InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A crowd ❯ Meet The Characters ( Chapter 1 )
Before I begin, this is the introduction chapter…
All my characters look the same as they do in the anime: Inuyasha.
This manga is created by the lovely …
The last names will be changed but few. If they have a last name in the anime or manga then it will be the same other than that it is different only because I am not the creator therefore I do not know the real last names.
Here are the stats on the story and on the characters I will explain most know because if I go into full details while writing the story then I would be making the story drag on and long winded and we don't need any of that….
This will revolve around Inuyasha and kagome.
They attend Johin Ni suru high. Translation: "Refine" high school.
In this you have three categories in the high school
Group A- The rich snobby people like the preps and jocks
Group B- The punks/Goths/and skater people in a way you call them
Group C- In which you would consider to be the outsiders. A.K.A dorks nerds and those who belong the "nerdy clubs."
Then there was Kagome. She didn't belong to any of them she was just she.
CHARACTERS; all appearances will be that of the anime/manga. Some will be changed but just minor ones and I will describe it to you
Kagome Higurashi: Human/Miko~17
Family- They run a shrine and that is how they pay for bills. Grandfather runs what you can call a side teaching job in History. She works at "The secret Garden" a restaurant famous for their ramen soup.
Stats- don't belong to a group.
Activities- Archery, "charms", she did more than that but she didn't want to be a show off so she decided to stick with those two so she wouldn't bring attention to herself.
Academics- Honors classes ((every single one of them)) Is also on the academic decathlon.
Popularity status- Even though being not being in a group she is well liked, you get placed in a group on the people who you hang out with outside of school. No on really knows who she hangs out with after school so she is technically a loner but she is well admired during school. She has a good heart and many people trust her and love her. She is also the Captain of the Martial arts team and first chair on the academic decathlon.
CAR *doesn't have one… she does later one though*
Sango Kirioka: Human/ Ass kicking bitch (remember demons are equals in my story)~17
Family- A wealthy family that does business with China. Have both parents, her younger brother Kohaku, and a family pet Kirara.
Stats- Group A boyfriend is Miroku
Activities- Her boomerang, and demon-hunting (( I know an oxymoron what can I say)). Demon fighting (they let her in cause she can fight)
Academics- She does well she is not in all the honors classes but manages to stay at the range of A-B. She is a back up for the Academic decathlon.
Popularity status- Very high. She is the only girl that can stand to be around Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru without drooling. Their families have been friends since who knows how far so they were like brother and sister to each other.
CAR- 2004 BMW M3
Inuyasha Takadoshea: Half-n-Half~17
Family- owns business all over Japan, Europe, parts of Russia, and emerging in the States.
Stats- Group A. Basically runs the school with older brother Sesshomaru. ((this one he is a full brother and a nice one at it dammit I made him really fluffy))
Activates- Hand to hand and Sword Techniques, and demon fighting.
Academics- apparently very smart. Almost all the same classes and Kagome. Currently he is in the standings for 2nd rating right behind Kagome. In every year he is always behind Kagome. Is second chair on the academic decathlon.
Popularity status- Number one even popular than his brother. Class president. Co-captain of the Martial Arts team. Has practically every girl drooling over him.
CAR- silver and black Ferrari.
Miroku Hinota: Human/ housii (priest)~18
Family- Long line of Priests. The family is a school of practicing houshi and mikos.
Stats- Group A. Been best friends with Inuyasha since diapers. They adopted him because his father was always on trips riding the world of demons and such
Activities- Charms. And groping women ((as long as they are pretty))
Academics- Everything about Inuyasha except he is the third running. Also is third chair.
Popularity status- A prep boy the same with Inuyasha
CAR- a hummer.
Kouga Miojii- Demon~ Wolf~18
Family- does business over sea.
Stats- Group A
Activities- Hand to Hand combat, demon fighting and bugging Inuyasha his "dog-turd."
Academics- what can I say shit for brains.
Popularity status- second to the Takadoshea brothers and Miroku.
CAR- F150
Sesshoumaru Takadoshea: Half-n-Half ((hey my story))~18
Family- {Look at Inuyasha}
Stats- same as above
Activities- Kenedo, demon fighting.
Academic - The first in His class. He is older by the ways.
Popularity- doesn't really care but is sure popular.
CAR- what car he has the limo take him places. But if must needed he took the Lamborghini.
Rin Tomodachi- Human/and a lovable one at that~16
Family- Works for the Takadoshea's. They are very loyal to that family.
Stats- considered high because of the family's position and whom they work for.
Activities- Hand to Hand, and charms.
Academics- The average school girl just trying to pass classes.
Popularity- Very high. Who could not love a sweet girl like that. But get on her bad side and she'll kick your ass from here to kingdom come.
CAR- A mini.
Kikyou Hitokuchi: Human/Miko
Bleh… just the same usual writings about her she isn't a slut she's just a bitch though. I give her more credit than that. She was a good person while alive.
Family- Works for Oni Gumo corp.
Stats- Group A. has a thing for all the rich people ONLY wonder why???
Activities- Archery
Academic- hanging on by a thread.
Popularity- She is the queen of the bitches. Nice and sweet to Group A but a bitch to the rest and hates Higurashi for some unknown reason. (( reason will come out in later chapters.))
Car- Red convertible mustang
Other character I will mention: these are some of Group B and C during the story I will tell you which group they belong to…
Kanna/Kagura Mioshi~16 (twins).
