InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ The Playfulness of Females ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: inu+yuyu= not mine Isilme+ any other chars I make= mine ^_^

Oh, and just to warn you. I was feeling a little silly this chapter.


Chapter Seven ~ The Playfulness of Females ~


As Inuyasha walked in the door all he saw was a cloud of white dust hit him in the face. He wiped his eyes off and looked at the offender who had hit him with a handful of flower. There in front of him were Isilme and Tsuri in the middle of a flower fight that had made it's way from the kitchen to the middle of the hall. Oblivious, they didn't realize they had hit him. He was going to say something, but before he did he realized something different about Isilme. She no longer looked cocky or maniacally playful. She just looked like a little pup playing with her best friend. She was splotched with the white powder and she had a big grin on her face as she giggled. `I didn't think she could act like that. It kinda reminds me of how Kagome looks when she is playing with Shippo.' His thoughts were interrupted, however, when another ball of flower caught him off guard. This time the person who threw it noticed.


As soon as Isilme saw him there she tried to regain her composure, but it was to no avail. The silly look of surprise mixed with the snow white face was to much. She broke down to a hysterical laughing fit. `He's just to cute' She thought to herself. Yes, Isilme had to admit he was good looking, even now, there was no disputing that. She had just been a little upset about the whole spying thing, but she was no longer mad at him and was now determined to get him to lighten up around her.


After Isilme brought her laughter down to a giggle she slowly walked up to him. He no longer held a look of surprise, only a small scowl and his arms were folded over his chest. "Oh come now Inuyasha, it's all in good fun." She said as she brushed some flower off of his nose. He turned his face away from her and she just shook her head and smirked at him. "why don't you join us. You know you want to." Isilme gave him a fake pout.




"I'll give you a free shot." She said in a persuasive singsong voice.


An evil grin spread across his face. "Ok then"


Isilme gave him the bag of flower and baked away with her arms behind her back. Inuyasha raised a rather large handful in the air and just before he threw it he saw her throw some out of the hands that were just behind her back. He successfully dodged the powdery blow of doom, but just then the door he had been standing in front of opened.


Kagome was the one with the white powdered look of confusion now. Everyone went dead silent at that moment. She looked around to the three covered in flower and then to the rest of her house. "AHHH!, My House!" she yelled "How did this happen?"


"Well" Tsuri started scratching the back of her head. "It started out as cookies, but then it turned into a full blown war… heh."


"Yeah, sorry about all this." Said Isilme in an apologetic tone.


"As long as we get it cleaned up then there's no harm done I guess." Kagome responded.


Everyone pitched in and after about a half hour of cleaning the house and themselves up everyone finally settled in for the talk they were meaning to have a while ago. Kurama sat down next to Tsuri gaining him a shy smile and a blush. Yusuke and Kagome sat in a love seat together, so Inuyasha, seeing as how he couldn't sit next to Kagome, leaned against the wall. Hiei stood in a corner and Kuwabara sat in the chair. Isilme walked over to where Inuyasha was standing and leaned on the wall beside him. He sent her a questioning look and she just smiled at him.


Each group retold their individual tales or at least an overview of them. Yuske told his groups story up to the dark tournament with interjections here and there from Kuwabara and Kurama to straiten out a few details or fill in the blanks. Kagome was the next to tell of her adventures in the past and she described all her friends and enemies. The last thing she related to them was how she was kidnapped by a bunch of panther demons. Isilme retold her little story of how the two of them were on the run and how she opened a portal to the past instead of the human world.


"Now that we are all well acquainted, I think we should get something to eat." Stated Isilme.


"That sounds good to me, but no cookies this time." Kagome said jokingly. There was no need for a repeat of what they had just spent so much time cleaning up.


"Can we have… Ramen?" Inuyasha asked in excited anticipation.


"NO!" Isilme and Tsuri said in unison.


"Sorry" Isilme began "Ramen was the only thing we have eaten for quite a while."


At this, Tsuri had to put in her two cents. "If Someone wouldn't have forgotten the other bag of food we would have had more variety… *Cough * Isilme* Cough*


"Oh, haha, very funny." Isilme rolled her eyes.


