InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ Goodbyes and Revelations ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter One: Goodbyes and Revelations
Never had she seen a sunset like this. It was breathtaking. The half of the great sphere that still hung above the horizon was slowly fading into a back drop of pinks, purples, and burgundy hues. The nighttime stars were starting to peek with the ever approaching twilight, and the moon was already taking on its light.
It wasn't that this was the first beautiful sunset. On the contrary, every sunset was mesmerizing in the sengoku jidai (hope I spelled that right). Tonight just so happen to be the first night that Naraku was officially banished from the world and the first night in a long time that the shikon no tama was completed. Looking down, she twirled the pink sphere that reflected the changing colors of the sky.
How could such small a trinket cause so much pain?
She had been asking herself this for the past few years, and had yet to come to a logical answer. Tomorrow morning she was leaving for her time, and although it pained her to leave so many she loved, there was a type of relief. A relief to finally put something in the past and start a new; a relief of a life she could start again. She was well aware that she would never fit into normal society again. That was ok. She still had a few more weeks of high school before she could be rid of that as well, but she was happy to say she was going to graduate: The constant lugging of geometry and chemistry books all over feudal Japan had saved her butt many a time.
Taking one last brief look at the shikon, she tucked it back beneath her blouse and closed her eyes as she leaned against the goshinboku, its bark was carving intricate patterns into her back, but she didn't care. There were too many things to think about.
The three year battle that was waged against Naraku was ended in one day and one night. Kagome considered it a twisted irony. The sick masochist had kidnapped the children in the night: Shippo and Rin since Sesshoumaru had joined our ranks. Not to mention Kohaku was already in his clutches. He used them as shields against the attacks of the group. Kagome had narrowly missed Shippo with her arrow and Sesshoumaru was more than angry when he had barely grazed Rin's leg with his poison claws. What had really ended the whole ordeal came as both a surprise and a lost. When a tentacle shot through Kikyo, who was present although well hidden, her notched arrow hit Inuyasha who was in front of Naraku. The arrow pierced him through and pinned him against Naraku's chest. The purifying energy was killing Naraku, but also Inuyasha.
As Kikyo fell to the ground, all of the souls within her burst forth. Dozens of souls were sent to the afterlife, while one bobbed alone for a moment before it shot into Kagome's chest. After this Kagome blacked out; what she knew of came from Miroku and Sango. With the combined power of Kikyo and herself she was able to call on the shards of the shikon together. The shards that were embedded in Naraka ripped from his heart. With the added strength gone, Naraku and Inuyasha both disintegrated into dust. Shippo had miraculously been thrown to the side after the arrow hit the spider beast that had threatened their lives for so many years.
Kagome smiled at the thought of Inuyasha. Inuyasha…I will always love you…but I won't forget what you said.
Her mind drifted past the thoughts of a bloody field and onto a scene that was held on the lip of the well in the very clearing that was not far from where she sat.
Kagome…I need to say something.”
“Of course, Inuyasha.” She smiled at him in hopes of trying to ease his obvious unease. He had been acting funny ever since he had come to pick her up an hour ago from her era.
“Kagome…I love you.” Her heart jumped into her throat…, “But I love Kikyo too.”…and fell back down into her stomach.
“I want you to know this because I care so much for you and believe you deserve so much better than what I can give you. My heart was given away long ago, and I can't give it to you completely, especially since when I look at you I see her. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. You've always been a genuine friend and I hope you will always be, but I understand if you don't. I just want, whenever this is over, for you to live the best life you can with the best person who can love you completely for you.”
His eyes gleamed with unshed tears, but she could tell he meant every word. He was trying to let her down easy, but her heart was crashing hard. She had already started to accept the idea that this would be the result, but it always hurts worst when you hear it from the person.
She sighed and lifted her head up to the sun sifted breeze, hoping the heat would dry the tears on her cheeks. Taking His hand, she mustered the strength to accept what he was telling her.
“Alright, Inuyasha, I understand. I will always be your friend.” She was happy to know that she could offer a real smile to him, and he smiled in return. Sighing, he put his arm around her and they sat in compatible silence before the rest of the group came looking for them.
She knew that at this very moment he was watching over her, she could feel him on the breeze.
