InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ The Dance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I do not own inuyasha or the yuyu gang

Of the Moon and the wind

Chapter 1 ~The Dance~

"Hi everyone I'm back" Kagome said as she walked into Kaede's with a bright smile adorn on her face.

"KAGOME!" An excited little kitsune said as a red ball of fur flew into the arms of his would be surrogate mother. "We missed you so much"

"Hi Shippo, I missed you to. Guess what I brought for you?"

Shippo's eyes got wider, "Did you bring me Chocoo late?"

She giggled at the way he pronounced it, "Sure did" She pulled her heavy over stuffed bag to the front of her and reached inside. She searched threw it for a minute and then pulled out a candy bar from one of the larger pockets.

Shippo popped half in his mouth and then remembering his manors a little to late said, "Tonk ou" then gave her a cute yet kind of gross brown toothy smile. Kagome didn't know weather to be grossed out or laugh so she just gave him a smile and patted him on the head.

"Your welcome Shippo." She turned to see where the finger tapping was coming from, but she already knew. There was Inu Yasha laying at one end of the hut. Kagome just looks at him.

He taps his fingers.

She looks.

He taps.




Inu Yasha finally gives in and jumps up to get into Kagome's face. "Well…." The irritated hanyou growled in a low tone.

"Well what?" Kagome new what he wanted. He wanted an apology for being two days late, but she wasn't about to give in to him. She was tired of having him in her face because she has a life outside being his jewel detector.

"Your two days late wench!" He towered over her trying to intimidate her, but she wasn't scared of him. She folded her arms over her chest as her eyebrow twitched. She didn't like the way he was talking to her one bit.

"Inu Yasha…"



Mumble mumble mumble curse mumble mumble. These are the sounds that come from the face down hanyou after the submission spell flattened him to the ground.

"You know my name well by now so use it and as for your question" she sticks her nose in the air in a proud manor "I don't have to explain myself to you." She walked past him and took a seat next to Kaede. She had no intention of telling him that she was late because she went on a date with a boy she met at dance for three of the area schools…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Pleeeeeeeease Kagome, it's been so long since we hung out and this dance is the best place to find guys so it's like killing two birds with one stone." She gives a big pouty look to Kagome.

"…..Fine." `Why do I let my friends talk me into these things?' She mentally sighs.

`Inu Yasha isn't going to be happy. Oh well, he has been a jerk lately and I deserve a brake.' She tried two forget about him for a while so she could just be a normal teen for one day, but it probably wouldn't last long.

*Later that evening at the dance

Sappy love music is playing in the back ground and Kagome is standing in a corner by herself watching all her friends dancing with the guys from the different schools and sighs. `They all look so care free.' Her thoughts went back to a certain inu hanyou in the past. `I know me and Inu Yasha are not really in a relationship, but would it be wrong of me to join in.' Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of a slap. When she turned to see where the noise came from she saw a fuming short haired girl stomp past her and behind her she saw a man with slicked back, black hair who had a rather red hand print on his face. It reminded her of the handprint Miroku would have after he `checked Songo for injuries.' The boy ran to catch up with the fuming girl and he stopped her right beside Kagome. This allowed her to hear the whole conversation.

"I said I'm sorry Keiko! I can't do much more than that." The handsome boy had a desperate look on his face. He seemed to be sincere in what he said and Kagome felt sorry for the poor guy.

The shorthaired girl looked up into his eyes. "Yuske, enough is enough. We have no relationship because you're always off and if you do actually come and not stand me up then you're late. I … I just can't take it anymore."

"I can't help it you know I have a busy life and spend as much time as possible with you." His eye's began to moisten and he seemed to be pleading with her. His voice softened, " Please don't leave me…."

Keiko looked at Yuske with a saddened disposition showing on her face. "I'm sorry Yuske, but I found someone else." She paused for a second when she heard a sharp breath come from Yuske. " Someone that's always there for me."

A look of bedrail and deep hurt spread over his face and he looked at the floor. The girl just walked away.

`I know that look' Kagome thought to her self. `His heart is braking and he feels helpless to stop it…' Her thoughts regressed to every time she saw Inu Yasha with Kikio. She shook her head of those sad thoughts and suddenly remembered the boy, Yuske. She didn't know what to do, but when she saw a tear fall from his face to the floor she couldn't help but try to help. "Are you ok?" `Smooth Kagome, of course he's not.' A little voice in the back of her mind told her.

The man seemed surprised to hear her voice, like he forgot he was in a crowded room. He stiffened and whipped his face with his sleeve. "I'm fine," he grumbled in a hushed tone.

"Are you sure there's noting I can do for you." She knew he probably wanted to be alone, but all she could think is how she wished she could make him happy.

"I said I'm…." He looked up while talking and saw that the person talking to him was a beautiful girl. He didn't know why, but a though came to his head `Maybe I should talk to her. I could use the company. Especially beautiful company like that.' "Well maybe we could talk for a while."

"That would be great." Kagome smiled at the boy with as warm a smile as she could manage to hopefully cheer him up a bit. "My name is Kagome."

"I'm Yuske" `she has a nice smile.' He thought.

"Nice to meet you. Would you like to go outside?" She asked so they could get away from the loud dance music that was now beginning.

They walked outside and took a seat on a bench under a sakura tree. They talked for what seemed all night about there friends and things they did on their free time. Both, of course, leaving out details that would hint to a non normal life. When the people started coming out of the dance hall they knew there time was up, but neither wanted to leave each other's company. They felt calmed by one another.

"Well I guess this is good bye." Kagome sighed with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah…" Yuske knew he had to see her again so he made sure he would, "Hey would you like to meet again?"

"I would love to." She chirped blushing slightly. `I wonder if he like's me.'

He was relieved when she said yes, "How about tomorrow around eight? I finally have some time off."

"Well…" `Inu Yasha is definitely going to be mad.' "Sure" She gave him one of those delightful smiles that cold melt a heart covered in thickest of ice.

"Great it's a date"

Kagome blushed again when he said this. `He dose like me.'

"There you are Kagome come on we have to go our ride is waiting" Her friend started to drag her off.

"Sorry, I have to go. See you tomorrow."

"Wait!" Said Yuske. "Where did you say you lived again?"

"The Higurashi Shrine. See you tomorrow"


Kagome's friends pulled her off and they got into the car.

When they were driving off she gave her friend a frustrated glare. The girl picked up on it and gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Why did you drag me away so suddenly from the boy I was talking to?" She asked in an aggravated tone.

"Don't you know who he is?" She asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, his name is Yuske."

"No no, I mean his reputation." All she got from Kagome was a questioning glance. "He is one of the biggest bullies in his school. He's mean and aggressive and I just wanted to save you from him."

Now Kagome was confused. ` She can't possibly be talking about the same sweet guy she was just talking to.' "You shouldn't go by reputations. He seemed really nice."

"Ok," the girl sighed "but you have been warned."

`She obviously is to caught up in gossip.' Kagome thought to herself. `He is really nice, sweet, and cute… Ack, where did that come from.' She tried to shake it from her mind, she didn't want to be unfaithful to Inu Yasha, but it was know use. He was hot and she knew it. She was falling for him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oy, girl, what are you day dreaming about?" Inu Yasha said with a look of annoyance and question on his face.

"Huh, oh …nothing" She tried not to smile at the thought of the hot young man, Yuske, but she couldn't helped it and she blushed as the little smile graced her lips.

"Now I know your brain's broke. Feh. Stupid girl."

IVX: This is my first fan fic so please be nice, but I would like any advice you have. Please R/R Thanks… ^_~