and proceeded to cleanse herself of any evidence of her intense dream. All the while wondering who this man was. Lathering her hair with an unscented shampoo, she closed her eyes and imagined him in the shower with her. His face was a blur to her, but those golden eyes, though slightly duller than her Inu's but sharper in their intelligence, she remembered clearly. Replaying the dream in her head, Kagome's hand unconsciously traveled over the tips of her breasts, past her stomach and combed sensuously through the soft, dark curls hiding her sex. Toying with her clit, she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Imagining it was the mysterious man that was causing these sensations and not herself, she parted her nether lips and ran her finger up and down her slit. The feeling made her think of his soft, smooth tongue that had done such sinful things to her body earlier; driving her need higher and her imagination to create new scenarios in which they could reenact at a later time.  A muffled moan escaped her mouth as a single digit inserted itself in her folds, curling slightly to reach that spot she knew would bring her release. Her finger slid easily in and out of her passage, massaging the spongy membrane. Hypersensitive from the earlier actions with the red head brought her to her zenith quickly. A feminine groan gave voice to the pleasure she felt.

 Removing her finger, she stared at the offending appendage. Cursing herself for her weakness and wanton actions. Sighing, she again cleaned herself and rinsed her hair .

 She wanted nothing more than to experience another dream involving him. If she wouldn't partake in such activities in real life, who's to say she can't enjoy herself while she slept.


Gasping awake, Kurama propped himself up on his elbows to survey the room, looking for this dream girl. Noting that he was alone, he collapsed back to the bed, running a warm hand over his slightly sweaty face. 'A dream? I've never seen her before. How could I ever miss a girl like that?'

 Beautiful black, unruly hair, ocean blue eyes and a body to die for. His erection, having gone unnoticed, now twitched at the remembrance of entering her. Kurama groaned, grinding the heels of his hands into his eyes, hoped to rid himself of the deep longing to have finished that dream. God's, to have ended that way was torture to his already sex starved body! He sincerely debated going back to sleep to finish that wonderful dream.

 Thinking back to how she had tasted as he had eaten her out, forced him to grasp his shaft in his hand and slowly start pumping. The feel of her long, smooth legs resting on his arms as he had thrust into her caused his pumping motion to increase in speed. Setting a fairly fast pace, he couldn't help but wish it were her he was fucking and not his fist. Running a callused finger over the tip of his cock to collect the drops of pre-cum, Kurama used the liquid as a lube to glide down the shaft and up again causing a sensation that had his toes curling. Envisioning those full, pink lips wrapped around his dick, licking, sucking, her gorgeous head bobbing up and down as she brought him over the precipice caused him to growl in pleasure as he reached his peak. His hot seed ejected from his cock to land on his stomach and not into the waiting, eager mouth he had imagined. He was left feeling only slightly relieved. A burning want to ravish the girl's body hit him hard, but he pushed the feeling back, not wanting to excite himself again and have to repeat his previous actions.

Looking over to the clock on his nightstand, he saw it was 5:15 AM. Heaving a deep sigh, he pulled himself out of bed to prepare for the coming school day. He hadn't attended school for the first two weeks, away on a mission that required his full attention. He had been able to conjure a lie as to why he would be absent for such an extended period of time, but that still left him with a pile of work to complete in order to continue his reign as the top student of his class.

 Grabbing the previous days shirt from the hamper, he cleaned his abs of the cum and made his way across the hall to the bathroom. Turning the tap to a semi cold setting, he undressed and stepped under the stream. Placing both hands on the wall, he bent his head down, attempting to let the water purge the heated thoughts plaguing his mind. Despite the cold shower, his body felt hot.

 Washing his body, he thought back to the last time he had seen Hiei. The hiyoukai had been residing in the Makai for the last six months. Rarely making an appearance in the Ningenkai, except to spend an occasional night in Kurama's apartment and leave before first light the next morning. Kurama had no problems accommodating the smaller youkai for the brief visits, he welcomed them in fact. Lately, though, he had been so lonely. His mother was now living on one of the northern islands with her new husband. The distance made it extremely difficult to visit, and phone calls were few and far between. Both were leading very busy lives now. He understood all this, but he still felt a little abandoned at having been forgotten so easily. He contented himself with knowing that his mother was happy where she was. He just needed to make his own happiness.

 He hadn't been indebted to the Reikai for some time now, after winning the Dark Tournament, and he was starting to feel restless. His youkai blood screamed for action, in one form or another. He needed a good fight to take his mind off things. A fight, or a great fuck. This brought his thoughts back in a full circle to the girl in his dreams. He wondered if he would be happy to settle down with a woman like her. It was possible, but to judge that based on one dream full of sex was preposterous. Compatibility, trust, love, mutual attraction; all things he found necessary to form a lasting relationship. None of his fans struck his interest. Either the attraction wasn't there or their personality wasn't amiable to his own. It was a little disconcerting to start a relationship with a girl he knew nothing about, but she knew everything about him. From the brand of soap he used down to his favorite pair of boxers.

