InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Not the Only One ❯ Sacrifice ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello minna-san!

Wow, an update within a few months, I'm getting better ne? ^^

So I have amazing news- I'm now living in Japan! I got a teaching job and I've been here for a month now. I went to Tokyo recently and it was amazing! I'm keeping a blog of my experience, so check it out at
h t t p s : / / k a w a ii k e k e c h a n . w o r d p r e s s . c o m/
It's sure to interest you if you like Japan!

Apologises for the formatting strangeness of the last chapter, no idea why there are random numbers and letters in some paragraphs!

I'm uploading a new fic soon so keep an eye out!

P.s this is a very short chapter, but the next one will be very long, so it will even out ^^

Chapter 37

Kagome was glad to see Inuyasha had retrieved Tetsusaiga while she was away. It meant they could avoid any awkward reunion. She didn't want to be alone with Inuyasha any time soon- she could never hate the hanyou, no matter what he did, because he was the miko's first love. But that first, fiery love had burned out, and was now replaced with a warm, tender flame.

Kagome felt her stomach churn as she dropped into the well- she had to finish what she started with the others. The shikon no tama was a shard away from completion, then she wouldn't have to see Inuyasha as much. Of course, she could still visit Shippo, Miroku and Sango. She doubted Inuyasha would hang about, now he knew the truth.

“Kagome!” her friends were waiting around the well for her, and she felt a lash of guilt as they enveloped her in a worried embrace.

“Are you okay?”
“What on earth has happened?”
“Where have you been?”

Typically, Inuyasha had left her to tell the tale, and she did as quickly as possible as they walked to Kaede's hut. Sango gasped in the right places; Shippo bounced up and down on the miko's shoulder and Miroku was unusually silent.

“Well, that's everything, I think,” Kagome sighed, as they sat down by the fire. Kaede was out picking herbs and Inuyasha was no where to be seen.

“So, what now?” asked Shippo, his big eyes watering as he looked up at Kagome. “Will we never see you again?”

“Don't be silly, Shippo-chan!” Kagome laughed. “Of course I'll come visit. I'm sure Inuyasha's ego will make him keep his distance.”

At this, said hanyou entered the hut, clearly out of breath from running.

“Kagome...” he said, his words hanging in the air. She felt sympathy for the boy she once loved as she saw heartbreak in his golden eyes. But it was a heartbreak she had experienced far more.

The tension was broken as Kagome suddenly sensed what Inuyasha was carrying.

“Is that- is that the last shard?” The miko gasped. Everyone jumped to their feet, clambering over the hanyou as he opened his palm. The sliver of purple glimmered in the firelight.

“Yeah,” Inuyasha replied, his voice gruff. There was no usual tone of pride. He held out the shard to Kagome and she accepted it wordlessly. She fished the chain from her blouse, catching hold of the shikon no tama between her finger and thumb.

“Well,” she swallowed nervously, “Here goes...”

The group silently formed a circle as the miko touched the shard to the jagged crevice of the amethyst sphere. It hummed, and a spiritual white light glowed from the centre of the ball.

“ What is your wish, child?”  came a soft voice from the shikon. Kagome didn't need to think twice.

“I wish that the shikon no tama would disappear,” she stated, “Forever.”


There was a warm sensation on her fingertips, and then the miko was clutching air. The shikon no tama had finally vanished.

“Well, that was anti-climatic,” observed Miroku, and the group managed one last laugh together.

Inuyasha disappeared after that, no doubt to inform Kikyo of the good news, so Kagome took a wander to find Yoko. The kitsune found her first, pouncing on her in the long grass, making her squeal and kick out at him.

“Long time no see, Miko-sama!” he grinned, baring his fangs. He rested on top of the miko, watching her with his head titled and his eyes narrowed.

“N-N-nani?” Kagome stuttered, his golden gaze penetrating.

“I can tell by your scent,” he replied, “That you are no longer a maiden. Therefore, I assume my future self has beaten me, as it were?”

“Oh, Yoko!” Kagome blushed, swatting at the kitsune, “It's not like I was a prize!”

