InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Demon Should Act Like A Demon ❯ Saving Kagome... ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and friends were created and lovingly brought to life by Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own Mortal Kombat either.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for the reviews I received for the last chapter. I know that the last few chapters have been emotionally heavy. It is hard for me too. I cry as I write, and sometimes, I need to take some breaks in between. Then I cry when I proofread the chapters. I'm not exempt. I really appreciate all your support and your encouraging words. I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Sorry for the delay, Silly Eri lost her wallet! Losing one's wallet is like losing an arm. Maybe I should ask Sess what that feels like…

Special thanks to the following people:

Jena for recommending my fan fic in A Single Spark.

Aurora for nominating my story for Best Romance: Alternate Pairing for the IY Fanguild Nominations on The Hero for the 21st Century website. Thank you to Bachan for seconding that nomination.

This chapter is dedicated to the three of you. You have not only made my day, you've made my MONTH! I am very appreciative of this honor and support and I hope I will continue to be deserving of it.

All text in '__' are thought expressions.


A Demon Should Act Like A Demon

By Ericedwyn


Chapter Twenty-two: Saving Kagome



Arigato - Thank you

Gomen ne - I'm sorry (informal)

Goshinboku - A Time tree; Inuyasha had been sealed there by Kikyou with an arrow

Hanyou - Half-demon, Half-human

Hayaku - Hurry

Inu - Dog

Ojiisan/'jiisan - Grandfather

Kitsune - Fox

Obaachan - Casual form for Grandmother

Okaasan - Mother

Onegai Shimashita - Please (formal or with deep feeling)

Otousan - Father

Taiyoukai - Demon Lord

Youkai - Demon


~* Modern Day Tokyo, the courtyard of the Temple Compound *~

Shippou lashed out his leg and booted the solar plexus of the Youkai before him. He elbowed another one behind him, satisfied at the sound of bone meeting teeth. He followed it up with a swift yet forceful side punch to the groin, sending his opponent to crumple to the floor. He took a quick look towards his son and Tsumi, who was holding up on their own, before lashing out a fiery whip from his index finger. It wrapped around the ankles of the demon nearest to his son and he yanked it back roughly, introducing the three-eyed, horned creature to the hard, cold cement.

As soon as Kagome had reached the top of the stairs to the shrine, a Youkai army swarmed around them, cutting them off. He had felt a cold drop of dread in the pit of his stomach, which only grew by the minute. The smell of blood, the army of Youkai, and his mother separated from them… It was a trap.

'Wish I had a sword.' Shippou grumbled as he lashed out with his whip at his three opponents to keep them back. He could not even recall the last time he actually used one. As the CEO of a digital toy manufacturing company, the last "weapon" he had used was a toy gun for his "S" box.

He raised his whip, wrapped it around one of the outer three monsters, and yanked him to collide against the other two. He rushed them and gave each one a massive trauma on the head with his heel, rendering them all incapacitated and unconscious. He retracted his fiery weapon and ran towards Ju-chan and Tsumi to help them beat out the final three.

Ju-chan smiled as he dusted his hands. "That was cool, Dad. It's like "Mortal Kombat!"

Shippou did not know whether to hug his son or strangle him. Their lives were on the line and Ju-chan thought it was a game. He shook his head in slight bemusement before taking his son's small hands in his to examine the reddened knuckles for cuts.

He trained his Hanyou son as best he could since he could walk but he never imagined that Ju-chan would ever need to use what he learned during this modern time. It must been at least two centuries since he himself had been attacked by a Youkai. He had been surprised when no one challenged him when became the new Lord of the Western Lands. At least not that he knew. He glanced tenderly at Tsumi, who was busy catching her breath. He went immediately to her side, giving her a supportive half-hug. She had been so very protective of them all…

"Let's go find my Okaasan." The Kitsune Youkai said after checking them both for injuries. He led the way up the stairs, only to find another swarm of demons. But this time, they were not alone.

"Jaken-san!" Shippou called out in surprise, having not seen the elderly attendant since after Sesshoumaru had disappeared. He snapped his blazing whip at one of the creatures that surrounded Jaken, twisting the coil around the enemy. He willed the blaze that danced at the surface of the whip to burn hotter. The smoldering edges leaping from the coil met each other, becoming one, and the poor Youkai caught within the fiery web cried out in agony as he burst into flames.

Jaken looked up, relief quite adamant on his face. "Shippou!"

The elderly Toad Youkai suddenly staggered and glanced down at his stomach when he felt a sharp pain. An upturned horn protruded from it. He staggered backwards when the weapon was yanked out of him, and he tipped backwards.

