InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Crazy? I Was Crazy Once…! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Somewhere…. Oh, off in the moonlight…. My Hiei is waiting…. AH!!! Lawyers! *Runs away from the karaoke stage*
*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.
AN: I love you all…. *tear*
Chapter Three: Crazy? I Was Crazy Once…!
*Last Chapter*
**What are you doing fox! Get off her!** Hiei all but growled out, not quite ready to admit that he was jealous of Kurama for holding her so close. But, all the jealousy was replaced with shock at the next words that came out of Kurama's lips.
*This Chapter*
Kagome stood there tense, her eyes widening when she heard what the young man next to her had called her. There was only one person that she knew of, that would even begin to think about calling her by that name.
Hiei was the first person to come out of their shock. **What do you mean Ookaa-san?? Youko, explain.** But, Youko just ignored him and turned all of his attention to the young woman in front of him.
“Shippo?” She whispered out quietly. Her breath caught in her throat even as he tightened his hold on the small woman in front of him.
“I missed you so much Kagome! You never came back after-” He cut himself off. “… After that one day.” He grew sad. He knew he couldn't tell her what happed. It could change the past. But, that didn't matter anymore! He had her back and that was all that mattered! He held her tighter in his grasp, not caring that everyone in the room was looking at him like he was crazy. He was a 1000 year old fox, what did he care about stupid humans? He gave a small smile. If it wasn't for the demon world he would only be 500 years old. For you see, the demon world aged slower then the human would.
“Shippo? Is it really you?” Kagome pulled back slightly and brought her hands you to cup his face. “Why do you look so different?” Then she lowered her voice, “and why do you have two auras?”
Youko chuckled and finally let Kagome go. “I'll tell you later… It's not a story the whole school needs to hear. For now, just know that my human name is Shuuichi, and that's whose body I am now housed in. Now come, I should give Shuuichi his body back and I believe that the teacher would like to begin class.” Kurama was given his hold on his body back and he silently led Kagome to where his seat was found. Youko refused to have her more then a couple feet away from him.
Once class was over Kagome and Kurama made their way outside to the tall sakura tree where the rest of the small group was located. Kagome spotted Keiko and waved to her. She was just about to run up to the other girl and compare their lunches like old time when a black blur landed in front of her. She backed up a step readying herself for battle, but gave a soft `Eep!' of surprise when she bumped into Kurama's chest.
“Onna.” Hiei sneered out with false disgust. Youko growled at Hiei inside of Kurama's mind and took over part of his body again to wrap an arm around Kagome's small form. If it wasn't for his need to protect his mother he would have heard the falseness to Hiei's tone. As it was, only Shuuichi had managed to pick up that small piece of information.
^Hiei… if you so much as lay a hand on her I-^
“Man.” Kagome shot back calling him the human form of the word. “I have a name. It's Kagome. Use it.” She batted off Kurama's arms then brushed past Hiei to go sit next to Keiko who was at the base of the tree while muttering about stupid male demons.
<What was all that about? Youko? Hiei?> Kurama was at a loss and he wanted to be filled in now.
“Kagome, what was all that about?” Keiko asked her as she sat down. Yusuke came down to sit next to his girlfriend, narrowing his eyes at his old friend.
“Say Kagome… did you just say something about demons?” Kagome tensed when she heard her old friend ask her the one question she didn't want to answer. She said that quiet enough so that only those with demon hearing could pick up on what she said. `Crap!' she thought to herself.
“I… um… no… I…”
“Give up onna. Yusuke, she knows about demons. She's a miko, she would have to be stupid not to have picked up on your ki if she picked up on mine so easily last night. Now Kurama, explain.” The small group all look at Hiei with shocked looks on there faces at what Hiei had just said. Kagome's face had drained of all color and she looked to her son for comfort.
“Shippo?” She called out to her kit not knowing what else to do.
“Ookaa-san!” Youko quickly took over Shuuichi's body yet again, sat down by the tree, and pulled his mother into his lap the same way she had done with him many years ago. “Shh… it's alright. Ka-san” He said nuzzling into her hair.
Hiei growled under his breath at the small show of affection from the fox. If truth be told, it was only because he wanted to be the one to hold the young woman like that. **Quit smothering her.** Hiei growled out through their link.
<And give me my body back!> Shuuichi snarled out.
“Kurama! Explain what the hell is going on here!” Yusuke shouted out.
“Urameshi! Don't swear in front of girls!” Kuwabara yelled out. Youko ignored both of them and got settled in before he started his tale.
“Kagome and I met when I was a young kit soon after my father was killed.” Ignoring the cries of disbelief he went on to tell about their adventures in the past. “About a hundred years after you left, Kagome, I went off on my own and changed my first name to Youko, instead of Shippo. I kept my same last name though, Kurama.” Kagome gasped out.