“I'll live, Inuyasha, I promise. I'll live for you.” The sound of her voice was taken up into the wind. She laughed as she heard a soft, but gruff voice say, “Feh…”
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
Yusuke Urameshi walked down the street with an attitude that was angrier than usual. Pedestrians on the walkway glanced at him once and took advantage of every available resource to stay out of his way: some jumped onto light polls, others pretended to blend in with the scenery. One even took the chance of jumping onto the back of a moving vehicle then to face his possible wrath. Yes, he was pissed.
“How dare she tell me this now… after seventeen years you'd think she would have told me. But noooo, she had to up and tell me today when she may be on her death bed.” His head was about to split. His mother, Atsuko, was in the hospital after years of alcohol abuse and was now pronounced with liver cancer. The irony in his life couldn't get more shot. ..Or at least that's what he thought. But OHH NOO, guess what: he had sister. And not just any sister, but a twin that he never knew about! Accordingly, because his mother had been so broke she couldn't take care of two babies so she had to give the daughter up for adoption. And why was it the girl that was given up, and not the boy? Well, in keeping with the mind of Atsuko, the boy would be able to work sooner and provide for the household before the girl could. Look at how that turned out! And now Yusuke, one time bad boy now turned spirit detective bad boy, now had a twin sister that was out there, somewhere!
He figured his life was a joke to whoever in spirit world was pulling the strings…speaking of which, maybe he should call in to Koenma and see if he had anything to do with it…As soon as the idea entered his mind, he shot it down. He didn't need that snoop investigating up on a girl who probably had no idea what a demon was, let alone spirit world or Makai.
Atsuko had said that she had called the mother of the adopted girl and told her of her present state. So, fortunately or unfortunately, he was going to end up meeting his sister in a few days. He laughed at how that meeting might go down.
Sighing to himself, his thoughts drifted to another predicament. The day after tomorrow was the annual ball of the graduating class. Normally he would put his foot down on such events, but Keiko had begged him and since she was the reason he was graduating at all, he complied figuring that it was the least he could do. Kurama was attending solely for pleasing his mother. Hiei wouldn't come ten feet to such an event, however, after Koenma found out about it he ordered that Hiei attend, his reasoning being that with everyone in camouflage and masks demons could be lurking anywhere. Yusuke thought that this was just a bogus excuse for the ruler to see Hiei out of his comfort zone, but Hiei surprisingly didn't say anything, so he definitely wasn't going to stir up trouble. Later on he discovered that Kuwabara was taking Yukina and figured that was reasoning behind Hiei's silent acquiesce.
With a growl that scared many of those around him he thought, “My biggest problem with this is that I hate to dance. “
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
Kagome woke up to laughter and silent demands for quiet. Throwing her arm over where the kit usually was, she discovered that his warmth was missing. She opened her brown eyes that held flecks of green, and searched the hut in a sleep filled haze. No one was there. Sun sifted beneath the clothe door and the sound of twittering birds could be heard a ways off. She loved spring. Sitting up and stretching, she quickly sprung into her usual morning joyfulness.
Exiting the hut in hopes of finding her friends and start the goodbyes, she was surprised to find them huddled on the side of the hut. You could tell from their hushed tones that they were fussing over a something that was hidden from her view. Miroku was the one who noticed her first.
“Ohayo, Kagome-Chan! Don't you look as lovely as ever.” His cheerful tones, and the way the other's straitened and turned to her in hopes of keeping what they were hiding from view, put her immediately in suspicion mode.
“I'm good. What-cha doin?” She smirked as they eyed each other and moved in closer.
“Nothing Okasan. What gave you the impression that we were up to anything?” Kagome smiled at the kit's pitiful attempt to try and distract her.
“I've lived with you for three years; I know when you're hiding something from me.” Sango sighed and her shoulders slumped in a defeated manner.
“Alright, Imouto, calm down. We were actually preparing your going away gifts.” Kagome sucked in a breath: this was unexpected.
“Sango, Miroku, Shippo…I don't know what to say…you didn't have to do that.”
“Yes we did. Without you none of this would have been possible. Miroku and I would never have met. Shippo would never have a mother. Inuyasha would still be chained to the tree.”Everyone's face grimaced slightly at his name, but all were dealing with it in their own way. Sango looped her hand in Miroku's uncursed one. They were planning to be married later on that year, long after she was gone. She was happy for them; they deserved happiness.
Shippo and Miroku brought their gift first. Kagome smiled wide as Shippo presented her with a necklace that held a green gem, and fire that seemed to dance within it dangling on a gold chain.
