InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Completely Lost Kagome ❯ Confusion? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here is the update. I told you it would come. I'll mostly update on weekends, `cause of school. so, yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha plots, settings, conflicts, or any other related items. I will also be making references to Thief of Time, which I do not own. On with the show!

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Kagome looked around, and grinned even more widely. "So, is anyone going to tell where I am, or do I have to guess?" No one answered her, for everyone was still is a state of shock that Kagome was completely clueless as to what was going on.

"Kagome, do you remember anything?" Inuyasha questioned.

"Like what?" the still clueless girl asked.

"Like...who are we fighting?" Kagome's expression of happy ignorance faded, and was replaced with an expression of deep thought.

"Um...well...something that ended in an `oo' sound...something oo, something oo, some- MIROKU!!" Miroku, not understanding what she meant, looked attentive.

"Yes, Kagome?"

Kagome quickly grabbed her bow and arrows. "DIE MIROKU!! YOU EVIL DEMON!"

"GHAAAAA!!!!" Miroku ducked as an arrow went right at him. Inuyasha quickly tackled Kagome, and tried to wrestle the weapons out of her hands. He didn't manage to get them away from her, but he did get her attention.

"Kagome, Miroku is a perverted monk who is our friend. Remember?" Kagome was about to respond (from the look on her face, it wasn't going to be a very good one), but then caught sight of Sango. Her expression went back to one of vacant bliss.

"Miss Susan! How nice to meet you. How's Death and Binky?"

Sango stared at her, complete and utter confusion playing across her face. "Um, Kagome? What in the world are you talking about?"

"You know, your grandfather and his horse."

"You're saying that my grandfather's name is Death?"

Kagome laughed. "You're so funny! Your grandfather is death."

Kagome earned herself some odd stares from everyone in who had just heard this conversation. She then caught sight of Inuyasha's dog ears.

"DOGGY EARS!! I MUST TOUCH THEM!!" Before poor Inuyasha had any time to react, he was on the ground with Kagome on his chest, playing with his ears.

"CUT THAT OUT WENCH!" While bellowing this, he shoved Kagome off of him. To his suprise, she began to cry uncontrollably.

"HE'S...SO...MEAN!!!" she managed to say between sobs. Inuyasha got the classic anime sweat drop, and looked at the others pleadingly.

Sango glared at him, and went over to pat Kagome on the back. "There, there. It's all right. Inuyasha is very sorry, aren't you Inuyasha?" The hanyou was about to say no, but received a glare from every one (save Kagome), and a headache from Kagome's wails.

"Ok, ok!! I'm sorry, all right?" He didn't sound very sincere, but it did stop Kagome from lamenting.

She looked at him with big anime eyes. "Really?" she said, sounding like a little kid.

"Erm, yeah. Really." Kagome jumped up an almost killed Inuyahsa with a giant hug.

"Could we please take her to Kaede and get her fixed up?" the unfortunate dog demon chocked.

Every one nodded in agreement. After prying Kagome off Inuyasha, and convincing her that she did not want to kill Miroku, they were off to Kaede's hut. Unfortunately, they didn't get her to stop calling Sango Miss Susan, but no one in the group could work miracles.



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Well, that's all for now folks! R&R plz.