InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Darker Shade of Pale ❯ Social Disease ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own nothing....*sigh*
Authors Rant: Okay! Here's chapter 3...I'm really happy about starting to write again...there was a time there that I was so out of it that whenever I started to write a story, I wasn't able to go back to it again. So there I was sitting in my room, surrounding by millions of one chaptered scratch of a story all chanting...”Finish me...Finish me...FINISH ME!!!!!” **SCREAMS AND FALLS OFF CHAIR** **quickly scrambles back onto chair** Okay! **phew!** Now that you've witnessed my on going train of sanity let's get this road on the show! Er...Show on the road! YEAH!
Chapter 3: Social Disease
I wasn't fully aware of how much home had really changed until my supposed `Welcome Home' party that night. It was all too much. I t was about seven o'clock when guests began to arrive in their fancy-dancy cars and limos. Oh yeah after I'd had my little spat with mom in the garden earlier I had stormed into the house and up to my room.
Thank the heavens my room was exactly how I left it when I left 2 years ago. It's usual dark reddish-scarlet coloured walls, the black sheets, pillows, and down feather comforter were still the same.
Falling down onto the rather squishy mattress, I sighed and stare up at the ceiling. I found out that if you stare at the ceiling for a long period of time, you'll start seeing weird shapes. Keh. The last time that happened, I was probably stoned or drunk as hell. Whatever.
Rolling over onto my belly, I slid up, kicking my shoes off, and grabbed a pillow to clutch. As I did so, something with a rough plastic wrapper scraped against my arm, giving me goosepimples. Not wanting to open my eyes or further aggravate my migraine, I felt around with my hand until I grasped whatever it was in my hand.
Cracking an eye open, I gave a small smile. A peppermint stick. Kaede would sneak them to me when I was younger. As a kid, I wasn't allowed any kind of candy what so ever. Every Friday, Kaede would make peppermint sticks and other assorted candy and take them to a local orphanage for the orphan's that lived there. Back then, probably still does, she changed everyone's bed sheets everyday and she would slip one to me; hiding it underneath my pillow. It had been our secret.
Holding the red and white spiraled candy, my mouth watered. It was still warm, meaning that Kaede hadn't been in here too long ago.
Hearing a knock on my door, I grumbled and stuck and end of the stick into my mouth to suck on before answering.
“Inuyasha?” Came mum's voice, as she slowly opened the door.
I sighed and didn't bother looking at her. I `really' didn't want to talk to her. Not with this migraine.
“Are you feeling all right, baby?” She asked quietly, sitting on the edge of my bed.
I rolled over onto my back, an arm still under the pillow, the other draped across my belly; the candy stick still hanging out of my mouth.
“Peachy-keen.” I said, staring at anything but her.
“Inuyasha…what `s the matter?” She asked, leaning on one arm towards me. “You've been acting awfully strange since you came back.”
“Really? How so?” I snorted, sarcasm dripping coldly from my voice.
“Don't talk to me like.” She said, her voice suddenly becoming hard and I knew that she was getting irritated.
“Keh.” I scoffed, sliding off of my bed to walk over to the one of the many picture windows in my room.
“I want to know what your time was like in California.” She said, her usual sickeningly fake smile on her lips.
I smirked and closed my eyes and shook my head, fumbling with the curtains.
“It was fine.” I said.
“Fine? Inuyasha…come on. You were there for 2 years…and you're telling me that it was only `fine'?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” I shrugged, turning back around to put my shoes on.
“Where are you going now?” She asked.
“Am I not allowed to put my shoes on?” I sneered, my innocent looking.
Mom threw her hands up and huffed. “I give up.”
I watched as she left the room. I heard her voice downstairs telling the band where they were to set up. A jazz band… woo…hoo…
10 p.m… I sighed heavily as I watched the unknown people mingle and laugh drunkenly at one another's lame jokes. Rolling my eyes, I stood up from the stone railing of my balcony. Going into my room, I reached down and unzipped the pocket of my large rolling suitcase and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Walking back onto the balcony, I, out of habit, hit the pack against the palm of my hand before taking one out and lighting it.
I tell ya. Nothing like a nice long drag on a fag after a long day. I hadn't had one since like the day I left California—like 20 hours ago. Let me tell you; when you get cravings like mine—back off.
Watching the smoke, as I exhaled, as it swirled and disappeared into the warm night breeze, I pinched the bridge of my nose; attempting to make my migraine go away.
Sighing, I leaned against the rough stone railing and closed my eyes. Everything was just...wrong. The people down in the garden and in the house were all executives to dad at his company so naturally I didn't know whom any the hell of them were. I didn't want to know who they were.
Every now and then, when I was younger, mum and dad would throw banquets for something important like a successful merging with another company or the company's sales had reached their highest maximum. Sometimes, they just threw a big party to show off to people who didn't live in a nice house like ours. Keh.
Sickening really.
A rustle on the rose trellis attached to the wall next to my balcony, suddenly began to rustle and I raised an eyebrow, inhaling on my cig wondering `what' could possibly climbing up the trellis this time. The last time some thing climbed up my trellis was when I was in 3rd grade. It turned out to be a raccoon. An evil raccoon...
“Oi! Inuyasha! Give me a hand!” Came a familiar voice. Smirking and holding my cigarette between my lips, I ambled over and found my cousin Miroku Houshi and two of my close friends, Jun Ishikawa, and Naoya Morimoto, climbing up the trellis.
“Hey fuckers...why can't you be like normal civilized people and use the door?” I chuckled shaking my head and helping Miroku up first.
“Because my friend. We come bearing gifts.” Jun said, pulling himself up over the balcony ledge. Naoya was last to come up. I looked down and sighed.
“And I greatly accept these gifts.” On the balcony floor were 2 six packs of Heineken beer and a big bottle of sake.
“How did you manage to get this up here while climbing the trellis?” I asked, inhaling one last time on my fag before flicking it off onto the garden patio below.
“Skills my man, skills. Years of sneaking out of our bedrooms and climbing up to someone else's.” Miroku sighed, clapping a hand on my shoulder.
Bending down and taking a bottle from one of the cardboard carrying cases, I popped the lid off and drank deeply.
“Man...did they starve you in America?” Naoya asked, as he watched me finish off the beer in 4 gulps.
“No...the drinking age in the U.S. 21 and plus I was under surveillance with my agent. If I drank a drop of alcohol I'd be suspended from my contract for a year.” I explained, eagerly taking the home made joints rolled by Jun himself.
“Ouch.” Miroku said, sipping his beer.
“So tell us, Skate boarder God. Have you heard from Kikyou?” Jun asked, lighting my and his joints.
I froze...before slowly shaking my head. God...why do they have to bring this up now?”
Author's 2nd rant: All right too short I know but I need to start working on my storyboard for “Hamlet”. God...if you're ever bored and in dire need to read something...take my advice and DON'T READ HAMLET!!!! Or if you're required to read it in class...take my advice and DON'T READ IT!... Anyways... It's already the 3rd chapter and already I've been plagued with brain farts...**sigh** oh well. I'll try and make the next chapter longer...
And on
Rogue-Xile-My very first reviewer!!!! (on