InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Cross of Blades ❯ Invoking the Devil ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: No, I don't own it. So there! You guys can't sue now! Oh, and this chapter includes a few more gunblade names, again thanks to Tessa3!
checked into the hotel, fully aware of the queer stares he received from the front desk clerk as he paid for his room. "And how long will you be staying Mr..."
"Dunwei," he answered with a slight growl. "Juromaru Dunwei, and it will be no longer that three weeks."
"Of course Mr. Dunwei."snatched his key and walked away without another word, his dark shoulder length hair flaring slightly around him as he stormed toward the elevator to the upper levels of the hotel. He stepped out when it stopped on the 8th floor and walked down the hallway to the end of the room. He opened the door and flung his luggage inside.glanced irritably at his watch, a weak growl escaping his lips before slamming the door closed behind him and finding a seat on one of the two peach colored beds. 'The disgrace,' he frowned to himself as he patiently waited. 'Having to resort to a false name in a city Father built.' He looked up at a heavy knock. He stood and opened the door, peering from behind the brass chain into the faces of two men before pulling it back and offering them entrance.
"You are late Major," he informed the tallest of the two as he closed the door. The men apologized profusely while they shed their coats, the bigger one bowing once Juromaru was sure they were alone.
"My apologies Mr. Deling," the taller man said reverently. "We were delayed."said nothing to his apology, merely glancing over the two men before turning to stare out the window. The taller of the men was a few inches taller than Deling's 6'8", and was dressed in a red uniform made of a rough sack-like cloth. Plates of steel were securely strapped to his shoulders. His companion was dressed in a similar uniform, only this one was blue with slightly less material than the red.
"I care not for your excuses," Juromaru stated as he watched the people on the street below. "Tell me Major," he said after turning around. "What are our forces like? Are they ready?"
"Unfortunately sir, they're not," the little man in the blue stammered with a bow. Juromaru frowned and glared at him. "Who are you?"
"This is my lieutenant, Wedge," the major explained hastily. "He and I served on the Galbadian army together. He can be trusted."
"I see," Juromaru mumbled softly. "He had better be Biggs, or there will be consequences. Now," he returned his attention to Lt. Wedge, a small part of him grinning in pleasure when the man shivered involuntarily. "How are you involved with my army?"
"I watch over the forces stationed near Clearance and here sir," Lt. Wedge said with a slight salute. Juromaru immediately took a liking to the nervous soldier.
"And why are they not ready?" Juromaru demanded. "I've given ample funds, time and resources. You should be ready at the proverbial drop of a hat."
"And we would be, but-"
"No buts," Juromaru interrupted impatiently. "I tire of your incompetence Major Biggs. Our forces will be ready in three days."
"But sir," Major Biggs stammered as Juromaru tossed the men their coats. "Most of the men won't even be near Deling City in three days!"
"Are you questioning me?" Juromaru demanded, his icy blue eyes narrowed severely. Major Biggs quickly shook his head. "No, no Mr. Deling. Not at all."
"Good. Then I will see you Wednesday." Juromaru watched uncaring as the two practically fled from the room. 'Fear,' he purred to himself as he move to stand in the open window. He watched as the two soldiers stepped out from underneath the hotel awning, the tenseness he could see in their shoulders melting away once the sun touched their faces. 'No wonder Father treasured this feeling so. I think I like it too.' He watched as they shook themselves and walked away, exchanging a brief laugh between them before disappearing into the crowd that surrounded them.
'Look at them,' he sneered as the people surged along below him. 'They're like locusts, maggots that feed off the blood of others. They nourish themselves off the blood that my father spilt trying to make this country what it desired to be.'
'Foolish little Juromaru ,' a soft voice whispered in his mind. 'Still a daddy's boy after all these years. One would think you would have grown out of it by now. '
"I'm not a daddy's boy," Juromaru frowned angrily. "I wouldn't even remember the stupid bastard if it wasn't for this." He reached inside his shirt for a small rosary, the black and white beads looped between golden links. One bead was the size of a golf ball and a dark lavender color. "This is what drives me."
'Surely you jest ,' the inner voice jeered nastily. 'A simple babble, hanging from a dinky chain? You are a fool, just like your father. You will never take back Galbadia. You've allowed these people to debase you and your mother just like he did. '
"Never!" Juromaru snarled, his voice nearly losing its humanity in his intense fury. "I will never be as foolish as he was! He allowed that sorceress, that witch to humiliate him!"
'I'd say she did a little more than humiliate him, ' the voice laughed. 'Downright destroyed him is a better way of putting things. '
"I will never be like him," Juromaru vowed as he fisted his hand around the little lavender jewel. "I will do what he couldn't."
'We'll see, ' the voice whispered while Juromaru returned the rosary to his pocket and quit the room....noticing that the voice in his head sounded nothing like him...
"All right Shippou," Zell called out in approval. "Not bad. Not bad at all. Give me a roundhouse."spun around quickly, his tail and hair whirling around him like streamers as his foot harshly connected with the defenseless punching bag. The bag split open seconds later, the tiny white stuffing inside pouring to the polished gym floor like grains of sand.
"Very good," Zell congratulated as Shippou wiped a little sweat from his brow. "That was a great kick!"
"Thanks Instructor," Shippou replied with a polite bow. Zell frowned and asked, "What's wrong? You've been quiet lately."
"Well..." Shippou began, then sighed and took a seat on the practice mat under his feet. Zell sat beside him and waited for him to finish. "I know I shouldn't complain and everyt-"
"Complain about what?" Zell interrupted.
"About being assigned to the Garden for my SeeD mission," Shippou explained. "I know I shouldn't complain but-"
"But you thought this life would be a little more glamorous," Zell guessed and nodded when Shippou did.
"Yeah. I mean, all of my friends are stationed somewhere else. Miroku's in Dollet-"
"Who's Miroku again?"
"Miroku Saikai, the sniper sent to Dollet for trade negotiations."
"Oh yeah, I remember him," Zell nodded. "Oh, but go head though."
"Inuyasha's in Timber assigned to the headmaster's wife, and Kagome and Sango are in Winhill but I'm here." Shippou sighed despondently, his head lowered almost pitifully. "At first, I thought that it sucked. I mean, everyone else is outside the Garden, so why couldn't I be with them?"
"You said at first right?" Zell asked. "What changed your mind."
"Well for one, Kagome's happy." Shippou grinned wistfully, mentally imagining his friend that was miles away from them. "Kagome loves Winhill. It's something about the flowers and the fresh air. She once said that she felt free there, like everything she's ever worried about vanished the second she saw the little town in the horizon.
"And," Shippou sighed as he stood up and brushed himself off. "I know they're coming back. Old missions end and new missions begin, so they'll all have to come back here. Who knows? Maybe we'll be put together in the future."