“Hmm, no, more like a spoil of war,” Yoko laughed, scooping her up. “Well, now it's my turn!”

“Yoko!” Kagome punched the kitsune's back, but it had little effect. The bandit had tossed her over his shoulder and was now carrying her into his den. As much as she protested, Kagome felt a squrim of butterflies. Would she be cheating on Kurama with his past self? Or were they happy to share?
The kitsune laid her down on the fox furs, cheekily looking her up and down.

“I suspect, from what you've told me, Kurama is a gentle lover. With me, it may not be the case...”

“Yoko, can you just calm-” the miko was interrupted as the fox climbed on top of her, swallowing her words with his tongue. She felt his hand wrap around her wrists, pinning her down as he nipped her neck.
He won't go too far, if I stop him. I know him. If I just say stop...then why am I not saying it???
The miko gasped as fingers explored the border of her blouse, before diving under her bra and clutching her breast. She could feel the kitsune, already rock hard on top of her, his member digging into her thigh, and he made no effort to hide it.

“Y-Yoko!” she breathed, and when he realised she had stopped resisting, he used both hands to pull her up, and strip the blouse and bra from her body. The kitsune pulled her into his lap, taking her breast into his mouth as his hands grasped her behind under her skirt.

“Kagome,” he groaned into her skin, and she felt hypnotised, stripping the silk sash from his waist and allowing his clothing to slide to the floor. Her fingers traced the hard muscles of his chest and back, so much stronger and bigger than Kurama.

“Ahh!” the miko gasped as Yoko bit her nipple, a spike of pleasure hitting her sweet spot.
The kitsune growled, pushing her back onto the furs, and pulling down her skirt and panties. Kagome felt herself go red, still unused to being completely naked in front of another. She became even more exposed as Yoko pulled her legs up and apart, wetting her with his tongue, using his fingers to probe inside her.

“Yoko...” the miko whispered, her fingers curling in his silky hair as he licked and sucked her, while continuing to stroke her with his fingers. Kagome couldn't stop watching as he pleasured her, his eyes closed, his cock standing proudly to attention. She felt the tightness and winding sensation as Yoko moved faster and faster, drawing her close to release before he suddenly stopped, moving her onto her stomach.
He chuckled as he guided her, clearly still so innocent despite her few sexual experiences. Kagome felt herself become even hotter as she awkwardly let Yoko position her. He sensed her nerves and embarrassment, and squeezed her buttocks, bending low to whisper in her ear,

“You are perfect, Kagome...”

The miko knew she was safe with Yoko, despite feeling so exposed and vulnerable. She pressed her head down, the furs tickling her cheek, as the kitsune slowly pushed into her.

“Ahh...” Kagome gasped, as the kitsune was much bigger and stronger than Kurama, and felt so different entering her.

“Relax, my love,” Yoko whispered, kissing her back, stroking her legs.

Kagome realised she had tensed up, so she tried to breath out, and allow Yoko to slide deeper inside her.

“Fuck,” the kistune exclaimed, his claws brushing her backside, “You're so damn tight, Kagome...”

The miko assumed this was a good thing, and a dull throbbing began to build up in her as Yoko rocked against her. Despite his caution before, he had no urge to hurt the miko in any way. While certainly not gentle, Kagome could tell he was holding back for her sake. He was so large that he seemed to fill up all of the space inside her. Her hair stuck to her sweat slick skin and she gripped the furs to try and keep her balance as the kistune upped the pace. Her stomach started to clench and she could feel her thighs shaking with the effort of keeping in the position. Yoko must have sensed it, because he pulled out, quickly picked her up and perched her on an ornate dresser.

“What the-?” Kagome didn't even get the change to finish her sentence.
Yoko tipped her back, pulled her legs up and over his shoulders, and re-assumed his thrusting.
The surface of the dresser was lovely and cool against her skin. She was grateful that the bandit had sensed her discomfort and moved positions. This way, she could look up to Yoko's face as he fucked her. His eyes were slitted, his mouth a line of concentration. His chest and stomach shone with perspiration as he moved faster, making her gasp and writhe as the knot inside her threatened to snap.

