InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ The 'Whoas!' of life ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter Three: The `Whoas!' of life
Kagome glanced back once and saw that the demon had disappeared into the crowd. She let a sigh escape her. She didn't like to fight unless she had no choice or was threatened. She quickly pulled her aura within herself. She didn't need the off chance that the red headed fox would follow her. In her absent state of mind she had failed to see the person in front of her and bumped right into his back. She had also failed to sense his aura that screamed demon…a very irritated and pissed off demon she might add.
She had fallen on her behind at the force of the impact. Quickly she tried to ascertain her situation by analyzing the demon in front of her. He was dressed in a pair of very loose, black slacks and a slightly tighter button up black shirt. There was a katana tied to his side that was supposedly part of his costume. Kagome would bet five million yen that it was real, though. She glanced up and was caught in a set of red eyes that gleamed behind a white mask. The mask itself covered both eyes, his forehead, and curled down to the left side of his jaw. She chanced a quick glance at his hair, noticing that it was all black except for the white sunburst that flowed through it. She laughed at the idea that someone seemed to have lit a match to him.
Said demon glanced down at her in distaste. She tried to figure out what kind of demon he was without using her spiritual energy. Miroku and Kaede had both taught her this. If she concentrated she could see the aura hanging around the demon. Every type of demon gave off different types of auras. For example, if you were water your aura would appear as a blue wave around you. If you were earth, it would vary in earth tones from green to brown but moved in a rocky, vibrating motion. You could never figure out exactly what kind of demon the one you were anlalyzing was without using your ki or spirit energy. However, any information on what kind of power it held would be a key advantage. She noticed the demon's energy moved in a different way.
Either he's hanyou or hybrid… By the amount of power he was giving off she could tell he wasn't hanyou. That left him as a hybrid. The color around him was purple with flicks of white. Obviously the purple was more dominant. The darker color seemed to lick and dance like flames. The white that came in and out of existence was strange because it resembled falling snow. He's half fire and ice…a bit on the forbidden side, eh? I didn't even know such people could exist. Oh, well. It's not the weirdest thing I have ever seen and it surely won't be the last.
She narrowed her eyes when the demon seemed to smirk at her five second observation. Then his lips curled in distaste, and with a turn he dismissed her.
Oh, yeah that was smart. Rule number one: never, and I mean NEVER underestimate your opponent. Especially when you were a demon and you THOUGHT your opponent was a regular ningen, but instead she is a 500 year old/ 18 year old time traveling, kick-ass miko that could neuter you with one finger. She smiled at the thought. If she ever met his stuck up behind in a dark alley, she'd make sure to fry it like scrambled eggs.
She stood up, making sure to keep tight rein on her powers and her aura. Putting her mouth beside his ear, she spoke.
“I'm getting really tired of stuck up and arrogant demons such as yourself dismissing me.” Her voice was very calm and held an air of deadly sarcasm. If the demon in question could see her face, he would get a good glimpse at what Inuyasha use to call her infamous if-I-could-piss-on-the-world-I'd-piss-on-you look. As her words spilled over her lips, she allowed a small smidgen of her energy to play across his key. A spark danced between them. She smiled maliciously as the demon put a hand on his katana. HA! Knew it was real! She noticed as the demon took a glance around, gouging his environment, and then take his hand off the katana. Probably to not tempt himself into killing me along with innocent people, she thought, how sweet…Even her thoughts were laced with sarcasm.
“Who are you?” He growled.
She drew energy back in and walked past him in a show that she was dismissing him. A growl that scared some of the students around them told her that he had got the message…and he didn't like it. She paused and looked over shoulder with a smirk. It grew wider at his obvious surprise. Or at least obvious to her as she glanced at his slightly widening eyes.
