InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ First impressions or First Obsessions? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter two: First impressions or first obsessions?
Kagome had rolled out of bed before dawn since that was when she usually got up in the past. As she made her way down the stairs, she smiled at the soft breathing and snoring coming from both her mother and her brother's room. I might as well make breakfast. She plumaged through the cupboards, cabinets, and the pantry that were full of all kind of things from tofu to Souta's snack cakes. She finally came across some bananas, nuts, and pancake mix. This meant she could make her specialty: banana nut pancakes.
Soon the whole house was full of the sweet and warm aroma. She went ahead and brewed a cup of coffee for grandpa who slept in the back of the house, two cups of tea for her mother and herself, and poured a nice glass of cold orange juice for Souta. Soon the sounds of pattering feet could be heard coming down the stairs, past the hallway, and into the kitchen.
“WOW sis, this looks Grrrreat!!” She laughed at how her brother imitated Tony the Tiger from those cereal commercials. He seemed to stare in awe at the stack of pancakes that dripped with melted butter and a side of homemade maple syrup that her mother got from an elderly couple down the street.
Her mother nodded in agreement as she and Grandpa followed close behind. They finally sat down together and ate their meal in a comfortable silence. That was until two things happened almost simultaneously.
“I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!” cried Souta., jumping up to run up the stairs and put some clothes.
“Souta, its Saturday.” Mother stated in a matter of fact tone. Then the doorbell rang. Kagome got up first and steered her way through the house to said door.
“HI HOJO!” She said in a very fake excited voice. He beamed down at her.
“Hi, Higurashi. I'm glad that you're up and about. Your Granddad said you had come down with Hay Fever and was shipped off to America for treatment.” She silently sweat dropped. Where does that old man come up with these things? Of course, who was she to complain, he did help her out.
She observed the boy standing there in front of her. He was quite handsome in jeans and a white tee shirt that was covered with a green vest. His sun glasses sat on top of his head pulling his hair out of his face…but…but she still held no attraction to him. Don't get her wrong, she liked pretty boys: Sesshoumaru was a pretty boy, although he would never admit that. But Hojo was just too much…boy. She needed a man, especially after all she had seen, not to mention all the guys she had seen. The next person that crossed her path had to be a looker, that's for sure.
“Hey Kagome, I brought you this.” She sighed mentally, but put on the most grateful expression she could muster. “There antibiotic's for your Hay fever, and I heard it's good for arthritis too.” Taking the gifts, she genuinely smiled at his sheepish expression. Here it comes…
“Hey Kagome…I was wondering…If you're feeling up to it and all…maybe you'll be willing to be my date at the Masquerade ball tonight?”
“The what-?” Her mind seemed to go blank. He just smiled.
“Don't tell me you forgot, Kagome? It's like a prom, but this year their having one big ball with all the high school seniors from all the neighboring schools attending. Since, we're graduating I thought that maybe we could have a date for old time sakes.” That's right! I forgot all about the ball tonight…She remembered this most because, after Inuyasha's confession she needed something to vent her emotions out on. So once she had heard about the ball, she started making her costume. It had taken a lot of work, but was almost done. She had only stopped because of the last battle with Naraku. I guess with all the things that happen from the past, and even here, I just simply forgot.
“That's right. I forgot. Sure Hojo, I'll go with you. Pick me up around 7:00.” His smile widened.
“Yes! I promise to show you a good time, Higurashi.” She nodded with a small smile as he bowed and turned. He waved a goodbye over his shoulder and watched her go in. She missed the wicked gleam that came into his eyes as he disappeared down the shrine steps.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
Yusuke was currently kicking ass. His fists were angrily punching the head of an innocent human. Ok scratch that: Human…yes, innocent…definitely NO. The young man was already unconscious and sporting a black eye, a slightly tilted nose that signaled that it was broken, and a busted lip. How did this situation occur? It all started when Keiko woke him that morning.