“F-Fuck!” Kagome surprising both of them with her word choice, and Yoko grinned, tilted his head to kiss her ankle.
She let her hands wander over his body, resting on his firm butt, which she held onto as he pounded into her.


Yok o gritted out, and the miko felt herself blossom with pride. It amazed her that she could make this being, who had no doubt bedded so many females in his lifetime, come completely undone. The miko found she couldn't form a response, as the kitsune moved even faster. She was aware of her head bumping off the wood of the dresser but she couldn't feel it, consumed by taunt wire that seemed to connect herself and the kitsune.

“Arghh!” A pleasurable pain flashed through Kagome and yellow bloomed in front of her eyes.

Her body shuddered with her orgasm and Yoko kept moving, a few moment later releasing a guttural growl as he spilled his seed into her.

Yoko watched the miko sleep beside him, her lips and cheeks still pink, her dark hair slicked a million different ways. He was content, for one of the first times in his life. Usually, after he had obtained something, his next goal would be immediately on his mind. Now, his mind was blank. Kagome had given him something no one else had ever given him before. It was by no means the kinkiest, longest or hardest fuck he'd every had- but it had been the most satisfying.
“ I think they call it love, kitsune,” Kuroune had said, in a conversation they had before he had been killed. Yoko reflected on this with a shake of the head. Love, eh. Who could have ever have guessed...
He tousled the miko's hair, and suddenly sensed something concealed in her locks. His touch had triggered a seed, which now attached itself to his finger. Intrigued, Yoko held it up. It was black, and covered in tiny, sticky hairs. A seed that kitsune used to convey secret messages to each other, only findable by the ki of the recipient.
Wasting no time, Yoko slit open the seed. A small piece of parchment was rolled into the hollow. It was in his own hand.
“The time is coming. Make your final preparations.”
Already my time?
Yoko sighed, tearing the message to shreds. Then, with a small smile, he lay down next to the miko, and wrapped his arms around her.

 Kagome walked to the well the next day, her legs a little sore after “round two” with Yoko. He had been acting a bit strange with her, and unlike the previous occasion, had made love to her slowly for hours. It reminded her a lot of Kurama. They really are more similar than they first seem!
Yoko had embraced her for a while when saying goodbye, though he did say he had some bandit mission to complete, so he wouldn't be around. Kagome was used to Yoko disappearing now, so it didn't strike her as strange. She was actually a little relieved to see him back to normal, after the shock of Kuronue's death.

“I'm home!” Kagome announced, arriving in time to eat lunch with her family. The conversation washed over her, and several times they called her name because she hadn't responded to a question.

“Sorry, I'm just tired,” the schoolgirl said, and when she fell into bed she realised she hadn't even told her family that the shikon no tama was complete.
It'll keep for tomorrow , she thought, and fell fast asleep.

Kagome decided to go to school the next day, refreshed by her early night.
No more Inuyasha bothering me when I have tests,  she reflected nostalgically. Her friends greeted her warmly, but once again she found the conversation washed over her.
It feels like I'm forgetting something...did I leave something behind in the past?
The miko touched her chest, her fingers grasping the rose pendant.
I guess I've being carrying the tama around for all these years, I feel kinda lighter without it!

To her pleasant surprise, Kurama was waiting for her after school.
“ Hi,” she greeted him, for some reason feeling shy. She was used to the attention he drew from the other girls, but she still felt nervous about something. Must because of Yoko. I wonder if he'll be okay about it?

“Hey,” he smiled, reaching for her hand, “How was your day?”

Kagome jumped, an electric shock tingling through her skin at the contact.

“That was strange!” she laughed, linking fingers with him and feeling like an idiot. She noticed he was quiet and thought something might be worrying him.

“How's your mother?”

“She's great thanks, they finally let her back home,” Kurama said, sounding happy, “Everyone is calling her the miracle now. It's really given the other long term illness patients hope.”
“How sweet,” Kagome beamed. “I guess, now my mission is over, I should start thinking about my future. If I could use my abilities to help cure others, I wonder if I could pass as a doctor?”
The kitsune didn't reply as they entered his apartment.