 His fan club was amusing at first, believing it was a passing fancy of some of the girls, it soon got annoying as he realized these women would never leave him alone. It was difficult to live his life when they watched his every move. He had slowly come to loathe himself and his looks. If it weren't for the fox spirit that had melded with his body while he was maturing in the womb, he wouldn't look like this. Or so was his theory.

 Finished with his shower, Kurama grabbed his white school uniform, a wonderful change from the maroon uniform of his middle school, and proceeded to dry his hair so he could don his clothes for the day.

Kagome rushed from her house with a hasty good bye to her family. She stopped only long enough to bow deeply to her friend's garden, then dash towards the stairs. 'I'm going to be late! I can't believe I spent so much time in that shower. Ah! My perfect attendance record!' At the thought of her attendance record, her legs moved a little faster. Ever since Kagome returned from the past, she had challenged herself to keep a perfect record at school. She strove to have a perfect attendance and have top marks in the school. Not an easy task, as she'd heard there was a boy that already owned the top place.  She had yet to see him at school, so she knew she had him beat on attendance.

 Skidding around the corner she sprinted towards  a crosswalk. The device blinked rapidly declining numbers as Kagome raced towards it. The count down was almost complete when she entered the street. Leaping on to the curb, Kagome continued running, disregarding yells of indignation as she weaved in and out of crowds. Running the last two blocks, she finally reached the school yard gates. Kagome leaned against the perimeter wall, gasping for breath, a painful stitch in her side. Peeking around the corner of the partition, she noticed the usual large group of girls waiting for something. Without fail, these girls always waited in the courtyard until the warning bell would ring, eyes always trained on the distance outside of school grounds.

Next to the group of girls eying the horizon, were the group of boys. Those were the ones she was cautious of. As if sensing her arrival, the boys simultaneously looked her way, yells of greetings and requests to walk with them rang out.  Kagome politely smiled and respectfully declined each invitation. Kagome wouldn't mind a relationship, it might take her mind off Inuyasha, but these boys were not what she had in mind.

Shrill screams from the girls suddenly rang out at the same time a strong breeze blew Kagome's math assignment from  her hands. Running after the rapidly escaping piece of paper, she pushed her way through the crowd of girls, only to find her assignment under someone's foot.

As politely as possible, Kagome attempted to get the attention of the boy, “Excuse me, would you mind-”

“What now?” The boy had a voice like silk, quiet but rich. This wasn't what startled her though, it was the rude tone in which the boy had spoken to her. 'The nerve of this guy, what a jerk! He's the one standing on my homework!' Glaring at his shoe as if willing it to shrivel and disappear, Kagome raised her head with the intent to give him a piece of her mind. The words died on her tongue, though, once she became aware of the red hair adorning the boy's head. All previous angry thought were erased as she stared, slack jawed at him.


 Kurama walked to school, paying little to no attention to his surroundings. The dream still plagued him and he couldn't figure out why. He'd had plenty of dreams such as that, usually courtesy of the fox souls memories. So what set this one apart?

“I could have killed you by now and you wouldn't even have noticed.”

Kurama jumped at the sound of the deep voice, “Hiei! You startled me, what brings you here?”

Hiei cast Kurama a side long glance before looking away. “The Makai is oddly quiet. I came here to see if you had heard anything.”

Looking down in thought, Kurama searched his memory for any tidbit of information that could possibly answer his friend's question. Shaking his head, Kurama met Hiei's gaze before replying, “No, I haven't. It's been fairly peaceful here as well.”

“Hn. I'll question the Toddler, then. Something's happening, be ready.” With that Hiei vanished.

Kurama sighed, 'Maybe I should watch what I wish for. I did say I needed action...'

Kurama loved puzzles, but why did his life have to be filled with them. Why couldn't he just get a break from everything. Were they all so incompetent that he was required on every mission to save the world? Weren't there others that could do as good of a job as himself, even better?

Sighing to himself, he reasoned that it was because they already trusted him. It just irritated him that even after serving out his probation, they still call upon him as if he still worked for the Reikai. Images of his mother filtered through his mind. That was the reason he helped. He couldn't let innocent people perish and he wouldn't let his mother get hurt.

Squeals and screams of girls pulled him from his musings. Sighing, he decided to investigate the possible danger in the Makai at another time. Pasting a soft, fake smile on his face he attempted to maneuver around the girls attempting to molest his person.

He was stopped when he heard a soft voice drift from the ground, asking him if he'd like to go on a date. Again, he sighed, before she could finish her question he snapped at her. It was very out of character for him, but the stress of a restless sleep and the new impending doom of the world had him on edge. He couldn't bring himself to care if her feelings were hurt or not.

Looking down, his eyes widened once he saw the girl. It looked like the girl in his dream. Her hair, that body, those lips... Which were currently parted in an 'O' shape as if she were right out of his erotic fantasy.

This was the girl he wanted, the one that made him question everything. And she was asking him on a date.

In a breathy voice, Kurama answered “Yes, of course.”

Her mouth snapped shut and she cocked her head to the side, “What? Well, then get off my paper.”

A/N: The mistake Raeko had so kindly pointed out has been fixed. Thank you again.

Please let me know if you happen to find any others.
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