InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Roses ❯ Sanctuary Hunt ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Six: Sanctuary Hunt
Kiena and Chrystal sat at the top of the ruined water gate. The royal pair had been together since childhood, but now was the first time in six decades that they had had the chance to speak about the throne and its rightful owner. Unfortunately the small amount of time they had did them little good. Both women walked away with more questions than answers that day.
“I think you should take it. You're older wiser and more suited for it, considering I'm just a simple minded thief in the people's eyes,” Kiena stated.
“You just don't want to admit that you're a better leader than I am,” Chrystal replied.
“You've kept them unified for sixty years in my absence. The throne belongs to you.”
“No, dearest, if it belonged to me, Shadow Fire would be mine.”
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”
Hiei stared up at the arguing girls. He wanted to stop the fights right now, before Kiena ran off again to lead them into another sixty years of searching one step behind her.
“Chrystal, honey, what's wrong?” Hiei called.
Chrystal blushed a fiery shade of red at the sound of “honey” before she called back down. “Nothing's wrong, Hiei.”
Hiei walked off in saddened silence.
“What the hell have you been up to for the last sixty years?”
Chrystal didn't get a chance to answer before she was called down to the ground level to help clean up. After three hundred bodies had been buried, however, she rejoined her silent niece at the top of the single fallen gate.
“I say we fix the gate so we can get off this damn field,” Kiena said.
Chrystal nodded and the pair dropped to the ground. Sheathing Shadow Fire, Kiena set to work on tearing through the ruins to the actual gate structure. By “we” she meant herself, considering she was the only one among them that could “fix” the gate.
Boulder by boulder was dragged from the way of the wreckage. When revealed, the once elegant water gate, from which had once flowed the water from the sanctuary high above, stood in shambles. The aqua rocks and sapphire gems adorning the gate were nearly all scattered about the wreckage. Kiena knew that it would take years to return the gate she had so loved to its former splendor. She shook her head in disgust. How such monsters could destroy such functional beauty was completely beyond her.
“You don't have to do this alone,” Kuronue whispered in her ear, sending shivers up her spine.
Kiena stood up straight and looked into his beautiful eyes. Slowly, she nodded, before moving away to allow several of the males in the group to help. Yoko stood beside her as she told him how the gate had once looked.
“It was so beautiful. Even today, you could almost hear the waters of old as the poured over the sapphire insets, smoothing them as no smith ever could. The main arch was made almost entirely of a form of slate that was aqua in color. It took the original designers years to even start the archway. Their time was well spent, however. When the sun came over the horizon in the mornings it would hit the sapphire and it was like heaven on Earth down here. When that sun hit, blue fire climbed up those walls and everything seemed right in the world. I used to come down here early to catch the sunrise as it came over the morning fog. When it hit, I could've sworn I was looking at heaven,” she said, her sadness showing on her face.
“Why does it seem like you think you're the only one who can fix it? Why do we have to fix it now, for that matter?”
“To get down from the city, only one of the gates need be in working order, but to get up there, all of them need to be working. I refuse to leave this field until all of the sapphire insets and aqua slate have been gathered up so we can keep it from Naraku's demons. The fix need only be temporary, however. Chrystal can have the original designer sent down with a team to properly repair the gates.”
“Why Chrystal?”
“I am nothing but a thief and a liar in their eyes. It is the citizens wish that decides who in the family shall rule, but both parties need be present for the election. Until such time, the eldest child of the dead ruler takes command. I left my command to join the world below. I took up with you, and helped you along on numerous quests, so therefore I am a thief and I abandoned my country. They will not put me in charge.”
“Doesn't that disappoint you?”
“No, not in the least,” Kiena replied before joining the workers that were gathering the stone.
“That should hold us for long enough to get to the city. We all need to go at the same time, however, because it will not hold up for separate batches,” Kiena stated after she had repaired the magic in the water gate.
“How is this going to work?” Kagome asked.
“It is the oldest secret of my kind. Despite how it may look, I do love the Sanctuary and all the tigers in it. I will not give up their secret, I'm sorry.”
Kagome nodded.
When all were inside the circle, Chrystal muttered a prayer under her breath. Kiena said three words in her native tongue and it felt like someone had strung them all on a wire and was pulling them up faster that even Koga could move. They were not in the air three seconds before they touched down on the hard stone in the Elemental City.
“KIENA! YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE YOUR DESTINY!” her father shouted as she dove over the side of the city's stone platform.
It was a long way down to the world below, but she knew that someone would need her down there. She could feel it in her bones.
“Kiena? Lady Kiena? Is it truly you?” a woman in white whispered.
“Yes, Kala, it is me.”
The woman who Kiena referred to as Kala fell to her knees and cried out “SHE IS RETURNED!”
It seemed as though the world stopped. Everyone on the streets froze and the faint music in the background stopped. Then the world shuddered and threw itself back into real time as scores of tigers flocked to the gate platform. Kiena expected them to throw her over the side and say “Be gone with ye” but they didn't. Instead they cried to the heavens in thankfulness. The world seemed to think that Kiena was a hero of sorts.