“Bite me Sparky.” She disappeared back into the crowd. She laughed to herself. She must be having suicidal tendencies because two demons, not only in one day, but less than five minutes back to back was just lunacy. She admitted that she had discovered a horrible obsession with screwing with demon's heads when Sesshoumaru was her sensei, but she wasn't a fool either. Remembering now, she realized that every time she messed with Sessoumaru he ALWAYS got her back whether it was in training or being hung upside down in a tree, thrown water own, and left for a few hours. All things considering, he was very lenient. She knew these demons wouldn't be, especially the red eyed one which she thought was downright sexy even if he had a stick half way up his you-know-what. A blush formed across her cheeks as she realized it was time to cut the party short and go looking for Hojo before those demons found her. She knew she could handle herself on her own in a fight, even with a demon. However, she didn't like the idea of being on the other end of a katana that was wielded by a pissed off demon, captain red eyes being her reference. There were simply too many people around to have a safe battle, and that was all that she needed to understand before thinking on thoughts of how to convince Hojo to take her home.
Hey Hojo, I'm not feeling well; I think my hay fever is coming back. Could you please take me home before people start getting infected and…
She found Hojo. His current state was what made her lose her train of thought. He was in a corner, sitting in a chair that haphazardly leaned against the wall behind him. A girl, younger than herself, with a brown cropped, shoulder length bob and a violet dress was curled into his side. Her fingers twirled seductively across his chest. This was a surprise. Kagome had never seen him with another girl before. It didn't bother her; she clearly had no feelings for him. It just surprised her.
Taking a few steps further, she gouged the situation-and almost fell over. Hojo was completely and irrationally drunk. His head bobbed between leaning against the wall behind him to trying to converse with the girl. His legs were strewn out awkwardly and his hands fell limply by the chair. His right hand held a plastic red cup that had tipped over and spilled its reddish brown liquid, which if her sense of smell told her correctly, was sake.
She covered her mouth with one hand to try and stifle her laughter. She then sighed. If she hoped to leave, she'd have to carry him to the car, and then drive him home. Tonight was just not shaping up how she planned. Then again, whatever did?
Quickly moving to Hojo's side, she got the attention of the younger girl.
“What are you doing?” She asked with a hiss. The girl looked up in surprise, her dark brown eyes becoming angry.
“What does it matter to you?! Go find your own date!” Kagome took a small step forward, leaned over Hojo and braced herself on his shoulder. She was close enough to the girls face to hear her gulp.
“This is my date.” Her voice was deathly calm. Said girl tried to glare, but it was quickly shot down by Kagome's imitation of Sesshoumaru's “kick-your-ass-then-bring-you-back-to-life-and-kick-it-again stare. The girl squeaked, mumbled a quick apology, and ran. It was a good imitation.
Kagome sighed one last time before taking the intoxicated boy by one arm and lifting him around her shoulders. It was the best she could do. The room and hallway were nearly cleared out. Most of those who were here were in the dining room, the ball room, or the gardens. Some were even in the upstairs bedroom she thought with amusement as a couple snuck up the stairs. Really, who thought of this place, anyway?
She dragged Hojo and almost missed the gleam that came into her eyes. She was immediately wary, although she didn't show it. There was something wrong here and her instincts told her it was getting ready to rear its ugly head. She could feel his arm tighten around her slightly. Her head was close enough to his face to smell his breath. Her eyes narrowed when it only held the scent of toothpaste. No alcohol. He was playing games, and she didn't like being played with.
She continued to drag him through the mansion and out into the parking lot that was on the further side of the house. She remembered Hojo saying he wanted to surprise everyone with her beauty and therefore didn't want to park where everyone else was. What. An. Idiot. He was obviously trying to make sure that whatever he planned to do was in a secluded spot. Unfortunately, that worked for her benefit, not his.
She finally saw the black Honda sitting under a lonely street light that flickered with the burning of bugs that got too close to its heat source. When they had gotten to the car, she could feel his grip on her tighten.
“Kagome…”He seemingly slurred.
“Yes Hojo-kun.” She smiled innocently. His grip on her tighten and her eyes narrowed.
With a burst of speed that was not human, Hojo put her up against the car held her hands over her head. This was a surprise. How could he do that? She tensed as his hand grabbed her thigh through the dress and then licked her neck.
