InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Coldness ❯ The Mission and The Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All the spirit detectives were in Koenma's office for a big mission.
“So toddler what's the big mission that everyone has to go on?” Yusuke asked.
“Yusuke we have no time for this. A very powerful energy signal keeps coming up every two weeks but it keeps disappearing. At first it wasn't that big but as time went on it keep getting bigger and bigger.
If this person or demon that has this energy wanted to they could take the world over by themselves. The odd thing is that it at a shrine. Nobody but a girl, her mother, her grandpa and her brother live there.
They all human from what we know. What ever is making this big energy signal I want here in my office as soon as possible.” Koenma said worried.
“Wait there is someone out there stronger than me, Kurama, Kuwabara and Hiei put together?” Yusuke asked shocked.
“Judging by the energy level than yes.” Koenma said to them.
“Your kidding right?” Yusuke said to him.
“I wish I was Yusuke but I'm not.” Koenma said to him.
“Lets hurry up. I have better things to do than to chase after someone with a high energy level.” Hiei said getting annoyed.
“Be careful. If this person wanted to they could kill you with the wave of their hand.” Koenma said to them worry still in his voice.
“Just where is it that were going to?” Kurama asked.
“You are going to the Higurashi Shrine.” Koenma said.
“What do you mean were going to my cousins shrine?” Yusuke yelled.
“Your cousin?” Koenma said.
“Yes my cousins shrine. She lives there with my aunt, my grandpa well I guess he is, and my other cousin. The high energy levels are coming from there?” Yusuke asked him shocked yet again.
“Yes. Since it is your family that lives there it will be easier to ask about.” Koenma said.
“What do you want me to do? Go up to them and ask why is there such high energy levels here? They'll think I'm crazy.” Yusuke said.
“Well you have to find out sooner or later. I'd like it to be sooner than later though.” Koenma said.
“But I don't get it. How does she get all the energy?” Yusuke asked him.
“Yusuke you and her are blood relatives. One of your family members is bound to get the same amount or more of energy and spirit energy as you.” Koenma said.
“Oh, ok but what do you mean it keeps disappearing and reappearing?” Yusuke yelled.
“Well we not sure really where the person goes or how but the energy signal disappears off every scanner we have and it doesn't show up for a week or two.” Koenma said.
Just as Yusuke was about to say something he was cut off.
“Detective I want to get this mission over with. Stop asking questions and lets go.” Hiei said coldly.
“Fine. Lets go. Botan make a portal.” Yusuke said.
Botan made a portal to Yusuke's cousin shrine and they stepped through it.
With Kagome
Kagome and the gang were sitting in Kaedas (sp?) hut. They were all hurt due to the fact that Naraku's puppets had attacked them.
Kagome had a gash across her stomach and she had a slash from her elbow to her shoulder.
Sango had three slashes across her stomach, a slash across her back and a hole in her shoulder.
Miroku had a slash across his stomach, a cut that ran from his wrist all the way up to his elbow and a small hole in the hand without the wind tunnel.
Inuyasha had about three slashes across his stomach and his back. He had a hole in his shoulder and a cut that went from his elbow to his wrist. He also had a cut in the palm of his hand.
Everyone had other minor injuries also. Like bruises and small cuts.
They were all bandaged up. The only ones who weren't hurt were Shippo and Kilala (sp?). Kagome had put a barrier around Shippo so he couldn't get hurt.
"Inuyasha I'm going home." Kagome said and stood up. She didn't see the point in staying here if they weren't going anywhere.
"No your not wench. We have shards to find." Inuyasha said to her and went in front of the exit.
"Uh-huh. You expect everyone to go shard hunting with injuries?" Kagome asked him.
"We're going tomorrow so you are not leaving, wench." Inuyasha said to her.
Kagomes eyes tinted blood red. She was getting mad and real fast too. You could tell by her energy level and by her aura that was flaring. Sango, Miroku and Shippo shook their heads at Inuyashas stupidity.
"Hanyou you will move and I will leave." Kagome said calmly but you could hear the threat behind it.
"No, wench." Inuyasha said to her. Getting annoyed that she wanted to go home and was demanding him to move.
"Hanyou this is your last chance to move. You either move or else." Kagome said angrily.
