InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night... ❯ Clothes, clothes! Where's my clothes! ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: *opens closet* O.O Hiei! What are you doing in there! You aren’t coming out of the closet, are you?! o.O Oh, never mind, I see Kagome in there too. O.O Kagome!?!? O.O and are you both nak-!!?? T_T Why can’t I be so lucky as to own you…?

AN: Wow… I feel bad… over a whole year… I’M SO SORRY!! >.<

I know there's no excuse as to why I haven't updated in over a year, but if you would like to know, these are the reasons. In the last year or so I've been kicked out of my house-- TWICE, I've been laid off from my job, have gone out with and broken up with three people, I'm in college and just changed my major from Japanese to Journalism, and last but not least, I'm FRANTICLLY looking for a new job.

I've been working on this chapter, as well as editing the older chapters, for the better part of a year. I'd like to thank everyone who has reviewed and kicked my but with words. Special thanks to laWaya_aDisi for giving me that last BIG kick in the right direction.

** Hiei**

*** = Stupid thing I do when changing POV, places, or any other thing I can think of.

Chapter Eleven: Clothes, clothes! Where’s my clothes!

Last Chapter:

He smiled to himself and slowly lowered both of them to the ground. He rubbed her shoulder softly, using the healing power he got from his mother to heal the shoulder he had just sprained. They would sleep for now, and tomorrow they would catch up with the rest of the group… if he felt like it.His Kagome.He really did like the sound of that.
This Chapter:

Kagome awoke feeling better then she had in a long while. It was really warm, despite being almost naked, her arm no longer hurt, and the irritation in her neck had dulled to an annoying throbbing. All in all, Kagome felt great. Shifting closer to the warmth next to her she became aware of Hiei’s body and the arm’s attached to it.

**How are you feeling?** Hiei asked, nuzzling into her hair.

‘Good,’ she thought back, ‘and warm.’ She snuggled in closer to him before her eyes shot open again. ‘How…?’

**It’s because of the Jagen. I thought you already knew that.**

‘Well… yes… but… I didn’t think… you had already… never mind.’ She huffed and burrowed farther into him to hide her flaming face.

Hiei smirked. **You knew but didn’t think it was the reason for me being able to read people’s thoughts or being able to project my own?**

‘Yep… pretty much. Now shut up and let me get back to sleep.’ Hiei chuckled.

**You know as well as I do that we need to get back to the group.** Kagome sighed and slowly detangled herself from Hiei.

“You’re right. They’re probably really worried about us, especially Shippo.” Looking around the cave to find her clothes she noticed that they were nowhere to be found.

“Hn. I used them to keep the fire going while I went to get some fire wood.”

“You WHAT?!” Kagome exclaimed wheeling around to glare at him. “What am I going to wear back to the group?! I can’t just show up in what I’m wearing now!” Hiei hurriedly silenced her with a finger.

“Relax, you can wear my cape.” A sly smirk came over Hiei’s mouth. “I think you’d look good in my clothes.” Kagome huffed and moved his hand away from her mouth.

“That would be just as bad! If not worse! What do you think Miroku is going to say about the fact that I’m wearing your clothes?! Or Inuyasha!?! I can’t wait to hear that one!” Hiei silenced her again, only this time with his lips.

**I said relax. No one’s going to say anything, and if they do I’ll make sure they’ll never talk again.** Parting to let her breath, Hiei’s lips gradually made their way down her throat to rest above where his mark lay.

‘Hiei, don’t be mean…’ Was all she was able to get through her heavily clouded thoughts.

**I’ll be as mean as it takes to keep you save. No one will hurt you again. Physically OR mentally.** He pressed his lips against the mark he left on her to prove how serious he was.

“Hiei…” Her eyes softened and she wrapped her arm’s tightly around his built form. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. Sure, Inuyasha had said that he would always protect her but, with Kikyou running around she didn’t know how long that would last. Or which side he would pick when it came down to her life or Kikyou’s.