"Jaken-san!" The Demon Lord cried out. With renewed strength, he bashed his way towards his fallen comrade, in particularly, the one who dealt Jaken the deadly blow. He, then, knelt beside the Toad Youkai who helped raised him, and gingerly supported his head and shoulders. He could smell death coming swiftly, and wished the Tenseiga was at his side.

"Shippou… Don't have much time." Jaken groaned in pain, he could feel himself being swallowed into oblivion. "Need… to tell you. Kagome… in danger. Must stop…"


Inside the house, Kagome eyed her family's murderer with a mixture of both confusion and despair. Her heart, already in shreds from the news of her greatest Love's disappearance, finally reached its shattering point.

"Why would you… No… How could you do this?" Her voice trembled from the deep emotion that curdled inside of her. Gently, she laid her mother's lifeless body against the steps of the staircase as she climbed the last one up to the second floor.

Blood red eyes bored into her as he spoke in very harsh tones. "Must you ask?" After what you've done! How dare you question me?" He stared at her in bewilderment; his unkempt silver-white hair framing his face wildly. His eyes hardened, while his face twisted with rage.

"So you think killing them justifies everything?" Kagome cried out in raw anguish; hot tears springing from her eyes.

He growled menacingly, but said nothing. In a split second, he was in front of her. He struck her against the jaw; the force of it sent her flying towards a nearby wall. Her left shoulder connected to the stucco with a sickening thud.

Kagome moaned as she shot out her right hand, feeling the cold surface of the wall, to keep from slumping to the ground. Still a little disoriented from the impact, she turned slightly to lean against her back.

The young woman gave a strangled cry when a clawed hand wrapped around her slender neck. She felt the fingers closing in until her breath could only trickle in and out. She tried to speak, but could not even barely whisper.

Her assailant lifted her until she was at eye level to him, her feet dangling in the air. He stepped closer, until his face was mere inches to hers, so that she can see into his tortured soul through his red glare. "You took my life when you left me, Bitch!"


"-Sesshoumaru-sama…" Jaken coughed, blood gurgled out of his wound. "Dark talisman's got him… twisted him. Must destroy talisman…" Jaken clutched his stomach and closed his eyes in pain. "Save him, Shippou… onegai shimashita." The toad Youkai grew rigid, and then sagged in the young Lord's arm.

Shippou lowered the attendant on the ground, and as he did so, he saw something small leap from the dead Youkai's shoulder. He felt a slight tap on his arm, and another one on his shoulder. A second later, he felt a pinch on his neck. He brought his hand to his neck in a mild rap.

"Ah… how I've missed your spicy kitsune blood." A voice squeaked.

"Myouga-jiisan?" Shippou turned his palm to look at the blood engorged, very aged, flea Youkai, lying on his back.

"I'm getting too old for this." Myouga sat up and shook his head to clear it. "It's a shame about Jaken. He's really not that bad once you get to know him." He stood up and peered at the kitsune Youkai. "What he said about Sesshoumaru-sama is true. He's under the influence of a talisman created by the dark Miko, Tsubaki."

"The one who poisoned Kagome with the tainted shards 500 years ago? She's still alive?" Shippou asked incredulously.

"No, she's long dead. One of her minions found Sesshoumaru-sama, and gave him the dark talisman under false pretenses. He was made to believe it would take him to her time. Instead, it has warped his mind, twisting his most dearest wish." Myouga explained. "It's calling for her soul."

"What must we do, Myouga-san?" The Sparrow Hawk Hanyou asked.

"We must break the jeweled vessel of the talisman and bleed it. If Sesshoumaru-sama uses it on Kagome, both he and our sweet lady will be lost." Myouga hopped on Shippou's arm to settle on his shoulders. "Let's go do it."

"You're not running away this time?" Shippou's eyebrow rose as he queried.

"No." The flea sighed. "I'm too winded."


Sesshoumaru dug his claws deeper into Kagome's soft flesh. Warm blood seeped from the half-moon punctures mixing with the smears that already coated his claws from his earlier rampage. The metallic scent mingled with the lavender essence that drifted on the surface of the Miko-Youkai's natural bouquet. Together, they imbued his senses.

He smelled rather than felt Kagome's fear. Her hands found their way around his, vainly trying to pry his fingers from her mistreated neck. After a moment, her hands fell slackly to her sides as her dark blue-eyes clouded over.

The Taiyoukai leaned in until the tip of his nose met the spot just behind her earlobe. He inhaled deeply of her mixed scent and nearly shuddered in sweet agony. How he had missed her tantalizing scent…

When she had climbed over the lip of the Bone Eater's Well and disappeared 500 years ago, Kagome's scent lingered, but only for a short time. He remembered the slight wind that fateful day blowing away the redolence that he could not physically grasp. He had cried out in torment when he took the last whiff; his next breath shattered him to reality that she was completely gone from his life.