“You taste really good Higurashi-san.” His voice started to change becoming deeper and more raspy. What in the world kind of turn on is he having? Her thoughts were ringing in her ears and she seemed to have gone numb with the surprise. That is…until she saw them.
“What the hell…?”
Are those horns…? She nodded to herself in confirmation when she noticed the translucent horns on top of the boy's head that were the size of her hands. There was a sound to her right that came from the bushes and behind a few trees. She ignored it.
She released her energy and allowed her powers to sizzle the skin of her opponent. The boy backed up and growled. She figured he was either possessed or was a demon in disguise. She watched Hojo's once handsome face fade into that of a sickly green colored demon that towered above her by about 6 feet. Three eyes gleamed as his mask broke off and his muscles ripped through the clothing that he had worn. Uh…definitely a demon.
She hated to, but she had to. Reaching down, she ripped the end of her dress and threw it to the side. It would obviously hinder her. She pulled out her sword that she had stashed underneath her dress and carried around with her at all times. (Sorry, I forgot to write in the other chapter that she had slipped it on underneath her dress.) Kitai no Kirai gleamed in the moonlight. The black burgundy wood of its sheath could be seen strapped to her now visible thigh. The heels would have to stay. It would take too much time to take them off, and the last thing she had was time as the demon lunged at her.
She leapt. She flew in the air and did a somersault over the demon's head. There was no time to enjoy the feeling of the breeze. She quickly called on her powers as the demon tried to right kick her, but narrowly missing by inches. She landed on her feet gracefully. She allowed her miko energy and Ki to dance across her blade. And then it happend. The demon had gotten close enough to slap her in the midst of her concentration. His hand hit so hard the sound reverberated around the parking lot. However, Kagome was not moved. She stayed like that for a moment, her hair covering her eyes and the hand mark that was quickly becoming a bruise.
The giant picked her up, not noticing the danger that he unknowingly walked into. Ever since she had started to train her energy and her body with Sesshoumaru and Miroku, something inside her seemed to break. It was a weird moment for her, dangerous for anyone. It's as though her conscious thought is broken and she is thrown aside for her instincts and anger to take over. Sesshoumaru says that she acts on the equivalent of a beast in a demon. She remembered asking him what that meant. He told her that it was easily seen when Inuyasha turned full demon. He could be hanyou one moment and full demon the next depending on what triggered it. Kagome shivered when he said that because no one could win against Inuyasha when he got like that. Miroku simply said she went beserk.
The demon handled her with senseless care, cracking some ribs in the process. She didn't even flinch. Slowly her head came up, eyes glowing an unseeing pink. And an unholy and unhuman scream echoed from her throat as she gripped the sword and swung. She moved so fast, that even Hiei would be surprise.
And granted, he was.
After said human had so…daringly walked away, he went in search of Kurama. He found him outside avoiding his `fangirls' and was deep in thought.
“Yes Hiei.”
`We may have a problem. I can easily take care of it, but I don't want to so close to Yukina.'
Whatever is the problem? Youko purred inside Kurama, his thoughts mildly on Hiei.
`A girl-`
ahh, so you have met her too.” Kurama glanced up from beneath his bangs.
Fiesty isn't she. I like her. Youko was bouncing off the walls in glee. He hadn't found someone who interested him so much in years. She was a mystery and it just tickled his mind.
She's beautiful too…gorgeous. What I wouldn't give if I could take that butterfly and dip my-
“SHUT UP” Kurama had been having this problem for the last ten minutes, ever since said girl had shocked him and Youko with her words and then sauntered off to disappear in the crowd.
Hiei merely `Hn', and then disappeared onto the roof. He could just as easily talk to Kurama from here as he could beside him. He really didn't want to hear what Youko had to say…even if he secretly agreed with him. The girl was beautiful, if not inhumanly so. But that was the thing. She was human. And he himself would never lower himself to such degrading standards, would he?