‘Is this what it feels like to be truly loved?’ Her eyes widened as soon as the thought crossed her mind. Oh why or why did he have to be able to read minds?!

Hiei slowly pulled up from her neck and looked down at her with sad eye. He raised his head so he could gaze deeply into her eyes before he began talking. “Kagome, I would never hurt you…” like he did… he wanted to add. “I don’t think you even realize how much you’ve grown to mean…” He sighed and closed his eyes, resting his forehead upon hers. **Right now, you’re the most important person to me.**

Kagome gasped when what he divulged to her sunk into her brain. Is this what Ami was talking about when she got her new boyfriend? This feeling you never want to loss? To want to stay with the same person forever? Was this feeling the feeling of being loved? Yes, it was. She had only known him for a few short days, but she had still grown to love him more then anyone else in her life. And she knew that he also loved her, even if he wasn’t able to say it out loud. She let a few tear escape her eyes and gave a dry chuckle.

“You’re in luck, Hiei. I think my mind just caught up with the rest of me…” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, warmth surrounded her neck where his mark rested. She gasped again as it slowly dispersed and watched as Hiei gazed down at her throat. There was surprise and genuine happiness within his crimson depths.

He smiled down at her softly. “Yeah, I know.” He saw her glare and quickly covered her lips with his before getting up from his spot on the ground. “That’s why the mark on your neck faired to life.” He held out his hand and helped Kagome to her feet. “It let’s me and everyone else know that you are ready to be mated. It also means that on one else can put a claim on you anymore. Not unless they want to die by my blade.” He finished his statement by swinging his cloak around her shoulders.

“So that’s what it was, male ego.” She gave him a dry look then shook her head. “Come on; let’s get back to the group so I can be chewed out. Kami-sama knows that’s what Inuyasha’s going to do.” She said rolling her eyes.

“Hey, don’t talk like that. I know you’ve been with Inuyasha for a long time, but he doesn’t have any claim to you anymore. Now you have someone else to keep you safe and kill all your demons.”

“Hiei… I still love Inuyasha. It might be in a different way, but he will always be a part of my life. He’s help make me who I am today. If it wasn’t for him I would have been killed the first time I came through the well. Think about what would have happened if he didn’t. All my friends here would be dead, Naraku would have taken over the past, and the great Youko Kurama would never have been. Who knows what other horrible things might have happened if he never saved me. I never would have seen my future son…” She said the last part under her breath and looked up at Hiei with sad eyes. “… I never would have met you…”

Hiei sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine, I won’t kill the baka hanyou. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean I like him. I just won’t kill him.” The young miko smiled to herself and leaned forward to kiss Hiei on the cheek.

“Thank you.” Hiei nodded and lifted the young women up into his arms. Before anything else could be said, they were out of the cave and on their way back to the group.



“Inuyasha, if you’re not going to get us food, don’t sit next to me. I don’t want to hear your stomach go off every two seconds.”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE RUNT.” Shippo was up and running across the clearing before Inuyasha could get the word ‘WHAT’ out of his mouth.

“You heard what I said! Go get us food! We’re hungry!” he stuck out his tongue at Inuyasha and hid behind Sesshomaru.

“YOU LITTLE-” *Grooowl* Inuyasha blushed as his stomach made itself known again. “Fine!” Inuyasha then huffed and took to the trees, making sure to step on a still asleep Kouga in the process. He was only getting food because he was hungry, not because Shippo had told him too.

“FINALLY! I thought he would never give in! Right, Yurameshi?”

“You IDIOT. You’re just as capable to go and get us food! If you were REALLY that hungry you should have just went hunting and saved us the headache!”


“So Kurama, are they always like this?” Sango asked as she and Miroku came to sit next to the older kitsune while the two detectives continued to argue.

“Pretty much. It reminds me of how Inuyasha and I used to fight all the time… only louder.” When they heard another loud string of shouts both of the young human’s nodded their heads.