"Or else what, wench?" Inuyasha asked her thinking that he had won this.
"Or else this." Kagome said and as fast as lightning she hit him on the pressure point on his neck. Successfully knocking him out.
Even if she was wounded she could still fight and pretty much do what ever she wanted.
"I did warn him." Kagome said to no one really.
"Okasan (sp?) Can I come with you?" Shippo asked her.
"Of course you can, Shippo." Kagome said to him softly.
"Yay!" Shippo said and jumped on Kagome.
"We're leaving now. Miroku and Sango can you do me a favor and tell Inuyasha that I'll be back in two weeks and tell him not to come and get me unless he wants to go six feet under." Kagome said to them and they nodded.
"Thanks. See you in two weeks. Bye." Kagome said and left the hut.
She ran to the well. It only took about a second to get there.
"I'm glad your a demon now okasan." Shippo said and snuggled closer to Kagome.
"So am I." Kagome said and jumped into the well.
Kagome had returned home after a battle with one of Naraku's puppets and her mom called her into the living room.
"So what do you need to talk to me about mom?" Kagome asked her mom.
"Kagome have you ever wondered why you have miko powers and other abilities that grandpa, Souta and the rest of the family don't have?" Kun-Loon asked her daughter.
Actually now that she's mentioned it, I really haven't thought about it. Kagome said to herself.
"Well not really." Kagome said. Her mother fell over anime style.
"Not even once?" She asked her daughter and Kagome just shook her head.
"Well that's a little scary but anyway. Umm the reason you have these powers is because well you are a demon." Kun-Loon said and waited for a reaction from her daughter. She looked a little shocked and surprised.
Yes I'm a demon. Yes! I always wanted to be one especially when I adopted Shippo. He needs a demon to take care of him and now I can be his real mother since I am a demon. Even if I'm not a kitsune. Kagome said to herself.
"So what kind of demon am I?" Kagome asked.
"Umm well let's see. I am a Fire and ice/water apparition and your father was a dark and light dragon. So you would be 20 fire, 20 ice/water, 20 dark, and 20 light apparition and 20 dragon." Kun-Loon said to Kagome.
"Ok so how am I supposed to train?" Kagome asked her mother.
"You'll find out." Kun-Loon said to her, smirking evilly.
"Oooook." Kagome said and went upstairs.
That night when everyone was getting ready for bed Kagomes mom came up to her and said, "Hope you have sweet dreams."
That had freaked Kagome out a bit. Her mother had never said that to her since she was 10.
Kagomes Dream
She was in a field of roses and she was sitting against a tree. Her eyes were closed and she was at peace.
'Kagome' she heard a female voice say to her.
Her eyes snapped open and she saw two people in front of her.
'Who are you?' she asked them.
'Who do you think?' A male voice asked her sarcastically.
'How the hell am I suppose to know?' She yelled.
'Watch your language with your father dear.' She heard one of them say and was shocked.
'Your my parents, aren't you?' Kagome asked them.
'Well your a smart one aren't you?' her dad said sarcastically.
'Dear be quiet. Anyway Kagome your father and me are here to train you.' her mother said.
'I thought you said that dad was dead.' Kagome said to her mom a bit confused.
'I am but I had to see my baby girl again.' Her dad said to her smiling.
'Why isn't Souta here? Isn't he your child too?' Kagome asked her father curiously.
'No he isn't mine. He's your mothers other husbands child.' Her dad said.
'Yeah but he is moms so why isn't he here?' Kagome asked them.
'That's true but he didn't inherit any of my abilities. Me, you and I think your cousin are the only ones who have gained my parents demon abilities and looks.' Her mother said to her.
'What?' Kagome asked.
"Ok. I'm the only one out of my brothers and sisters who got to be a demon despite the fact that both of my parents were demons. Apparently I was the only one out of my brothers and sisters that were meant to be a demon. Just like your the only one out of you and Souta to be a demon.' Her mom explained to her.
'Oh. So when are we going to start training?' Kagome asked them.
'Right now.' Her mother said.
'How long will it take?' Kagome asked them.
'It will only take you this dream to master everything since when a hour passes out in the real world a year passes in here.' Her father replied.
'Will I age out in the real world as I'm going to age in here?' Kagome asked.