Now, here she was before him at last. He buried his nose into her raven black hair. His mouth fell open as he exhaled. His fangs grazed the soft skin from her temple down to her jaw. 'Kagome… My sweet Kagome...'

His eyes began to lighten in color, from scarlet to golden-orange… Her sweetness seemed to tame the beast that raged inside of him. He closed the distance, and his grip on her neck loosened to a light caress. He felt the nearly unconscious young woman's chest suddenly contract as she gasped for air.

~* TheRealm of In-Between *~

'If I can't have you, why should anyone have you.'

Inuyasha hung his head in shame at his very thought. He did not wish Kagome alive only for her to lose her life again... by anyone's hands… including his own. He turned his hand and uncurled his clawed fingers to stare at the blue sphere. It glistened innocently as it rolled against his palm.

He closed his eyes and reached up with his free hand to smooth the crease between his eyebrows. He gritted his teeth as the tension began to spread from the back of his head to his shoulders. The choice... the right one... weighed him down. He knew that time was of the essence, but the effort to take the first step towards the dream barrier felt so great.

He took a very deep breath before murmuring. "If I do this, at least I'll know you'll be safe..." With his heart on his sleeve and with eyes wide open, he pushed through the veil of shimmering white light.

The first thing he saw was the Goshinboku, the same way it had looked the last time he had seen it. He took a few steps deeper into the dreamscape, just now realizing how the colors seemed tinged with gray. He heard an anguished howl and followed it.

Half crouched before the lip of the Bone Eater's well was his half-brother... weeping. He felt a tightness within his chest at such uncharacteristic and sorrowful display. He knew the anguish all so well. His mind felt at ease at the knowledge that Sesshoumaru loves Kagome, but his heart cried out in jealousy and lost hope.

Juuki's request, Inuyasha believed, would more than likely make it impossible for him to see Kagome again. The only hope of saving Kagome rested on him alone. If he does nothing at all, Kagome's soul would be destroyed. Whether he does anything or not, he felt he got the short end of the stick.

He approached his brother from behind. "Sesshoumaru."

Inuyasha saw his brother's head snap to attention. He sat up and let his arms fall from the well to his sides but did not turn around to face him. "Inuyasha? Why are you in my dream?"

Inuyasha heard the question in his voice. "I need to talk to you about Kagome." The Hanyou asked with urgency.

"She left me," came the monotone response.

"Yes... I know. She needs your help. She's in danger." Inuyasha took a few more steps forward. "Please she doesn't have much time."

"What do you mean? She's safe with her family in the future..."

Inuyasha heard the dejection lacing the words. "No, she's not. In a few hours, someone will kill her and destroy her soul." The younger brother pleaded. "Please help her."

"Is this some kind of a joke, Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru turned to face him. "I am not in the mood." Distaste apparent on his tearstained face.

"Why would I joke about something like this?" Inuyasha spat out angrily. "I didn't have to do this, you know. Shit, I didn't have to invade your dreams and beg!" Inuyasha bore down on his brother. "If I could, I'd save her myself, but I fucking can't. Tell me if you're going to help, 'cause if you're not, I'll have to find another way to save her."

Sesshoumaru pushed Inuyasha away from his personal space. Without wiping his face of his tears, he stood up to his full height and glared at his brother. "I am listening."

Inuyasha huffed, trying to get in some semblance of control. He glared back. "Someone is after Kagome. I don't know who, but there is an object, a talisman with a dark vessel in the middle. It feeds on souls."

Sesshoumaru frowned. "But she is in the future. You were the only one who could travel back and forth."

Inuyasha shook his head. "No… I accidentally bonded her to you when I wished on that stupid jewel."

'Bonded her to me…' Sesshoumaru repeated in his head. He took the information and shoved it to the back of his mind. "So what would you have me do?"

Inuyasha gave a sigh of relief. "When you wake up, go back to the Bone Eater's Well. Jump into it. It will take you to the side of the well and her time. She lives in a temple compound and her family's house is across the well house. She should be there. No matter what happens there, Sesshoumaru, just get her and bring her back to the past using the well. Once you do, the future will change."

Sesshoumaru held Inuyasha's golden gaze, just one of the few things they had in common. He nodded once, and then began to turn away. The dreamscape wobbled.

"Wait…" The word flung out hoarsely. The Hanyou watched Sesshoumaru turn to look at him.