“Kurama?” Kagome asked. She immediately sensed something was wrong as she walked into the living room. The usual vibrant plants were all dead, brown and withered in their pots.

“Sorry, I haven't had time to clean them away,” Kurama commented, pouring juice into two cups.
Kagome furrowed her brow, confused how the plants could have all died while under Kurama's care.

“Why don't you sit down, Kagome,” Kurama said, with a sad smile. “I've got something to tell you.”
The miko froze, and the strange, distant feeling that had been hovering on her all day cleared.

Too much had happened in so little time, memories all mixed into each other. The day she met Yoko. The day he pretended he was going to feed her to his plants. The day he gave her the pendant. The night in the tree. Memory after memory flashed before Kagome's eyes, and she dropped to her knees, holding her face in hands, unable to stop the tears.
You can't have left already Yoko! I'm not ready for this!

“Y-Yoko?” Kagome whimpered, and she felt her legs collapse from underneath her.
Kurama scooped her up, and carried her over to the sofa. The avatar held the miko on his lap, and she huddled into his chest, violent sobs erupting as she realised Yoko had been privately telling her goodbye forever.

“That idiot!” Kagome cried, “Why didn't he tell me? I never got to say goodbye properly...I never got to thank him for everything he's done!”
Kurama let the miko sob into his shirt, and he rubbed her back, half frustrated that the kitsune had ended it this way, half understanding why he had done so. It would have been hard for her to let you go, if you had told her the truth...

“Why didn't he tell me?” Kagome gasped, looking up into Kurama's green eyes, which were full of pity. “Why did he let me walk away?”

“Kagome...he knew his time had came. To resist it, or to prolong his life, would cause major disruption in my own life. It could have altered time. Therefore...Yoko willingly sacrificed himself, for our happiness...”

The miko gasped, full realisation hitting her. “He...he gave up his life...he knew I would have tried to stop him...he was protecting us...”

“Yes,” Kurama nodded, touching her cheek. “Please don't be upset. It was always going to be this way. You know Yoko lives in me...he will always be a part of our lives...”

Suddenly, the avatar's green eyes widened.

“What is it?” asked Kagome, frightened by the sudden change.

“Your hair...” Kurama's fingers had strayed to pat her on the head, and he suddenly recoiled if bitten. Stuck to his finger was a black seed, covered in fine hair, almost like a small fruit.

“What is that?” Kagome gasped, “And why was it in my hair?”
Kurama quickly opened the seed, swallowing hard as he read the note concealed within.

“A final farewell gift from Yoko, it seems. Quickly, we must head to your house!”

They took the bus, the quickest route during the daytime when in the public eye. Kurama was bright eyed and alert, and he wouldn't tell Kagome what was in the note “in case it doesn't work out”. She felt increasingly nervous as they neared her house. What would await them? What had Yoko done?
Luckily the shrine grounds were empty, and the couple were out of breath from running up the steps. Kagome couldn't sense or see anything amiss, and she was confused as Kurama pulled her over the the Goshinbuku.

“Kurama, what on earth...?”

“Just wait and see!” Kurama gave a particularly kitsune like grin as he motioned for Kagome to sit on the grass.

 It had been a long time since she had sat here, and she thought back to the fight with Hiei. It seems like years ago...
She watched as the avatar placed his palm on the weathered trunk of the tree and closed his eyes. Kagome knew from various experiences, that the tree contained great spiritual power. However, it was tree that held only memories of Inuyasha...was did Yoko want with it?
When Kurama opened his eyes, he seemed like an excited child.

“I can't believe it...the answer was here, all this time!”

“Can't believe what?”
Kurama held out his hand, and resting in his palm was a small seed.

“You remember when we first met, and I took you to my apartment? Yoko wanted to tell you the rest of the story, so I transformed?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with...”

“The potion that I received from a friend at the dark tournament- it was liquid form. This is what it was created from...”

The miko tilted her head, trying to process this information, as Kurama laughed, and flicking his fingers, tossed the seed into his mouth.

“Wait, is that even safe-??” Kagome exclaimed. A strong, grey smoke engulfed the avatar, and wisps of the vapour tangled around the miko, making her cough.