“YUSUKE GET UP!” He nearly fell out of bed as she busted his right ear drum…and maybe even his bedroom window: he watched without surprise as the glass shook.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WOMAN?!” He turned toward his alarm clock and it's gleaming light. “IT'S ONLY 11:00 IN THE MORNING! Jeez don't you sleep on weekends?” The last words were slightly slurred as he drew the cover back over his face in hopes of shutting her out.
“Yusuke you promised to go with me to the mall and pick up all the last things I need for the ball tonight.” A loud, tortured groan could be heard beneath the sheets. She placed her hands on his shoulder and proceeded to both shake and yell for him to get up.
“FINE WOMAN! NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM SO I CAN CHANGE!” She cried out in delight, and with a last silent look that told him to get-out-of-bed-or-die-a-slow-and-painful-death-that-was-worst-then-any-demo n-could-bestow, she left the room.
He slowly rolled out of bed. Getting himself together he through on jeans and a black tee shirt, then jelled his hair into his trademark style. Finally done with that, he causally met with Keiko downstairs. She quickly glued herself to his arm, giggled, and then dragged him to the one place he considered to be worst then the dark tournament or even hell: the mall.
“Yusuke you could try to have a bit more fun. This is one of the first real outings that we have been able to do ever since you became a detective. You always get called away.”
“I know Keiko and I'm sorry. It's just hanging out a place that has a lot of stuck up, estrogen filled males and even more stuck up or ditsy females is just not my thing. “
“I understand. Just try to have a good time for me.”
“ok.” She smiled, but it was immediately replaced with an embarrassed and angry expression. She looked behind her to see a hand groping her…and it wasn't Yusuke. Said boy was staring at the male behind Keiko completely in shock at the audacity.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” He grabbed Keiko and pulled her behind him. The boy in front of him was tall and strongly built. Yusuke figured that the idiot had taken the chance when he sized Yusuke up, considering he was a good foot shorter than him. The man didn't bat an eye at Yusuke, but directed his attention to Keiko.
“Hey babe, drop this punk and I'll show you'll a really good time.” He winked at her with a perverted gleam. At this point poor Yusuke had lost it and grabbed the taller dude by the collar. The man in question looked surprised at the strength of Yusuke who was currently dragging him out the door, muttering under his breath, “oh…I'll show you a good time…”Keiko was hot on his trail.
This is where we left off: Yusuke currently beating the idiot senseless. Keiko finally stepped in and put her hand on Yusuke's shoulder. It calmed him gently. He slowly backed away, leaving the boy there, and grabbed Keiko's hand as he dragged her out of the alley and onto a sun gleaming side walk.
“Are you ok Yusuke? I mean other than what just happen, you seem a little tense?” He hadn't told her about the whole twin sister part. He could already tell she was both worried about him and his mother. He remembered that she had stayed with him the whole day when Atsuko was first put into the hospital. No. I want to tell her, but it's probably better that I don't. At least not yet. She doesn't need more on her plate then she already does.
“Naw, I'm good. Just thinking is all…” She responded with a silent hug and he was grateful that she had dropped the subject. They walked back to his apartment arm and arm, Yusuke noting that it seemed like the calm before a storm.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++
“SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!” Kurama was going insane! Yes he truly was. There was no logical explanation. Youko, his inner kitsune, was especially riled up today.
What?! My kitsune senses are tingling. That means something is going to happen tonight. And you have to admit, a bunch of beautiful young ladies dressed in masks and cosplay (hope I spelled this right) is bound to stir up some fun!
“Well, Youko, the last time I checked, we were only going to the ball to please mother. You know how she likes to see us do normal human things. And what's with the whole cosplay thing…hold on wait…you've been reading those anime novels, haven't you?”
Hey! Chobits and Fushigi Yugi are more than just anime…they are a life style. (I couldn't resist.)And besides, He through a picture into Kurama's mind of a beautiful girl wearing a mask, kitty ears, and sexy lingerie, could you really resist this?
“No probably not. But you realize that those are not the kind of outfits these young ladies will be wearing?” His face was already slightly flushed from the mental image; obviously he couldn't resist such a temptation.
Ah, that's what they want you to think…but under those innocent looks and silk gowns are the secrets to heaven…Kurama listened to his other side's rambling before completely fading him into the background; he was obviously off his rocker today.