'No.' came her father's simple answer.
'Ok. So what am I going to be learning?' Kagome asked.
'All of our powers, how to use every kind of weapon and every kind of hand-to-hand combat style.' Her mother said to her.
'Oh, ok. So we should get started than, right.' Kagome said and they nodded.
They trained Kagome for about 2 years before she mastered everything she was suppose to.
'I thought you said that it would take my whole dream time to master everything?' Kagome said to her father.
'Ooops. I was wrong. You took not even a quarter of the time to master it.' Her father said to her.
'Kagome your father and I have a few gifts to give you before we leave.' Her mother said to her.
'We also have to teach her to transform, hunny." Kagomes father said to her mother.
'Oh that's right I almost forgot. Ok Kagome we'll give you the gifts after you learn to transform.' Her mom said to her.
'Ok.' Kagome said.
'Your father is going to teach you your dark and light apparition form as well as your dragon form. I'm going to teach you your fire and ice/water apparition form, ok?' Her mother said to her.
'Ok.' Kagome said.
It took her about twenty minutes to learn how to transform into her dark apparition form. She changed a bit when she was in it.
(A/N She can have either shorts or sweatpants in any form. it depends on how hot or cold it is.)
She had black eyes with midnight blue tints. She had black hair with midnight blue streaks in it. She had a tattoo of a circle with it filled in with black to show that she was a dark apparition on her forehead.
She had black sweat pants with dark blue streaks down the sides on and she had a plain dark blue tank top on. She had the same tattoo on her forehead on her left upper arm. She had a midnight blue dragon on her right upper arm.
It had white eyes with black tints in them. It had spikes going down it all the way to its tail. It had white chains going across its chest in the shape of an X. There were black locks in the middle where they meet.
Tokoyami was at the bottom of the dragon. It means Everlasting Darkness.
It took another twenty minutes to learn how to transform into her light apparition form. She also changed a bit in this form.
She had white eyes with black tints. She had white hair with black streaks down it. Instead of the tattoo on her forehead being black it was white.
She had white sweat pants with black streaks down the sides on and she had a black tank top with white streaks down the sides. She also had the same tattoo as the one on her forehead on her left upper arm. She had a white dragon on her right upper arm.
It had black eyes with a tint of white. It had black spikes going down its back. It had black chains going across its chest in the shape of an X. There were white locks in the middle were they meet.
Kaikou was at the bottom of the dragon. It means Mysterious Light. (For those who can't see it. It says Kaikou first and thanMysterious Light.)
It took her twenty-five minutes to learn how to transform into a fire apparition. She changed a bit in this form also.
She had ruby red eyes with tints of blue. She had ruby red hair with dark blue streaks. She had a flame tattoo in the middle of her forehead.
She had red shorts with blue flames going down them and she had a blue tank top with red flames going down it on. She had the same tattoo on her upper arm as she did on her forehead. She also had a red dragon.
It had red eyes with blue tints. It had blue spikes going down its back and tail. It had blue chains going across its chest in the shape of an X. There were blue locks were the two chains meet.
Gouka was at the bottom of the dragon. It means Hell Fire.
It took her another twenty-five minutes to learn how to transform into an ice/water apparition. She also changed a bit in this form.
She had dark blue eyes with tints of red. She had dark blue hair with ruby red streaks. She had a flame tattoo in the middle of her forehead.
She had dark blue shorts with red waves going down them and she had a red tank top with blue waves going down it on. She had the same tattoo on her upper arm as she did on her forehead. She also had a dark blue dragon.
It had dark blue eyes with ruby red tints. It had red spikes going down its back and tail. It had red chains going across its chest in the shape of an X. There were red locks were the two chains meet.
Kappa was at the bottom of the dragon. It means Water Demon.
It took her a half hour to learn how to transform into a dragon. She changed dramatically.
She literally turned into a dragon. She was about 7.1 feet tall. She was a silver dragon. She had black eyes with a hint of both silver and gold. Well she didn't have any hair. Her claws were about an inch and a half long and the four biggest fangs were about an inch and a half long each and stuck out of her mouth. (If you don't know what I'm talking about than look inside a dogs mouth and look at the biggest fangs it has in the front.)