"That's not bad logic," Zell agreed. "I wish more SeeDs assigned to the Gardens felt that way." He jumped when a beeping noise sounded from Shippou's pant leg and stood by as Shippou pulled out his com-phone and flipped it open.
"Hell naw," Inuyasha grunted as his face appeared on the viewscreen. Shippou groaned in disappointment. "What do you want?" he growled at the fuzzy screen. He briefly glanced over his shoulder as Zell looked over it to the little phone.
"Look kit, I don't have time to argue with you," Inuyasha grumbled before glancing off camera to the left side of the screen. "Mrs. Leonheart! Please don't go that way!" he shouted.grinned at Inuyasha's frustrated growl. "Do you want something Puppy-chan, or did you just miss me?" he snipped sarcastically.
"Damn you Shippou. You got a TV near you?"glanced at Zell, who quickly pulled a thin silver remote from his pocket and pushed a little black button. A section of the wall in front of them slid back to reveal a wide screen plasma television, the screen coming to life the moment the wall was out of the way.
"Turn to Timber Channel 15."
"Why?" Shippou asked as Zell did as Inuyasha asked.
"You'll see..."and Zell watched as a newscaster appeared onscreen, his brown hair whipping in the breeze as he squinted at the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began as what sounded like someone talking came from his background. "We have received word that, after four long days of fighting, the army that attempted to storm Deling City has officially been forced back."
"What army?" Zell asked as Shippou glanced down at Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, what's he talking about?"
"Shut up," Inuyasha growled, his gaze and the gaze of a woman with chocolate brown hair standing beside him directed off screen. "Listen for once."
"For those of you that have remained unaware, this Wednesday, March 5th, foreign powers attempted to overthrow the Galbadian government by taking seizure of the capitol." The announcer paused for dramatic effect, his eyes briefly glancing off camera before returning to the television audience. "For four long days, gunfire has been exchanged between both sides. Residents of Deling City have been evacuated via trains to Timber, Clearance, Balamb, Fisherman's Horizon and via military vehicles to Dollet. Youkai Ambassador Sugimi Endo was evacuated on day one of the siege.
"The fighting ended three hours ago, with more than fifteen of the foreign army wounded and twenty three dead. The fifteen that were wounded will be held for questioning."
"Just what in the hell is going on?" Shippou heard Zell whisper as the announcer paused again.
"Who exactly is behind this power is still unknown, but is under investigation," the announcer said and ducked as an explosion went off somewhere nearby. "Please excuse the noise," he apologized. "There are still a few live mines that the SeeD of the area are investigating. As a matter of fact, the battle turned the second day with the arrival of SeeD. Until then, it seemed as if the foreign power would succeed, but the timely arrival of this skilled mercenaries quickly turned the tides against this evil."
"This guy is long winded," the woman beside Inuyasha mumbled. "Kami-sama, I don't have time for this. I've got to go to the store."
"As of now, the foreign army has disappeared entirely from the city streets. Casualties for the Galbadian forces are at 9, with two being SeeD personnel. I asked military personnel if they knew the reason for this attack. Their response: No comment.
"This is Jonathan Nida, with Timber 15 News. Back to you Janice."turned the TV off with a frown, one that was reflected on Shippou and Inuyasha's faces. "Is that it Inuyasha?" Shippou asked after a few moments of silence.
"Well fuck you too then," Inuyasha said and yelped when the dark-haired woman suddenly jerked on his arm. "Mrs. Leonheart, you can't do that!" he shouted off camera.
"Come on! And how many times to I have to tell you that my name's Rinoa!" Shippou heard her yell before their connection was severed. Shippou pocketed the little device with a mental groan, his mind tumbling over the information he just received.
"What's on your mind Shippou?" Zell asked when Shippou folded his right arm across his chest to his left side, propped his left arm up on it and thoughtfully tugged on his left ear.
"I don't know," Shippou admitted. "It just seems funny to me."
"What does?"
"This whole 'attack on Deling City' thing," Shippou replied. "I mean, what's in Deling City that anyone would want?"
"Why would anyone want to take over Galbadia is another question," Zell commented.
"Exactly. Why would anyone want to take over Galbadia?" Shippou said. "I mean, the nation isn't as powerful as it was 17 years ago when they controlled Timber, Dollet and Winhill. Now it's pretty much whatever's near Deling City. So why bother it?"
"That's a good question," Zell nodded. "And it's also good to see that you payed attention to your history classes."
"Ha ha Instructor," Shippou commented drily. He looked on as Zell walked away, emerald green eyes narrowed slightly as he mulled over the facts. 'I just don't get it,' he said after a few moments of thought. 'Who would be desperate enough to attack a fallen government like Galbadia?'
"SHIT!!!"swept his arm across the desk, papers flying about from the abuse as everything heavier fell to the carpeted floor. "How?" he muttered brokenly. He dropped to his knees behind the desk, his forehead resting against the edge as he fought back tears of frustration. "How? I don't understand it. We outnumbered them twelve to one. We were better trained, better armed, so how, how did they beat me?!!! "
'They beat you because you're weak, ' his ever present visitor whispered into his consciousness. 'You're weak and useless, just like your father... '
"I AM NOT MY FATHER!!! " Juromaru raged and shoved the desk onto it's side. "I'm not weak!"
'Then you are fearful, ' it replied with a laugh. 'Fearful of the power you could have. '
"I am not fearful. I want to be powerful. I want to make them pay."
'Make who pay? ' the voice asked. 'Just who should foot the bill for your ruined childhood and your mother's degradation? Who's fault is it that the two of you were sent away, cast out of the only home you ever knew to live in the monster-infested plains around the city? '
"Shut up..."
'Who's fault is it that you had to work like a slave all your life just to eat, that your mother died in poverty, in filth, in disease? '
"Shut up!"
'Who's fault is it that your father was taken from you... '
"Shut up!"
'That you watched as that witch sucked the life from him like a leech? That you watched and did nothing? WHO CAN YOU BLAME JUROMARU DELING? WHO CAN YOU BLAME FOR YOUR SHORTCOMINGS!!! YOU ALLOWED YOUR FATHER TO DIE!!!!!! '
"SHUT UP!!! " The desk was shoved again, harder this time, with Juromaru crouched on the other side of the room. His breathing was labored, his eyes narrowed in barely leashed fury. "I am not to blame! Father put his trust and our future in that WITCH !!! He had no power of his own, but I do!"
'No you don't, ' the voice taunted lazily. ' could... '
'Yes...' the voice hissed, it's manner less like an inquisitor and more of a tempting harlot. 'You could have what you've always wanted. Think of it Deling, power, infinite, uncontested, unadulterated power. You could have it, and I could give it to you...'