Jinengi Horoshia~18
Hojo Kouko~17
Chapter 1- Meeting the characters
"yes dear I am in the kitchen, your father called he said that he is sending the limo to pick you up and take you to school, so hurry and pack." - mom
"aww… does he seriously have to embarrass me like that. Can you call him and tell him that'll I'll go ahead and take the car that he lent me." -kag
"dear, you know that he didn't lend it to you it's yours to keep. It was a Christmas present. It's been almost half a year and you've only driven that car like four times. You better start driving that car, or else I'll make you move in with your father." -mom
"yes MOTHER," -kag
"don't use that tone on me."-mom
"sorry mom." Her mother began to give her the evil eye." Okay okay. I'll start using the car from now on." -kag
"good. Now leave before you are late to school and don't worry about sota he is going to stay with your father for the next few months since his school is near the penthouse."-mom
"hey mom how about we sell the car so that we can move into an apartment that is close to his school."-kag
"OUT NOW."-mom
"just kidding I love you too mom." Kagome gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. She grabbed her books dumped them into her yellow bag, got the keys that where still in a box labeled To Kagome. Love Dad. Merry Christmas.
She hated it when her dad would do stuff like this. She sometimes felt like he was trying to buy her affection.
She told him numerous times that he shouldn't do that. She loved regardless of what happened between him and her mother. It wasn't her place. She loved him very much.
When she got to the bottom of the shrine steps she turned right and walked over to where the garage was located opened the garage door and started heading to her car. She hated it she didn't want people to see her in that kind of car. She looked around and she saw her grandpa driving into the driveway with his 1993 toyota tercel. She got and idea.
"hey gramps you wanna trade for the day you can use my and I use yours."-kag
"Embarrassed again?" she nodded "my what a humble granddaughter I have."-gramps
He knew that she was to embarrassed to drive that kind of car around he knew the kind of person his granddaughter was never much into herself. He only wished that once in a while she would stop thinking about those around her and at least take some time to think about herself.
"please gramps, i'll do your chores for a week."-kag
"no need here go ahead and take my car. Just don't hurt her she's my only car."-gramps
"why don't we trade permanently. I will just tell dad that I've been driving it. Our little secret."-kag
"how about no. Now get going you have about 15 minutes to get to school and I know how you are about being late. Oh one more thing on your way home stop by work and tell Kaede that I need about 5 pounds of noodles."-gramps
"for what?"-kag
"did you forget already. We agreed for the business men of Tokyo that they can use the shrine for their meeting this weekend don't forget you are to be putting on a show for them. Did you as Sango?"-gramps
"Shit." Kagome yelled she completely forgot and she promised to put on a show. What was she to do archery, nah to lame, "charms?" nah to old fashioned. She guessed she could always do hand to hand or sword techniques for them. So she was going to ask Sango if she could be her partner for them.
"watch your language."-gramps
"sorry. Yeah I'll ask her today I see her at school anyways and I'll stop by right after practice."-kag
"ok. Love you sweetie. Have a good day at school."-gramps.
"kay. Bye." She got in the tercel and drove off wondering if Sango would say yes.
She arrived to school in under ten minutes.
~great that'll give me time to ask Sango. Please say yes please say yes.~kag
She found Sango hanging around the A club. Of course being best friends with the Takadoshea brothers and being Miroku's girlfriend she was aloud to hang out with them.
She slowly walked up to them. Of course getting death glares from the fanclub. In their eyes Kagome was not allowed to be in the presence of the Takadoshea brothers or anybody in the A crowd for that matter.
Kagome didn't mind though it usually happened she would just ignore it. She and Sango have been best friends since the beginning of freshman year. Those two hung out once in a while. The rest of the school population was starting to think that Sango was the only friends that Kagome had. Which was not true of course.
"Hey, I was wondering if I could talk to Sango in private?"-kag
"yeah sure, hold up guys i'll be back in a minute kay."-sango
She and Kagome walked around the corner of the building.
"so what's up. Did you want to do anything? I thought that you had to go to your dad's tonight? Or is that you have work?"-sango
"well I sort of need your help."-kag
"What is it that bitch, Kikyou? If she is messin with you again I will be glad to kick her ass for you."-sango
"no. it's not her. Remember when I told you about that meeting that is being held at my house for the business men of Tokyo?"-kag
"well it's this weekendandiwaswonderingifyoucouldhelpmeputonashow." She said that in on long breath.
"say that again kagome?"-sang
"well I am suppose to put on a show for them and I was wondering if your still going to put on a performance with your boomerang. You can use Buyo as a target we can dress him up like a youkai."-kag
"of course I will when is it?"-san
"I think this Sunday so that will give us at least four days to come up with something. Why don't you stop by the shrine later tonight and we can stop by the dojo. I think a couple of my students said that they were willing to perform something."-kag
"alright, well I better go I bet miroku is lost already. He's been here how long and he can't find his way around this damn school."-san
"well that's kind of your fault you treat him like a baby always hold his hands."-kag
"well if I didn't then he would be a pervert and try to touch every person that's has tits. You know him and his "cursed" hands."-san
"true. Kay well stop by tonight I have meet kaede right after school so I wont be home around 8 or something."-kag
"don't worry call me on my cell if anything happens to you alright."-san
alright she didn't have to do a show.