"Anyways," Kagome interjected "what would everyone like to eat?"


"how about spaghetti?" Asked Kurama. " I could make it if you have the ingredients." Most everyone nodded in approval.


"Thank you. That would be great." Kagome started in the direction of the kitchen. "Follow me."


"I will lend a hand also." Said Tsuri as she followed the other two into the kitchen.


"Well Inuyasha, it seems some seats have opened up. Care to sit with me?" Asked Isilme.


"It all depends." He said with a smirk.


"On what?" Isilme asked with intrest.


"It depends on if I'm going to have my innards ripped out."


"My dear Inuyasha, there is only one way for that to happen and since I am not bathing I think you're in the clear for now." Kuwabara sent Yusuke a questioning glance and Yusuke just shrugged as if to say it must be a demon thing. Isilme sat down on the big, inviting, fluffy couch and patted beside her to motion him to sit with her. He sighed at having to move, but for some reason he walked over and sat on the other end of the couch.


Isilme stretched with a wide yawn, showing off her pearly white fangs. She then reached over and started kneading Inuyasha.


"Oy, what do you think you are doing?" he asked a little weirded out.


"Using you as a pillow of course." She stated matter-o-factly.


"Huh?" asked a confused Inuyasha. Isilme just laid her head on his leg and started to doze off. "Um… Isilme?" He tried to get her attention, but was cut off.


"Mmm… comfy pillow" And with that she fell asleep.


"Uh…" Inuyasha didn't know what to do so he decided she would be fine for now. He shot Kuwabara a death glare when he laughed at his awkward situation. He forgot about the carrot top, however, when his nosed twitched sensing Isilme's smell. `Gods' he thought `Why dose she have to get so close.' He stifled back a growl so the others wouldn't hear him. `That smell of hers is so, enticing.' Just then he heard giggles coming from behind him, but when he turned to see who it was his vision was blocked by a big white fluffy tail that had somehow snuck up and wrapped it's way behind his neck. Now he knew why they were laughing, so he crossed his arms and just made a pouty scowl as a blush crept it's way to his cheeks. This only caused more laughter. Especially from the orange haired boy across from him.


"Aw, isn't that cute" teased Kuwabara. "You two… Ack!" Kuwabara had been whacked upside the head with isilme's buckle boot that she had some how slipped off without being noticed.


"Would you please, SHUT UP!" Isilme grumbled "I'm trying to sleep here." She just rolled over and dozed off again. Kuwabara sat rubbing his head and grumbling.


Hiei just rolled his eyes at the would be display of affection and kept to himself. ` She is a demon. She doesn't need the sleep. She is obviously doing it to flirt with that Hanyou.'


Kagome walked from the doorway of the kitchen where her, Tsuri, and Kurama had watched the little scene and sat next to Yusuke again. She didn't know why, but she felt just a little jealous of the sleeping inu youkai, but when Yusuke slipped his arm around her she didn't care anymore. `Besides they look cute together anyways.' She thought to herself.


"So," Kagome chirped. "what dose everyone want to do while we wait for the food?"


"Lets see what's on TV" Suggested Yusuke.


"What's that." Asked Inuyasha with his head cocked slightly to side like a curious puppy.


"Well, it's a little box that shows people performing." She tried to explain.


"A magic box that holds people?" he said a little confused.


"No no, it's done with machines and… here, look for yourself." Kagome picked up the remote and clicked the TV on. Inuyasha was a little startled when the big black box suddenly flashed with bright pictures of metal men fighting.


"What are those things?"


"They are robots and this is movie is called terminator." She pointed out.


"Oh" Inuyasha just pretended to understand. For a while they all just sat around and lazily viewed the movie as they waited on their spaghetti.


*In the kitchen


Kurama was filling a pot with water to boil the spaghetti noodles and Tsuri was adding bread and spices to the mush that was soon to be meatballs. There was silence other than the occasional clatter of a utensil hitting a pan and the two passed chased glances back and forth as they prepared the food.