"How?" Juromaru sobbed, the tears he refused to shed finally streaming down his face. "How can you give it to me? You're nothing but a voice."
'I'm more, much more. Where is that rosary, the one your father kept with him? '
reached inside his pocket for the rosary, his eyes widening in amazement as the lavender jewel in the center began to glow a fierce purple. "What on earth..."
'Myself, and others that are with me, live inside that little jewel, ' the voice told him as gentle swirls of plum smoke began to curl around Juromaru and the jewel. 'We've been imprisoned here for centuries by a miko that was jealous of our power. You could set us free Deling. Set us free and we could help you get the power you want. We can help you, we want to help you, but you have to set us free... '
"How?" Juromaru demanded. He jumped to his feet and shook the rosary, the little beads jingling against each other as he glared down at the now purple jewel. "How can I have this power? How can I set you free?"
'Simple ' the voice whispered. 'Give yourself to us. Wish us out and into you and we will make all of your dreams come true. We could make them suffer...
'We could make them pay.... '
nodded excitedly, his mind torn to fragile shreds by the voice's influence to see the danger in the plan or the sharks in the proverbial water. "I...I want it! I want the power! I want them all to bleed ! If all you have to have is me then fine, come get me! I wish you out so you can help me defeat my enemies!!"
jewel flashed a dark black, the sunlight around it seeming to disappear deep within the glassy confines before calming itself to normalcy. Juromaru frowned in confusion and tapped the bead, then shrugged and moved to toss it over his shoulder when he realized he couldn't move his left hand. He stared at it and the rosary hanging from it, noticing for the first time the beads that had grown from the keepsake. The added beads entwined around his arm, black and white beads squeezing tightly as they wound their way around his entire body.
attempted to jerk away, only to gasp as beads shot from the carpet and embedded themselves underneath his skin and deep within his calves. He inhaled sharply and opened his mouth to scream but beads quickly wound themselves around his head until nothing could be seen but terrified, glacier blue. "What's going on?" he demanded from beneath his imprisonment. "What is happening to me?"
'Your body is insufficient, ' the voice whispered as wispy forms poured from the jewel. 'We're going to ...make improvements. You do not you? '
"You lied to me!" Juromaru cried out when the first slash cut across his cheek. "You said you'd help me!"
'And we will, ' the voice assured him with a laugh. 'But unlike you Juromaru, we're not satisfied with just Galbadia. We want the entire world... '
and Wedge stood nervously in front of Juromaru's door, both of them eying it with silent caution. "You knock," Biggs ordered suddenly.
"No way!" Wedge squeaked and jumped away from the door. "I'm not knocking! You knock!"
"I'm your commanding officer!" Biggs hollered at the frightened soldier. "Now do as I say and KNOCK ON THIS DOOR!"
"Fine, fine," Wedge grumbled before raising his fist to rap on the painted wood. The door creaked open at his touch, and the major and lieutenant sent each other questioning glances before venturing into the room. They stood still at the destruction, their mouths hanging open as their eyes moved from one place to another. The two twin beds were turned completely over, the mattresses shredded to ribbons along with the sheets, pillows and comforters.
desk was cracked and bowed in the middle, mahogany wood nothing but kindling for the fire. Papers, ink and a red substance neither wanted to investigate were splattered all over the carpet, the walls and the ceiling as if the two had interrupted a raging paintball fight.
"Something is wrong sir," Wedge whispered as they moved toward the bathroom door. They could hear tiny scrapings coming from the room inside and Biggs' hand was inches from the doorknob when the door itself flung open and a figure stepped into the room. They stepped to the side immediately, unsure of this new person as he walked past them clad in nothing but a towel wrapped securely around his hips. Little marks wept on his legs, but they were quickly faded into nothing as he turned to the two of them and glared.
"Well?" he said a few moments after rubbing another towel through his pale, waist length lilac hair.
"Um...who are you?" Wedge asked, then winced when Biggs clobbered him upside the head. "Ow!"
"You don't recognize me?" the youkai asked. The soldiers shook their heads and frowned when he laughed.
"We don't find it funny," Biggs shot back. "We want to know what you did with Deling."
"What I did with him?" the youkai repeated as he calmed himself enough to look at the two. "I didn't do anything to him. I am him!"
"Not possible," Biggs said with a shake of his head. "Deling is human! You're youkai!"
"Hanyou to be exact," Juromaru corrected. "But that's not why I called you here is it Major Biggs?"
"H-how do you know my name?" Biggs stammered. Juromaru laughed again, this time the jovial act replaced by a dark, sinister rigidness that froze the blood.
"I know your name because you've failed me Biggs!" Juromaru replied. "I thought you said you could win with that army! You've disappointed me!"
"No sir," Biggs said, immediately recognizing Juromaru's voice. "I mean, it wasn't my intention sir! It was the SeeDs! We'd have Deling City if it weren't for-"
"Excuses!" Juromaru growled. His shoulder twitched, and a tentacle shot out from behind it to encircle Biggs' waist before he could react. It hoisted him high into the air, holding him there while Juromaru looked on and Wedge cowered against a nearby wall. Juromaru grinned at the slight hiss coming from above him, knowing that the miasma coating his new appendage was eating through the cheaply made uniform.
"What did I tell you when you signed up for this?" Juromaru growled, blue eyes rapidly fading to a cherry red intensity. "I told you I wouldn't accept excuses! I wanted results! You gave me world-wide humiliation!!!"
"But sir-" Biggs attempted but was quickly interrupted with a quick wave of Juromaru's hand.
"I don't want to hear it. I'm tired of your excuses Biggs." Juromaru sighed wearily and scratched his forehead, then looked at Wedge and grinned. Wedge flinched as fangs glittered back at him, beautiful pearl white instruments of death and destruction more menacing than any monster he ever had the pleasure of slaying.
"I am retiring you Biggs," Juromaru's deep tenor reverberated throughout the room. "Permanently." Biggs barely had time to scream as the tentacle around his waist finally burned through his uniform to his skin. Bones snapped, muscles melted away only to land in soft plops below him and nerves screamed out in unholy agony before what was left of Biggs' body finally fell to the floor.
glanced from him, Biggs' eyes wide and glazed over, to Juromaru who watched him expectantly. "Well," Juromaru said as Wedge looked on. "What about you?"
"I-(ahem) I would be forever loyal, Mr. Deling sir," Wedge said as he saluted him.
"Yes, I know," Juromaru said absently. "But can you give me results?"
"I can," Wedge nodded. "I can have what remains of our army ready in one week."