“Thank you so much Shippo…it's beautiful.” He beamed up at her, his little chest sticking out with pride.
“I made it myself Okasan, using my fox fire. I didn't know how to put it in a chain so Miroku helped me with that.”
“Thank you too, Miroku-Sama.”
“Anytime, Kagome. This also is for you.” He pulled from the many folds of his robes a small rectangular box. When she opened it she saw what looked to be hundreds of ofuda.
“I don't know about the demon's in your time, but regardless of whether or not you sense them, I thought it would be best if you had some of these just in case.” He smiled at her.
She couldn't help herself: she gave him the biggest hug she could muster and whispered into his robes.
“Thank you so much, onii chan.”
The clearing of throat could be heard and Kagome quickly backed up to face Sango. She held a bigger box. Kagome lifted the top and gasped at the beautiful pattern of a demon exterminator's armor. It was like sango's, but all black aside from the white and green outlined sakura blossoms that stretched from the right leg to curve around the body until it reached the left shoulder. It was indeed beautiful, and accounted for the patience the demon exterminator held because, Kagome knew, she made this herself.
Kagome could not speak. She cried and held her dear sister close to her heart for as long as she could. She had no gift in return…wait a minute. She pulled back abruptly and ran back into the hut to shuffle through her belongings. There was one picture she had made two copies of, one to keep in a picture frame at home on her desk and one she kept in a small photo album that she had started of her journey. The album itself was filled with photos from Kagome sitting Inuyasha to an angry Sango sitting next to an unconscious monk. She smiled. At the very front of the photo album was a photo that she had taken a few months earlier. The rag tag group was in it smiling, with Inuyasha at the left and Miroku at the right. Kagome was even so fortunate to get Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Kouga in it as well. It was a memory she cherished and the best gift she could give.
She handed it to Sango.
“This is the best that I can give.” Sango smiled happy tears as she flipped through the pages, Miroku sighed as well, while Shippo started to rant about the story each picture had attached to it.
“…And that's the time when Kouga came in and declared that Kagome was his woman and Inuyasha got so mad he tried to right kick him but Kagome `sat' him in mid leap. He ended in a split and couldn't sit for a week…”Laughter was heard, and she hoped that that's what she was leaving behind.
They walked her to the well in silence. A shadow fell over them, and as they looked up to the sky, they saw Sesshoumaru and Rin coming to land gracefully in the clearing. Rin quickly jumped off Ah-Un and ran to Kagome.
“Kagome-san wasn't going to leave Rin without saying goodbye, was she?” The girl looked up at her elder with pleading eyes.
“Of course not, Rin, we were actually out here waiting for you.” The young girl smiled widely, dimples indenting her cheeks.
“Goodbye, Onee-chan.” Kagome smiled back.
“Goodbye Sweet heart.” Rin ran over to Shippo.
Sesshoumaru, standing in all his magnificent grace and masculine beauty, looked almost sad. Although his face never moved from its usual impassiveness, his eyes were pained. Kagome ran over to him. They had become very close: a big brother to her and part of the pack to him. She remembered the day she had bargained with him to train her. She noticed that he had found her school books of great interest, and mustering up the courage, she asked if he would train her in exchange for books. He was a bit stubborn at first, but his curiosity for the books quickly won him over. Now because of him she could wield a sword as good, if not better, than a well trained swordsman.
They stood staring at each other, there were no words needed. He moved first. Pulling from his side a sword in its sheath made of a burgundy wood that was so dark it could be black. He handed it to her. Lifting it out of his hands she unsheathed it, feeling the metallic vibrations through her hands. It was as though it was singing to her; the sword itself seemed to be calling to her power in hopes of channeling it. It already felt like another part of her, something that could be an extra limb if need be.
She glanced up searchingly at the figure in front of her.
“The sword is called Kitai no Karai. It is my gift to you.Take care Miko.” was all he said. Calling Rin to him, they took to the skies again leaving a very heart filled young woman in their wake. She sighed, there were so many she loved here that she may never see again. But it was time. In her heart she knew, it was time.
She stood by the well, her yellow back pack hanging precariously on her back. Looking at her dear friends, she gave a wave and said, “I'll see you soon.” before jumping into the blue light. For what it's worth, her goodbye was true, because be it in the future or in the next life, she would see them soon.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
It was early afternoon when she had pulled herself through the well for the last time and into her home. She could smell the tangy scent of her Mother's special Odon. Oh man, I came home just in time!