“Having a tough time with the Fox, kurama?” Hiei stood on the inside of his open window, his left hand resting on his Katana.
“HA! Yeah, you could say that. He is getting on my nerves more than usual.” Kurama pinched the bridge of his nose, willing the forming headache to go away. This was not what he needed right now.
Heeey…don't talk about me as if I am not here. Youko mentally turned around in a corner and bent his head in a dejected manner.
“Fine. I'll say it to you then. You're getting on my nerves as usual, if not more so.” Youko bent his head even more.
You're so cruel to me.
Sorry to break up your lover's spat, but I came to make sure you were still going to this…human…party or whatever tonight.”
“It's a ball Hiei.”
“Hn. You just better be there. Do not leave me there with those idiots. I might kill them.”
“We'll be there Hiei.”
“Hn.” With that Hiei disappeared.
He sure is bit more fiery today, wouldn't you say?
“Yeah, I guess. But you would be too if Kuwabara was taking your little sister out.”
Oh..well…good luck with that then. Of course, if I had a sister, no man would be allowed near her except me. Kurama laughed at the Kitsune's possessiveness, but completely agreed.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
A/N: Just out of curiosity, have any of you wondered what happen if Youko hooked up with that Fox referee girl from the dark tournament…just curious.
Kagome had just finished her costume. It was beautiful if she must say so herself. She was going as a masked celestial maiden. The gown itself consisted of pale pink, translucent layers that swayed in the breeze. It was exotic enough to give her the celestial look she wanted, while at the same time having the kind of material that stuck to one's body. She had sewed pale pink sakura blossoms into a solid black, silk obi which now became her bodice as her mother helped her get ready. The top of the gown was slightly off the shoulder, hanging by two inches of lace and led into a sweet heart top that gave the hint of just enough cleavage. She had even thought to create a translucent robe, like in the legend of the celestial maiden, out of the material she had left over from her dress. It now hung limply around her shoulders, the ends reaching down to mingle with the rest of her gown in a heap on the floor: She would have to hold the ends up if she planned on dancing tonight. On her feet were a pair of pale pink, three inch heels that laced up her leg to mid calf. Hey, she could pull them off since she was already short.
The mask Kagome never made. Her mother instead, painted a mask on with a green tinted glitter like face paint in the form of a butterfly. The ends of each wing curled over her cheek bones, and the tops faded into her hair. Her mother placed tiny jewels on the tips of each wing, bottom and top, as well as on the center of the juncture between her eyebrows. Her hair was curled into a wild disarray of spiral curls that both framed her face and fell down her back. Her lips were painted with a slightly darker pink lip gloss and that was that…she was finally done. It had taken all of an hour and half to just get her hair done. Now it was 7:00 and…ring ring…Hojo was right on schedule.
She smiled as he stared at her in shock when she all but floated down the stairs.
“Kagome you look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” She responded, taking the arm he offered and waving a goodbye to her family who were too busy taking photos. Maybe tonight won't be so bad…
The ball was held in a mansion on the outskirts of town that was not too far from the city, but far enough that Kagome could see the stars clearly without the interfering lights of Tokyo. She had to admit it was beautiful. The dance floor was held in a room that was obviously used for the very purpose of being a ball room. The walls were painted in a gold trim and held golden cherubs surrounding dozens of 6 foot mirrors that all reflected the jubilancy of the moment. The room itself opened onto a beautiful courtyard that held hundreds of roses, lilies of the valley, and orchids all via the three stained glass doors that connected the courtyard with the ball room. There was also a Japanese styled bridge that crossed a green sparkling lake underneath two sakura trees that were blooming in the late spring weather.
Hojo had walked her into the mansion and they stood at the top of the staircase that led to the ballroom for a few moments. It was as though everything had gone silent. Kagome could feel the heat rise to her cheeks as every eye seemed to land on her. She herself felt a bit confused by the turn of events. Why are they staring at me She took a chance and looked into the male eyes of stranger next to her and easily read his lust…and especially like that, eeewww…
She looked over at Hojo apprehensively and he gave her a reassuring look. Taking her arm he guided her down the stairs and into the predestined room where the music was the loudest. As soon as they had made it onto the dance floor a slow song came on and Kagome mentally groaned as Hojo pulled her closer to him, resting his hands on the middle of her back.
