InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A deal with a demon ❯ Chapter 34

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Inuyasha, can I come in?”

He had heard the light fall of her feet growing closer before she came. It wasn't the knock that startled him, no, he had been expecting that. It was what she had asked that caused the hair on the back of his neck to rise.

She wanted to come into his room.

From any other woman, it would be a clear signal that she meant she wanted to be invite into his bed. But Kagome… Kagome wouldn't be asking that. Yet he still couldn't help the dirty thoughts that raced through his mind as his imagination went wild.

“…Inuyasha? Are you awake?”

“Yeah, come in.”

She slowly walked over, and he noted how she reached around her, feeling the area so that she did not bump into anything. Her eyes were still adjusting to the dark. Being a hanyou, he was gifted with the ability to see at night, so it was mildly amusing to watch her fumble about. As she came closer he reached out his hand, grabbing hold of hers, bringing her closer to his bed.

“Wah!” She screamed at the sudden, jerky action.

“You were taking too long. What did you want?”

Kagome bit her lip. She seemed... embarrassed?

“The power is out.” She stated.

“I figured that out for myself.” He muttered. “And?”

“And… and… its not like, well-“

“Wait a minute- are you scared?” He scoffed.

“No!” She answered quickly. “Im not scared… per se… Its just that anything is kind of freaky when its pitch black.”

“So, your scared.”

The woman narrowed her eyes.

“I said I wasn't scared.” She took a deep breath. The hanyou could be so insensitive! “Its just that the house is quiet, and dark and-“

Inuyasha quickly pulled Kagome towards him, causing her to fall onto the bed.


“Your not going to quit complaining until you got your way, right?”

Kagome bit her bottom lip in response, as she silently nodded her head.

“You're a grown woman. How can you be afraid of the dark?” He asked as she positioned herself comfortably on the bed. She was now lying on her side, her hair loose and tumbling around her. Inuyasha took the opportunity to breath in deeply, loving the way her scent was filling the room. He reached out, wanting to feel the texture of her silky locks, idly wondering if her scent would stay behind on her pillow.

He felt nauseous when he realized how much he would like that.

“I don't know. Im just not used to it. It feels so… lonely. I grew up in a small house, lived in the city. Granted the shrine had extensive grounds, but it was still… busy, you know?”

“You're the one that wanted to live out here.” He reminded her. “I would've been happy to live in a penthouse. You were the one that had to live here. Had to have the personality of the house.”

“Well, yeah. I love this house.” She said. “Just with the ability to turn the lights on, and the glow of the electronics.” She sighed. “I guess its pretty immature. Sorry.”

He wasn't unhappy about this new development. He had the opportunity to spend this time with the woman he liked, in his bed, smelling her scent.

He wanted to power to go out every damn night.

“Feh. Whatever.”

Inuyasha moved closer, so that their bodies were pressed close, draping his arm over her hip.

“Well, you're here with me now, so theres no reason to be afraid.”

Kagome nodded.

“Not that there ever was one.” Inuyasha added. He couldn't help teasing her. She lightly smacked the hand that rested on her.

“You're a bully, you know that right?” Kagome said.

“Sh.” He pulled her in closer. “Get some sleep.”

The room was quiet, the air was thick. Tense.

He felt the rhythm of her breathing from behind.


He was so intimately pressed against her, he had to be careful where his thoughts wandered, or she would become very aware of a part of his body she hadnt seen yet.

Hm, that was a pleasant thought.

Damn it!

For now, he was going to enjoy the moment.

Enjoy the woman in his arms. The woman he cared about. Dreamed about. The wench that drove him crazy.

The woman he liked.

He noted the way her heart began to pick up it pace. Maybe… maybe she wanted him to hold her as badly as he did.

Would it be so wrong? Would it be such a terrible thing if-

Kagome turned her head, looking at him over her shoulder.


Her voice sounded laced with… want…

He met her eyes, noting the way they seemed to mist over.