“What did my father tell them, Kala?” she questioned.
“He told them the truth. They still wanted your rule. We have had no news from below since you went over the side that night. We all feared you were dead,” Kala explained.
“LISTEN!” Kiena screamed.
The world fell silent at her command.
“It appears that in deciding to leave this great land I made a grave error in judgment. I assumed that you would not want another young Queen to take the throne. You have paid for my mistake with many lives. The Gate Army has fallen and the water gate's splendor is now hidden inside these bags of sapphires and slate. I ask you now; who is responsible for the deaths of our friends, our brothers, our fathers? I answer. His name is Naraku! These people… These friends helped us retake the Mirrormar at physical cost! We have a score to settle with Naraku and so do they. This is a democracy, so I ask you; Do we pay our debt to these good people and take our vengeance upon the man who destroyed our families, or do we sit here idly like we have for thousands of years and wait for him to come back again?!” Kiena cried to the crowd.
There was a roaring call for vengeance. Once again, however, silence was called for.
“We will back you in whatever you choose your majesty!” someone called from the crowd.
There was a roar of agreement.
“It seems you were more right than I ever could have dreamed, dearest Chrystal. Forgive my arrogance,” Kiena whispered.
“Do not worry your head over it. You were young. The young have a grave tendency to make mistakes. You have learned much in sixty years. Much more than you would have learned had you stayed here,” Chrystal replied.
“Come! These friends need food and shelter in which to rest their weary bones. After they are taken care of we have much work to do!”
InuYasha and Company were taken swiftly to a house where the best cooks in the city were placed in their service. Hunters were sent out to the wilds of the land to fetch boar and deer for the demons. Women raced around the city vegetable patch to find suitable stew vegetables. In the meanwhile, Kuronue, Yoko, Kiena and Chrystal set out for the palace to announce their return. A sad feeling settled into the pit of Kiena's stomach.
Somehow she knew that her father was dead, and with him had gone the last glimmer of light in Kiena's hope for a life free of the bonds that ruling came with. If she could help her people, who had not judged her solely on her age and her mistakes, however, it was all worth the bonds. For the first time since she took a swan dive off the edge of the city to what she assumed would be a life of freedom, she felt that she had a true purpose in life.
From the castle, Kiena could see everything. She looked out from the balcony of the master suite, where Kala had insisted she and Kuronue stay, and she could see the original settlements of the Original Five when the Elemental Sanctuary had been the central point of all the demon lands below it. Her bat lord walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Gently he kissed her neck, and she allowed her head to drop back to his shoulder.
“This place is so beautiful. I can see how you came from here,” he whispered.
“I just wish it wasn't as terrified as it is. These people are truly terrified now that they have been told of the numbers that were used to wipe out the Gate Army,” Kiena whispered.
“I don't see why that is such a big deal.”
“Kuronue, the Gate Army was five thousand of our best soldiers. They were the Gate Army when the regular army was not in service. That puts us down by five thousand men. Not only that, but the guards they set were always the five best people that hadn't done the last watch. They did not take the protection of the Mirrormar lightly.”
Kuronue finally understood why the Elemental Tiger race was worried.
“I'm sorry,” he whispered.
“It was not your doing,” Kiena assured him.
Silently she snuggled into his warmth.
“I love you,” they whispered to each other in unison.
Kiena smiled softly as Kuronue lead her back to the four poster bed. The linen had been changed from her mother's sapphire blue sheets to a set of fiery red ones, taking the eerie feeling of her mother's presence from the room. In that room, Kuronue was about to take his mate.
Everyone seemed to look at Kiena as though she were a highly respected Queen and warrior instead of the new Queen. With Kuronue on her arm, Kiena knew that she was unstoppable. It was time.
Kiena walked into the hut where InuYasha and Company had stayed and stirred them awake.
“It is time that we got the gate repaired and went on a shard hunt. I have a feeling, though, that there may be shards up here. If you would like to go looking for them while I get the gate back to working order so we have a sanctuary to come to if the need should arise, I can arrange for a party of guards to go with you. The wilds are still a dangerous place. No one really knows what's out there. If you do go, I will join you shortly after I arrange for a team to be sent down to repair the gate,” Kiena said.
Hiei, who had joined InuYasha and his group late that night, smiled at Kiena and Kuronue. It was so obvious that they were mated that it was almost not funny. He refused to say anything while the group mulled it over, however.
“I say it can't hurt,” InuYasha replied.
Kagome nodded in agreement. The rest of the group began packing up supplies. As they raced around, Kiena went looking for a guard to help them. She chose three young cubs that she knew went into the woods a lot and several volunteers popped up to help in the protection. It was then that she went off in search of the gate designer. He was already prepared to go down and fix the gate. He even had a team together. With everything set in place, Kiena and Kuronue set off for the wilds.
“I can take you up to the ruins if you would like to see them,” Kiena said.
“That would be cool!” Shippo yelled as he bounced up and down.
“There is a set of roadways in these woods that are guarded by ancient magic. It should be relatively easy to get up to the Light Settlement that sits on the mountain side. From there, it should be child's play to spot the shards,” one of the cubs said.