She had spikes going down both her back and tail. Her tail had a point at the end. If you touched it you got poisoned and you got a very deep cut. She also had black chains that crossed over to make an X. The locks were at her shoulders and were the two chains meet.
She could breathe fire and shoot out water from her mouth. She had two big wings coming out of her back. They were silver with what looked liked black daggers at the end of them.
She turned back to her human form.
She had eyes that changed color whenever she wanted them to. If she wanted them blue than they changed blue. Her hair was jet black. She was 5.7 feet tall and was 17 years old.
She had a black tank top with a silver dragon on each side of it.
She had silky black shorts with a red dragon on the right side and a blue dragon on the left side. She had all the tattoos she had on her forehead (Fire, water/ice, darkness and light) on her upper left arm. She had a dragon that looked exactly like her in her dragon form on her upper right arm.
Ryuujin was at the bottom of the dragon. It means Dragon King. It also means that the dragon she has on her arm is the King of all the Dragons.
'Wow you learned really fast. It took both your dad and me about a month to master each different form. Yet you do it in 2 hours." Her mother said to her.
'I know I'm special.' Kagome said smiling.
'Yes you are. Now we have a few gifts for you as your mother said before. Now before we give them to you. You have to know that those dragons are real and their names are under their picture. Now for your gifts. After me and your mom tell you what they are than they come to you, ok?' Her father said and she nodded.
'I'm giving you a sword and 5 daggers. I'm also giving you a black panther and a tiger demon. They are just like Kilala. They have bigger forms and littler forms. The smallest form is as about a little bigger than Kilala in her smaller form and the biggest form is twice as big as Kilala. They can fuse and unfuse with you.' Her dad said to her.
'I'm giving you a bow and arrows, and a staff. I'm also giving you a wolf and a snake demon.' They are also the same as Kilala and since you're dad told you about it already I'm not saying it again.' Her mom said to her.
After she said what her gifts were they all appeared? First the panther, than the tiger, after was the wolf and last was the snake. Her weapons had appeared on her.
The panther was of course black and it had ruby red eyes. It had red flames going down the sides of its body. That means it controls fire. It had a tail that was had a really point at the end of it. It had silver claws and two of its teeth were hanging out of its mouth. He had a name tattooed on his forehead.
Burakkupansaa was what it said on his forehead. It means Black Panther.
The tiger was orange with black stripes. It had gold eyes. It had a circle filled in with black on each of its cheek. It means he controls darkness. It had black claws and two of his teeth were also hanging out of its mouth. His name was also tattooed on his forehead.
Mouko was what it said on his forehead. It meansFierce Tiger.
The wolf was pure white. It had sapphire blue eyes. It had black claws and it also had two teeth hanging out of its mouth. His name was tattooed on his forehead.
Ookami was what it said on his forehead. It means Wolf.
(For those who can't see the first word is Ookami and the second word is Wolf.)
The snake was black with blue waves going down its body. It had a dagger like tail. It tail was poisonous as was its fangs but only to those he and his master wished it to be poisonous to. Its two fangs were hanging out of its mouth also. His name was also tattooed on his forehead.
Karasuhebi is what it said on his forehead. It meansBlack Snake.
The sword was silver with a black hilt. It had a flame and a snowflake for ice and a wave for water on the hilt. The sword itself had a blue dragon and a red dragon on it. It had two things engraved in the middle.
One said Hogosha. It means guardian or protector.
The second one said Kinmotsu.It meansforbidden thing.
The daggers looked the same as the sword. The bow was black and the arrows had white tips. The staff was black and looked just liked Mirokus.
'Thank you' Kagome said to her parents.
'Your welcome.' They said.
'Kagome I also have to tell you something before we leave.' Her mom said to her and whispered something in her ear. Kagomes eyes widened and she was about to say something but her mom and dad faded away.
End Kagomes dream
She woke up with everything she had gotten right next to her. She was going to ask her mom about what she told her but every time she would talk about it she would change the subject.
End Flashback
The training was about two years ago. She is 19 now. She was wondering about how her life would have been if that had happened a year ago. If she would have stayed home instead of going to the past.
She always regretted what had happened and she always regretted not being able to stop it. Anyway, she jumped out of the well and was in her Era. But she felt auras that she shouldn't so she went up to them after she put Shippo in the house.