The hanyou moved closer, slowly. He was afraid if he moved too fast she would retreat. It was the smell of her that pulled away his last shred of restraint.


For him. In this moment, in his bed. The woman he had wanted for so long, that had been so far out of his reach.

The bitch that his demon called for, was turned on, waiting for him.

The rising spike of her scent gave him all the push he needed.

Inuyasha closed the gap between them, greedily claiming her lips. She let out a moan from the initial shock and pleasure.

She had wanted this for so long, but it still felt taboo. Kagome didn't care about any of that. The only thing that mattered to her was the way his tongue fought for dominance.

Gods, one simple taste of her and he was already lost. Inuyasha broke the kiss to let her turn to face him, fighting his demon off. It wanted to attack her right then and there. It had waited too long for its mate. His primal instincts howled at him to turn her over and claim his bitch NOW.

He felt the softness of her palm as she rested it on his cheek, as she made the most beautiful panting sounds. He leaned into it before placing a chaste kiss on her plump lips.

Again. And again. It had gone from an innocent gesture into something much more heated.

Inuyasha was touching more of her than he ever had before. More than he ever had dared. They were still clad in their pajamas, but he was able to let his hands roam as he pleased. He wanted to touch every inch of her. He struggled between wanting to devour her quickly and enjoy the meal slowly. Either way, he was in a fucking frenzy.

Gods, her skin was so soft. He let his hand move under her the hem of her shirt, loving the way she moaned when he dared to explore somewhere new. He relinquished control of her mouth, choosing to work on her neck.

“Ahhh” She moaned out, moving her neck to give him better access.

Bearing her neck to a demon.

Offering herself up for the taking.

The hanyou growled in approval.

He bit her skin, not enough to break the skin, but enough to send shock waves of pleasure down her spine. He found the place that called to him the most. The spot begging for his claim. He last shred of reason that he held onto knew he couldn't do that, not yet. He would have settle for a hickey. He had to leave some kind of mark on his bitch. He lavished the battered area with his tongue before moving on.

“Ah, Inuyasha…” He loved the way she moaned his name, the breathy quality to her voice. Her arousal was filling the room, making him lightheaded with desire.

He rolled on top of her, caging her body beneath him. He kissed down her chest, hesitating before coming to her perky mounds. Even though they were fully clothed, he was unsure if he should progress. With any other woman, what to do next wouldn't even be a thought in his mind. But this was different. This was his Kagome. He had to wait for a signal.

It didnt take long. When she noticed his pause, she arched her back forward to give him better access, silently begging him to continue.

He was more than happy to comply. He took her left breast in his hand, squeezing as he caught her nipple between his fingers. He brought his head down, to capture it between his teeth, loving the way it hardened from his touch. Gods, she was responsive.

Was this because she was with him, or was she always like this? His demon flared at the thought of her with another man, with Hojo. He would have to take care of that scrawny punk. He would never get the opportunity to see Kagome like this, hear her beautiful voice filled with lust. She was his.

“Mm!” Kagome clapped her hand over her mouth, trying to suppress her moan. The hanyou wanted none of that. His ears were sensitive, but there was nothing he wanted to hear more than the delicious sounds coming from his womans mouth. He promptly removed the offending hand.

“Don't. I want to hear your voice.”

“Inuyasha…” She let her hands slide down his chest, her fingers slightly trembling at the feel of his hard abs. She wanted to see more of him… feel more of him… It was hard to concentrate when he was making her feel like this, making her body respond in such a lustful way. She was rocking her hips to meet his, delighting in the feeling of his hard erection grinding against her core.

It wasn't enough.

There was too much clothing. Too many barriers.

And it felt to damn good.

It was becoming dangerous. Soon, they would reach the point where neither one of them would be able to turn back.

Kagome brought her hands up to his head, daring to grasp his furry appendage. No sooner had she begun to rub, then he rumbled deep in his chest. His movements became frantic as she continued her ministrations. Having as much as he could take, he rose to meet her face.