"Tell her…" Inuyasha swallowed the lump on his throat, but his voice croaked none-the-less. "Tell her to be happy for me."

~* Sengoku Jidai, Western Lands *~

Sesshoumaru bolted awake. He surveyed the area around him, trying to discern where he was. He had been dreaming of the day Kagome left, and then Inuyasha came. 'Wait… he said she is in danger.'

The Taiyoukai jumped to his feet as he recalled the rest of the dream.

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" Tsumi asked; a questioning look upon her face.

"Tsumi-san, I have to go. I have to save Kagome." Sesshoumaru explained briefly while he repositioned his armor. "Go back to the Fortress. I'll bring her there."

~* Modern Day Tokyo *~

The dark talisman Sesshoumaru wore around his neck pressed against Kagome's sternum, as if she was a magnet. Hidden in darkness inside Sesshoumaru's haori, it began to glow. The dark, amber liquid began to storm inside its glass prison, crying for sustenance. It began to sing a horrid, dark song… "Give me her soul… Give me her soul…"

Sesshoumaru swayed, as an intense dizziness overcame him. He heard the pounding of his blood loudly in his ears. Dark spots began to obscure his vision and he had to close them. He leaned over Kagome, resting his nearly sweat drenched forehead against the wall.

A minute later, he straightened taking a step back. The golden chain of the talisman was nearly taut as the talisman remained affix to Kagome.

The Inu Youkai's clawed grip on Kagome's neck tightened once more, and when he opened his eyes, they were again... blood red.

Kagome groaned; her face contorted in pain. She felt herself waking up from her stupor… felt herself being drained.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" Tsumi cried out in horror. She reached out to keep Ju-chan behind her.

"Let go of her, Otousan."

Sesshoumaru heard the calm, deep voice. He himself taught the Kitsune Youkai about control. He cocked his head to one side and looked back slightly. "I see you survived my army. Well done."

Shippou approached his adoptive father, veering to one side so that he could access Kagome. "I said, let her go."

"Are you sure you are ready to take me on, Kit?" The older Taiyoukai smirked. The fangs gleamed tauntingly.

Shippou responded by lashing out with his fiery whip, the end wrapping around Sesshoumaru's wrist. "Positive." He willed the flames to blaze hotter.

Sesshoumaru growled in pain, but did not let go, despite the charring of his skin and the stench of burning flesh..

Tsumi told Ju-chan to stay back, while she moved stealthily behind Sesshoumaru. With the advantage of speed and the Taiyoukai's distraction, she struck him with a blow to his temple. Her weathered face wore a look of sorrow as she kicked him on the side of his left knee while at the same time, punching her old Master's kidney area.

With her ministrations coupled with Shippou's fiery whip, the Taiyoukai's grip on Kagome's throat slackened. Where Tsumi ended, Shippou continued. He kicked the side of Sesshoumaru's other knee, and his Otousan fell to his knees. Shippou lowered his head before chopping Sesshoumaru at the base of his skull. Shippou caught his mother's limp body in his arms to keep her upright for Tsumi. He whispered encouragement as he felt his adoptive mother slowly regain consciousness.

Tsumi wrapped her hand over the talisman and began to pull. At first, the talisman would not budge. The more she tried, the harsher the cries of pain that escaped Kagome. She peered closely into the dark swirling liquid of the jewel.

Tsumi sensed an old magic around the talisman, but she is not new to magic. Slowly, she broke the web of the spell that enabled the talisman to cleave itself to her mistress. Finally, the talisman shifted… she could hear its cries for destruction in her head as she plucked it completely off.

There was a sudden movement, and Ju-chan's attempt to warn them came too late. Tsumi did not see the blow that struck her on the back of the head coming. She faintly heard someone call her name before she sunk to the ground. The talisman fell out of her hand and unto the carpeted floor.

Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome from Shippou before backhanding the Kit harshly. He, too, slumped to the ground. "She's mine!"

"No. I belong only to myself." Kagome kneed Sesshoumaru with all her might. She hesitated before front kicking him on the chin. She glanced down at Tsumi and Shippou who were both unconscious. Then saw Ju-chan by one corner of the room. "Ju-chan, get away from here, please…"

Ju-chan, wide-eyed, nodded, then begun to descend the stairs.

Kagome glanced at Sesshoumaru's stirring form. She walked towards the open window at the end of the hallway. 'I need to lure him away from them.' She stood there until Sesshoumaru turned a raking red gaze towards her.