“I'm so sorry Shippo! I've never asked what your last name was! I feel like such a bad mother now!” She turned in his grasp and hugged the firm chest of her son.
“It's ok Ka-san. I really didn't want to be reminded of that part of my life yet. As for how I became a spirit fox… I believe you will find out in the near future. Or should I say past?” He chuckled at his own joke.
“So you're telling me that Kagome was in the past with you when you were young?” Yusuke asked, not believing what he had just heard. Kagome turned and glared at him.
“Do you dought his words, Yusuke?” Kagome asked in a scary tone. Yusuke just shook his head and snapped his mouth shout.
“Anyway, Ka-san, after a time I became a well known thief. That's how I met Hiei.” Hiei `hn' ed to that and moved to jump into the tree. He knew the rest of the story. “I was killed a couple hundred years after that by a hunter. I traveled around a bit as a spirit until I found a woman with a small child in her belly. The child, though I could not see him, I knew would some how turn out looking like I used to look when I was younger. Red hair, green eyes, and the way I was when you were around before…” he cut himself off again.
“Shippo?” Kagome asked in concern.
“Nothing. I just don't want to change all the good things that have happened in my life. I know telling you now would just change who I am today.” `And I don't want to ruin your chance for happiness…' He added to himself. But, unfortunately for him, a small hybrid demon heard his thoughts. Youko knew all to well what would happen in the near future, and he would do anything to make sure it came to pass.
Kagome looked sadly at her son. She felt bad for him. He had died. Was it her fault that he had turned into a thief in the first place and became hunted? She shook her head to disperse the thought. There was nothing she could have done about it. She would have died a hundred years or so into his life anyway. At least he was still alive in this time and able to see her once again.
Up until now, Yusuke, Keiko, and Kuwabara had sat quietly listening to the story of the young woman and the fox they all thought they knew. “So you're a time traveler… to 500 years into the past… is that why you got kicked out of your old school Kagome? You missed too many days of school?” Keiko asked.
Kagome nodded her head, turning to look at all her old friends. “Yes, that's how it has been since I was 15 years old.” She paused for a second then pinned Yusuke with a hard glare. “Now, Yusuke, tell me how you became a demon.” Yusuke sighed. He knew he wouldn't get out of this until he had answered her question.
“Well, it first started with me saving this kids life from a speeding car…” He went on to tell her about how he became a spirit detective, of how he met Hiei and Kurama, of his harsh training with Genkai, about him winning the dark tournament, about how he had become a demon, about his father, and finally, about the battle for the king of demon world.
Kagome sat quietly for a second before her brain caught up with what she had heard. “You know my grandma?” Yusuke stared at her like she had gone crazy. “Genkai's my grandma. But, she and my grandpa didn't get along so she moved out to her own temple and let us live at her old one. My grandpa has no spiritual power to speak of, it all came from my grandma's side.” Youko decided to speak up at that point.
“I noticed it before.” He said nodding. “Ka-san, did you know you're one of Sango's and Miroku's descendants?” When she shook her head he went on. “Yeah, they built the shrine you now live at. Inuyasha helped out a lot with that though.” She just shook her head in semi-shock.
“I had a feeling that was the case, but I wasn't sure.” She sighed and leaded her head back into Youko's chest.
Hiei, for his part was slightly amazed. This was Genkai's granddaughter. `No wonder she'd so powerful…' He would never say this to anyone, but he had learned to respect Genkai over time. That was one of the reasons he trusted his sister to be kept there. If he had felt any threat from the old woman he would have immediately removed her from the shrine. `But, what of this onna?' He thought. Would she be like her grandmother or would she turn out to be different? `She can't be that bad if she raised Youko.' He sighed, `Only time will tell…' His gaze never left her and that damned fox. Without even knowing it his respect for her went up ten points.
That's when all hell broke loss, yet again. For that is when Botan decided to make her appearance on her trademark oar.
AN: Sorry again! Hey! Do you guys think I should put up a dictionary? Do you know all the Japanese words?
Madmiko- Again, you took my breath away and stole my heart… Will you marry me??? *Puppy dog eyes* Or at least live in my closet? = 1 million points!
Lunarwolfdemoness- 50 for the 10 of 10 thingy-ma-jig-ers, I fixed the Yoko/Youko spelling thing thanks for that 20 points, and I just love the complement! =100 points!
HeartStar - 10 points for the 10 of 10 thing, 50 points for air head *Giggles* And *Yonk!*, and another 20 points for Sweet Snow! = 80 points!
loveinuyasha911 - 30 points for the loooonnng pleases, and another 20 points for the RP= 50 points!
animeboysrock23- 30 points for the 10 of 10 thing, another 30 for saying `it good', and 20 for wishing me happy holidays! = 80 points!
Kitsune12- 30 points for using OMG! And another 20 for reviewing! =50 points!
(Sorry… again with the Whose line!)