“Alright, my little friends lead the way,” Kiena replied.
Kiena knew all too well the paths of which the cub spoke. She had spent most of her youth walking them. But he had a valid point; from the Light Settlement it would be child's play for Kagome to spot any shards that might have made their way into the Elemental Sanctuary. It wasn't long before the cub found his mark and was making for the paths. Kiena had a feeling that shards were not all that would be found that night.
Thousands of glowing lights flooded the Stark Road as millions of Light Tigers began to flee the forest. Among them, a single baby held in the arms of its mother. It would be this tiger that would carry on the Royal Line until his death ten centuries later.
Kiena growled as she caught the scent of another tiger in the ruins. Unless given royal permission, people were forbidden to leave the safety of the city. She didn't know who was up there with them, but she intended to find out.
“Your majesty! You look much like you did sixty years ago! How old are you now?” came a cry.
Kiena relaxed. “It is only Marcus, my father's researcher. He was sent up to the mountains to find clear cut paths to the summit of Mt. Keawana, the mountain on which we stand. What he is still doing out here, I do not know,” Kiena explained.
“Ah, wait! You haven't met my daughter have you? She was born three days after you took your famous swan dive. She was the most beautiful tiger around, until you came back, that is.”
“Marcus, your flattery is appreciated but I have done nothing to deserve it,” Kiena replied as she started up the side to where the jaunty fire tiger stood.
“Ah, but you are merciful, and that is enough. Most would have killed me where I stood for not announcing myself sooner. I was gazing at stars and didn't happen to catch your scent until you were nearly upon me! I would like to ask a favor, though,” Marcus replied.
“I can see what I can do. What do you need?”
“My daughter… she's not well… I believe she is sick, but she refuses to allow me to examine her. You are part fox kitsune, are you not? Perhaps you could convince her to allow you to look at her.”
“Yes, perhaps. I would have to take a more experienced fox with me, however, as I am not as skilled as Yoko is. We will see what we can do for your daughter,” Kiena replied.
“I may search the mountains and cities of all the lands and never find another woman as beautiful in mind and in body as you are, my lady. I am forever in your debt.”
Kuronue began to growl.
“Easy, my love, easy. That is a compliment in these parts. You will have to get used to that,” Kiena said.
Kuronue relaxed.
“Come on, Yoko. Let's pop in and see Marcus's daughter.”
Kiena and Yoko hiked in the direction of the scent of a female fire tiger. Kiena could tell that Marcus was more proud of his daughter than anything else he had by the way he had nearly begged her to help the poor girl.
“Sixty years ago, Marcus would not have begged for me to save his own life, let alone anyone elses. I wonder what has changed in him,” Kiena thought out loud.
“I don't know, but I can smell poison, and this cave reeks of blood and sex. Has Marcus been in here at all?”
Kiena scented the air around her.
“It seems the blood and sex is fresher than his scent around the cave. I don't believe he's been closer than sixty meters or so, however.”
“Interesting,” Yoko replied.
Kiena went into the cave first, and what she saw was indescribable. A male demon was fast asleep in the corner, but she recognized him instantly.
“How can he still be alive after all these years? He was old when I was young,” Kiena whispered.
“Kavanea, the first Shadow Tiger. He was the first of the Royal Line to live in the palace at the Elemental City. He was a wicked king, and the city banished him. He has been chained in this cave ever since. I can't believe Marcus would put his daughter in here with him,” Kiena explained.
“Kavanea! You have betrayed your own laws. I guess… since you set the punishment as death, I must kill you,” Kiena said as the old tiger woke up.
“You can not kill your own great uncle,” Kavanea growled.
“Watch me,” Kiena replied.
She pulled Shadow Fire from its sheath and lunged at the old man. He tried to dive aside, but a red headed fire tiger pushed him back up against the wall as the blade he forged returned to drink the blood of its creator.
“I find it easier to kill scum than anyone else,” Kiena spat.
The old Elemental Tiger crumbled into dust.
“Why wouldn't you let your father in her? Even he could have dispatched Kavanea in his weakened state,” Kiena asked the young girl who had pushed the tiger back.
“He would have blamed himself for what happened to me. I refused to allow him close enough to smell the cave.”
“What is your name?”
“Ravana,” the girl replied.
“She will be fine. Yoko is up there taking care of her wounds now,” Kiena explained.
“Your friends went down into the woods fifteen minutes ago. They said something about shards,” Marcus replied, swiftly changing the subject.
“They can handle themselves.”
Yoko placed an herbal pack on another wound and bound it into place. It was taking all his energy to not kiss the woman inches away from him. He could feel her arousal, but he didn't want to push her. He had a feeling that this girl had melted Marcus's heart, just as she was melting his own.
“Ravana? Are you alright?” came a call.
“Yes, Daddy, I'm fine!”
“Kiena was right; we definitely found more than shards tonight, my friend,” Kuronue said.
“You're mated now, aren't you?” Yoko growled.
“Hey, I wasn't talking about me,” Kuronue said before he walked out.
“Who was he talking about?” Ravana asked in her sweet melodic voice.
“I think… he was talking about me…”