"That's faster than I had planned," Juromaru admitted before calling the tentacle back to his body. It disappeared without a single hitch leaving his skin unblemished. "I like that." He reached over and draped an arm around Wedge's shoulders, grinning as the taller man jumped at the contact. "I think we're going to get along, don't you Major Wedge?"
"Major," Wedge whispered dreamily, Biggs completely forgotten as Juromaru led him to the door. "Yes sir, I think so."
"Good. See that you give me what I want and Wedge?"
"Yes sir?"
"Fail me and I'll make Biggs' demise look like a mercy killing," Juromaru growled, crimson-rimmed blue glowing in fierce promise. "Understood?"
"Yes," Wedge nodded quickly. "U-understood sir!"
"Good. Get out." Juromaru grinned as the newly appointed major practically scrambled out of the room, his look more of a kicked dog than a military man of high standing. "Now," he said as he turned to Biggs remaining...remains. "What to do with you..."
's eyes snapped open, his pupils widening to catch any strand of sparse light in the dark room. He growled softly, annoyed at the noise as he sat up and yawned.
"Alright you insistent little bugger," he grumbled and cursed when he stumbled into the nightstand beside his bed. "Damn it! I meant to move that." Shippou grabbed the little phone, finding it in the dark room by the flashing blue charger light on it's side, and flipped it open.
'One forty-three,' he grumbled as he flipped the phone open and pressed the 'on' key. 'This had better be fucking importan-'
"Shippou!" Miroku and Inuyasha called as they both appeared on separate parts of Shippou's viewscreen. "Were you up?"
"In Inuyasha's words, 'hell naw', " Shippou retorted snidely. Inuyasha snickered. "You're so lazy. Jeez, I've never met a youkai that needed so much sleep."
"Did the two of you call me for this shit, or do you have something important to say?" Shippou yawned and glared at the screen.
"My apologies my young friend," Miroku apologized quickly. "I realize it's late there-"
"Not late here," Inuyasha interrupted.
"That's great Inuyasha," Shippou mumbled. "Ask me if I care."
"Why you-"
"GENTLEMEN!" Miroku shouted. "This is not what I called either of you about!"
"Then what is it?" Inuyasha asked. "I've got to keep this woman from running off on her own. Jeez, what kind of crack was the headmaster smoking when he found this one?"
"Anyway," Miroku grumbled. "Find a TV and turn it on."
fumbled in the dark for the remote to the 17" tv built into the wall above his bed and turned it on. "What channel?" he asked
"Doesn't matter."
"What are we looking for?" Inuyasha asked and growled at Miroku's cryptic answer.
"You'll know it when you see it."
's screen flickered to life, and he sat the little phone on the nightstand as an announcer, this one of short stature with short black hair shaped in a bowl cut, waddled on camera and nervously smiled.
"Ladies and gentlemen, both of Deling City and the world. Galbadia has long been a country of great power and purpose. Today, I give you our new lifelong president, the one who will lead us to that power, glory and fame! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you President Juromaru Deling!"
barely noticed when the sound of Inuyasha spitting his juice half way across Mrs. Leonheart's kitchen sounded over the phone's speakers. "What the fuck?" he demanded. "I thought that dude was dead!"
"Wrong Deling," Miroku muttered. "Wrong Deling indeed." They watched as Juromaru walked up to the podium in the center of the room wearing a dark suit and his hair pulled back in a low bun. He waited until everyone around him settled down before beginning to speak.
"People of Galbadia," he began. "I come to you today, having won my place to be your president."
"How did this happen?" Shippou wondered aloud.
"You remember about three weeks ago when someone tried to take Deling City right?" Miroku asked. Shippou and Inuyasha nodded. "Well, he used Galbadia army's weakness and completely took over. He swooped in before anyone could do anything. Now he's president and the men that were with him are his army. Anyone on the old army and any SeeDs in the city were arrested."
"Man," Inuyasha growled. "That's gotta suck. Glad I'm in Timber."
"I give you my word, I will be nothing like my father," Juromaur declared over the airways. "Galbadia needs no ambassador, though Ambassador Endo is welcome to return whenever he so wishes."
"Father's not going to like that," Inuyasha mumbled when something began to scratch at the back of Shippou's consciousness. "Good thing he's an engineer. Guess he'll go to Esthar or FH or something."
"Shhh," Miroku hissed. "Be quiet."
"People of Galbadia, I promise under my leadership, we will return to the great nation we were seventeen years ago and we will surpass it." Juromaru glanced into the camera, calm blue eyes slowly becoming crimson as the entire world watched.
"Today, Galbadia," he growled into the microphone, making the hairs on the back of the three SeeDs listening stand on end.
"Tomorrow the world..."
"Kagome!" Shippou suddenly gasped when the itching he felt earlier blossomed into an awareness.
"What about Kagome?" Miroku asked. "What is it?"
"What about Kagome and Sango?" Shippou asked. "They're near Galbadia. What if Deling tries to take over Winhill?"
"Then he'd catch hell from Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha yawned. "Or the girls. Depends on the day."
"Don't worry Shippou," Miroku said as they both scowled at Inuyasha. "I'm sure they'll be fine."
"Yeah, but what if-"
"Look runt," Inuyasha snapped. "If anything goes to pot, or if the Garden THINKS it's going to go to pot, they'll call us all back there before it happens. So stop worrying. Worry when we get the call and she doesn't show up."
"Thanks Inuyasha," Miroku replied sarcastically. "That's much better."
"It's the truth," Shippou heard Inuyasha defend himself as he faded into his thoughts. 'I don't care what they say,' Shippou said to himself. 'I know she's in danger. But I don't want to scare her. Feh, Kagome's smart. She probably knows about this Deling thing. Inuyasha's right, for a change. I won't worry about it until something happens.'
that's it for chapter...what chapter is this again? Oh yeah! Chapter five! Dude, I could have sworn this was chapter fifteen. Oh well. Anyway, for those that are wondering, the first part of this chapter begins one week after Kagome, Sango and Sesshoumaru arrive in Timber. For those that are wondering what Shippou looks like as an adult...well, it's kinda simple. Do you remember the episode 'Shippou Gets an Angry Challenge?' The picture Souten draws of our dear little fox is how he looks in this story.
just occurred to me that you guys don't know the names of the other gunblades. Let's see here...
names will be used in the fic sometime soon, so be on the look out for them. Oh, the preview for the next chapter is below.
I don't care what they say, I'm worried. My friend, my confidant, my...(sigh) Kagome is in enemy territory. I don't think she knows it. Things are becoming bad on that side of the world and as much as I'd hate to pull her away from the only place she's ever felt welcome, I have to.
to protect her.
's my job, remember? Always has been, always will be. It's Sango that's going to be devastated, especially when she finds out that Timber's Juromaru's next destination...