Tsuri was enjoying the smell as they stood next to each other. `He smells like roses. My favorite flower.' But something seemed a little odd about that heavenly smell. `I could swear I smell the blood of a kitsune, but before me stands a human. How peculiar this one is. He and that little fire demon were the only two not to tell their backgrounds.'


She was so absorbed in her contemplations that she did not notice that Kurama was now staring at her. He saw the look of confusion and then deep thought cross her face. He had a good idea why she looked that way and his words snapped her back to reality. "My real name is Youko Kurama, famous bandit and thief." He waited for a reaction from the beautiful vixen beside him.


"How is that possible. One, he was killed. and two, he was a kitsune and you're a…" She didn't want to continue with her sentence because the way she was saying it, it sounded like she was insulting him for being human.


"A human." He finished for her.


"Yes" She said feeling a little sheepish.


"You are right about almost all of that. You see, I did not `die' per say. On one of my little outings I found my self in a fight that proved to be fatal, so I transferred my spirit into a human baby to survive. That is how I became the man you see before you."


"Wow," She said in astonishment " I had no idea something like that was possible." She was ecstatic. Not only was he a Kitsune, but he was the vary handsome, or so she heard, Youko Kurama. She kind of wished she could see him in his youkai form, but she wasn't complaining. He was gorgeous for a human. Hell, he was gorgeous for any kind of man. She unconsciously let out a little sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Kurama. "It's a pleasure to meet someone as famous as you."


`Oh' he mentally sighed `Maybe she only takes interest in me for my old self, but dose she like me for my new self?' `Why do I care anyways?… It's not like having a beautiful female kitsune here that shows interest in me has anything to do with it' he thought sarcastically to himself.


They continued to cook the food in silence. Tsuri prepared the meat in a large frying pan and Kurama added some assorted spices into the sauce. They both reached for the wooden spoon at the same time and Tsuri's hand found it's self resting on top of Kurama's. She pulled it back quickly and blushed. "Sorry"


"It's quite alright" He smiled at her. " Here, you can use it. I insist."


The still blushing Tsuri gently took it from his hand "Thank you" She said looking into his eyes. ` His eyes are so beautiful. Such an intense green.' She noticed she was staring so she quickly turned to flip the meat to an uncooked side.


Kurama didn't want the uneasy silence to fall between them again, so he looked around to find something to talk about. He spotted the roses that tied up her hair. ` perfect' "I see you like roses" He motioned to those same flowers.


"Yes, I love roses." She said in a soft voice.


"The ones in your hair are looking a little wilted" he reached up and took the band of flowers out of her allowing her autumn colored locks to fall freely over her shoulders. `Wow' is all he could think. After he was done staring in awe at the blushing beauty he remembered why he had taken the roses in the first place. He looked down at them and they seemed to suddenly spring to life. The vibrant red returned to the, once again, silky petals and the flowers opened even wider than they had before.


"That's very nice of you, thanks." She said as she gave him a shy smile.


"Let me put them back in your hair for you." He offered. He really didn't wait for a response though. He moved behind her and gingerly pulled her hair back into the low ponytail. This action allowed his hand to gently brush over the delicate skin on her neck. Tsuri shivered a little at his touch and he just smiled at her cuteness. Stepping away from him, Tsuri turned towards him with one of her shy, but oh so gorgeous smiles.


"Beautiful" Kurama said in a seductive tone.


"Yes, thank you for reviving them." She said this oblivious to the true meaning of his statement.


Kurama smiled and chuckled slightly. " I wasn't talking about the roses."




(AN: Awwww ^_^)




IVX: I see my devoted friend finally got around to posting a review. She and I make characters and use them in rp's to develop their background and personalities. After that we put them into our fanfics. Yes, Tsuri was created by Naomi but in this story she is my little puppet and their ain't notin you can do about. :::smirks evilly at her::: but it's ok because she borrows mine as well. We are at an agreement that the personalities do not change, at least not too much, and that nothing big happens to their character without the others consent. We also kind of beta read for each other and help each other and stuff like that. Yeah I am sure you guys are tired of my character rant so that's all for now. R&R Please…. ^_~