“Yes, they certainly are… how did you ever learn to deal with them?” Miroku asked with genuine interest.

“The same way we all learned to put up with Inuyasha’s crap.” Sango snorted behind her hand at Kurama’s answer. “Well it’s true.” He said starting to chuckle himself. Before either of his two companions could comment, a livid Kagome stormed into the clearing.

“Really! I can’t believe you! How could you just sit there while that happened?! I’m glad I was there with you, there’s no telling WHAT would have happened if I wasn’t!” Everyone in the clearing turned to look at the young miko with curiosity. She had just marched through the trees wearing nothing but Hiei’s cloak while yelling at him about being un-just.

“It was its time! It’s the natural order of life! You can’t save every little thing you come across!”

“It wasn’t a THING Hiei! It was a bird! A baby BIRD! If I hadn’t have been thing he would have been fox food!” She rounded on him, poking him in the chest with every so often.

“Kagome, what do you think we do with rabbits and fish?” As if on cue Inuyasha came running into the clearing carrying a couple of rabbits. Sensing trouble, he quickly backed his way out of Kagome’s range of sight. “Are you going to start telling us that we can’t eat meat anymore? Or what about that flower you just steeped on? Are you going to get all mad because you just hurt a plant? What if that fox dies because he didn’t eat that baby bird? What will you do then?”

“Ka-chan, you’d let a fox die?” Shippo asked coming to stand next to her giving her puppy dog eyes.

“What? Shippo? No! I wouldn’t! It’s just that- it was a hurt baby bird! He was so cute! What would you do!?”

“To tell you the truth, Ka-chan, I would have eaten the bird if I was hungry.”

“WHAT!?!” She looked back and forth between the two most important males in her life. “What do you mean you would have eaten the bird!?”

“Well think of it this way, Ka-chan. It was a baby bird, right? And, he was injured.” At her nod he continued on. “I’m guessing there were no other birds around him. He was probably kicked out of the nest and left for dead. His mother abandoned him. He wouldn’t have lasted the night. If I was the bird, I’d much rather be eaten then die like that all alone. It’s quick and relatively painless.”

Kagome looked down at her son like he had just grown a second head, then glanced over at Hiei to see him smirking in triumph. “You’re BOTH horrible! Come on Sango, let’s go take a bath. I want to be away from the male population right now.” With that the two girls stormed out of the clearing.

“You two are horrible.” Kurama said as soon as he was sure both the females were in the spring and out of ear shot. “Ka-san is not going to let you into her sleeping bag tonight, Hiei.”

“That’s what you think, Fox.” Hiei said sitting down on the ground next to Kagome’s bag. “I happen to know for a fact that she won’t keep me out. She’ll feel too guilt about it. She’ll kick me out and after a few hours of tossing and turning she’ll beg me to come and sleep with her.”

“WHAT!? My women would NEVER ask another man to sleep with her! Not when she has someone like me!”

“I SWEAR I’m going to KILL you if you say that one more time!” Hiei growled out as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it straight at the idiotic wolf demon.

“She’s MY women! I’ll say whatever I want about her! You have no claim to her!”

“That’s IT!” Was all Hiei managed to growl out before he charged at the wolf using his full speed. Kouga somehow maneuvered out of the way of Hiei’s first attack and swung around for his own.

Hiei caught Kouga’s leg in his unoccupied hand and hurled him across the clearing, causing the wolf to slam through three different trees.


Sango and Kagome had just finished washing their hair when they heard a noise that sounded like someone crashing through a couple different trees. They looked at each other, sighed, and slowly started to make their way out of the spring.

“So much for cool off time.” Kagome grumbled as she dried herself off.


Hiei slowly walked over to the heap of bleeding wolf. “If you even THINK about calling her your women again not even her kindness will save you from my blade.” He kicked dirt on the bleeding demon and turned around, only to be confronted by Inuyasha.

“And even though she has chosen you for her mate, you still have no claim to her. If you want the right, and the blessing, you will first have to beat me first.”