Six: An End to Peace
Chapter Five: Invoking the Devil
checked into the hotel, fully aware of the queer stares he received from the front desk clerk as he paid for his room. "And how long will you be staying Mr..."
"Dunwei," he answered with a slight growl. "Juromaru Dunwei, and it will be no longer that three weeks."
"Of course Mr. Dunwei."snatched his key and walked away without another word, his dark shoulder length hair flaring slightly around him as he stormed toward the elevator to the upper levels of the hotel. He stepped out when it stopped on the 8th floor and walked down the hallway to the end of the room. He opened the door and flung his luggage inside.glanced irritably at his watch, a weak growl escaping his lips before slamming the door closed behind him and finding a seat on one of the two peach colored beds. 'The disgrace,' he frowned to himself as he patiently waited. 'Having to resort to a false name in a city Father built.' He looked up at a heavy knock. He stood and opened the door, peering from behind the brass chain into the faces of two men before pulling it back and offering them entrance.
"You are late Major," he informed the tallest of the two as he closed the door. The men apologized profusely while they shed their coats, the bigger one bowing once Juromaru was sure they were alone.
"My apologies Mr. Deling," the taller man said reverently. "We were delayed."said nothing to his apology, merely glancing over the two men before turning to stare out the window. The taller of the men was a few inches taller than Deling's 6'8", and was dressed in a red uniform made of a rough sack-like cloth. Plates of steel were securely strapped to his shoulders. His companion was dressed in a similar uniform, only this one was blue with slightly less material than the red.
"I care not for your excuses," Juromaru stated as he watched the people on the street below. "Tell me Major," he said after turning around. "What are our forces like? Are they ready?"
"Unfortunately sir, they're not," the little man in the blue stammered with a bow. Juromaru frowned and glared at him. "Who are you?"
"This is my lieutenant, Wedge," the major explained hastily. "He and I served on the Galbadian army together. He can be trusted."
"I see," Juromaru mumbled softly. "He had better be Biggs, or there will be consequences. Now," he returned his attention to Lt. Wedge, a small part of him grinning in pleasure when the man shivered involuntarily. "How are you involved with my army?"
"I watch over the forces stationed near Clearance and here sir," Lt. Wedge said with a slight salute. Juromaru immediately took a liking to the nervous soldier.
"And why are they not ready?" Juromaru demanded. "I've given ample funds, time and resources. You should be ready at the proverbial drop of a hat."
"And we would be, but-"
"No buts," Juromaru interrupted impatiently. "I tire of your incompetence Major Biggs. Our forces will be ready in three days."
"But sir," Major Biggs stammered as Juromaru tossed the men their coats. "Most of the men won't even be near Deling City in three days!"
"Are you questioning me?" Juromaru demanded, his icy blue eyes narrowed severely. Major Biggs quickly shook his head. "No, no Mr. Deling. Not at all."
"Good. Then I will see you Wednesday." Juromaru watched uncaring as the two practically fled from the room. 'Fear,' he purred to himself as he move to stand in the open window. He watched as the two soldiers stepped out from underneath the hotel awning, the tenseness he could see in their shoulders melting away once the sun touched their faces. 'No wonder Father treasured this feeling so. I think I like it too.' He watched as they shook themselves and walked away, exchanging a brief laugh between them before disappearing into the crowd that surrounded them.
'Look at them,' he sneered as the people surged along below him. 'They're like locusts, maggots that feed off the blood of others. They nourish themselves off the blood that my father spilt trying to make this country what it desired to be.'
'Foolish little Juromaru ,' a soft voice whispered in his mind. 'Still a daddy's boy after all these years. One would think you would have grown out of it by now. '
"I'm not a daddy's boy," Juromaru frowned angrily. "I wouldn't even remember the stupid bastard if it wasn't for this." He reached inside his shirt for a small rosary, the black and white beads looped between golden links. One bead was the size of a golf ball and a dark lavender color. "This is what drives me."
'Surely you jest ,' the inner voice jeered nastily. 'A simple babble, hanging from a dinky chain? You are a fool, just like your father. You will never take back Galbadia. You've allowed these people to debase you and your mother just like he did. '
"Never!" Juromaru snarled, his voice nearly losing its humanity in his intense fury. "I will never be as foolish as he was! He allowed that sorceress, that witch to humiliate him!"
'I'd say she did a little more than humiliate him, ' the voice laughed. 'Downright destroyed him is a better way of putting things. '
"I will never be like him," Juromaru vowed as he fisted his hand around the little lavender jewel. "I will do what he couldn't."
'We'll see, ' the voice whispered while Juromaru returned the rosary to his pocket and quit the room....noticing that the voice in his head sounded nothing like him...
"All right Shippou," Zell called out in approval. "Not bad. Not bad at all. Give me a roundhouse."spun around quickly, his tail and hair whirling around him like streamers as his foot harshly connected with the defenseless punching bag. The bag split open seconds later, the tiny white stuffing inside pouring to the polished gym floor like grains of sand.
"Very good," Zell congratulated as Shippou wiped a little sweat from his brow. "That was a great kick!"
"Thanks Instructor," Shippou replied with a polite bow. Zell frowned and asked, "What's wrong? You've been quiet lately."
"Well..." Shippou began, then sighed and took a seat on the practice mat under his feet. Zell sat beside him and waited for him to finish. "I know I shouldn't complain and everyt-"
"Complain about what?" Zell interrupted.
"About being assigned to the Garden for my SeeD mission," Shippou explained. "I know I shouldn't complain but-"
"But you thought this life would be a little more glamorous," Zell guessed and nodded when Shippou did.
"Yeah. I mean, all of my friends are stationed somewhere else. Miroku's in Dollet-"
"Who's Miroku again?"
"Miroku Saikai, the sniper sent to Dollet for trade negotiations."
"Oh yeah, I remember him," Zell nodded. "Oh, but go head though."
"Inuyasha's in Timber assigned to the headmaster's wife, and Kagome and Sango are in Winhill but I'm here." Shippou sighed despondently, his head lowered almost pitifully. "At first, I thought that it sucked. I mean, everyone else is outside the Garden, so why couldn't I be with them?"
"You said at first right?" Zell asked. "What changed your mind."
"Well for one, Kagome's happy." Shippou grinned wistfully, mentally imagining his friend that was miles away from them. "Kagome loves Winhill. It's something about the flowers and the fresh air. She once said that she felt free there, like everything she's ever worried about vanished the second she saw the little town in the horizon.
"And," Shippou sighed as he stood up and brushed himself off. "I know they're coming back. Old missions end and new missions begin, so they'll all have to come back here. Who knows? Maybe we'll be put together in the future."
