InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Love ❯ Old Boyfriends ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three
Kuwabara jumped out of the shower, just plain hanging out with the teens tended to get him dirty. Especially when they tackle you to the ground just to see if you are ticklish. Who knew that teenagers would do that! Kurama had stopped by before his date with Sango and invited him to come to the bar with them at seven. He had tried to decline but the clever fox had roped him into it somehow. He knew that Sango was going to bring her friend, who just so happened to be single.
`I think he's trying to set me up with someone.' He thought as he pulled on black pants and a white button down shirt. His orange hair that used to be Elvis style had grown out a bit. He now had his hair tied in a small pony tail at the nape of his neck. A calico cat rubbed up against his leg and meowed. He bent down at pet her.
“Come one Eke (eh-kee) lets get you fed before I leave.” Eke followed Kuwabara into the kitchen happily. Kuwabara glanced at the clock, if he didn't leave now he'd be late. He placed her bowl on the ground, grabbed his keys, and went out the door locking it behind him. Just his luck, it decided to rain.
He started his car and drove to the bar Kurama had said to meet him at. He turned the car off and locked it after he got out. Kuwabara stuck his hands in his pockets and walked inside. It wasn't so busy today so it wouldn't be hard to hear them talking. He failed to see his red-headed friend; Kuwabara went over to a table and sat down to wait for him. He looked up when he saw someone else enter the bar. Part of her raven hair was pulled back leaving the rest hanging down. She was wearing black jeans and a dark blue shirt; her chocolate brown eyes darted around the room. He saw her sigh when she obviously didn't find who she was looking for.
“Yo `Bara,” Sango greeted him. He looked over to his right. Sango and Kurama sat down both smiling. Sango had seen Kuwabara checking Kagome out and Kagome hadn't even realized!
“Hey Sango, Shuichi.”
“Sorry we're late, traffic was a bitch,” Sango apologized.
“It's alright,” Kuwabara said.
“Yo `Gome, over here,” Sango beckoned Kagome who looked over in surprise then smiled.
`She's cute,' Kuwabara thought as she walked over.
“Hey Sango, Shu…ichi,” Kagome finished when she saw Kurama's pointed look. She sat down next to Kuwabara.
“This is my friend Kazuma Kuwabara,” Kurama said to Kagome.
“Kuwabara, this is Kagome Higurashi,” Sango said.
“Nice to meet you,” Kagome smiled.
`Maybe this won't be so bad after all,' Kagome thought. `I'll give this guy a chance…Sango's right I need to find someone.' They all ordered their drinks and soon started talking.
“I'm a teacher at Shine Kindergarten,” Kagome replied when Kuwabara asked where she worked. “How about you?”
“I'm a teacher at Sarayashiki High.” He and Yusuke had been bullies at that school, ironic that he decided to work there.
“Teenagers must be tough.” Kagome took a sip of her beer.
“Yeah well, they think I'm better than old Mr. Barker,” Kuwabara laughed.
“Mr. Barker? He was my teacher when I was in my third year of collage!” Kagome exclaimed.
“Did he think that teaching collage classes were easier than high school?” Kuwabara asked. Kagome grinned.
“Yes, but I heard he retired after I went into my fourth year of collage.”
“Why so soon?”
“Take a wild guess,” Sango laughed looking at her sister-like friend who simply smiled.
“Man, I think they did good hiring you. You seem like the kind of guy that can relate to teens.” Kagome said. Kuwabara seemed to be at a loss for words.
“She's a fantastic artist too,” Sango commented.
“Well you are!” Kurama chuckled at the two women's behavior.
“It was just a doodle,” Kagome grumbled.
“Doodle? Looked like a week of hard work to me.” Sango bit her tongue to keep from saying more. Her grin remained in place.
“You draw?” Kuwabara asked.
“Yeah, just a stress reliever basically,” She replied. Sango rolled her eyes; never would Kagome admit that she was great at it. She was way too modest.
“So far so good, you're right they do get along,” Sango whispered to Kurama who merely smiled. “It's nice to see her finally having a conversation with a guy that isn't a parent of one of her students.” A sharp pain came from above her ankle. It seemed that Kagome had heard Sango's comment about only talking to guys who are parents. It was all going very well…until. Two familiar laughs were heard from the corner, both Kagome and Sango froze. Kuwabara wondered what was wrong while Kurama knew exactly what was going on.
“What are they doing here? I thought you said they never come here,” Kagome whispered franticly to Sango.
“That's what I thought,” Two men made their way over to the table. One had long silver hair and golden eyes the other had short black hair pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck and violet eyes.
“Ignore them and they might go away,” Kagome muttered. Kagome turned her head from the advancing pair. Kurama's eyes narrowed, he knew who was walking up to them. Sango had told him about the man with silver hair and he had met the other one before. Sango glared at them heatedly.
“When will the both of you get a clue to go away?” Sango growled.
“Oh Sango, no need to be so cross. We only wish to get back with the women we love,” The black haired man smiled. His charm didn't seem to work on her.
“Go jump off a bridge Miroku,” She spat. The silver haired man noticed Kagome was doing her best to ignore their presence. He walked over to her side of the table and bent down to her eye level.
“What, no `Nice to see you again,' sweetie, I thought you'd be happy to see me again.” He grinned as he laid a hand on one of her breasts. Kagome lifted her ice orbs to his golden ones. A loud slap resounded through the bar, Sango, Miroku, Kurama, and Kuwabara winced. The silver haired man's head turned with the force of the slap.
“Go to hell Inuyasha,” She spat. Finally she gathered up her courage to say what she should have long ago. “I am sick and tired of you discarding me when you're bored of me yet coming back when you decide you want to play around! I am not ever going to be with you Inuyasha; my mother was right about you from day one. Get lost you two timing bastard and take your perverted friend with you!” Sango gapped at her friend, she never knew that Kagome had the guts to stand up to Inuyasha! Well, she for one was glad Kagome stood up to him at long last! Inuyasha growled, reached out to grab her, and made to say something when Kuwabara stood up.
“Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Kagome had just said for you to leave,” He said coolly.
“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. Kuwabara could have thrown Inuyasha across the room easily but refrained.
“Leave Sango and Kagome alone, unless you have a death wish little brother.” Inuyasha spun around to see his elder brother Sessomaru standing behind him.
“This isn't over, you will be mine,” He hissed into Kagome's ear and left with Miroku in tow.
Tijiya: Okay, I think I got this chapter the way I wanted it at long last. I had a hard time coaxing Inuyasha within five miles of Kuwabara….something happened back stage. Not sure what, but I don't think it was good for Inuyasha. So it was delayed due to his stubbornness. I thank all of my reviewers who have kindly reviewed this story! I would like ten reviews before updating again. -pushes Sesshomaru out-
Sesshomaru: Tijiya doesn't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.