A green pair of gleaming eyes hidden behind a black mask saw through the line of dancing humans and landed on her, noticing her obvious discomfort. He smiled to himself.
“Well she's beautiful, is she not?”
Yes indeed, and I do love that butterfly. Kurama go over there and steal her away.
“Wouldn't that be rude? I'd hate to start a fight in the middle of the dance floor with a human, no less, over something trivial.”
I agree, but who cares. Besides she looks like she is in need of assistance.
Making his way over to the girl, he could hear the boy she had entered with whisper something in her that sounded a lot like, “You smell good…” By the look on her face, that probably was what the boy had said and it obviously freaked her out. Clearing his throat he made his presence known.
Kagome almost went into a full blown sprint when Hojo had whispered, “You smell good,” into her ear. It curled down her spine to grate on her nerves. There was something about how he said it that was just off. Her hair was standing up at the back of her neck and that was never a good sign, she had learned to trust her instincts. And her instincts were screaming at her to run like hell!
Thank God she was saved by someone behind them clearing their throat. When she looked her eyes almost fell out. Now that was a looker. He was dressed in black slacks, a white loose fitting shirt that had the top buttons undone, which gave a hint of the strong body underneath, and a black suit jacket. His vibrant red hair was tied at his nape by a black satin ribbon. On his face was a single black mask that hid everything but his lips and his wild green eyes.
“May I cut in?” His voice was smooth and tickled the curve of her spine at the base of her neck.
“Yes.” Kagome found herself saying over Hojo's negation. She needed to get away from him fast and this stranger…well, let's just say she preferred him over Hojo by a good 10 to 0.
“Hojo, it's ok. I'm thirsty anyway. Could you go get us something to drink and I'll meet you in the dining hall after my dance with him?” She smiled shyly in hopes of making the boy do what she asked. She won.
“Sure Kagome.” He then turned and walked away.
“Thank you so very much, I didn't know what I was going to do if I had to dance with him much longer.” She smiled up at the green eyed angel- I mean (wink) Man. He smiled widely back. She looked into his eyes and noticed how his eyes seemed to be turning slightly golden as he embraced her and they danced.
“Well, I could tell you were in need of assistance, so I decided to assist you. Who was that guy anyway? He wasn't your boyfriend, I hope. You don't seem the type to like that kind of guy.” Whoa…had he really just said that.
“Well, what kind of guy do you think I like, hhmmm?” She smiled up at him in a jokingly seductive way. Unfortunately for Kagome, the battle within the stranger had just begun with that look.
No way, Kurama. Did you see that? She is playing with us, and I like it.
“Whoa, slow down Youko. We've just met her. Don't get too excited.”
And why the hell not? She is beautiful, playful, and haven't you noticed her aura? She's powerful too.
For once Kurama was speechless. He hadn't even thought about her aura. Now, as he sent his ki to touch her aura and discover what kind of power she had, he felt her stiffen in his arms. Her expression became completely serious and void of any other emotion except possibly…anger. She was angry with him.
She glanced up into the stranger's eyes after his ki tried to feel her aura, or rather, knocked slightly on her mental barriers. He was probably surprised she even had any considering that your average human didn't.
But she wasn't your average human and she was going to make him well aware of that. As she looked into his golden rimmed eyes she saw it. A FOX! I should have known.
“Listen here Fox.” She watched as his eyes widened. “I am not to be trifled with. Do not try to invade my mental barriers again or it will be the last thing you will regret. I'd hate to mess up that beautiful body of yours.” With that she left a dazed Kurama on the dance floor, vanishing into the crowd.
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a/n: I shall leave you hanging with this one…*laughing maniacally*
I'm dedicating this chapter first two reviewers: I'm not sure how you'd feel if I put your user names on here so I'll just say that you know who you are. Thank you. Your reviews encourage me to continue.