"That's not bad logic," Zell agreed. "I wish more SeeDs assigned to the Gardens felt that way." He jumped when a beeping noise sounded from Shippou's pant leg and stood by as Shippou pulled out his com-phone and flipped it open.
"Hell naw," Inuyasha grunted as his face appeared on the viewscreen. Shippou groaned in disappointment. "What do you want?" he growled at the fuzzy screen. He briefly glanced over his shoulder as Zell looked over it to the little phone.
"Look kit, I don't have time to argue with you," Inuyasha grumbled before glancing off camera to the left side of the screen. "Mrs. Leonheart! Please don't go that way!" he shouted.grinned at Inuyasha's frustrated growl. "Do you want something Puppy-chan, or did you just miss me?" he snipped sarcastically.
"Damn you Shippou. You got a TV near you?"glanced at Zell, who quickly pulled a thin silver remote from his pocket and pushed a little black button. A section of the wall in front of them slid back to reveal a wide screen plasma television, the screen coming to life the moment the wall was out of the way.
"Turn to Timber Channel 15."
"Why?" Shippou asked as Zell did as Inuyasha asked.
"You'll see..."and Zell watched as a newscaster appeared onscreen, his brown hair whipping in the breeze as he squinted at the camera. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began as what sounded like someone talking came from his background. "We have received word that, after four long days of fighting, the army that attempted to storm Deling City has officially been forced back."
"What army?" Zell asked as Shippou glanced down at Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha, what's he talking about?"
"Shut up," Inuyasha growled, his gaze and the gaze of a woman with chocolate brown hair standing beside him directed off screen. "Listen for once."
"For those of you that have remained unaware, this Wednesday, March 5th, foreign powers attempted to overthrow the Galbadian government by taking seizure of the capitol." The announcer paused for dramatic effect, his eyes briefly glancing off camera before returning to the television audience. "For four long days, gunfire has been exchanged between both sides. Residents of Deling City have been evacuated via trains to Timber, Clearance, Balamb, Fisherman's Horizon and via military vehicles to Dollet. Youkai Ambassador Sugimi Endo was evacuated on day one of the siege.
"The fighting ended three hours ago, with more than fifteen of the foreign army wounded and twenty three dead. The fifteen that were wounded will be held for questioning."
"Just what in the hell is going on?" Shippou heard Zell whisper as the announcer paused again.
"Who exactly is behind this power is still unknown, but is under investigation," the announcer said and ducked as an explosion went off somewhere nearby. "Please excuse the noise," he apologized. "There are still a few live mines that the SeeD of the area are investigating. As a matter of fact, the battle turned the second day with the arrival of SeeD. Until then, it seemed as if the foreign power would succeed, but the timely arrival of this skilled mercenaries quickly turned the tides against this evil."
"This guy is long winded," the woman beside Inuyasha mumbled. "Kami-sama, I don't have time for this. I've got to go to the store."
"As of now, the foreign army has disappeared entirely from the city streets. Casualties for the Galbadian forces are at 9, with two being SeeD personnel. I asked military personnel if they knew the reason for this attack. Their response: No comment.
"This is Jonathan Nida, with Timber 15 News. Back to you Janice."turned the TV off with a frown, one that was reflected on Shippou and Inuyasha's faces. "Is that it Inuyasha?" Shippou asked after a few moments of silence.
"Well fuck you too then," Inuyasha said and yelped when the dark-haired woman suddenly jerked on his arm. "Mrs. Leonheart, you can't do that!" he shouted off camera.
"Come on! And how many times to I have to tell you that my name's Rinoa!" Shippou heard her yell before their connection was severed. Shippou pocketed the little device with a mental groan, his mind tumbling over the information he just received.
"What's on your mind Shippou?" Zell asked when Shippou folded his right arm across his chest to his left side, propped his left arm up on it and thoughtfully tugged on his left ear.
"I don't know," Shippou admitted. "It just seems funny to me."
"What does?"
"This whole 'attack on Deling City' thing," Shippou replied. "I mean, what's in Deling City that anyone would want?"
"Why would anyone want to take over Galbadia is another question," Zell commented.
"Exactly. Why would anyone want to take over Galbadia?" Shippou said. "I mean, the nation isn't as powerful as it was 17 years ago when they controlled Timber, Dollet and Winhill. Now it's pretty much whatever's near Deling City. So why bother it?"
"That's a good question," Zell nodded. "And it's also good to see that you payed attention to your history classes."
"Ha ha Instructor," Shippou commented drily. He looked on as Zell walked away, emerald green eyes narrowed slightly as he mulled over the facts. 'I just don't get it,' he said after a few moments of thought. 'Who would be desperate enough to attack a fallen government like Galbadia?'
"SHIT!!!"swept his arm across the desk, papers flying about from the abuse as everything heavier fell to the carpeted floor. "How?" he muttered brokenly. He dropped to his knees behind the desk, his forehead resting against the edge as he fought back tears of frustration. "How? I don't understand it. We outnumbered them twelve to one. We were better trained, better armed, so how, how did they beat me?!!! "
'They beat you because you're weak, ' his ever present visitor whispered into his consciousness. 'You're weak and useless, just like your father... '
"I AM NOT MY FATHER!!! " Juromaru raged and shoved the desk onto it's side. "I'm not weak!"
'Then you are fearful, ' it replied with a laugh. 'Fearful of the power you could have. '
"I am not fearful. I want to be powerful. I want to make them pay."
'Make who pay? ' the voice asked. 'Just who should foot the bill for your ruined childhood and your mother's degradation? Who's fault is it that the two of you were sent away, cast out of the only home you ever knew to live in the monster-infested plains around the city? '
"Shut up..."
'Who's fault is it that you had to work like a slave all your life just to eat, that your mother died in poverty, in filth, in disease? '
"Shut up!"
'Who's fault is it that your father was taken from you... '
"Shut up!"
'That you watched as that witch sucked the life from him like a leech? That you watched and did nothing? WHO CAN YOU BLAME JUROMARU DELING? WHO CAN YOU BLAME FOR YOUR SHORTCOMINGS!!! YOU ALLOWED YOUR FATHER TO DIE!!!!!! '
"SHUT UP!!! " The desk was shoved again, harder this time, with Juromaru crouched on the other side of the room. His breathing was labored, his eyes narrowed in barely leashed fury. "I am not to blame! Father put his trust and our future in that WITCH !!! He had no power of his own, but I do!"
'No you don't, ' the voice taunted lazily. ' could... '
'Yes...' the voice hissed, it's manner less like an inquisitor and more of a tempting harlot. 'You could have what you've always wanted. Think of it Deling, power, infinite, uncontested, unadulterated power. You could have it, and I could give it to you...'
