InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ School’s Out Forever! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, di-li-di-li! Here they are standing in a row, bum, bum bum! Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head- OW! Ok FINE! I don't own anything but my coconuts! I don't even own the song! … make me sad…
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
AN: Merry Christmas! This is your early Christmas present! I'm going to be busy with work and family so you get it now! Otherwise I will try to update every Tuesday!
Chapter Two: School's Out Forever!
When Kagome woke up the next morning she had this strange feeling that someone or something had been in her room. Brushing that thought off, she sat up and stretched her arms up above her head. Hearing her back crack, she smiled and slowly got out of bed.
She made her way to the bathroom and washed her face off and brushed her teeth. She then made her way back to her room and pulled on the green and white school uniform that she had to where to school. Oh how she hated this uniform! It was cold in the wintertime and the boys' had fun trying to look up all the girls' skirts! She swore the principle was related to Miroku.
She quickly brushed her hair out, grabbed her backpack and made her way downstairs to help her mom cook breakfast. She set her bag down by the front door as she asked her mom if she needed any help. Her mother shook her head and Kagome took a seat at the table. Not a second later her mother set a plate of toast, a bowl of rice, and a small plate with two dongo's on it down in front of her. “Here you go honey! Eat up!” Kagome nodded her thanks to her mom and picked up a piece of toast.
“Mom, what's for breakfast?” Souta asked coming in to sit next to his sister.
“It's already on the table dear!” Their mother said. She quickly came to sit down across from them as she put the glasses and a jug of green tea down on the table. Kagome had just finished her first piece of toast and glanced down at her watch to see how much time she had before she had to leave for school.
“WHAT!?!?! I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!” She quickly jumped from the table, grabbed her bag from the floor, and ran out the door yelling a quick good bye over her shoulder.
“Hey Mom, doesn't Kagome go to a new school now?” Souta asked after his sister ran out the door. Mrs. Higurashi gasped out and moved her hand to her mouth.
“Oh my! I must have let it slip my mind! Oh well, I'm sure she'll find out that she got kicked out of school when she gets there.” She sat for a moment in thought. “Maybe I should call her old principle and ask him to take her over to her new school for me…” With that said she got up from her seat and went to get the phone. Souta just shook his head. Sometimes he felt really sorry for his sister.
Kagome rushed down the hallway to her classroom as the finial bell rang for homeroom to start. She hurriedly slid open the door to her classroom giving off a quick, `osokonotesumimasen' before heading off to her seat in the back next to Eri. Before she could make it there though the teacher called out to her.
“Ms. Higurashi what are you doing here?” The teacher asked her. Kagome looked at her blankly.
“Kagome-chan! You got kicked out of school for being sick so often!” Ayumi whispered, leaning slightly over Yuka who sat behind where Kagome usually sat. The young miko just stood there with her mouth open for a few seconds.
“What? I'm kicked out?” She asked not believing what she heard. “My mother would have told me if I was-” She cut off her line of thought. `No, she wouldn't. She'd space out and forget all about it.' Kagome sighed and make her way out of the classroom. She was just about to head out and go back home when the teacher stopped her.
“Ms. Higurashi, why don't you go to the principle's office? I believe another school from around this area has just asked for your school records. Maybe Mr. Ikekame can take you to your new school. Kami knows he has nothing else to do in there.” She said taking pity on the young girl. Kagome gave her a small smile of thanks and made her way down to Mr. Ikekame's office.
“Ah… Ms. Higurashi!” A middle-aged man with dark black hair and a grey suit on said as she came into the attendance office. “Your mother just called me, such a wonderful woman, and asked me if I would kindly take you over to your new school. I said I would be delighted to!” Kagome smiled at him. Even though Mr. Ikekame wouldn't admit it to anyone, Kagome knew that he secretly had a crush on her mom. They had met at a student teacher conference. He had been there because of all the days she had missed of school.
“Thank you so much Mr. Ikekame! I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here! I'll be sure to tell my mom how helpful you were!” Kagome gave a small smirk at the blush she could see crawling over his face.
“Ah… well… it was no problem at all!” He said with a nervous laugh. “Ah… why don't we get you to your new school?” He said quickly changing the topic. Kagome nodded and followed after him as he made his way out to the parking lot.