“Mom I'm home.” She heard crash that sounded like a fallen plate and rushed into the kitchen to make sure her mother was alright. The woman she knew since she could remember stood stock still in front of the sink, a broken plate on the floor, and a trickle of blood on her finger.
“MOM! Are you alright?” She rushed over and grabbed a paper towel. Then dragging her mother's finger underneath the running water, she made sure to get all the blood and chips of glass out. After that she made a makeshift bandage. Looking up she noticed her mother had yet to say anything, or to even look at her.
“Mother, what's wrong?” The older woman did not respond; she only continued to stare down at the fallen plate. Kagome tried to shake her a little bit, but that didn't help either. She placed her hands on the sides of the woman's face and forced her to look at her.
“Mom, I'm home…for good.” It was like a wall that had been dammed released her mother grabbed her tightly and cried into her shoulder. To say she was caught off guard is putting it lightly. She didn't know what to think.
“Kagome…I've missed you so much. But, I have some bad news…we need to talk…and I don't think you're going to like what I have to say…” She could feel her heart speed into a nervous panic. What was it? What could cause her to cry like this? I've never seen her so much as shed a single tear since Dad died years ago, but now…she's weeping. And indeed she was. The woman's tears were seeping into her daughter's thin blouse and the smell of salt was pungent even to Kagome's senses.
Kagome took a deep breath to calm her frayed nerves. Taking her mother by the shoulder, she gently led her to the kitchen table. She rushed around to fix some hot tea in hopes of both soothing her mother and releasing some of the energy that had suddenly leaped into her.
Finally, it was quiet. The hot tea sat between her Mother's fingers, and she watched as the older woman's eyes stayed transfixed on the rippling liquid. She listened as her mom took a deep breath and let it out.
“Kagome you're adopted.”
“What?” she squeezed out.
“You are adopted, love.”
“Who…what…when…where…and…why? ” This was too unexpected, and slowly she found her world just as flipped upside down as the first day she was pulled down the well.
“A young woman by the name of Atsuko had twins when seventeen years ago. She was so young that she couldn't take care of both children, so she gave you up in hopes that you would have a better life. At that time, your father and I had been trying to have children with no success. The doctors feared that I was just not able to have children. So we decided to adopt. You were perfect and beautiful. You fit right in with the family and before I knew it, you had my husband wrapped around your little finger.” Kagome watched as her mother smiled in reverie.
“When you were about seven, the doctors declared that I was pregnant. After so many years of trying, I had finally gotten pregnant. It came as such shock. Yet, we did not push you away, because as far as we were concerned, you were our baby.” Her mother looker up at her with tear filled eyes in hopes of gauging her reaction. She did not know what she found because her mother shook with a sob and looked down again.
“So you're telling me that all I have ever known has been a lie and no one thought that maybe I should know these things. Now, not only is the brother I have not blood to me, but I have a twin brother walking around that I have never met accept to possibly say excuse me on the street.” Her voice was uncharacteristically monotone and without emotion. She couldn't help that; she was feeling way too many emotions to be able to decipher which one she needed to be feeling. Her mother started to cry again.
“I'm sorry, Kagome.” Kagome sighed and put her head on the table in hopes of giving her emotions space to sort themselves out.
“Why are you telling me this now?” She stated with her head still pressed firmly down.
“Atsuko is dying. She has been pronounced with liver cancer. There is nothing they can do except prolong her suffering. She wants to see you.” The woman she called mother pressed her hand into her back and started to massage circles like she did when Kagome was young and upset. Kagome let her shoulder's droop. This was all a bit much. Sighing, she lifted her head up and turned to the woman in question.
“I will go visit her and meet my brother. But no this, that you guys are my family. You are my mother. Souta is my brother. Grandpa is exactly what his name suggests. You guys are all I have ever known. I wouldn't trade that for anything.” Kagome watched as a weight seem to lift from her Mother's shoulders and a smile that actually reached her eyes was plastered on her face.
Silently she got up and headed to her room. She normally would have taken a bath, but she had no strength to. She was emotionally drained. It was mid afternoon now and the sun was seeping into her room. She plopped down into the middle of the bed, searching for a dreamless sleep.
Onii-chan- Big brother
Onee-chan-Big sister
Imouto-little sister
Kitai no Karai (hopefully means danger of beauty).
Alright guys This is the first fanfiction that I have started writing in a very long time. I hope you enjoy it. Please review.