InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Chance at Love ❯ Phyisical Change ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Chance at Love
) = thoughts" =speaking
is my first story so please forgive me.I would appreciate suggestions and corrections of the info in this story.If you want me to continue then review.dedicate this story to my good friend,Megan.dont own Inuyasha.

Chapter 1

"Hey Kagome are you ok?",asked a small girl with soft pale skin,hazel eyes and long brown hair.Her best friend was very pale and she was worried.Kagome Higurashi was her best friend.Her father had died two weeks ago and she had gone into a depression.a long silence Kagome looked at her best friend with teary eyes and said,"I miss him so much."six year old Sango held onto the weeping girl and said,"Shh,everything will be ok".Three years later Sango`s parents died in a car crash.Since Sango and her little brother Kohaku had no family left Mrs.Higurashi adopted them into the Higurashi family.
9 years later ~ Souta whispered to Kohaku who had just tripped on a shoe. Both were 13 years old and trouble makers. They continued their way to the girl's rooms. Once inside they each room they went to a bed and began operation god!",Kagome screamed. Sango woke up to screaming and found that she was covered from head to toe in whipped cream as was Kagome.Both the girls had showers and they got dressed after dumping honey on both boys heads.Kagome wore jeans and a white shirt with 'Princess' written on the front in pink while Sango had on khaki Capparis and a pink shirt with 'proud to be a prep' written in white on the front. Sango had her hair in a high ponytail with a pink hair tie and Kagome put pink flower barrets in her hair. Both girls wore pink eyeshadow and lipstick.Today was the day they were going to move to Tokyo.are you ready to go?"Sheika Higurashi yelled from be down in a sec, "Kagome yelled back.Her and Sango had been totally against moving but didn't have much choice since grandpa could no longer handle the upkeep of the old shrine which he refused to let leave the family. That was where they were moving,an old shrine that was by no means small. Sango and Kagome would spend their senior year at Tokyo High. Both were perfect students but this year they wanted to change.They both already had enuff credits to get into the colleges they wanted to go to.Sango had come up with the idea that this year they should be totally different and Kagome agreed. They would still do their work and get good grades but they get into trouble, do pranks, and be bad girls.It was called operation Tokyo.everything was loaded into the moving van, they separated into the four cars. Kagome would drive the black viper, mom would drive the dark blue hummer with Souta and Kohaku, Sango would drive the silver dodge ram with the hemi engine, and finally the red jeep would be driven by one of the movers. They were by no means poor. Before Kagome`s father died, he made millions of dollars. So they began the hour ride there. Sango and Kagome talked on their cells to each other the hole time. They were making plans for operation Tokyo. After that was done Kagome called mom and asked, "Can I and Sango stop at Kouga`s house for a bit?"Kouga was her cousin in law.but be home before midnight all right," her mom see you later, "with that she hung up then called Sango.we?" Sango asked when she picked up." Kagome replied just as exited. Kouga was her favorite cousin, and he lived 15 minutes away from the shrine. He was 20 and in collage. He had long, dark-brown hair that was usually in a high pony tail with blue eyes. The girls pulled into his driveway as he came out of the house. He was wearing baggy black jeans and a blue wife beater. He had been told of the plan and was going to cover for them and help with the transformation. Sango and Kouga hoped into the viper. Kagome had slipped into the passenger seat so Kouga could drive with Sango in the back. They were headed to the mall. Once there they got out and went inside to the hair salon. Kouga sat in the waiting area while the girls had their hair done. Kouga was nervous because he did not know what to expect, they had told him they wanted to be completely different but had not said any of the specifics. (Aunt Sheika is gonna kill me when she finds out, I hope they did not do anything too drastic!)thoughts were interrupted when Sango stepped in front of him and you think?",she asked excitedly jumping up and down. All Kouga could do was stare. Her hair was short and had large chunky red streaks.
"Wow it looks awesome!",he finally said as she sat down next to him with a smile on her face. (I can't wait to see Kagome)they both thought. Ten minutes later Kagome came out and they stared in shock at her hair. It was sholder length and had blue and silver highlights heavily put in.
"Oh my god, you look so amazing!"Sango said as she got up from her chair. After, both girls and Kouga went to Hot Topic and got clothes. Kagome leaned over a rack of T-shirts while Sango looked at pants and Kouga . . . (*looks aroud *there youlooking at jewelry.
"Hey Kags how a bought this," Kouga said to earn her attention. He held up a spike studded, black leather choker.
"Cool!",she answered her cousin," I am definitely getting this."After getting a few shirts, pants, shoes, under garments, and jewelry both girls came out of the store happily chatting followed by an unhappy Kouga carrying a huge amount of I have to carry all the bags?"Kouga asked.your a strong demon."Kagome replied with a smile.They finaly made there way to Kouga`s house where they said goodnight and droped him off while Sango got in the truck she had left there.They talked on there cells to each other and formed a plan of how to get past mom on the way to there new home.The went in the house but made sure everyone was sleeping.Their rooms had been marked with sticky notes.They dropped their bags on the floor,locked their doors and went to sleep.
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