The drive over to her new school was relatively short with almost no talking. Looking over her new school she saw that it was almost like her old one. Building, gate, courtyard, with a few gutsy people not in class yet. “Thank you, Mr. Ikekame!” Kagome said getting out of the car. She quickly walked up to the gate patrol to get into the school.
“Hi, I'm Higurashi Kagome, I'm a new student here. I was just hoping that you could let me in so that I could get my timetable and go to class. I'm already late enough as it is.” The gate patrol looked her over and noticed that her school uniform was different then what they had to wear here. He slowly nodded then opened the gate to let her through. She gave a sigh of relief and hurried through before he changed his mind on her.
Entering the school she immediately felt three-youkai auras and one really strong reiki aura. She would have been scared if all four auras weren't familiar to her in some way shape or form. She frowned but brushed it off and made her way to her new principle's office.
“Konnichiwa.” She said to the secretary at the main desk. “My name is Higurashi Kagome. I was wondering if you could get me a timetable?” The secretary smiled at her and handed her three small packets of clothes along with her timetable.
“These are your new school uniforms. I gave you two normal ones and this one here is your new gym uniform. Though, I think it's the same as your last uniform. Your guide should be here - Ah! Yusuke! Right on time! I knew I could count on you!” Just as she said that Yusuke came in the office crossing his arms over his chest.
“I didn't even DO anything this time! And they still sent me to the office!” Yusuke complained. When Kagome felt the demon aura enter the office she tensed but at hearing the voice that went along with it Kagome turned around, her eye's wide and shot herself at the detective.
“Yusuke! I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?” She said hugging him. Yusuke blinked and looked down at the small girl that had just attached herself to him.
“Ka-kagome?” He laughed, “And here I thought I was in trouble! Kami! How have you been? You still being hit on by Hojo?”
“Is THAT all you can say after ten years!?” She said pulling away from him and hitting him on the chest. “But, to answer your question… yes, he is.” With that Yusuke started laughing all over again. “That's not something to laugh about, Yusuke!” The young half demon calmed his laughter and turned to face his long lost friend.
“Sorry about that… It's just funny that he STILL likes you!” At Kagome's glare he stopped. “So am I to guess that I'm going to be your guide around school?” At the secretaries smile he nodded his head and lead her out of the room. “Let's see your timetable.” Kagome handed it over easily.
“Let's see… you have homeroom with Keiko, Kuwabara, and me, you have first hour math with Kuwabara, second hour English with Keiko and I, Third hour science with-What? Kurama? How'd you get in there?” He asked looking at Kagome who shrugged. “Whatever. You have lunch with the whole group; I'll have Kurama show you where we sit. You have fourth hour gym with Keiko and Kuwabara, You have fifth hour History with Kurama- again? How'd- Kurama's in all the smart classes! Nevermind. Sixth hour Japanese with Keiko and I, and seventh hour cooking with Keiko and Kurama.”
“Keiko and Kuwabara are still around? How are they? Are you and Keiko together yet? And, answer me one thing… Your aura…” She couldn't bring herself to say anything more then that. She was afraid that if she said too much he'd ask how she knew he was a demon, and that would just make their short reunion awkward. “Nevermind.” Yusuke raised his eyebrows at her as she asked about his aura. Did she know he was a demon? He could sense that she had a very strong and pure aura, but her aura had always been like that. He'd have to ask Kurama about that later.
“Well, this is our homeroom.” Yusuke said opening the door and leading her in. “Hey, teach! We have a new student! Her name's Kagome and she'll be sitting next to me. Got it?” He said in a tough voice. The teacher rolled his eyes, nodded his head and went back to reading. “Oh my gosh! Kagome-chan!” Was all you heard before a hyper girl, known as Keiko, tackled Kagome in a bear hug. “Hey Keiko-chan!” Kagome said laughing, even as she located where the strong reiki was coming from. “How have you been?” She asked as she brushed off the reiki as Kuwabara's. It was no surprise really; he had strong reiki as a child too.
“I've been good! I have so much to tell you!” Keiko led the girl to the back to the classroom and started to interrogate her about how the past ten years. It's not like they haven't kept in touch, it's just they've always been to busy with this and that to actually meet up in person.
Yusuke laughed at the two girls and went to talk to Kuwabara who was staring in the direction of the two girls. “Hey Kuwabara! Quit staring!” Kuwabara blinked out of it and glared at Yusuke.