“So you will fight as her father?” He asked raising his eyebrows. “What gives you the right?” For once Inuyasha didn’t explode.

“Kagome doesn’t have a father anymore. I’ve been the alpha male to her alpha female for many years now. If you don’t like that reason, then for the fact that she is my best and first friend. She deserves to be happy and protected. This is my fight to have.” Hiei nodded and they both got into fighting positions. They circled each other a few times before they both drew their swords.

“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!!?” Miroku and Kurama quickly made their way over to the two females.

“Um… Lady Kagome! What a surprise!” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began to lead her back into the forest. “Why don’t you come for a walk with me?!”

“Yes, a walk!” Kurama played along as he wrapped his arm around Sango’s shoulders. “

Back in the clearing Hiei and Inuyasha had stopped fighting. **We’ll continue this later, Hanyou.** He quickly sheathed his sword and went to save Miroku from himself. Kami only knows how long the monk could hold out before groping someone. *Smack!* Too late.

“Monk. Let MY Kagome go now before I make you.” Miroku held up his hands in defeat and slowly backed away.

“By all means!” He then turned quickly to save Sango from Kurama. “Sango, my dear, you look lonely! Would you like to accompany me on a walk?” Sango’s eye twitched before she punched Miroku into the nearest tree.

“Not in a hundred years.” She then turned around and walked back into the camp. Whatever Miroku and Kurama were trying to hide from them was obviously over with… for now, otherwise Inuyasha wouldn’t be sulking. Would the fighting for her friend never end?


‘There they go again…’ Sango sighed to herself. Would she ever get any sleep? She slowly settled down into her blankets, and just when she thought she would have to pull out the ear plugs that Kagome had given her, the yelling stopped and a growling began. Looking up she saw that Kouga was standing before the two lovebirds. ‘Great.’

“Please… Kagome, may I speak to you? Alone…?” Kagome elbowed Hiei before he could say anything and nodded her head.

“Yes. I think it’s the least I can do for you.” She said eyeing how battered he looked. She then slid past Hiei and walked back in the direction Miroku was trying to lead her before. Kouga followed after her at a slower pace. He seemed to have a little trouble with the whole walking thing, what with all the limping going on.

As soon as they were alone Kouga turned to Kagome and placed his hands on her shoulders. The wolf prince took a deep breath before starting.
“Kagome, we've known each other a while now, right?” at her nod he continued, “I've always wanted you to be my mate, ever since I first got to know you. I've seen how Inuyasha is sometimes, how he always yells at you and calls you names. I wanted to take you away from all that! You don't deserve it!” Kouga closed his eyes and took another deep breath.

“You're a very special person, Kagome. You have the power to become friends with ANYONE, including the ice prince Sesshomaru!” They both cracked a small smile at nickname.

“You've been such a good friend to me and a good sister to the pack. I was planning on taking you away to officially become my mate once this whole Naraku thing clears up. But, it's different now... Inuyasha's treating you better, you have strong people in your pack to protect you, and...” He crushed her to his body, cradling her in his arms.

“I love you, Kagome.” Her eyes widened at his confession, “but I can see now that it was never meant to be. You have made a good choice. I will except my defeat and work on building my packs strength.” He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes.

“You will always be our sister. We will help you in the final battle that's to come.” He slipped something into her hand and turned to walk away, stopping at a tree not to far from where they had been standing.

'I leave her in your care. Don't make me regret it.' He then took off into the woods.

Hiei quickly took his normal place next to her as she looked down at what was placed in her hand in shock.

“He... gave me his jewel shards...”



Next Chapter: I Wanna Hold Your Bag.

AN: Does someone want to draw/paint/make me a Hiei/Kagome picture (preferably naked or with the story line) for my fanfiction? Anyone who does gets a sneak peek at one of my lemons(which I may or may not use in this story)! ;p (Just be sure to include an e-mail to send it to!)