His ears tuned into the night. He could feel the vibrations from the music beneath his feet. The flickering light from a parking lot to his left caught his attention. He would have passed over it if he didn't see the two humans slowly slinking over to a car. One of them was wearing a very familiar Pink dress.
“Yes Hiei”
`I've found her.' Hiei smirked as Kurama dropped beside him a few seconds later. Hiei pulled out his katana, but was stopped by Kurama. He was still pissed with the girl. She had played with his pride and for that she would have to pay.
Wait. Let's go down and see if we can get any information. She knows a lot more than she should. I want to know how and why.” Hiei observed this as the beginnings of kitsune obsession. There was an itch that came out of nowhere when associating Kurama's obsession with the girl. He shook it off as something to think about later.
They leapt quickly across the parking lot and into the woods on the other side. The girl didn't even bat an eyelash. As a matter of fact she seemed to be concentrating on something hard. Hiei noticed the look was cold and calculating. Unknowingly to him a slight notch went up in his respect for her. Anyone who could manage that look had seen some things. Hiei noted that it looked a lot like Yusuke's glare when he was determined to defeat someone in battle. Few people made it out unscathed when he had that look.
They watched as the human boy she was with held her tightly and then pushed himself on her. She seemed to go limp for minute in surprise at something. Hiei watched as she honed on something on top of his head.
“What the hell…?” They heard her whisper. Hiei glanced over to Kurama and was able to grab him before he jumped into help the girl. The bushes shook. He watched as her eyes glanced over to them, and back at the boy at hand, obviously deciding he was the bigger threat at the moment. Kurama looked back at Hiei with a `why did you stop me' expression.
`We came to observe. If things get too far and she cannot handle herself then you can interfere.' He made sure to emphasize the `you' part. Kurama nodded in understanding.
They watched as the girl allowed her aura to expand. Both of their eyebrows shot up at the immense power. Only Yusuke had that much spirit energy. Or at least he was.
Hiei and Kurama watched as the beauty ripped her dress to mid thigh and threw the fabric to the side. Her legs were shapely and trim, unlike most females in the nigenkai. On her left thigh was a dark, burgundy sheath with a sword that gleamed in the moonlight as it was drawn.
LOOK AT HER! She's perfect. Kurama I want her. Please please please…Don't you let her get away…
Hiei tuned the hyperactive fox known as Youko out of his head. He watched as the girl leapt gracefully over the now towering demon in front of her. He noticed she was focusing her powers into her sword but not quick enough. The demon slapped her. Even he had to flinch at that. Yet he was surprised the girl was not thrown across the lot. She merely stood very still. Her spiral curls fell in a cascade across her face, hiding her eyes.
His eyes narrowed as the demon picked her up and he could hear the crunch of ribs crack. She didn't even flinch. To his surprise it was Kurama who stopped him from running to her aide. He hadn't even known his feet had moved.
Watch.” Kurama said sternly. Hiei was noticing how the power from the girl had increased even more, its strength starting to crackle with pink lightening. Suddenly she screamed. It was a scream he had only heard demonesses possess. Her eyes went pink and she gripped the sword like an extension of her body. He watched in facisnation as she moved with a speed that could match him. The beast in front of her sizzled under her onslaughts. It died a very bloody death.
She landed gracefully. Taking her sword, she whipped it, allowing the blood to fling off so as not to rust the blade. Her eyes were still growing pink as she turned on them. She pointed the sword at the two hiding demons, her aura blazing dangerously.
“You follow me, I kill you.” She was clear, calm, calculating, and cold. He smirked. This was turning out to be an interesting venture. One he couldn't quite say he regretted.
He watched as she leapt into a tree over them, glanced down to make sure her warning was heard, and then disappeared.
Hiei heard an intake of breath beside him.
“Well, what do we do now?” He could hear the frown in Kurama's voice.
Kagome woke up in her bed and wasn't too surprised she couldn't remember how she had gotten there.
A/N: Thanks you guys for reviewing. I really appreciate you taking the time out to leave them. Hope this chapter was up to the standard! Ja ne!