"How?" Juromaru sobbed, the tears he refused to shed finally streaming down his face. "How can you give it to me? You're nothing but a voice."
'I'm more, much more. Where is that rosary, the one your father kept with him? '
reached inside his pocket for the rosary, his eyes widening in amazement as the lavender jewel in the center began to glow a fierce purple. "What on earth..."
'Myself, and others that are with me, live inside that little jewel, ' the voice told him as gentle swirls of plum smoke began to curl around Juromaru and the jewel. 'We've been imprisoned here for centuries by a miko that was jealous of our power. You could set us free Deling. Set us free and we could help you get the power you want. We can help you, we want to help you, but you have to set us free... '
"How?" Juromaru demanded. He jumped to his feet and shook the rosary, the little beads jingling against each other as he glared down at the now purple jewel. "How can I have this power? How can I set you free?"
'Simple ' the voice whispered. 'Give yourself to us. Wish us out and into you and we will make all of your dreams come true. We could make them suffer...
'We could make them pay.... '
nodded excitedly, his mind torn to fragile shreds by the voice's influence to see the danger in the plan or the sharks in the proverbial water. "I...I want it! I want the power! I want them all to bleed ! If all you have to have is me then fine, come get me! I wish you out so you can help me defeat my enemies!!"
jewel flashed a dark black, the sunlight around it seeming to disappear deep within the glassy confines before calming itself to normalcy. Juromaru frowned in confusion and tapped the bead, then shrugged and moved to toss it over his shoulder when he realized he couldn't move his left hand. He stared at it and the rosary hanging from it, noticing for the first time the beads that had grown from the keepsake. The added beads entwined around his arm, black and white beads squeezing tightly as they wound their way around his entire body.
attempted to jerk away, only to gasp as beads shot from the carpet and embedded themselves underneath his skin and deep within his calves. He inhaled sharply and opened his mouth to scream but beads quickly wound themselves around his head until nothing could be seen but terrified, glacier blue. "What's going on?" he demanded from beneath his imprisonment. "What is happening to me?"
'Your body is insufficient, ' the voice whispered as wispy forms poured from the jewel. 'We're going to ...make improvements. You do not you? '
"You lied to me!" Juromaru cried out when the first slash cut across his cheek. "You said you'd help me!"
'And we will, ' the voice assured him with a laugh. 'But unlike you Juromaru, we're not satisfied with just Galbadia. We want the entire world... '
and Wedge stood nervously in front of Juromaru's door, both of them eying it with silent caution. "You knock," Biggs ordered suddenly.
"No way!" Wedge squeaked and jumped away from the door. "I'm not knocking! You knock!"
"I'm your commanding officer!" Biggs hollered at the frightened soldier. "Now do as I say and KNOCK ON THIS DOOR!"
"Fine, fine," Wedge grumbled before raising his fist to rap on the painted wood. The door creaked open at his touch, and the major and lieutenant sent each other questioning glances before venturing into the room. They stood still at the destruction, their mouths hanging open as their eyes moved from one place to another. The two twin beds were turned completely over, the mattresses shredded to ribbons along with the sheets, pillows and comforters.
desk was cracked and bowed in the middle, mahogany wood nothing but kindling for the fire. Papers, ink and a red substance neither wanted to investigate were splattered all over the carpet, the walls and the ceiling as if the two had interrupted a raging paintball fight.
"Something is wrong sir," Wedge whispered as they moved toward the bathroom door. They could hear tiny scrapings coming from the room inside and Biggs' hand was inches from the doorknob when the door itself flung open and a figure stepped into the room. They stepped to the side immediately, unsure of this new person as he walked past them clad in nothing but a towel wrapped securely around his hips. Little marks wept on his legs, but they were quickly faded into nothing as he turned to the two of them and glared.
"Well?" he said a few moments after rubbing another towel through his pale, waist length lilac hair.
"Um...who are you?" Wedge asked, then winced when Biggs clobbered him upside the head. "Ow!"
"You don't recognize me?" the youkai asked. The soldiers shook their heads and frowned when he laughed.
"We don't find it funny," Biggs shot back. "We want to know what you did with Deling."
"What I did with him?" the youkai repeated as he calmed himself enough to look at the two. "I didn't do anything to him. I am him!"
"Not possible," Biggs said with a shake of his head. "Deling is human! You're youkai!"
"Hanyou to be exact," Juromaru corrected. "But that's not why I called you here is it Major Biggs?"
"H-how do you know my name?" Biggs stammered. Juromaru laughed again, this time the jovial act replaced by a dark, sinister rigidness that froze the blood.
"I know your name because you've failed me Biggs!" Juromaru replied. "I thought you said you could win with that army! You've disappointed me!"
"No sir," Biggs said, immediately recognizing Juromaru's voice. "I mean, it wasn't my intention sir! It was the SeeDs! We'd have Deling City if it weren't for-"
"Excuses!" Juromaru growled. His shoulder twitched, and a tentacle shot out from behind it to encircle Biggs' waist before he could react. It hoisted him high into the air, holding him there while Juromaru looked on and Wedge cowered against a nearby wall. Juromaru grinned at the slight hiss coming from above him, knowing that the miasma coating his new appendage was eating through the cheaply made uniform.
"What did I tell you when you signed up for this?" Juromaru growled, blue eyes rapidly fading to a cherry red intensity. "I told you I wouldn't accept excuses! I wanted results! You gave me world-wide humiliation!!!"
"But sir-" Biggs attempted but was quickly interrupted with a quick wave of Juromaru's hand.
"I don't want to hear it. I'm tired of your excuses Biggs." Juromaru sighed wearily and scratched his forehead, then looked at Wedge and grinned. Wedge flinched as fangs glittered back at him, beautiful pearl white instruments of death and destruction more menacing than any monster he ever had the pleasure of slaying.
"I am retiring you Biggs," Juromaru's deep tenor reverberated throughout the room. "Permanently." Biggs barely had time to scream as the tentacle around his waist finally burned through his uniform to his skin. Bones snapped, muscles melted away only to land in soft plops below him and nerves screamed out in unholy agony before what was left of Biggs' body finally fell to the floor.
glanced from him, Biggs' eyes wide and glazed over, to Juromaru who watched him expectantly. "Well," Juromaru said as Wedge looked on. "What about you?"
"I-(ahem) I would be forever loyal, Mr. Deling sir," Wedge said as he saluted him.
"Yes, I know," Juromaru said absently. "But can you give me results?"
"I can," Wedge nodded. "I can have what remains of our army ready in one week."
