InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Completely Lost Kagome ❯ Shiney Things & Crushes ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga Inuyasha, or any related items. I also do not own any references from any of Terry Prachet's work.

Here we go!!


Kagome skipped merrily down the path to Kaede's, almost a bit too merrily. Merrily enough to annoy the heck out of Inuyasha.

"Does she have to be" He muttered darkly to no one inparticular.

"Oh, come on Inuyasha. She's not that bad. I think that she's really good like this."

"Shippo, you just like this state because Kagome gives you a lot of candy!" It was true, Kagome had given Shippo obscene amounts of candy, which were now 98% in his stomach, and 2% around his mouth. Shippo had no answer to this, so he kept quiet.

Kagome suddenly looked off to the side an squealed with joy. "OH, OH!! SHINY THING!" Everyone stared at her strangely (which they seemed to be doing a lot of lately), as she shot off into the trees.

"HEY! KAGOME, GET BACK HERE!" Inuyasha shouted as he dashed after her in hot pursuit. Kagome didn't seem to hear him, as she followed the elegied "shiny thing" into a clearing.

As fate would have it, she had been following a bird demon who was getting tired of the annoying little human that was following it, and decided that it would be quicker to kill her rather than wait for her to lose interest.

"SQUAWK!" It cried out it's battle cry. (Which wasn't a very good one, but , as far as the bird was concerned, was better than none at all.) It then prepaired to attack, but never got to curtosy of Inuyasha, who killed it before it even got within two feet of Kagome (who was sitting there grinning, and not acting like her life was in danger at all).

After the bird was sitting in five very even pieces, Kagome ran up and picked something up off the ground. "Look, shiny" She said, obviously mesmorized.

Everyone else arrived on the scene (Inuyasha making a mental note to yell at them for not being quicker to help) and looked at the Jewel Shard that Kagome held in her hand.

"Alright! One more up on Naraku!" Shippo said triumphantly. At the mention of Naraku's name, Kagome....blushed?

"Um, Kagome? Are you alright?" Sango walked over to her friend cautiously.

"Um...heh...yeah. I-I'm fine." Kagome did not look fine, and was studdering something fierce.

"Kagome, is there something about Naraku that we should know about?"

Kagome practicly yelped, and shook her head vigrously. "Naraku? No, I don't like Naraku! Oh my gosh, am I blushing? I AM! Ohhhhh!" While Kagome was thinking out loud (something she had not intended to do) everyone was looking at her with their jaws practially on the floor. Inuyasha was looking especially suprised, and angry maybe?

"Um, Kagome. You don't like Naraku. He is the guy that we hate, and want to kill. Remember?" Sango, being the most level-headed one in the group, slowly explained to Kagome who Naraku really was.

Kagome looked up and grinned, back into her own little world. "Ok, Miss Susan. I understand. Can we go to Uberwald? I've always wanted to see the vampires there."

Sango sighed, half in relief that that incedent was over, and half in annoyance that Kagome was still calling her Miss Susan, whome she had no idea was.

Kagome slipped the shard into her pocket, and went back to skipping merrily down the path. Everyone followed, all wondering if Kagome would ever be the same.



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