“What is going on!?” Kagome choked, batting her hand in front of her face to try and clear her vision.
She screamed as a large hand suddenly coiled around her wrist, and golden eyes glowed through the smoke.

“We meet once again, miko-sama...”

Although there was going to be 40 chapters, I decided to drop part of the plot. This fic has been in the making for so long, and my style has changed a lot, so the direction has also changed!
There will be one last chapter, then I will wrap this fic up. But never fear, there will be more IY x YYH to follow with my new crossover fic, Chained to You.


KaoriHigurashi: Thanks! Hope you enjoyed the lemon! My next fic will be purely Yoko, so watch out for it ^^
purplebabe: thanks for sticking with me all these years! Glad you liked!
Mystic Owl: Wow, thanks for the long review ^^
I'm so happy you enjoyed this fic so much! It's the one I'm most proud of and have been working on the longest. Even though it has many flaws, it makes me proud that people are happy from reading it! I strived to create an original plot unlike any other Inuyasha X Yu Yu Hauksho fic, so I'm glad you think I succeeded. I will wrap this fic up successfully and move on to my next one!


There was such a big backlog of reviews I wasn't sure where to start, Gomen-ne! Thanks to everyone who took the time to review, I'm done my best to track back to the last chapter's batch!

Nekochan018: Thank you, happy to be back! Haha I always like writing about shopping! ^^
Trelweny Rose phoenix wolf: Ah, yes. No matter how many times I check there are always mistakes!
Glad you enjoyed!
Tempest78: Why thank you!
Cherry-Blossom-Love: Wow, that's certainly a compliment!! ^^ Thanks, I'm finally free of education, woop woop! Hope you continue to follow me in my new works!
Lovelypink84: Hope you enjoyed!
Crackpot: Thank you, makes me smile to think I can cheer people up with my writing!
Diane: Yes, to be honest spelling Japanese words in Romanji is always difficult because there is never a 'correct' way. Higarashi- Higurashi sound the same when pronounced in Japanese, so I often forget which one is correct. The kitsune one must be my spell checker so thanks for telling me. And yes I use British English so many spellings are different.
Xireana Zetsubou: Thanks, hope you enjoyed
emeraldmoon14: Haha I don't mind him with Kagome actually, but it's just more fun with crossovers sometimes!
Margaret7122: I love it when people tell me they get addicted, because I know the feeling, being addicted to other stories ^^ Hope you enjoyed!
MyLovelyRabbit: Thanks for such a sweet review! Things are looking up now so I hope to work hard!
Cosmic-lover: thanks for the long review! Those scenes were certainly hard to write as I had to put myself in an unthinkable situation! Glad they came across well! Makes me happy to hear how many people enjoy this fic!
Sami-Koneko: Wow, thank you! I love finding fics that I can sit down and read for hours, so it makes me so happy you thought that of my fic! I will always write, so please always support me!
Yuki no ai: thank you!
Zmiley: glad you are enjoying!
Fierynightangel: thanks for understanding!
Otakuchbs: thank you!
Cowgirlkitten: thank you! I hope it doesn't get taken down either
tinabug: thanks!
AKARY YAMI: Thank you, have a nice vacation!
Payung biru: glad to hear it!
QueenOfThePyroActiveSquirrels: Wah, thank you! I will finish it next chapter, so please continue reading and follow my next story ^^
ForgottenOncePromised: Thank you!
MidnightReader1: thanks so much
LunaWilderness: my amazing reviewers keep me going ^^ Happy to hear I introduced you to crossover, fan fic was how I found out about Kurama too!
MariisCa: Thanks so much!
Leah.sucessfull: Really, thank you. It's reviews like this that push me to my dream of being an author one day! ^^
j.d.y: only one left, but I promise it will be amazing ^^ Glad you have been enjoying thus far!
Kitsune-snuggler12: cute pen name! Haha me too, was not a great experience!

Thanks again, all my beautiful and dear reviewers. Especially to those who have followed me since this fic started in 2007. It's been a long journey, but you have all kept my spirits up and my words flowing. I promise to make the last chapter amazing (and long)

I will be posting my next fic soon, please look forward to it~