"That's faster than I had planned," Juromaru admitted before calling the tentacle back to his body. It disappeared without a single hitch leaving his skin unblemished. "I like that." He reached over and draped an arm around Wedge's shoulders, grinning as the taller man jumped at the contact. "I think we're going to get along, don't you Major Wedge?"
"Major," Wedge whispered dreamily, Biggs completely forgotten as Juromaru led him to the door. "Yes sir, I think so."
"Good. See that you give me what I want and Wedge?"
"Yes sir?"
"Fail me and I'll make Biggs' demise look like a mercy killing," Juromaru growled, crimson-rimmed blue glowing in fierce promise. "Understood?"
"Yes," Wedge nodded quickly. "U-understood sir!"
"Good. Get out." Juromaru grinned as the newly appointed major practically scrambled out of the room, his look more of a kicked dog than a military man of high standing. "Now," he said as he turned to Biggs remaining...remains. "What to do with you..."
's eyes snapped open, his pupils widening to catch any strand of sparse light in the dark room. He growled softly, annoyed at the noise as he sat up and yawned.
"Alright you insistent little bugger," he grumbled and cursed when he stumbled into the nightstand beside his bed. "Damn it! I meant to move that." Shippou grabbed the little phone, finding it in the dark room by the flashing blue charger light on it's side, and flipped it open.
'One forty-three,' he grumbled as he flipped the phone open and pressed the 'on' key. 'This had better be fucking importan-'
"Shippou!" Miroku and Inuyasha called as they both appeared on separate parts of Shippou's viewscreen. "Were you up?"
"In Inuyasha's words, 'hell naw', " Shippou retorted snidely. Inuyasha snickered. "You're so lazy. Jeez, I've never met a youkai that needed so much sleep."
"Did the two of you call me for this shit, or do you have something important to say?" Shippou yawned and glared at the screen.
"My apologies my young friend," Miroku apologized quickly. "I realize it's late there-"
"Not late here," Inuyasha interrupted.
"That's great Inuyasha," Shippou mumbled. "Ask me if I care."
"Why you-"
"GENTLEMEN!" Miroku shouted. "This is not what I called either of you about!"
"Then what is it?" Inuyasha asked. "I've got to keep this woman from running off on her own. Jeez, what kind of crack was the headmaster smoking when he found this one?"
"Anyway," Miroku grumbled. "Find a TV and turn it on."
fumbled in the dark for the remote to the 17" tv built into the wall above his bed and turned it on. "What channel?" he asked
"Doesn't matter."
"What are we looking for?" Inuyasha asked and growled at Miroku's cryptic answer.
"You'll know it when you see it."
's screen flickered to life, and he sat the little phone on the nightstand as an announcer, this one of short stature with short black hair shaped in a bowl cut, waddled on camera and nervously smiled.
"Ladies and gentlemen, both of Deling City and the world. Galbadia has long been a country of great power and purpose. Today, I give you our new lifelong president, the one who will lead us to that power, glory and fame! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you President Juromaru Deling!"
barely noticed when the sound of Inuyasha spitting his juice half way across Mrs. Leonheart's kitchen sounded over the phone's speakers. "What the fuck?" he demanded. "I thought that dude was dead!"
"Wrong Deling," Miroku muttered. "Wrong Deling indeed." They watched as Juromaru walked up to the podium in the center of the room wearing a dark suit and his hair pulled back in a low bun. He waited until everyone around him settled down before beginning to speak.
"People of Galbadia," he began. "I come to you today, having won my place to be your president."
"How did this happen?" Shippou wondered aloud.
"You remember about three weeks ago when someone tried to take Deling City right?" Miroku asked. Shippou and Inuyasha nodded. "Well, he used Galbadia army's weakness and completely took over. He swooped in before anyone could do anything. Now he's president and the men that were with him are his army. Anyone on the old army and any SeeDs in the city were arrested."
"Man," Inuyasha growled. "That's gotta suck. Glad I'm in Timber."
"I give you my word, I will be nothing like my father," Juromaur declared over the airways. "Galbadia needs no ambassador, though Ambassador Endo is welcome to return whenever he so wishes."
"Father's not going to like that," Inuyasha mumbled when something began to scratch at the back of Shippou's consciousness. "Good thing he's an engineer. Guess he'll go to Esthar or FH or something."
"Shhh," Miroku hissed. "Be quiet."
"People of Galbadia, I promise under my leadership, we will return to the great nation we were seventeen years ago and we will surpass it." Juromaru glanced into the camera, calm blue eyes slowly becoming crimson as the entire world watched.
"Today, Galbadia," he growled into the microphone, making the hairs on the back of the three SeeDs listening stand on end.
"Tomorrow the world..."
"Kagome!" Shippou suddenly gasped when the itching he felt earlier blossomed into an awareness.
"What about Kagome?" Miroku asked. "What is it?"
"What about Kagome and Sango?" Shippou asked. "They're near Galbadia. What if Deling tries to take over Winhill?"
"Then he'd catch hell from Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha yawned. "Or the girls. Depends on the day."
"Don't worry Shippou," Miroku said as they both scowled at Inuyasha. "I'm sure they'll be fine."
"Yeah, but what if-"
"Look runt," Inuyasha snapped. "If anything goes to pot, or if the Garden THINKS it's going to go to pot, they'll call us all back there before it happens. So stop worrying. Worry when we get the call and she doesn't show up."
"Thanks Inuyasha," Miroku replied sarcastically. "That's much better."
"It's the truth," Shippou heard Inuyasha defend himself as he faded into his thoughts. 'I don't care what they say,' Shippou said to himself. 'I know she's in danger. But I don't want to scare her. Feh, Kagome's smart. She probably knows about this Deling thing. Inuyasha's right, for a change. I won't worry about it until something happens.'
that's it for chapter...what chapter is this again? Oh yeah! Chapter five! Dude, I could have sworn this was chapter fifteen. Oh well. Anyway, for those that are wondering, the first part of this chapter begins one week after Kagome, Sango and Sesshoumaru arrive in Timber. For those that are wondering what Shippou looks like as an adult...well, it's kinda simple. Do you remember the episode 'Shippou Gets an Angry Challenge?' The picture Souten draws of our dear little fox is how he looks in this story.
just occurred to me that you guys don't know the names of the other gunblades. Let's see here...
names will be used in the fic sometime soon, so be on the look out for them. Oh, the preview for the next chapter is below.
I don't care what they say, I'm worried. My friend, my confidant, my...(sigh) Kagome is in enemy territory. I don't think she knows it. Things are becoming bad on that side of the world and as much as I'd hate to pull her away from the only place she's ever felt welcome, I have to.
to protect her.
's my job, remember? Always has been, always will be. It's Sango that's going to be devastated, especially when she finds out that Timber's Juromaru's next destination...
Six: An End to Peace