“Woman,” he ground out, as if it was painful to talk. “Be careful what youre doing.”

“D-Did that hurt?” She asked breathlessly.

“No, it felt too damn good.” He leaned down to recapture her lips, as one hand played with the band of her shorts, as his hand made its decent into her panties.

Kagome had her eyes shut so tight from the feeling of his fingers, that she had not noticed that the electricity had come back on. As she deliriously opened her eyes, the bright light began to sting, and she closed them immediately.

It was as if cold water had been thrown on her. Kagome promptly sat up, moving Inuyasha to the side.

“Kagome?” He panted, unsure how the woman had gone from underneath him to the door way.

She opened and closed her mouth, trying to find the words that escaped her.

“I-Ive gotta go. T-To bed. G-Goodnight Inuyasha!” She blurted it out before running to her room and promptly closing the door.

Inuyasha was still on the bed, trying to comprehend what had happened.

Was that whole thing a wet dream? Or had he really had Kagome beneath him, moaning his name in desire?

And why had she gone?


The only thing he knew for sure was he needed a cold shower.


Kagome opened her door, peeking out into the corridor to see if there was any sign of the hanyou. Quietly, she made her way out of the room and down the stairs. She didn't want to risk seeing him. She was too embarrassed.

Gods, what must he think of her? Was he going to make fun of her? Was he going to try again? Or would he act as if nothing happened?

She couldn't decide what she wanted more.

Kagome decided that the best course of action would be to continue on as normal. After all, she still had to stick to her routine. She still had to get up for breakfast, go to school and the hospital. She still had to live here.

For now, she would focus on making something to eat.

“Morning.” His voice shot through her, giving her instant chills.

“G-Good morning.” She said, not daring to turn his way. “Do you want breakfast?”


She tended to the pan, adding more ingredients. She suddenly felt his hot breath on her neck.

“What are you making?” His low voice said in her ear.

“Um,” Kagome swallowed hard. “Om-omelets.”

The hanyou gave a crooked grin. Just from being so close to her, the change in her scent occured. The simple gesture had made her aroused. He sniffed the air.

“Smells good.”

Inuyasha sat down as she watched her cook.

“How'd you sleep?” He asked nonchalantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

“G-good.” She responded, much shakier than she wanted.

“Mm, me too.”

That was true. Although she had left him in a hard situation last night, it had been damn enjoyable while it lasted. He wasn't going to let it be a once in a life time thing. He had tasted her, and now he needed more.

How had he ever gotten by with other woman before now? Even the best he had had paled in comparison to his wife, and they had only done light touching, fully clothed.

And her scent-

He let out a toothy grin.

That was just another reason for his good mood.

He could still smell her on him. His room was cloaked in the smell of their joint arousal. It clung to his skin, causing him to remember just how badly he wanted her.

And his musky odor was all over her. He couldn't wait for Kouga to get a whiff of her. Then he would know just whose bitch she was.

Of course, he was getting ahead of himself. He had to take this one step at a time.

Whatever this was.

Would they simply screw? Or would she want something more from him?

Would he want something… more?

Kagome was always taking him into uncharted territory.

She set the plate down in front of him, then awkwardly took a seat herself. Kagome felt uneasy as she began to eat, as felt the hanyous eyes constantly watching her.

“What are you doing?” She asked, mildly annoyed.

“Whats it look like? Im eating.” He said. “And what we did last night was fun.” He smirked.

Kagome nearly chocked on her food. What kind of man brought that up all of a sudden!


“Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself?”

“That's not what I said.” Her voice was softer.

“So you did like it.” He raised an eyebrow as he gave her a toothy grin.

The woman stood up, promptly leaving the kitchen.

“Oi! Where are you going?!”

“Ive got to get dressed. I cant sit here talking about your dirty thoughts all day, dog boy.” She called over her shoulder as she made her way up the stairs.

Inuyasha sat back, already missing her presence.

She was going to give him a run for his money.