She threw a leg over the windowsill and took a leap. Her feet were inches from the ground when she felt Sesshoumaru's whip coil around her neck several times. She gasped for air as she struggled. She tried to claw at the thick tendrils, but her vision started to darken. Fear gripped her. 'I'm gonna die…'

Someone broke through the sliding doors of the well house from the inside. Kagome thought she was hallucinating when she saw the younger, speckless Sesshoumaru emerge.

The Sengoku Jidai Lord of the Western Lands' face contorted in anger upon seeing Kagome dangling from the whip. He lashed out with his own, severing the cord while quickly running to her side to catch her before she fell to the ground.

He gave a quick cast of the eyes at the window and his jaw almost fell to the ground in astonishment. He was staring at his future self?

His golden eyes met crimson ones. He saw the rage that brewed inside, the lost of control. There was no time to question or to fight an enraged Youkai who has lost all reason.

The young Taiyoukai saw Kagome look up at the window in stark fear, and Inuyasha's words came back to him. With one last look at his disheveled future self in mid-leap, he fled with his treasure back to the well house and jumped into the well.

~* Sengoku Jidai, Western Lands *~

Sesshoumaru and Kagome materialized suddenly inside the belly of the well. Sesshoumaru could not believe what he saw in Kagome's time or the very fact that he was holding his precious love in his arms.

"Let go and get out!" Kagome cried out in near hysterics, her voice raspy as a result of the near strangulation.

Sesshoumaru flinched, each word she uttered stabbed deeper into his heart.

"Hayaku! He might go through!" Kagome said, panicking.

Sesshoumaru released her immediately after realizing what she meant, and jumped out of the well. As soon as he did, a bright blue light flared from inside. He took several steps backwards and covered his eyes with his arms. A few minutes later, he ventured to peek out of one golden eye.

He walked back to the well and peered down. Kagome sat on the ground with her hands to her face. Her shoulders shook with each wracking sob. He jumped in and kneeled on one knee behind her. He wrapped his sinewy arms around Kagome, and he felt her stiffen. He clenched his teeth.

Kagome bit her bottom lip. She had not meant to recoil at his touch. It had been an automatic response. She had to remind herself that this Sesshoumaru was not the one from the future. She wrapped her arms over his in an effort to redeem herself. "Gomen ne, Sesshou-chan."

Sesshoumaru's arms tightened around her as he lowered his head to lay his cheek against her temple. He caught the whiff of her blood, mixed with others, and remembered the wounds on her neck. "Let's go home, Kagome…"


Next chapter teaser: Sesshoumaru and Kagome try to deal with the ramification of her decision on their relationship and they talk about their future. Stay tune for the next chapter of A Demon Should Act Like A Demon…


A/N: I think the really emotionally low chapters are now a thing in the past. How many are cheering right about now? ;D

To everyone who has read my story and for those who've taken the extra time to review, THANK YOU! I really enjoyed reading the reviews and feedback I receive. Every time I post a new chapter, I practically wait in front of my computer to see what you think of it. I am truly blessed that I have been given a chance to tell this story, and I hope that you will continue to enjoy my work.

Luna Mirror: Thank you for the pocky! :) I love the ones with the almonds. Have you tried the whip cream covered ones?

Koneko-chan: Interesting guesses. BTW, the two Brothers of the Northern Lands will be coming up in the near future.

StoicStella: The last chapters have been rather emotionally low, but for the rest of the chapters, everything will begin to look up for our Sesshoumaru and Kagome.

There are about 9 (+ or - one or two) chapters left to go. I really apologize for taking such a long time to complete this story, but I'm going to try to post another chapter of ADSALAD this month as a Holiday gift to you all. I will also do my best to post at least 2 chapters of ADSALAD each month (maybe 3) until it is completed. As requested, I will be planning a sequel.

This adventure with you has been extremely fulfilling and I thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for your support and encouragement.


Ericedwyn's Fan Fiction Updates

Here is the current line up for the rest of December:

IY: Kagome's Second (Bankotsu/Kagome): Prologue C

Gundam Wing: Just For One Night (Zechs/Noin): Finale

IY: The Hunt for the Shikon no Tama (Sesshoumaru/Kagome): Prologue II

IY: A Demon Should Act Like A Demon (Sesshoumaru/Kagome): Chapter 23

IY: The City by the Bay (Sesshoumaru/Kagome): Chapter 6

IY: A Demon Should Act Like A Demon (Sesshoumaru/Kagome): Chapter 24

IY: Kagome's Second (Bankotsu/Kagome): Chapter I

IY: The Hunt for the Shikon no Tama (Sesshoumaru/Kagome): Chapter I

I will also begin two or three companion pieces to The City by the Bay during the Holidays… For those who keep up with my website, I will set up some time to update that as well.