“I wasn't staring!” He yelled. Then after a few seconds, “Is that Kagome?”
“Yeah! Who did you think it was?”
“No one… it's just… her aura has gotten stronger… It almost reminds me of how yours used to be…” Yusuke frowned and nodded his head.
“Yeah, I guess it does… I was planning on asking Kurama about it after he meets her-”
*DAH-DA-DA-DAH-DA-DAH-DAHH-DAHHH* the bell rang signaling the end of homeroom. “Hey! Kuwabara!” Yusuke yelled after him as he had jumped up and all but run out of the room when the bell rang, “Take Kagome with you! She's in your math class! Then bring her to my English class!”
“Sure thing Urameshi!” He said. He quickly turned back around to grab Kagome, who was still talking to Keiko, and pulled her out of the room with him.
“I feel bad for Kagome…” Keiko said coming to stand next to her boyfriend. “Stuck with Kuwabara alone for a whole hour in her least favorite class…”
To say that kagome was confused was an understatement. You see right now, she was sitting in math class nest to Kuwabara, who was fiercely scribbling down notes. That wasn't even that half of it! You see, Kagome was bored, and when Kagome got bored she zoned out, which means she doesn't pay attention to what the teacher says. She here she sat confused about what they were doing and zoning out whenever she started to get bored. Damn. She hated chain reactions.
English for her past A LOT faster. For one, she sat next to Keiko, who actually talked to her. Two, she was kind of good at speaking English; she just couldn't spell worth crap. And, what was up with all the `there', 'their', and `they're' crap!
Finally! Class was over! Yusuke and her had just said their good bye's to Keiko and Yusuke was now bringing her to her science class. Kagome could feel it. The closer she got to the science room the closer she got to the last two demon auras. One of them she could tell was the same as the one from the night before. But, the other one… she just couldn't place it. It felt familiar… but not. Like it had two auras in one body. One she sort of knew, the other she didn't.
When she entered the room the first thing she saw was the hansom red head, where the aura she was trying to place was coming from. The second thing she noticed was the pair of red eyes staring at her from the tree. That's when Yusuke decided to come in the room.
“Hey! Ku- Shuuichi! This is an old friend of mine! Her name is Kagome! Be sure to bring her to lunch with you!” And just like that, he left the room just like he entered it. Kurama and Kagome just stood there staring into each other's eyes until a little voice we like to call Yoko spoke up.
^GO HUG HER NOW!^ Youko ordered.
<What? Why?>
^Just do what I say HUMAN I haven't seen her in 500 years!^ Kurama's eyes widened.
<She was in the past with you??>
^Oh for-^ With that Youko semi took over Kurama's body and got up from the desk he was sitting at and ran to the other girl and hugged her as tight as he could. Shuuichi's fan girl's, Li and Rika, gasped in shock as they saw him do this. They then turn to each other and began to plot Kagome's demise.
Kagome for her part was shocked stiff. Here she was being held by a demon she didn't know in the middle of a classroom with the whole class looking at her. NOT how she needed her first day of school to go!
**What are you doing fox! Get off her!** Hiei all but growled out, not quite ready to admit that he was jealous of Kurama for holding her so close. But, all the jealousy was replaced with shock at the next words that came out of Kurama's lips.
AN: I know, I know! But, all the OTHER authors were doing it first! I didn't want to look weird!
Ok guys!
Hopelessly Hopefull - 100 points! For being my first reviewer! 20 points for using the word WICKED and 30 for the XXX ^__~ = 150 points!
Lunarwolfdemoness - Oh don't worry… you'll find out what happens next… = 20 points!
HeartStar - 10 points for filling out the 10 out of 10 thing. 10 for using the word SO. And 20 points for using !!!! = 40 points!
Madmiko - Ah! No words can describe how I feel about you! *tear* the ice cream, the brother, the Inu factor! = one million points!
loveinuyasha911 - Let's see… 50 points for filling out ALL of the 10 of 10 things, aannnnddddd 500 points for giving me a Hiei on top! = 550 points!
Icywolfflame - hmm… 20 points for using the word `interesting' I like that word ^__^ = 20 points!
(PS: I LOVE Whose Line is it Anyway!)