InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Completely Lost Kagome ❯ He Hit Me on the Head! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the show and/or manga Inuyahsa, nor do I own any of the characters, settings, conflicts, and any other related items.

Note: I apologize for any inaccuracy that my fanfic might have. I will do my best to stay true to the show, but I might make a few mistakes. Also, it would do you a world of good to read the summery, because the summery explains minor details that will help you understand what is going on better.

Now, on with the show!

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Kagome looked about cautiously, her eyes darting around the rocky terrain to try and locate the demon who had the Jewel shard. Everyone else was as tense as she was, not knowing what they were going to find.

The ground beneath Kagome's feet began to shake, and she leapt back with a shriek of fear and suprise. A worm demon popped out and readied for its attack.

"The Jewel shard is in its head!" Kagome shouted, as she spotted the telltale glow coming from the head with the mouth that was getting ready to devour her. Needless to say, screams were made.

"Then we'll just take it off!" Inuyasha proclaimed cockily, as he charged, Tetsusaiga in hand. Unfortunately, the hanyou didn't really pay attention to what his comrades were doing. If he had, he would've noticed that Sango had thrown her boomerang already, and he was headed right towards it. Though both weapons could've hit the same target and not have any trouble, for some reason, it didn't work like that. Nobody was quite sure exactly what happened, but it seemed that the boomerang hit the Tetsusaiga, which made it go off at an odd angle, which made Inuyasha go off at an odd angle, which threw him into Kagome, which knocked her head into a rock.*

While this was going on, the boomerang was being a boomerang, and circled back to hit its target perfectly. The head came off the body quite cleanly, and bounced/rolled a couple of times before it rested a few feet away from where Inuyasha and an unconscious Kagome lay.

"Sango! Why'd ya have to go and mess me up? I had a really good shot!" Inuyasha, never one to admit his own mistakes, began to rant at the exterminator, who just rolled her eyes, knowing that she had done nothing wrong.

"Hey! Kagome! Wake up!" While everyone else was intent on Inuyasha's ravings, Shippo was shaking Kagome as hard as he could, trying to wake the hapless** girl up.

"Guys! I think Kagome's dead!" At this remark, Inuyasha was at Kagome's side in a second (literally), completely forgetting his anger with Sango. He put one of his ears close to her chest, and listened intently. Shippo leaned forward to hear the result of this test. The kitsune jumped back suddenly, as he rubbed three new bumps on his head, courtesy of Inuyasha.

"She's not dead, you idiot! She's just unconscious!" Inuyasha turned back to Kagome, muttering something that almost sounded like anger towards Shippo at scaring him half to death. Though none present could be sure.

"HEY! Kagome! You can sleep later, right now WAKE UP!" Though he managed to make everyone else in the general vicinity wish they didn't have ears, Inuyasha did not manage to wake her up.

Miroku was just about to try his luck, when Kagome opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around, puzzlement playing across her face.

"About time!" Inuyasha snapped, getting in her face. Kagome just stared at him vacantly. "WILL YOU STOP STARING LIKE THAT, KAGOME! IT'S GETTING ON MY NERVES!" shouted a now irked Inuyasha.

Kagome cocked her head to one side. "Excuse me, but, do I know you?"

Everyone looked at her strangely. "Um, Kagome? Are you all right?" Shippo inched closer to get a better view.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, I have no clue who I am, and I'm surrounded by strangers, and my head hurts, but I guess that I'm fine." Kagome giggled and grinned at everyone there.

The words "We have a problem" echoed through everyone's mind, though no one though no one thought to say it.

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Extra Notes:

*Yes, there are too many whiches in that, no I don't want to use a better word.

**hapless means the same thing as unfortunate.